Select any two versions of this STIG to compare the individual requirements
Select any old version/release of this STIG to view the previous requirements
Obtain the site configuration control policy from the ISSO. Review site procedures to determine if an enterprise management system is used to uniquely identify and authenticate users. If an enterprise management solution is not used, this is a finding.
Configure vROps to use an enterprise user management system and document this in the site configuration control policy.
Verify that the session timeout is set to "15" minutes with the following steps: 1. Log on to the admin UI as the administrator. 2. Navigate to "Global Settings". 3. Review the session timeout value in mins. If the "Session Timeout:" setting is not "15" minutes, this is a finding.
To edit the session timeout, use the following steps: 1. Log on to the admin UI as the administrator. 2. Navigate to "Global Settings". 3. Select "Edit Global Settings". 4. Set the "Session Timeout:" setting to "15" minutes. 5. Select "OK".
Obtain the site configuration control policy from the ISSO. Review site procedures to determine if a site policy exists to verify vROps installation after release into a production environment. The site policy should ensure that the installation was a complete application deployment before users are allowed to conduct business. If a site policy does not exist or is not being followed, this is a finding.
Develop a site configuration control policy to ensure deployments are completed before allowing users to use the production environment.
Verify that the vROps Single Sign-On (SSO) is configured with the correct authentication source only (DoD PKI CAC enabled vSphere SSO instance) by using the following steps: 1. Log on to the admin UI as the administrator. 2. In the menu, click Administration, and then in the left pane click Access >> Authentication Sources. 3. Review the authentication sources and ensure that only the DoD PKI CAC enabled vSphere SSO instance is available as an authentication source. If there is no authentication source, or multiple non-DoD PKI CAC enabled vSphere SSO instance authentication sources exist, this is a finding.
Configure vROps Single Sign-On (SSO) with the following steps: 1. Log on to vRealize Operations Manager as an administrator. 2. In the menu, click Administration, and then in the left pane click Access >> Authentication Sources. 3. Click "Add". 4. In the Add Source for User and Group Import dialog box, provide information for the single sign-on source. 5. Click "Test" to test the source connection. 6. Click "OK". The certificate details are displayed. 7. Select the "Accept this Certificate" check box. 8. Click "OK". 9. In the "Import User Groups" dialog box, import user accounts from an SSO server on another machine. 10. In the list of user groups displayed, select at least one user group. 11. Click "Next". 12. In the "Roles and Objects" pane, select a role from the "Select Role" drop-down menu. 13. Select the "Assign this role to the group" check box. 14. Select the "objects" users of the group can access when holding this role. To assign permissions so that users can access all the objects in vRealize Operations Manager: 1. Select the "Allow access to all objects in the system" check box. 2. Click "OK". Note: For complete details review vROps 6.x and vSphere SSO product documentation.
Obtain the current vRealize Operations STIGs from the ISSO. Verify that this Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) is the most current STIG available for vRealize Operations. Assess all of the organization's vROps installations to ensure that they are fully compliant with the most current STIG. If the most current version of the vROps STIG was not used, or if the vROps appliance configuration is not compliant with the most current STIG, this is a finding.
Obtain the most current vRealize Operations STIG. Ensure that this vROps appliance is configured with all current requirements.
vRealize Operations Manager 6.x Application is no longer supported by the vendor. If the system is running vRealize Operations Manager 6.x Application, this is a finding.
Upgrade to a supported version.