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a) Refer to the following report produced by the Data Set and Resource Data Collection: - SENSITVE.RPT(ROSRPT) Automated Analysis Refer to the following report produced by the Data Set and Resource Data Collection: - PDI(ZROS0000) b) Verify that access to the ROSCOE Install data sets are properly restricted. ___ The ACF2 data set rules for the data sets does not restrict UPDATE and/or ALTER access to systems programming personnel. ___ The ACF2 data set rules for the data sets does not specify that all (i.e., failures and successes) UPDATE and/or ALTER access will be logged. c) If all of the above are untrue, there is NO FINDING. d) If any of the above is true, this is a FINDING.
The IAO will ensure that update and allocate access to program product data sets is limited to System Programmers only, and all update and allocate access is logged. Security Personnel and Auditors should have read access. The installing Systems Programmer will identify and document the product data sets and categorize them according to who will have update and alter access and if required that all update and allocate access is logged. He will identify if any additional groups have update access for specific data sets, and once documented he will work with the IAO to see that they are properly restricted to the ACP (Access Control Program ) active on the system. Data sets to be protected will be: SYS2.ROSCOE SYS2A.ROSCOE SYS3.ROSCOE SYS3A.ROSCOE The following commands are provided as a sample for implementing dataset controls: $KEY(SYS2) ROSCOE.- UID(syspaudt) R(A) W(L) A(L) E(A) ROSCOE.- UID(secaaudt) R(A) E(A) ROSCOE.- UID(audtaudt) R(A) E(A) $KEY(SYS2A) ROSCOE.- UID(syspaudt) R(A) W(L) A(L) E(A) ROSCOE.- UID(secaaudt) R(A) E(A) ROSCOE.- UID(audtaudt) R(A) E(A) $KEY(SYS3) ROSCOE.- UID(syspaudt) R(A) W(L) A(L) E(A) ROSCOE.- UID(secaaudt) R(A) E(A) ROSCOE.- UID(audtaudt) R(A) E(A) $KEY(SYS3A) ROSCOE.- UID(syspaudt) R(A) W(L) A(L) E(A) ROSCOE.- UID(secaaudt) R(A) E(A) ROSCOE.- UID(audtaudt) R(A) E(A)
a) Refer to the following report produced by the Data Set and Resource Data Collection: - SENSITVE.RPT(ROSSTC) Automated Analysis Refer to the following report produced by the Data Set and Resource Data Collection: - PDI(ZROS0001) b) Verify that access to the ROSCOE STC data sets are properly restricted. The data sets in this group are the data sets identified in the ROSACTxx (if used), ROSLIBxx, and SYSAWSx DD statements of the STC or batch JCL. ___ The ACF2 data set rules for the data sets does not restrict UPDATE and/or ALTER access to systems programming personnel. ___ The ACF2 data set rules for the data sets does not restrict UPDATE and/or ALTER access to the product STC(s) and/or batch job(s). c) If all of the above are untrue, there is NO FINDING. d) If any of the above is true, this is a FINDING.
The IAO will ensure that update and allocate access to the ROSCOE started task or batch job data sets is limited to system programmers and the started task only and all update and allocate access is logged. The IAO will ensure that all other accesses to the ROSCOE started task or batch job data sets are properly restricted and all required accesses are properly logged. Data sets to be protected will be SYS3.ROSCOE.SYS** SYS3.ROSCOE.ROSLIB** Example: SET RULE $KEY(SYS3) ROSCOE.SYS- UID(syspudt) R(A) W(L) A(L) E(A) ROSCOE.SYS- UID(stc roscoe) R(A) W(L) A(L) E(A) ROSCOE.ROSLIB- UID(syspudt) R(A) W(L) A(L) E(A) ROSCOE.ROSLIB- UID(stc roscoe) R(A) W(L) A(L) E(A)
a) Refer to the following report produced by the ACF2 Data Collection: - ACF2CMDS.RPT(LOGONIDS) b) Ensure the following fields are completed for each STC logonid for the product: STC JOBFROM MUSASS NO-SMC c) Ensure the following fields are completed for each Batch logonid for the product: JOB JOBFROM MUSASS NO-SMC d) If the logonids specified in (b) and/or (c) have all the required fields are completed, this is not a FINDING. e) If the logonids specified in (b) and/or (c) do not have all the above fields completed, this is a FINDING.
The ROSCOE system programmer and the IAO will ensure that a product's Started Task(s) is properly Identified / defined to the System ACP. If the product requires a Started Task, verify that it is properly defined to the System ACP with the proper attributes. Most installation manuals will indicate how the Started Task is identified and any additional attributes that must be specified. Example: SET LID CHANGE ROSCOE JOBFROM MUSASS NO-SMC
Refer to the following report produced by the ACF2 Data Collection and Data Set and Resource Data Collection: - SENSITVE.RPT(ZROS0020) - ACF2CMDS.RPT(RESOURCE) – Alternate report Automated Analysis Refer to the following report produced by the Data Set and Resource Data Collection: - PDI(ZROS0020) Ensure that all ROSCOE resources and/or generic equivalent are properly protected according to the requirements specified in CA ROSCOE Resources table in the z/OS STIG Addendum. If the following guidance is true, this is not a finding. ___ The ACF2 resources are defined with a default access of PREVENT. ___ The ACF2 resource access authorizations restrict access to the appropriate personnel. ___ The ACF2 resource logging is correctly specified.
The IAO will work with the systems programmer to verify that the following are properly specified in the ACP. (Note: The resource type, resources, and/or resource prefixes identified below are examples of a possible installation. The actual resource type, resources, and/or resource prefixes are determined when the product is actually installed on a system through the product’s installation guide and can be site specific.) Ensure that all ROSCOE resources and/or generic equivalent are properly protected according to the requirements specified in CA ROSCOE Resources table in the z/OS STIG Addendum. Use CA ROSCOE Resources table in the z/OS STIG Addendum. This table lists the resources, access requirements, and logging requirements for ROSCOE ensure the following guidelines are followed: The ACF2 resources are defined with a default access of PREVENT. The ACF2 resource access authorizations restrict access to the appropriate personnel. The ACF2 resource logging is correctly specified. The following commands are provided as a sample for implementing resource controls: $KEY(rosid) TYPE(ROS) ROSCMD.ETSO UID(*) SEVICE(READ) ROSCMD.MONITOR.- UID(syspaudt) ALLOW ROSCMD.MONITOR.AMS UID(syspaudt) ALLOW ROSCMD.MONITOR.AMS UID(*) SEVICE(READ) ROSCMD.- UID(syspaudt) ALLOW - UID(*) PREVENT
a) Refer to the following report produced by the ACF2 Data Collection: - ACF2CMDS.RPT(ACFGSO) b) Ensure that the following GSO CLASMAP record entries are defined: CLASMAPqual RESOURCE(ROSRES) RSRCTYPE(ROS) c) If all of the items in (b) are true, there is NO FINDING. d) If any item in (b) is untrue, this is a FINDING.
The IAO will use SAF security to define and protect the Products resouce class(es). Ensure that the following GSO CLASMAP record entry(ies) is (are) defined: CLASMAP.ROSCOE ENTITYLN(39) RESOURCE(ROSRES) RSRCTYPE(ROS) Example: SET C(GSO) LIST CLASMAP.ROSCOE INSERT CLASMAP.ROSCOE ENTITYLN(39) RESOURCE(ROSRES) RSRCTYPE(ROS) F ACF2,REFRESH(CLASMAP)
a) Have the the products system programmer display the configuration/parameters control ststements used in the current runing product to define or enable security. This information is located in the SYSIN DD statement in the JCL of the STC/Batch job. Automated Analysis Refer to the following report produced by the z/OS Data Collection: - PDI(ZROS0040) b) Verify the following specifications: Keyword Value EXTSEC ACF2 ACFEXT YES CLLEXT YES JOBEXT YES LIBEXT YES MONEXT YES PRVEXT YES RPFEXT YES UPSEXT YES c) If (b) above is true, there is NO FINDING. d) If (b) above is untrue, this is a FINDING
The product systems programmer will verify that any configuration / parameters that are required to control the security of the product are properly configured and syntactically correct. See the required parameters below: Example Keyword Value EXTSEC ACF2 ACFEXT YES CLLEXT YES JOBEXT YES LIBEXT YES MONEXT YES PRVEXT YES RPFEXT YES UPSEXT YES