Select any two versions of this STIG to compare the individual requirements
Select any old version/release of this STIG to view the previous requirements
From the NSX Manager web interface, go to Networking >> Connectivity >> Tier-1 Gateways. For every Tier-1 Gateway, expand the Tier-1 Gateway. Click on the number in the Linked Segments to review the currently linked segments. For every Tier-1 Gateway, expand the Tier-1 Gateway. Expand Interfaces and GRE Tunnels, and click on the number of interfaces present to open the interfaces dialog. Review each interface or linked segment present to determine if they are not in use or inactive. If there are any linked segments or service interfaces present on a Tier-1 Gateway that are not in use or inactive, this is a finding.
To remove a stale linked segment from a Tier-1 Gateway, do the following: From the NSX Manager web interface, go to Networking >> Connectivity >> Segments and edit the target segment. Under Connected Gateway, change to "None" and click "Save". Note: The stale linked segment can also be deleted if there are no active workloads attached to it. To remove a stale service interface from a Tier-1 Gateway, do the following: From the NSX Manager web interface, go to Networking >> Connectivity >> Tier-1 Gateways >> Edit the target Tier-1 gateway. Expand "Interfaces and GRE Tunnels", then click on the number of interfaces present to open the interfaces dialog. On the stale service interface, select "Delete" and click "Delete" again to confirm.
From the NSX Manager web interface, go to Networking >> Connectivity >> Tier-1 Gateways. For every Tier-1 Gateway expand the Tier-1 Gateway to view the DHCP configuration. If a DHCP profile is configured and not in use, this is a finding.
From the NSX Manager web interface, go to Networking >> Connectivity >> Tier-1 Gateways and edit the target Tier-1 gateway. Click "Set DHCP Configuration", select "No Dynamic IP Address Allocation", click "Save", and then close "Editing".
If IPv6 forwarding is not enabled, this is Not Applicable. From the NSX Manager web interface, go to Networking >> Connectivity >> Tier-1 Gateways. For every Tier-1 Gateway, expand Tier-1 Gateway >>Additional Settings. Click on the ND profile name to view the hop limit. If the hop limit is not configured to at least 32, this is a finding.
To configure the Neighbor Discovery hop limit, do the following: From the NSX Manager web interface, go to Networking >> Connectivity >> Tier-1 Gateways >> edit the target Tier-1 gateway. Expand Additional Settings and select an "ND Profile" from the drop down with a hop limit of 32 or more, then click "Close Editing". Note: The default ND profile has a hop limit of 64 and cannot be edited. If required, create a new or edit another existing ND profile to use.
From the NSX Manager web interface, go to Networking >> Connectivity >> Tier-1 Gateways. For every Tier-1 Gateway, expand the Tier-1 Gateway then expand Multicast to view the Multicast configuration. If Multicast is enabled and not in use, this is a finding. If a Tier-1 Gateway is not linked to a Tier-0 Gateway, this is Not Applicable.
If not used, disable Multicast by doing the following: From the NSX Manager web interface, go to Networking >> Connectivity >> Tier-1 Gateways and edit the target Tier-1 gateway. Expand Multicast and change from "Enabled" to "Disabled" and then click "Save".