Select any two versions of this STIG to compare the individual requirements
Select any old version/release of this STIG to view the previous requirements
a) The following steps are necessary for reviewing the CL/SuperSession options: 1) Request online access from the site administrator to view CL/SuperSession parameter settings. 2) Once access to the CL/SuperSession Main Menu has been obtained, select the option for the ADMINISTRATOR menu. 3) From the ADMINISTRATOR menu, select the option for the PROFILE SELECTION menu. 4) From the PROFILE SELECTION menu, select the View GLOBAL Profile option. 5) After selection of the View GLOBAL Profile option, the Update GLOBAL Profile menu appears. From this menu select the profile to be reviewed: - To view the Common profile select: _Common - To view the SUPERSESSION profile select: _SupSess Automated Analysis Refer to the following report produced by the z/OS Data Collection: - PDI(ZCLS0040) b) Compare the security parameters as specified in the Required CL/SuperSession Common Profile Options and Required CL/SuperSession Profile Options Tables in the z/OS STIG Addendum against the CL/SuperSession Profile options. c) If all options as specified in the Required CL/SuperSession Common Profile Options and Required CL/SuperSession Profile Options Tables in the z/OS STIG Addendum are in effect, there is no finding. d) If any of the options as specified in the Required CL/SuperSession Common Profile Options and Required CL/SuperSession Profile Options Tables in the z/OS STIG Addendum is not in effect, this is a finding.
The systems programmer and ISSO will review all session manager security parameters and control options for compliance with the requirements of the z/OS STIG Addendum Required CL/SuperSession Common Profile Options and Required CL/SuperSession Profile Options Tables. Verify that the options are set properly.
a) Version 3 of CL/SuperSession Review the member KLKINNAF in the TLVPARM DD statement concatenation of the CL/SuperSession STC procedure to determine SMF number. (This member is located in SYS3.OMEGAMON.qualifier.RLSPARM.) Version 2 of CL/SuperSession Review the member KLVINNAF in the TLVPARM DD statement concatenation of the CL/SuperSession STC procedure to determine SMF number. (This member is located in SYS3.OMEGAMON.qualifier.RLSPARM.) Refer to the following report produced by the z/OS Data Collection: - EXAM.RPT(SMFOPTS) Automated Analysis (Currently there is no automation for version 3 of CL/SuperSession) Refer to the following report produced by the z/OS Data Collection: - PDI(ZCLS0041) b) If the SMF= field specifies an SMF record number, review the SMFOPTS report to verify SMF is writing that record type. c) If SMF is writing the record number specified by SMF=, there is no finding. d) If the SMF= field does not specify an SMF record number, or SMF is not writing the record number specified by SMF=, this is a finding.
Ensure that the Session Manager generates SMF records for audit trail and accounting reports. To provide an audit trail of user activity in CL/SuperSession, configure the Network Accounting Facility (NAF) to require SMF recording of accounting and audit data. Accounting to the journal data set is optional at the discretion of the site. To accomplish this for version 3 of CL/SuperSession, configure the following NAF startup parameters in the KLKINNAF member of the RLSPARM initialization parameter library as follows: DSNAME= dsname - Name of the NAF journal data set. Required only if the site is collecting accounting and audit data in the journal data set in addition to the SMF data. MOD - If the journal data set is used, this parameter should be set to ensure that logging data in the data set is not overwritten. SMF=nnn - SMF record number. This field is mandatory to ensure that CL/SuperSession data is always written to the SMF files.
a) Refer to the following report produced by the Data Set and Resource Data Collection: - SENSITVE.RPT(KLSRPT) Automated Analysis: Refer to the following report produced by the Data Set and Resource Data Collection: - PDI(ZCLS0000) b) Verify that access to the CL/SuperSession Install data sets are properly restricted. ___ The RACF data set rules for the data sets does not restrict UPDATE and/or ALTER access to systems programming personnel. ___ The RACF data set rules for the data sets does not specify that all (i.e., failures and successes) UPDATE and/or ALTER access will be logged. c) If all of the above are untrue, there is no finding. d) If any of the above is true, this is a finding.
Ensure that update and allocate access to CL/SuperSession install data sets are limited to systems programmers only and all update and allocate access is logged. Auditors should be granted READ access. The installing systems programmer will identify and document the product data sets and categorize them according to who will have update and alter access and if required that all update and allocate access is logged. The installing systems programmer will identify if any additional groups have update access for specific data sets, and once documented will work with the ISSO to see that they are properly restricted to the ACP (Access Control Program ) active on the system. The following dataset are an example of data sets to be protected: sys2.omegamon.** /* product datasets */ sys2.omegamon.*.tlsload.** sys2.omegamon.*.tlvload.** sys3.omegamon.** sys3.omegamon.rlsload.** The following commands are provided as an example for implementing dataset controls: ad 'sys2.omegamon.**' uacc(none) owner(sys2) - audit(success(update) failures(read) - data('vendor DS Profile CL/Supersession') pe 'sys2.omegamon.**' id(syspaudt) acc(a) pe 'sys2.omegamon.**' id(audtaudt) ad 'sys2.omegamon.*.tlsload.**' uacc(none) owner(sys2) - audit(success(update) failures(read) - data('vendor DS fully qualified apf Profile CL/Supersession') pe 'sys2.omegamon.*.tlsload.**' id(syspaudt) acc(a) pe 'sys2.omegamon.*.tlsload.**' id(audtaudt) ad 'sys2.omegamon.*.tlvload.**' uacc(none) owner(sys2) - audit(success(update) failures(read) - data('vendor DS fully qualified apf Profile CL/Supersession') pe 'sys2.omegamon.*.tlvload.**' id(syspaudt) acc(a) pe 'sys2.omegamon.*.tlvload.**' id(audtaudt) ad 'sys3.omegamon.**' uacc(none) owner(sys3) - audit(success(update) failures(read) - data('vendor DS Profile CL/Supersession') pe 'sys3.omegamon.**' id(syspaudt) acc(a) pe 'sys3.omegamon.**' id(audtaudt) ad 'sys3.omegamon.rlsload.**' uacc(none) owner(sys3) - audit(success(update) failures(read) - data('site DS fully qualified apf Profile CL/Supersession') pe 'sys3.omegamon.rlsload.**' id(syspaudt) acc(a) pe 'sys3.omegamon.rlsload.**' id(audtaudt)
Refer to the following report produced by the Data Set and Resource Data Collection: - SENSITVE.RPT(KLSSTC) Automated Analysis: Refer to the following report produced by the Data Set and Resource Data Collection: - PDI(ZCLS0001) Verify that the accesses to the CL/SuperSession STC data sets are properly restricted. If the following guidance is true, this is not a finding. ___ The RACF data set access authorizations restrict READ access to auditors and authorized users. ___ The RACF data set access authorizations restrict WRITE and/or greater access to systems programming personnel. ___ The RACF data set rules for the data sets does not restrict WRITE and/or greater access to the product STC(s) and/or batch job(s). ___ The RACF data set access authorizations for the data sets specify UACC(NONE) and NOWARNING.
Ensure that WRITE and/or greater access to CL/SuperSession STC data sets are limited to systems programmers and CL/SuperSession STC only. Read access can be given to auditors and authorized users. The installing systems programmer will identify and document the product data sets and categorize them according to who will have WRITE and/or greater access and if required that all WRITE and/or greater access is logged. The installing systems programmer will identify if any additional groups have WRITE and/or greater access for specific data sets, and once documented will work with the ISSO to ensure they are properly restricted to the ACP (Access Control Program) active on the system. Note: The data sets and/or data set prefixes identified below are examples of a possible installation. The actual data sets and/or prefixes are determined when the product is actually installed on a system through the product's installation guide and can be site specific. The following are an example of data sets to be protected: SYS3.OMEGAMON.RLSNAF SYS3.OMEGAMON.RLSNAM SYS3.OMEGAMON.RLSTDB SYS3.OMEGAMON.RLSVLOG The following commands are provided as an example for implementing dataset controls: ad 'sys3.omegamon.rlsnaf.** uacc(none) owner(sys3) - audit(failures(read)) - data('Site Customized CL/Supersession VSAM') pe 'sys3.omegamon.rlsnaf.**' id(syspaudt) acc(a) pe 'sys3.omegamon.rlsnaf.**' id(kls) acc(a) pe 'sys3.omegamon.rlsnaf.**' id(audtaudt) acc(r) pe 'sys3.omegamon.rlsnaf.**' id(*) acc(r) ad 'sys3.omegamon.rlsnam.** uacc(none) owner(sys3) - audit(failures(read)) - data('Site Customized CL/Supersession VSAM') pe 'sys3.omegamon.rlsnam.**' id(syspaudt) acc(a) pe 'sys3.omegamon.rlsnam.**' id(kls) acc(a) pe 'sys3.omegamon.rlsnam.**' id(audtaudt) acc(r) pe 'sys3.omegamon.rlsnam.**' id(*) acc(r) ad 'sys3.omegamon.rlstdb.** uacc(none) owner(sys3) - audit(failures(read)) - data('Site Customized CL/Supersession VSAM') pe 'sys3.omegamon.rlstdb.**' id(syspaudt) acc(a) pe 'sys3.omegamon.rlstdb.**' id(kls) acc(a) pe 'sys3.omegamon.rlstdb.**' id(audtaudt) acc(r) pe 'sys3.omegamon.rlstdb.**' id(*) acc(r) ad 'sys3.omegamon.rlsvlog.** uacc(none) owner(sys3) - audit(failures(read)) - data('Site Customized CL/Supersession VSAM') pe 'sys3.omegamon.rlsvlog.**' id(syspaudt) acc(a) pe 'sys3.omegamon.rlsvlog.**' id(kls) acc(a) pe 'sys3.omegamon.rlsvlog.**' id(audtaudt) acc(r) pe 'sys3.omegamon.rlsvlog.**' id(*) acc(r)
a) Refer to the following report produced by the RACF Data Collection: - RACFCMDS.RPT(LISTUSER) b) If the userid for the CL/SUPERSESSION started task is defined to the security database, there is NO FINDING. c) If the userid for the CL/SUPERSESSION started task is not defined to the security database, this is a FINDING.
The Systems Programmer and IAO will ensure that the started task for CL/SuperSession is properly defined. Review all session manager security parameters and control options for compliance. Develop a plan of action and implement the changes as specified. Define the started task userid KLS for CL/SuperSession. Example: AU KLS NAME('STC, SUPERSESSION') NOPASS - OWNER(STC) DFLTGRP(STC) - DATA('START CL SUPERSESSION')
Refer to the following report produced by the RACF Data Collection: - DSMON.RPT(RACSPT) Automated Analysis Refer to the following report produced by the RACF Data Collection: - PDI(ZCLS0032) Verify that the CL/SUPERSESSION started task(s) is (are) defined to the STARTED resource class profile and/or ICHRIN03 table entry.
The CL/SUPERSESSION system programmer and the IAO will ensure that a product's started sask(s) is (are) properly identified and/or defined to the System ACP. A unique userid must be assigned for the CL/SUPERSESSION started task(s) thru a corresponding STARTED class entry. The following sample set of commands is shown here as a guideline: rdef started KLS.** uacc(none) owner(admin) audit(all(read)) stdata(user(KLS) group(stc)) setr racl(started) ref
Refer to the following report produced by the RACF Data Collection: - RACFCMDS.RPT(SETROPTS) Automated Analysis (Currently there is no automation for version 3 of CL/SuperSession) Refer to the following report produced by the RACF Data Collection: - PDI(ZCLSR038) If the CL/SuperSession resource class(es) is (are) active, this is not a finding.
Ensure that the CL/SuperSession Resource Class(es) is (are) active. The SYS3.OMEGAMON.qualifier.RLSPARM(KLKINNAM) member for Version 3 of CL/Supersession or the SYS3.OMEGAMON.qualifier.RLSPARM(KLVINNAM) member for version 2 of CL/Superssion contains a "CLASSES=" entry, this entry identifies the member that contains the "VGWAPLST EXTERNAL=" entry. The "VGWAPLST EXTERNAL=" entry identifies the resource class that is used by CL/SuperSession and this resource class will be active. Current guidance identifies that APPL is the resource class identified in the above location. Use the following commands as an example: SETROPTS CLASSACT(APPL)
Version 3 of CL/SuperSession Review the member KLKINNAM in the TLVPARM DD statement concatenation of the CL/SuperSession STC procedure. (This member is located in SYS3.OMEGAMON.qualifier.RLSPARM.) Version 2 of CL/SuperSession Review the member KLVINNAM in the TLVPARM DD statement concatenation of the CL/SuperSession STC procedure. (This member is located in SYS3.OMEGAMON.qualifier.RLSPARM.) Automated Analysis (Currently there is no automation for version 3 of CL/SuperSession) Refer to the following report produced by the z/OS Data Collection: - PDI(ZCLS0042) If one of the following configuration settings is specified for each control point defined in the KLVINNAM or KLKINNAM member, this is not a finding. DEFAULT DSNAME(SYS3.OMEGAMON.qualifier.RLSNAM) - RACF - CLASSES=APPCLASS - NODB EXIT=KLVRACVR (The following is for z/OS CAC logon processing) DEFAULT DSNAME(SYS3.OMEGAMON.qualifier.RLSNAM) - SAF - (RACF is also acceptable) CLASSES=APPCLASS - NODB - EXIT=KLSNFPTX
Ensure that the parameter options for member KLKINNAM for version 3 of CL/Supersession or KLVINNAM for version 2 of CL/SuperSession are coded to the below specifications. (Note: The data set identified below is an example of a possible installation. The actual data set is determined when the product is actually installed on a system through the product's installation guide and can be site specific.) Review the member KLKINNAM or KLVINNAM in the TLVPARM DD statement concatenation of the CL/SuperSession STC procedure. (This member is located in SYS3.OMEGAMON.qualifier.RLSPARM.) Ensure all session manager security parameters and control options are in compliance according to the following: DEFAULT DSNAME(SYS3.OMEGAMON.qualifier.RLSNAM) - RACF - CLASSES=APPCLASS - NODB EXIT=KLVRACVR (The following is for z/OS CAC logon processing) DEFAULT DSNAME(SYS3.OMEGAMON.qualifier.RLSNAM) - SAF - (RACF is also acceptable) CLASSES=APPCLASS - NODB - EXIT=KLSNFPTX
a) Review the member APPCLASS in the TLVPARM DD statement concatenation of the CL/SuperSession STC procedure. (This member is located in SYS3.OMEGAMON.qualifier.RLSPARM.) Automated Analysis Refer to the following report produced by the z/OS Data Collection: - PDI(ZCLS0043) b) If the parameters for the member APPCLASS are configured as follows, there is no finding: VGWAPLST EXTERNAL=APPL c) If the parameters for the member APPCLASS are not configured as specified in (b) above, this is a finding.
The systems programmer and ISSO will ensure that the parameter options for member APPCLASS are coded to the below specifications. Review the member APPCLASS in the TLVPARM DD statement concatenation of the CL/SuperSession STC procedure. (This member is located in SYS3.OMEGAMON.qualifier.RLSPARM.) Ensure all session manager security parameters and control options are in compliance according to the following: VGWAPLST EXTERNAL=APPL