Select any two versions of this STIG to compare the individual requirements
Select any old version/release of this STIG to view the previous requirements
Refer to the following report produced by the Data Set and Resource Data Collection: - SENSITVE.RPT(CTORPT) Automated Analysis Refer to the following report produced by the Data Set and Resource Data Collection: - PDI(ZCTO0000) Verify that the accesses to the BMC CONTROL-O installation data sets are properly restricted. If the following guidance is true, this is not a finding. ___ The RACF data set rules for the data sets restricts READ access to auditors, BMC users, and BMC STCs and/or batch users. ___ The RACF data set rules for the data sets restricts WRITE and/or greater access to systems programming personnel. ___ The RACF data set rules for the data sets specify that all (i.e., failures and successes) WRITE and/or greater access are logged. ___ The RACF data set rules for the data sets specify UACC(NONE) and NOWARNING.
The IAO will ensure that WRITE and/or greater access to BMC CONTROL-O installation data sets are limited to System Programmers only, and all WRITE and/or greater access is logged. READ access can be given to auditors, BMC users, and BMC STCs and/or batch users. All failures and successful WRITE and/or greater accesses are logged. The installing Systems Programmer will identify and document the product data sets and categorize them according to who will have update and alter access and if required that all update and allocate access is logged. He will identify if any additional groups have update and/or alter access for specific data sets, and once documented he will work with the IAO to see that they are properly restricted to the ACP (Access Control Program) active on the system. (Note: The data sets and/or data set prefixes identified below are examples of a possible installation. The actual data sets and/or prefixes are determined when the product is actually installed on a system through the product’s installation guide and can be site specific.) Data sets to be protected will be: SYS2.IOA.*.CTOI. The following commands are provided as a sample for implementing data set controls: ad 'SYS2.IOA.*.CTOI.**' uacc(none) owner(sys2) - audit(success(update) failures(read)) - data('Vendor DS Profile: BMC CONTROL-O') pe 'SYS2.IOA.*.CTOI.**' id(<syspaudt>) acc(a) pe 'SYS2.IOA.*.CTOI.**' id(<audtaudt> <bmcuser>) acc(r) pe 'SYS2.IOA.*.CTOI.**' id(CONTROLO) acc(r) setr generic(dataset) refresh
Refer to the following report produced by the Data Set and Resource Data Collection: - SENSITVE.RPT(CTOSTC) Automated Analysis Refer to the following report produced by the Data Set and Resource Data Collection: - PDI(ZCTO0001) Verify that the accesses to the BMC CONTROL-O STC data sets are properly restricted. If the following guidance is true, this is not a finding. ___ The RACF data set access authorizations restrict READ access to auditors, operators, and domain level production control and scheduling personnel. ___ The RACF data set access authorizations restrict WRITE and/or greater access to systems programming personnel. ___ The RACF data set access authorizations restrict UPDATE access to the BMC users and BMC STCs and/or batch users. ___ The RACF data set access authorizations specify UACC(NONE) and NOWARNING.
The ISSO will ensure that WRITE and/or greater access to BMC CONTROL-O STC data sets are limited to System Programmers only. UPDATE access can be given to BMC users and the BMC STCs and/or batch users. READ access can be given to auditors, operators, and domain level production control and scheduling personnel. The installing systems programmer will identify and document the product data sets and categorize them according to who will have what type of access and if required which type of access is logged. The installing systems programmer will identify any additional groups requiring access to specific data sets, and once documented the installing systems programmer will work with the ISSO to see that they are properly restricted to the ACP (Access Control Program) active on the system. Data sets to be protected will be: SYS3.IOA.*.CTOO.** The following commands are provided as a sample for implementing data set controls: ad 'SYS3.IOA.*.CTOO.**' uacc(none) owner(sys3) - audit(failures(read)) - data('BMC CONTROL-O Operational & Repository') pe 'SYS3.IOA.*.CTOO.**' id(<syspaudt>) acc(a) pe 'SYS3.IOA.*.CTOO.**' id(CONTROLO) acc(u) pe 'SYS3.IOA.*.CTOO.**' id(<bmcuser> <bmcbatch>) acc(u) pe 'SYS3.IOA.*.CTOO.**' id(<audtaudt>) acc(r) pe 'SYS3.IOA.*.CTOO.**' id(<operaudt>) acc(r) pe 'SYS3.IOA.*.CTOO.**' id(<pcspaudt>) acc(r) setr generic(dataset) refresh
Refer to the following report produced by the RACF Data Collection: - RACFCMDS.RPT(LISTUSER) The BMC CONTROL-O started task(s) and/or batch job userid(s) is defined and is assigned the RACF PROTECTED attribute.
The BMC CONTROL-O system programmer and the IAO will ensure that a product's Started Task(s) is properly Identified / defined to the System ACP. If the product requires a Started Task, verify that it is properly defined to the System ACP with the proper attributes. Most installation manuals will indicate how the Started Task is identified and any additional attributes that must be specified. A sample is provided here: au CONTROLO name('stc, BMC CONTROL-O') owner(stc) dfltgrp(stc) nopass
Refer to the following report produced by the RACF Data Collection: - DSMON.RPT(RACSPT) Automated Analysis Refer to the following report produced by the RACF Data Collection: - PDI(ZCTO0032) Verify that the BMC CONTROL-O started task(s) is (are) defined to the STARTED resource class profile and/or ICHRIN03 table entry.
The BMC CONTROL-O system programmer and the IAO will ensure that a product's started task(s) is (are) properly identified and/or defined to the System ACP. A unique userid must be assigned for the BMC CONTROL-O started task(s) thru a corresponding STARTED class entry. The following sample set of commands is shown here as a guideline: rdef started CONTROLO.** uacc(none) owner(admin) audit(all(read)) stdata(user(CONTROLO) group(stc)) setr racl(started) ref
Refer to the following report produced by the Data Set and Resource Data Collection: - SENSITVE.RPT(ZCTO0020) Automated Analysis Refer to the following report produced by the Data Set and Resource Data Collection: - PDI(ZCTO0020) Verify that the accesses to resources and/or generic equivalent are properly restricted according to the requirements specified in BMC CONTROL-O Resources table in the z/OS STIG Addendum. If the following guidance is true, this is not a finding. Note: To determine what resource class is used review the IOACLASS setting in SECPARM. The "Trigger" resources i.e., $$SECxxx (xxx is unique to the product) are defined in the FACILITY resource class ___ The RACF resources are defined with a default access of NONE. ___ The RACF resource access authorizations restrict access to the appropriate personnel. ___ The RACF resource logging requirements are specified. ___ The RACF resource access authorizations are defined with UACC(NONE) and NOWARNING.
The IAO will work with the systems programmer to verify that the following are properly specified in the ACP. Note: To determine what resource class is used review the IOACLASS setting in SECPARM. The "Trigger" resources i.e., $$SECxxx (xxx is unique to the product) are defined in the FACILITY resource class (Note: The resource class, resources, and/or resource prefixes identified below are examples of a possible installation. The actual resource class, resources, and/or resource prefixes are determined when the product is actually installed on a system through the product’s installation guide and can be site specific.) Use BMC CONTROL-O Resources and BMC INCONTROL Resources Descriptions tables in the zOS STIG Addendum. These tables list the resources, descriptions, and access and logging requirements. Ensure the guidelines for the resources and/or generic equivalent specified in the z/OS STIG Addendum are followed. The following commands are provided as a sample for implementing resource controls: $key($$ctoaop) type(ioa) - uid(<operaudt>) log - uid(<pcspaudt>) log - uid(<prodaudt>) log - uid(<syspaudt>) log - uid(*) prevent
Interview the systems programmer responsible for the BMC CONTROL-O. Determine if the site has modified the following security exit(s): CTOSE01 CTOSE02 CTOSE03 CTOSE04 CTOSE08 CTOSE10 CTOSE15 Ensure the above security exit(s) has (have) not been modified. If the above security exit(s) has (have) been modified, ensure that the security exit(s) has (have) been approved by the site systems programmer and the approval is on file for examination.
The System programmer responsible for the BMC CONTROL-O will review the BMC CONTROL-O operating environment. Ensure that the following security exit(s) is (are) installed properly. Determine if the site has modified the following security exit(s): CTOSE01 CTOSE02 CTOSE03 CTOSE04 CTOSE08 CTOSE10 CTOSE15 Ensure that the security exit(s) has (have) not been modified. If the security exit(s) has (have) been modified, ensure the security exit(s) has (have) been checked as to not violate any security integrity within the system and approval documentation is on file.
Refer to the following applicable reports produced by the z/OS Data Collection: - IOA.RPT(SECPARM) Automated Analysis Refer to the following report produced by the z/OS Data Collection: - PDI(ZCTO0040) The following keywords will have the specified values in the BMC CONTROL-O security parameter member: Keyword Value DEFMCHKO $$CTOEDM SECTOLO NO DFMO01 EXTEND DFMO02 EXTEND DFMO03 EXTEND DFMO04 EXTEND DFMO08 EXTEND DFMO10 PROD (new for 6.3.xx) DFMO15 EXTEND
The BMC CONTROL-O Systems programmer will verify that any configuration/parameters that are required to control the security of the product are properly configured and syntactically correct. Set the standard values for the BMC CONTROL-O security parameters for the specific ACP environment along with additional IOA security parameters with standard values as documented below. Keyword Value DEFMCHKO $$CTOEDM SECTOLO NO DFMO01 EXTEND DFMO02 EXTEND DFMO03 EXTEND DFMO04 EXTEND DFMO08 EXTEND DFMO10 PROD (new for 6.3.xx) DFMO15 EXTEND
Refer to the following applicable reports produced by the z/OS Data Collection: - IOA.RPT(CTOPARM) Automated Analysis Refer to the following report produced by the z/OS Data Collection: - PDI(ZCTO0041) The following keywords will have the specified values in the BMC CONTROL-O security parameter member: Keyword Value RUNTDFT OWNER RUNTCACH 100 AUTOMLOG V
The BMC CONTROL-O Systems programmer will verify that any configuration/parameters that are required to control the security of the product are properly configured and syntactically correct. Set the standard values for the BMC CONTROL-O security parameters for the specific ACP environment along with additional IOA security parameters with standard values as documented below. Keyword Value RUNTDFT OWNER RUNTCACH 100 AUTOMLOG V