Scans to Report Generator
This module is a client side script that parses sumitted scan results and generates an eMASS compatible POAM/RAR Spreadsheet. In order to ensure there is no risk of data spillage, all processing takes place client side, there is no data transmitted to the Cyber.Trackr.Live servers! The resulting spreadsheet file should be considered to be CUI Data.

This module can accept and process the following scan file types:
  • .nessus - ACAS Scan files
  • .xml - SCAP XCCDF files
  • .ckl/.cklb - STIG Ckl Files
Report Data Points
Scan Files and Render Options
Upload multiple files with the file dialog or by dragging and dropping scan files onto the dashed region
Selected Scan Files
# Name Created Size File Type Status
Scan Summary
Type Hostname IP OS Scan File Name CAT I CAT II CAT III CAT IV Total Score Credentialed