Tanium 7.x Security Technical Implementation Guide

  • Version/Release: V2R1
  • Published: 2024-06-05
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This Security Technical Implementation Guide is published as a tool to improve the security of Department of Defense (DOD) information systems. The requirements are derived from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 800-53 and related documents. Comments or proposed revisions to this document should be sent via email to the following address: disa.stig_spt@mail.mil.
The Tanium application must be configured to send audit records from multiple components within the system to a central location for review and analysis.
AU-6 - Medium - CCI-000154 - V-253779 - SV-253779r997220_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253779
Rule IDs
  • SV-253779r997220_rule
Successful incident response and auditing relies on timely, accurate system information and analysis to allow the organization to identify and respond to potential incidents in a proficient manner. If the application does not provide the ability to centrally review the application logs, forensic analysis is negatively impacted. Segregation of logging data to multiple disparate computer systems is counterproductive and makes log analysis and log event alarming difficult to implement and manage, particularly when the system or application has multiple logging components written to different locations or systems. Automated mechanisms for centralized reviews and analyses include, for example, security information and event management (SIEM) products.
Checks: C-57231r842363_chk

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 3. Click "Connect". 4. Review the configured Connections under the "Connections" section. If no Connection exists to send the "Tanium Audit Source" to a SIEM tool, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57182r842364_fix

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 3. Click "Connect". 4. Click "Create Connection". 5. In the "Configuration" section under "Source", select "Tanium Audit Source" as the source from the drop-down menu. 6. In the "Configuration" section under "Destination", select the desired Destination and fill in the respective fields. 7. In the "Configure Output" section under "Format", select the desired file format type. 8. In the "Schedule" section, select the desired schedule. 9. Click "Create Connection".

The application must, at a minimum, offload interconnected systems in real time and offload standalone systems weekly.
AU-4 - Medium - CCI-001851 - V-253780 - SV-253780r997221_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253780
Rule IDs
  • SV-253780r997221_rule
Information stored in one location is vulnerable to accidental or incidental deletion or alteration. Offloading is a common process in information systems with limited audit storage capacity.
Checks: C-57232r842366_chk

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 3. Select "Connect". 4. Review the "Connections" sections for Source "Tanium Audit Source". If necessary, filter the connections by filtering by "Source" and the term "Audit". 5. Verify the "State" is "Enabled". If no results are returned, this is a finding. If results are returned but the state is not "Enabled", this is a finding.

Fix: F-57183r842367_fix

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 3. Select "Connect". 4. Click "Create Connection". 5. Enter "Name". 6. Enter "Description". 7. In the "Configuration" section, select Source: "Tanium Audit Source" and under "Basic" options, select appropriate audits. 8. In the "Destination" section, select a source from the drop-down menu. 9. Enter "Destination Name". 10. Enter "Host". 11. Select "Network Protocol": "TCP" or "UDP". 12. Enter "Port". 13. Select "Save".

Tanium Client processes must be excluded from On-Access scan.
CM-6 - Medium - CCI-000366 - V-253781 - SV-253781r997222_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253781
Rule IDs
  • SV-253781r997222_rule
Similar to any other host-based applications, the Tanium Client is subject to the restrictions other system-level software may place on an operating environment. Antivirus, intrusion prevention system (IPS), encryption, or other security and management stack software may disallow the Client from working as expected. For more information, refer to https://docs.tanium.com/platform_deployment_reference/platform_deployment_reference/security_exceptions.html?Highlight=exclusion.
Checks: C-57233r842369_chk

Review the settings of the antivirus software. Verify exclusions exist that exclude the Tanium Client process interactions from On-Access scans and are treated as Low-Risk. If exclusions do not exist, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57184r842370_fix

Implement exclusion policies within the antivirus software to exclude the On-Access scanning of Tanium Client process interactions. These processes should be treated as Low-Risk and not scanned during read or write events.

The Tanium application must be configured for LDAP user/group synchronization to map the authenticated identity to the individual user or group account for PKI-based authentication.
IA-5 - Medium - CCI-000187 - V-253782 - SV-253782r997223_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253782
Rule IDs
  • SV-253782r997223_rule
Without mapping the certificate used to authenticate to the user account, the ability to determine the identity of the individual user or group will not be available for forensic analysis.
Checks: C-57234r842372_chk

Consult with the Tanium system administrator to review the documented list of Tanium users. The users' User Groups, Roles, Computer Groups, and correlated LDAP security groups must be documented. If the documentation does not exist or is missing any Tanium users and their respective User Groups, Roles, Computer Groups, and correlated LDAP security groups, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57185r842373_fix

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Permissions", select "Users". 4. Prepare and maintain documentation identifying the Tanium console users and their respective User Groups, Roles, Computer Groups, and associated LDAP security groups.

The Tanium application must uniquely identify and authenticate nonorganizational users (or processes acting on behalf of nonorganizational users).
IA-8 - Medium - CCI-000804 - V-253783 - SV-253783r997224_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253783
Rule IDs
  • SV-253783r997224_rule
Lack of authentication and identification enables nonorganizational users to gain access to the application or possibly other information systems and provides an opportunity for intruders to compromise resources within the application or information system. Nonorganizational users include all information system users other than organizational users, which includes organizational employees or individuals the organization deems to have equivalent status of employees (e.g., contractors and guest researchers). Nonorganizational users must be uniquely identified and authenticated for all accesses other than those accesses explicitly identified and documented by the organization when related to the use of anonymous access, such as accessing a web server.
Checks: C-57235r842375_chk

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Permissions", select "Users". 4. Compare users listed to the prepared documentation. If documentation identifying the Tanium console users and their respective User Groups, Roles, Computer Groups, and associated LDAP security groups does not exist, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57186r842376_fix

Prepare and maintain documentation identifying the Tanium console users and their respective User Groups, Roles, Computer Groups, and associated LDAP security groups.

The Tanium application must separate user functionality (including user interface services) from information system management functionality.
SC-2 - Medium - CCI-001082 - V-253784 - SV-253784r997225_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253784
Rule IDs
  • SV-253784r997225_rule
Application management functionality includes functions necessary for administration and requires privileged user access. Allowing nonprivileged users to access application management functionality capabilities increases the risk that nonprivileged users may obtain elevated privileges. The separation of user functionality from information system management functionality is either physical or logical and is accomplished by using different computers, different central processing units, different instances of the operating system, different network addresses, different TCP/UDP ports, virtualization techniques, combinations of these methods, or other methods as appropriate. An example of this type of separation is observed in web administrative interfaces that use separate authentication methods for users of any other information system resources. This may include isolating the administrative interface on a different security domain and with additional access controls.
Checks: C-57236r842378_chk

Consult with the Tanium system administrator to review the documented list of Tanium users. The users' User Groups, Roles, Computer Groups, and correlated LDAP security groups or Local Users must be documented. Local users can be identified by the following: 1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Permissions", select "Users". 4. Compare users that do not have a Domain listed to the prepared documentation. If documentation identifying the Tanium console users and their respective User Groups, Roles, Computer Groups, and associated LDAP security groups does not exist, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57187r842379_fix

Prepare and maintain documentation identifying the Tanium console users and their respective User Groups, Roles, Computer Groups, and associated LDAP security groups.

The Tanium Server and Client applications must have logging enabled.
SC-24 - Medium - CCI-001665 - V-253785 - SV-253785r997226_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253785
Rule IDs
  • SV-253785r997226_rule
Failure to a known state can address safety or security in accordance with the mission/business needs of the organization. Failure to a known secure state helps prevent a loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability in the event of a failure of the information system or a component of the system. Preserving application state information helps to facilitate application restart and return to the operational mode of the organization with less disruption to mission-essential processes.
Checks: C-57237r842381_chk

For Tanium Server: 1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Configuration", select "Logging". 4. Select "Log Level". If the value for the current level for "Tanium Server" and "Tanium Module Server" is not set to "1" or higher, this is a finding. For Tanium Client: 1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI. Log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 3. Click "Interact". 4. In the "Explore Data" box, type the following question: Get Tanium Client Explicit Setting[LogVerbosityLevel] < 1 and Is Windows from all machines with Tanium Client Explicit Setting[LogVerbosityLevel] < 1 If any answers are returned that are "0", this is a finding.

Fix: F-57188r842382_fix

For Tanium Server: 1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Configuration", select "Logging". 4. In "Log Verbosity Level for Troubleshooting", set "Tanium Server" and "Tanium Module Server" to "1". For Tanium Client: 1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 3. Click "Interact". 4. In the "Explore Data" box, type the following question: Get Tanium Client Explicit Setting[LogVerbosityLevel] < 1 and Is Windows from all machines with Tanium Client Explicit Setting[LogVerbosityLevel] < 1 5. Select the row with "Is windows" set to "True" and deploy the following action and settings: a) Deployment Package: Modify Tanium Client Setting b) RegType: REG_DWORD c) ValueName: LogVerbosityLevel d) ValueData: 1 or higher Schedule Deployment a) Distribute over: 1 hour 6. Click "Show Preview to continue". 7. Click "Deploy Action". 8. Select the row with "Is windows" set to "False" and deploy the following action and settings: a) Deployment Package: Modify Tanium Client Setting [Non-Windows] b) RegType: NUMERIC c) ValueName: LogVerbosityLevel d) ValueData: 1 or higher Schedule Deployment a) Distribute over: 1 hour 9. Click "Show Preview to continue". 10. Click "Deploy Action".

The Tanium application must restrict the ability of individuals to use information systems to launch organization-defined denial-of-service (DoS) attacks against other information systems.
SC-5 - Medium - CCI-001094 - V-253786 - SV-253786r997227_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253786
Rule IDs
  • SV-253786r997227_rule
The Tanium Action Approval feature provides a two-person integrity control mechanism designed to achieve a high level of security and reduce the possibility of error for critical operations and DoS conditions. When this feature is enabled, an action configured by one Tanium console user will require a second Tanium console user with a role of Action Approver (or higher) to approve the action before it is deployed to targeted computers.
Checks: C-57238r842384_chk

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Configuration", select "Platform Settings". 4. In the "Filter items" search box, type "require_action_approval". 5. Click "Enter". If no results are returned, this is a finding. If results are returned for "require_action_approval", but the value is not "1", this is a finding.

Fix: F-57189r842385_fix

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Configuration", select "Platform Settings". 4. Click "Create Setting". 5. Select "Server" box for "Setting Type". 6. In "Create Platform Setting" dialog box, enter "require_action_approval" does not exist: Flag for "Name". 7. Select "Numeric" radio button for "Value Type". 8. Enter "1" for "Value". 9. Click "Save".

The Tanium application must manage bandwidth throttles to limit the effects of information flooding types of denial-of-service (DoS) attacks.
SC-5 - Medium - CCI-001095 - V-253787 - SV-253787r997228_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253787
Rule IDs
  • SV-253787r997228_rule
DoS is a condition when a resource is not available for legitimate users. When this occurs, the organization either cannot accomplish its mission or must operate at degraded capacity. In the case of application DoS attacks, care must be taken when designing the application to ensure the application makes the best use of system resources. SQL queries have the potential to consume large amounts of CPU cycles if they are not tuned for optimal performance. Web services containing complex calculations requiring large amounts of time to complete can bog down if too many requests for the service are encountered within a short period of time. The methods employed to meet this requirement will vary depending on the technology the application uses. However, a variety of technologies exist to limit or, in some cases, eliminate the effects of application-related DoS attacks. Employing increased capacity and bandwidth combined with specialized application layer protection devices and service redundancy may reduce the susceptibility to some DoS attacks.
Checks: C-57239r842387_chk

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Configuration", select "Bandwidth Throttles". 4. Work with the Tanium administrator to confirm settings. For more information, refer to https://docs.tanium.com/platform_user/platform_user/console_bandwidth_throttling.html. If the Bandwidth Throttles configuration is not accordance with organization's needs, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57190r842388_fix

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium Application, access the Tanium Application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Configuration", select "Bandwidth Throttles". 4. Click "Add" on the line for "Global Throttle for All Data". 5. Work with the Tanium administrator to configure the required bandwidth throttles. 6. Click "Save". 7. Work with the Tanium administrator to confirm or set the remaining options: - Global Throttle for Package Files. - Global Throttle for Sensors. - Site Throttles.

The Tanium application must generate error messages that provide information necessary for corrective actions without revealing information that could be exploited by adversaries.
SI-11 - Medium - CCI-001312 - V-253788 - SV-253788r997229_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253788
Rule IDs
  • SV-253788r997229_rule
Any application providing too much information in error messages risks compromising the data and security of the application and system. The structure and content of error messages must be carefully considered by the organization and development team. Organizations carefully consider the structure/content of error messages. The extent to which information systems are able to identify and handle error conditions is guided by organizational policy and operational requirements. Information that could be exploited by adversaries includes, for example, erroneous logon attempts with passwords entered by mistake as the username, mission/business information that can be derived from (if not stated explicitly by) information recorded, and personal information, such as account numbers, Social Security numbers, and credit card numbers.
Checks: C-57240r842390_chk

1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Open a File Explorer window. 4. Navigate to Program Files &gt;&gt; Tanium &gt;&gt; Tanium Server. 5. Right-click the "Logs" folder. 6. Select "Properties". 7. Select the "Security" tab. 8. Click the "Advanced" button. - Validate the owner of the directory is the [Tanium service account]. - Validate the [Tanium service account] is the only account with modify permissions on the directory. - Validate the [Tanium Administrators] group has full permissions on the directory. 9. Right-click the "TDL_Logs" folder. 10. Select "Properties". 11. Select the "Security" tab. 12. Click the "Advanced" button. - Validate the owner of the directory is the [Tanium service account]. - Validate the [Tanium service account] is the only account with modify permissions on the directory. - Validate the [Tanium Administrators] group has full permissions on the directory. If any of the specified permissions are not set as required, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57191r842391_fix

1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Open a File Explorer window. 4. Navigate to Program Files >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. 5. Right-click the "Logs" folder. 6. Select "Properties". 7. Select the "Security" tab. 8. Click the "Advanced" button. 9. Disable folder inheritance. 10. Change/verify the owner of the directory to the [Tanium service account]. 11. Reduce [Tanium service account] privileges to modify permissions on the directory. 12. Ensure [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions on the directory. 13. Right-click the "TDL_Logs" folder. 14. Select "Properties". 15. Select the "Security" tab. 16. Click the "Advanced" button. 17. Disable folder inheritance. 18. Change/verify the owner of the directory to the [Tanium service account]. 19. Reduce [Tanium service account] privileges to modify permissions on the directory. 20. Ensure [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions on the directory.

The Tanium application must reveal error messages only to the information system security officer (ISSO), information system security manager (ISSM), and system administrator (SA).
SI-11 - Medium - CCI-001314 - V-253789 - SV-253789r997230_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253789
Rule IDs
  • SV-253789r997230_rule
Only authorized personnel must be aware of errors and the details of the errors. Error messages are an indicator of an organization's operational state or can identify the application. Additionally, personally identifiable information (PII) and operational information must not be revealed through error messages to unauthorized personnel or their designated representatives. The structure and content of error messages must be carefully considered by the organization and development team. The extent to which the information system is able to identify and handle error conditions is guided by organizational policy and operational requirements.
Checks: C-57241r842393_chk

1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Open a File Explorer window. 4. Navigate to Program Files &gt;&gt; Tanium &gt;&gt; Tanium Server. 5. Right-click the "Logs" folder. 6. Select "Properties". 7. Select the "Security" tab. 8. Click the "Advanced" button. - Validate the owner of the directory is the [Tanium service account]. - Validate the [Tanium service account] is the only account with modify permissions on the directory. - Validate the [Tanium Administrators] group has full permissions on the directory. 9. Right-click the "TDL_Logs" folder. 10. Select "Properties". 11. Select the "Security" tab. 12. Click the "Advanced" button. - Validate the owner of the directory is the [Tanium service account]. - Validate the [Tanium service account] privileges is the only account with modify permissions on the directory. - Validate the [Tanium Administrators] group has full permissions on the directory. If any of the specified permissions are not set as required, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57192r842394_fix

1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Open a File Explorer window. 4. Navigate to Program Files >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. 5. Right-click the "Logs" folder. 6. Select "Properties". 7. Select the "Security" tab. 8. Click the "Advanced" button. 9. Disable folder inheritance. 10. Change/verify the owner of the directory to the [Tanium service account]. 11. Reduce [Tanium service account] privileges to modify permissions on the directory. 12. Ensure [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions on the directory. 13. Right-click the "TDL_Logs" folder. 14. Select "Properties". 15. Select the "Security" tab. 16. Click the "Advanced" button. 17. Disable folder inheritance. 18. Change/verify the owner of the directory to the [Tanium service account]. 19. Reduce [Tanium service account] privileges to modify permissions on the directory. 20. Ensure [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions on the directory.

The Tanium application must allocate audit record storage capacity in accordance with organization-defined audit record storage requirements.
AU-4 - Medium - CCI-001849 - V-253791 - SV-253791r997231_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253791
Rule IDs
  • SV-253791r997231_rule
To ensure applications have a sufficient storage capacity in which to write the audit logs, applications must be able to allocate audit record storage capacity. The task of allocating audit record storage capacity is usually performed during initial installation of the application and is closely associated with the database administrator and system administrator roles. The database administrator or system administrator will usually coordinate the allocation of physical drive space with the application owner/installer, and the application will prompt the installer to provide the capacity information, the physical location of the disk, or both.
Checks: C-57243r842399_chk

Consult with the Tanium system administrator or database administrator to determine the volume on which the Tanium SQL databases are installed. 1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 3. Select "Connect". 4. Review the configured Sources. If none exist to send Disk Free Space of the Tanium SQL Server, this is a finding. Work with the security information and event management (SIEM) administrator to determine if an alert is configured when Disk Free Space of the Tanium SQL Server reaches below 25%. If no alert is configured, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57194r842400_fix

Consult with the Tanium system administrator or database administrator to determine the volume on which the Tanium SQL databases are installed. 1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" in the top navigation banner. 3. Select "Interact". 4. Enter "Get Disk Free Space from all machines with Computer Name containing" [Your SQL Computer Name]. 5. Press "Enter". 6. Select "Save this question" located under the Question box. 7. Enter a name (e.g., SQL Disk Free Space). 8. Select "Create Saved Question". 9. Click "Modules" in the top navigation banner. 10. Select "Connect". 11. Select "Create Connection". 12. In the "Configuration" section, select "Saved Question" from the Source drop-down menu. 13. Enter the "Saved Question Name" created above or select from the drop-down menu. 14. Select the "Computer Group" name from the drop-down menu. 15. Select the desired destination from the drop-down menu (must be a SIEM tool). 16. In the "General Information" section, provide a name and description. 17. Click "Save". Work with the SIEM administrator to configure an alert when Disk Free Space of the Tanium SQL Server reaches below 25% of maximum. Consult with the Tanium system administrator or database administrator to determine the volume on which the Tanium SQL databases are installed. 1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium Application, access the Tanium Application UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" in the top navigation banner. 3. Select "Interact". 4. Enter "Get Disk Free Space from all machines with Computer Name containing" [Your SQL Computer Name]. 5. Press "Enter". 6. Select "Save this question" located under the Question box. 7. Enter a name (e.g., SQL Disk Free Space). 8. Select "Create Saved Question". 9. Click "Modules" in the top navigation banner. 10. Select "Connect". 11. Select "Create Connection". 12. In the "Configuration" section, select "Saved Question" from the Source drop-down menu. 13. Enter the "Saved Question Name" created above or select from the drop-down menu. 14. Select the "Computer Group" name from the drop-down menu. 15. Select the desired destination from the drop-down menu (must be a SIEM tool). 16. In the "General Information" section, provide a name and description. 17. Click "Save".

The Tanium application must offload audit records onto a different system or media than the system being audited.
AU-4 - Medium - CCI-001851 - V-253792 - SV-253792r997232_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253792
Rule IDs
  • SV-253792r997232_rule
Information stored in one location is vulnerable to accidental or incidental deletion or alteration. Offloading is a common process in information systems with limited audit storage capacity.
Checks: C-57244r842402_chk

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log in using multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top of the banner of the console. 3. Click "Connect". 4. Review the configured Connections under "Connections" section. If no Connections exist to send the "Tanium Audit Source" to a security information and event management (SIEM) tool, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57195r842403_fix

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log in using multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top of the console. 3. Click "Connect". 4. Click "Create Connection". 5. In the "Configuration" section under "Source", select "Tanium Audit Source" as the source from the drop-down menu. 6. In the "Configuration" section under "Destination", select the desired Destination and fill in the respective fields. 7. In the "Configure Output" section under "Format", select the desired file format type. 8. In the "Schedule" section, select the desired schedule. 9. Click "Save".

The Tanium application must provide an immediate warning to the system administrator and information system security officer (at a minimum) when allocated audit record storage volume reaches 75% of repository maximum audit record storage capacity.
AU-5 - Medium - CCI-001855 - V-253793 - SV-253793r997233_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253793
Rule IDs
  • SV-253793r997233_rule
If security personnel are not notified immediately upon storage volume utilization reaching 75%, they are unable to plan for storage capacity expansion.
Checks: C-57245r842405_chk

Consult with the Tanium system administrator or database administrator to determine the volume on which the Tanium SQL databases are installed. 1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 3. Select "Connect". 4. Review the configured Connections under "Connections" section. If none exist to send Disk Free Space of the Tanium SQL Server, this is a finding. Work with the SIEM administrator to determine if an alert is configured when Disk Free Space of the Tanium SQL Server reaches below 25%. If no alert is configured, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57196r842406_fix

Consult with the Tanium system administrator or database administrator to determine the volume on which the Tanium SQL databases are installed. 1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 3. Select "Interact". 4. Enter "Get Disk Free Space from all machines with Computer Name containing" [Your SQL Computer Name]. 5. Click "Enter". 6. Confirm question. 7. Select "Save" to the right of the Question Results. 8. Enter a name (e.g., SQL Disk Free Space). 9. Click "Save". 10. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 11. Select "Connect". 12. Select "Create Connection". 13. In the Configuration section, select "Saved Question" from the Source drop-down menu. 14. Enter the "Saved Question Name" created above or select from the drop-down menu. 15. Select the "Computer Group" name from the drop-down menu. 16. Select the desired destination from the drop-down menu (must be a SIEM tool). 17. In the "General Information" section, provide a name and description. 18. Click "Save". Work with the SIEM administrator to configure an alert when Disk Free Space of the Tanium SQL Server reaches below 25% of maximum.

The Tanium application must provide an immediate real-time alert to the system administrator and information system security officer, at a minimum, of all audit failure events requiring real-time alerts.
AU-5 - Medium - CCI-001858 - V-253794 - SV-253794r997234_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253794
Rule IDs
  • SV-253794r997234_rule
It is critical for the appropriate personnel to be aware if a system is at risk of failing to process audit logs as required. Without a real-time alert, security personnel may be unaware of an impending failure of the audit capability, and system operation may be adversely affected. Alerts provide organizations with urgent messages. Real-time alerts provide these messages immediately (i.e., the time from event detection to alert occurs in seconds or less).
Checks: C-57246r842408_chk

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 3. Select "Connect". 4. Review the configured Tanium Sources listed. If an "Audit Log" source does not exist, this is a finding. 5. Select the "Audit Log" source. 6. Select the audit connection found in the lower half of the screen. 7. Verify the "Destination Type" is a security information and event management (SIEM) tool. If the "Destination Type" is not a SIEM tool, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57197r842409_fix

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 3. Click "Connect". 4. Click "Create Connection". 5. In the Configuration section, select "Tanium Audit Source" as the "Event Source" from the "Source" drop-down menu. 6. In the "Destination" section, select "Socket Receiver" from the drop-down menu. 7. Enter "Destination Name". 8. Enter "Host". 9. Enter "Network Protocol". 10. Enter "Port". 11. Click "Save". Consult documentation at https://docs.tanium.com/connect/connect/siem.html#siem for reference on configuring other applicable SIEM connections. Work with the SIEM administrator to configure alerts based on audit failures.

The Tanium application must prohibit user installation of software without explicit privileged status.
- Medium - CCI-003980 - V-253795 - SV-253795r997211_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253795
Rule IDs
  • SV-253795r997211_rule
Allowing regular users to install software, without explicit privileges, creates the risk that untested or potentially malicious software will be installed on the system. Explicit privileges (escalated or administrative privileges) provide the regular user with explicit capabilities and control that exceeds the rights of a regular user. Application functionality will vary, and while users are not permitted to install unapproved applications, there may be instances where the organization allows the user to install approved software packages, such as from an approved software repository. The application must enforce software installation by users based on what types of software installations are permitted (e.g., updates and security patches to existing software) and what types of installations are prohibited (e.g., software whose pedigree with regard to being potentially malicious is unknown or suspect) by the organization. This requirement applies, for example, to applications that provide the ability to extend application functionality (e.g., plug-ins, add-ons) and software management applications.
Checks: C-57247r842411_chk

Consult with the Tanium system administrator to review the documented list of Tanium users. 1. Review the users' respective approved roles, as well as the correlated LDAP security group for the User Roles. 2. Validate LDAP security groups/Tanium roles are documented to assign least privileged access to the functions of the Tanium Server through the Tanium interface. If the documentation does not reflect a granular, least-privileged-access approach to the LDAP Groups/Tanium Roles assignment, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57198r842412_fix

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under Permissions, select "Users". 4. Analyze the users configured in the Tanium interface. 5. Determine least privileged access required for each user to perform their respective duties. 6. Move users to the appropriate LDAP security group to ensure the user is synced to the appropriate Tanium User Role. 7. If the appropriate LDAP security groups are not already configured, create the groups and add the appropriate users. 8. Ensure LDAP sync repopulates the Tanium users' associated roles accordingly.

The application must enforce access restrictions associated with changes to application configuration.
CM-5 - Medium - CCI-001813 - V-253796 - SV-253796r997235_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253796
Rule IDs
  • SV-253796r997235_rule
Failure to provide logical access restrictions associated with changes to application configuration may have significant effects on the overall security of the system. When dealing with access restrictions pertaining to change control, any changes to the hardware, software, and/or firmware components of the information system and/or application can have significant effects on the overall security of the system. Accordingly, only qualified and authorized individuals should be allowed to obtain access to application components to initiate changes, including upgrades and modifications. Logical access restrictions include, for example, controls that restrict access to workflow automation, media libraries, abstract layers (e.g., changes implemented into third-party interfaces rather than directly into information systems), and change windows (e.g., changes occur only during specified times, making unauthorized changes easy to discover).
Checks: C-57248r842414_chk

Consult with the Tanium system administrator to review the documented list of Tanium administrators. Review the administrators' respective approved roles as the correlated LDAP security group for the User Roles. If the documentation does not reflect a granular, least-privileged-access approach to the LDAP Groups/Tanium Roles assignment, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57199r842415_fix

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under Permissions, select "Users". 4. Analyze the users configured in the Tanium interface. 5. Determine least privileged access required for each user to perform their respective duties. 6. Move users to the appropriate LDAP security group to ensure the user is synced to the appropriate Tanium User Role. 7. If the appropriate LDAP security groups are not already configured, create the groups and add the appropriate users. 8. Ensure LDAP sync repopulates the Tanium users' associated Roles accordingly.

The application must employ a deny-all, permit-by-exception (allowlist) policy to allow the execution of authorized software programs.
CM-7 - Medium - CCI-001774 - V-253797 - SV-253797r997236_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253797
Rule IDs
  • SV-253797r997236_rule
Using an allowlist provides a configuration management method for allowing the execution of only authorized software. Using only authorized software decreases risk by limiting the number of potential vulnerabilities. The organization must identify authorized software programs and permit execution of authorized software. The process used to identify software programs that are authorized to execute on organizational information systems is commonly referred to as allowlisting. Verification of allowlisted software can occur either prior to execution or at system startup. This requirement applies to configuration management applications or similar types of applications designed to manage system processes and configurations (e.g., HBSS and software wrappers).
Checks: C-57249r842417_chk

If Enforce is not used to manage allowlisting, this check is not applicable. 1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 3. Select the "Enforce" module. 4. Click the three dots next to the "Enforce" header. 5. Click "Enforcements". 6. Verify an enforcement exists for allowlisting by looking for "AppLocker" in the "Policy" column. 7. Click each enforcement for allowlisting Policy type and verify the enforcement is applied to all applicable machines. If an AppLocker Policy is not applied to all applicable machines, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57200r842418_fix

If Enforce is not used to manage allowlisting, no fix is needed. 1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 3. Click "Enforce". 4. Expand the left menu. 5. From the Enforce menu, go to Policy Configurations. 6. Click "Action" and then "Create". 7. In the "General Information" section: - Enter a Name and Description for the policy. - Select AppLocker from the Policy Type options. Policy types can be filtered by operating system (All, Windows, Mac, Linux). 8. (Optional) If there is already a policy of this type, that policy can serve as the starting point for a new policy. Select the policy in the "Starting Point" pull-down menu. If requirements for this policy are missing, that information is displayed in the "Configuration Status" section. Refer to Configure Endpoint Encryption settings for BitLocker requirements. 9. In the "Settings" section: - Enter Support URL (optional). - Import Rules from XML (optional). - Select Rule Type (at least 1). 10. For each Rule Type: - Choose: Blocking. - Click "Create" under "Block" section. 11. Click "Create".

The Tanium application must accept Personal Identity Verification (PIV) credentials.
IA-2 - Medium - CCI-001953 - V-253798 - SV-253798r997237_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253798
Rule IDs
  • SV-253798r997237_rule
The use of PIV credentials facilitates standardization and reduces the risk of unauthorized access. DoD has mandated the use of the CAC to support identity management and personal authentication for systems covered under HSPD 12 and as a primary component of layered protection for national security systems.
Checks: C-57250r842420_chk

1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Run regedit as Administrator. 4. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE &gt;&gt; SOFTWARE &gt;&gt; Wow6432Node &gt;&gt; Tanium &gt;&gt; Tanium Server. 5. Validate the value for REG_DWORD "ForceSOAPSSLClientCert" is set to "1". 6. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE &gt;&gt; SOFTWARE &gt;&gt; Wow6432Node &gt;&gt; Tanium &gt;&gt; Tanium Server. 7. Validate the following keys exist and are configured: REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuthField" For example: X509v3 Subject Alternative Name. REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuthRegex" For example-DoD: .+?Name:\s*?(\S+@[._a-zA-Z0-9]+).* Note: This regex may vary. REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuth" For example: C:\Program Files\Tanium\Tanium Server\dod.pem If the value for REG_DWORD "ForceSOAPSSLClientCert" is not set to "1" and the remaining registry values are not configured, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57201r842421_fix

1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Run regedit as Administrator. 4. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Wow6432Node >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. 5. Validate the value for REG_DWORD "ForceSOAPSSLClientCert" is set to "1". 6. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Wow6432Node >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. 7. Configure the following keys: REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuthField" For example: X509v3 Subject Alternative Name. REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuthRegex" For example-DoD: .+?Name:\s*?(\S+@[._a-zA-Z0-9]+).* Note: This regex may vary. REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuth" For example: C:\Program Files\Tanium\Tanium Server\dod.pem

The Tanium application must electronically verify Personal Identity Verification (PIV) credentials.
IA-2 - Medium - CCI-001954 - V-253799 - SV-253799r997238_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253799
Rule IDs
  • SV-253799r997238_rule
The use of PIV credentials facilitates standardization and reduces the risk of unauthorized access. DoD has mandated the use of the CAC to support identity management and personal authentication for systems covered under HSPD 12 and as a primary component of layered protection for national security systems.
Checks: C-57251r842423_chk

1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Run regedit as Administrator. 4. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE &gt;&gt; SOFTWARE &gt;&gt; Wow6432Node &gt;&gt; Tanium &gt;&gt; Tanium Server. 5. Validate the value for REG_DWORD "ForceSOAPSSLClientCert" is set to "1". 6. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE &gt;&gt; SOFTWARE &gt;&gt; Wow6432Node &gt;&gt; Tanium &gt;&gt; Tanium Server. 7. Validate the following keys exist and are configured: REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuthField" For example: X509v3 Subject Alternative Name. REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuthRegex" For example-DoD: .+?Name:\s*?(\S+@[._a-zA-Z0-9]+).* Note: This regex may vary and should be valid for any Subject Alternative Name entry. REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuth" For example: C:\Program Files\Tanium\Tanium Server\dod.pem If the value for REG_DWORD "ForceSOAPSSLClientCert" is not set to "1" and the remaining registry values are not configured, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57202r842424_fix

1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Run regedit as Administrator. 4. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Wow6432Node >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. 5. Validate the value for REG_DWORD "ForceSOAPSSLClientCert" is set to "1". 6. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Wow6432Node >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. 7. Configure the following keys: REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuthField" For example: X509v3 Subject Alternative Name. REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuthRegex" For example-DoD: .+?Name:\s*?(\S+@[._a-zA-Z0-9]+).* Note: This regex may vary. REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuth" For example: C:\Program Files\Tanium\Tanium Server\dod.pem

The Tanium application must accept Personal Identity Verification (PIV) credentials from other federal agencies.
IA-8 - Medium - CCI-002009 - V-253800 - SV-253800r997239_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253800
Rule IDs
  • SV-253800r997239_rule
Access may be denied to authorized users if federal agency PIV credentials are not accepted. PIV credentials are issued by federal agencies and conform to FIPS Publication 201 and supporting guidance documents. OMB Memorandum 11-11 requires federal agencies to continue implementing the requirements specified in HSPD-12 to enable agencywide use of PIV credentials.
Checks: C-57252r842426_chk

1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Run regedit as Administrator. 4. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE &gt;&gt; SOFTWARE &gt;&gt; Wow6432Node &gt;&gt; Tanium &gt;&gt; Tanium Server. 5. Validate the value for REG_DWORD "ForceSOAPSSLClientCert" is set to "1". 6. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE &gt;&gt; SOFTWARE &gt;&gt; Wow6432Node &gt;&gt; Tanium &gt;&gt; Tanium Server. 7. Validate the following keys exist and are configured: REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuthField" For example: X509v3 Subject Alternative Name. REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuthRegex" For example-DoD: .+?Name:\s*?(\S+@[._a-zA-Z0-9]+).* Note: This regex may vary. REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuth" For example: C:\Program Files\Tanium\Tanium Server\dod.pem If the value for REG_DWORD "ForceSOAPSSLClientCert" is not set to "1" and the remaining registry values are not configured, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57203r842427_fix

Use the vendor documentation titled "Smart card authentication" to implement correct configuration settings for this requirement. Vendor documentation can be downloaded from the following URL: https://docs.tanium.com/platform_deployment_reference/platform_deployment_reference/smart_card_authentication.html?Highlight=cac 1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Run regedit as Administrator. 4. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Wow6432Node >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. 5. Validate the value for REG_DWORD "ForceSOAPSSLClientCert" is set to "1". 6. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Wow6432Node >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. 7. Configure the following keys: REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuthField" For example: X509v3 Subject Alternative Name. REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuthRegex" For example-DoD: .+?Name:\s*?(\S+@[._a-zA-Z0-9]+).* Note: This regex may vary. REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuth" For example: C:\Program Files\Tanium\Tanium Server\dod.pem

The Tanium application must install security-relevant software updates within the time period directed by an authoritative source (e.g., IAVM, CTOs, DTMs, and STIGs).
SI-2 - Medium - CCI-002605 - V-253801 - SV-253801r997240_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253801
Rule IDs
  • SV-253801r997240_rule
Security flaws with software applications are discovered daily. Vendors are constantly updating and patching their products to address newly discovered security vulnerabilities. Organizations (including any contractor to the organization) are required to promptly install security-relevant software updates (e.g., patches, service packs, and hot fixes). Flaws discovered during security assessments, continuous monitoring, incident response activities, or information system error handling must also be addressed expeditiously. Organization-defined time periods for updating security-relevant software may vary based on a variety of factors including, for example, the security category of the information system or the criticality of the update (i.e., severity of the vulnerability related to the discovered flaw). This requirement will apply to software patch management solutions that are used to install patches across the enclave and also to applications that are not part of that patch management solution. For example, many browsers can install their own patch software. Patch criticality, as well as system criticality, will vary. Therefore, the tactical situations regarding the patch management process will also vary. This means the time period used must be a configurable parameter. Time frames for application of security-relevant software updates may depend on the Information Assurance Vulnerability Management (IAVM) process. The application will be configured to check for and install security-relevant software updates within an identified time period from the availability of the update. The specific time period will be defined by an authoritative source (e.g., IAVM, CTOs, DTMs, and STIGs).
Checks: C-57253r842429_chk

Verify all components of the Tanium application have been updated within 60 days of vulnerability being announced by Tanium. Critical Vulnerabilities must be updated within 30 days. Consult with the Tanium system administrator to review the documented time window designated for updates. If a window of time is not defined or does not specify a reoccurring frequency, this is a finding. 1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Configuration", select "Solutions". If any module has the text "Update to" a newer (greater) version number compared to the installed version number in the Tanium Modules section of the page, this is a finding. If the Tanium application is an "airgap" installation, work with the Tanium technical system administrator to determine if the modules are up to date.

Fix: F-57204r842430_fix

Consult with the Tanium system administrator to review the documented time window designated for updates. If a window of time is not defined or does not specify a reoccurring frequency, work with the Tanium administrator to document this. 1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Configuration", select "Solutions". If any module has the text "Update to" a newer (greater) version number compared to the installed version number in the Tanium Modules section of the page, work with the Tanium administrator to update those modules or content. If the Tanium application is an "airgap" installation, work with the Tanium technical system administrator to determine if the modules are up to date.

Tanium must alert the ISSO, ISSM, and other individuals designated by the local organization when the following Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) or potential compromise are detected: real-time intrusion detection; threats identified by authoritative sources (e.g., CTOs); and Category I, II, IV, and VII incidents in accordance with CJCSM 6510.01B.
SI-4 - Medium - CCI-002664 - V-253802 - SV-253802r997241_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253802
Rule IDs
  • SV-253802r997241_rule
When a security event occurs, the application that has detected the event must immediately notify the appropriate support personnel so they can respond appropriately. Alerts may be generated from a variety of sources, including audit records or inputs from malicious code protection mechanisms, intrusion detection, or prevention mechanisms. Alerts may be transmitted, for example, telephonically, by electronic mail messages, or by text messaging. Individuals designated by the local organization to receive alerts may include, for example, system administrators, mission/business owners, or system owners. IOCs are forensic artifacts from intrusions that are identified on organizational information systems (at the host or network level). IOCs provide organizations with valuable information on objects or information systems that have been compromised. These indicators reflect the occurrence of a compromise or a potential compromise. This requirement applies to applications that provide monitoring capability for unusual/unauthorized activities including but are not limited to host-based intrusion detection, antivirus, and malware applications.
Checks: C-57254r842432_chk

Note: If THR is not licensed or used for detection, this is not applicable. 1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 3. Click "Threat Response". 4. Expand the left menu. 5. Click "Alerts". 6. Filter on status "Unresolved". If any alerts are unresolved, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57205r842433_fix

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 3. Click "Threat Response". 4. Expand the left menu. 5. Click "Alerts". 6. Filter on status "Unresolved". 7. Resolve any open IOC-based alerts and change status to applicable status.

Tanium Server processes must be excluded from On-Access scan.
CM-6 - Medium - CCI-000366 - V-253803 - SV-253803r997242_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253803
Rule IDs
  • SV-253803r997242_rule
Similar to any other host-based applications, the Tanium Server is subject to the restrictions other system-level software may place on an operating environment. Antivirus, intrusion prevention system (IPS), encryption, or other security and management stack software may disallow the Tanium Server from working as expected. For more information, refer to https://docs.tanium.com/platform_deployment_reference/platform_deployment_reference/security_exceptions.html?Highlight=exclusion.
Checks: C-57255r842435_chk

Review the settings of the antivirus software. Validate exclusions exist that exclude the Tanium Server process interactions from On-Access scans and are treated as Low-Risk. If exclusions do not exist, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57206r842436_fix

Implement exclusion policies within the antivirus software solution to exclude the On-Access scanning of Tanium Server process interactions. These processes should be treated as Low-Risk and not scanned during read or write events.

The Tanium application must authenticate endpoint devices (servers) before establishing a local, remote, and/or network connection using bidirectional authentication that is cryptographically based.
IA-3 - Medium - CCI-001967 - V-253804 - SV-253804r997243_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253804
Rule IDs
  • SV-253804r997243_rule
Without authenticating devices, unidentified or unknown devices may be introduced, thereby facilitating malicious activity. Bidirectional authentication provides stronger safeguards to validate the identity of other devices for connections that are of greater risk, such as remote connections. This requires device-to-device authentication. Information systems must use IEEE 802.1x, Extensible Authentication Protocol [EAP], Radius server with EAP-Transport Layer Security [TLS] authentication, or Kerberos to identify/authenticate devices on local and/or wide area networks.
Checks: C-57256r842438_chk

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Configuration", select "Platform Settings". 4. In the "Filter items" search box, type "TLSMode" and "ReportingTLSMode". 5. Click "Enter". If results are returned and "TLSMode" = 0 and "ReportingTLSMode" = 0, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57207r842439_fix

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Configuration", select "Platform Settings". 4. In the "Filter items" search box, type "TLSMode" and "ReportingTLSMode". 5. Click "Enter". 6. Change the value for both "TLSMode" and "ReportingTLSMode" to "1".

The Tanium endpoint must have the Tanium Server's pki.db in its installation.
AC-17 - Medium - CCI-001453 - V-253805 - SV-253805r960762_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253805
Rule IDs
  • SV-253805r960762_rule
Without cryptographic integrity protections in the Tanium Client, information could be altered by unauthorized users without detection. Cryptographic mechanisms used for protecting the integrity of Tanium communications information include signed hash functions using asymmetric cryptography, enabling distribution of the public key to verify the hash information while maintaining the confidentiality of the secret key used to generate the hash. Satisfies: SRG-APP-000158
Checks: C-57257r842441_chk

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Configuration", select "Client Status". 4. Change "Show systems that have reported in the last:"; enter "7" in the first field. 5. Select "Days" from the drop-down menu in the second field to determine if any endpoints connected with an invalid key. If any systems are listed with "No" in the "Valid Key" column, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57208r842442_fix

For systems that do not have a valid key for the Tanium Server, redeploy the client software from Tanium using Tanium Client Management or work with the Tanium system administrator to accomplish this. 1. Configure a deployment. 2. Deploy the package or installer. 3. Target appropriate systems.

Access to Tanium logs on each endpoint must be restricted by permissions.
AU-9 - Medium - CCI-000163 - V-253806 - SV-253806r997244_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253806
Rule IDs
  • SV-253806r997244_rule
For the Tanium Client software to run without impact from external negligent or malicious changes, the permissions on the Tanium log files and their directory must be restricted. Tanium is deployed with a Client Hardening Solution. This solution, when applied, will ensure directory permissions are in place.
Checks: C-57258r842444_chk

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Actions", select "Scheduled Actions". 4. Look for a scheduled action titled "Client Service Hardening - Set SYSTEM only permissions on Tanium Client directory". If a scheduled action titled "Client Service Hardening - Set SYSTEM only permissions on Tanium Client directory" does not exist, or there is a Scheduled Action contradicting the "Client Service Hardening - Set SYSTEM only permissions on Tanium Client directory" scheduled action, this is a finding. If the scheduled action exists, select it. If it is not approved (the "Approve" button at the top of the section will be displayed if not approved), this is a finding.

Fix: F-57209r842445_fix

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 3. Click "Interact". 4. Within "Interact", under "Explore Data", ask the question "Get Tanium Client Directory Permissions from all machines". Tanium will parse the script and return a row for "Restricted" and a row for "Not Restricted", with their respective client counts. 5. Click the "Not Restricted" row. 6. Select "Deploy Action". - In the "Deploy Action" dialog box, the package "Client Service Hardening - Set SYSTEM only permissions on Tanium Client directory" will be selected. - The clients, which have their Tanium Client directory "Not Restricted", will be displayed in the bottom window. 7. Choose a schedule to deploy the hardening. 8. Under "Targeting Criteria", in the "Action Group", select "All Computers" from the drop-down menu. 9. Click "Deploy Action". 10. Verify settings. 11. Click "Show Client Status Details".

The Tanium cryptographic signing capabilities must be enabled on the Tanium Clients to safeguard the authenticity of communications sessions when answering requests from the Tanium Server.
- Medium - CCI-003992 - V-253807 - SV-253807r986565_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253807
Rule IDs
  • SV-253807r986565_rule
All of Tanium's signing capabilities should be enabled upon install. Tanium supports the cryptographic signing and verification before execution of all Sensors, Questions, Actions, Sensor Libraries, File Shards, etc. Enabling signing removes the ability of an attacker to conduct man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks for remote code execution and precludes the modification of the aforementioned data elements in transit. Additionally, Tanium supports object-level signing for content ingested into the Tanium platform. This allows for the detection and rejection of changes to objects (sensors, actions, etc.) by even a privileged user within Tanium. Tanium has built-in signing capabilities enabled by default when installed. Cryptographic signing and verification of all Sensors, Questions, Actions, Sensor Libraries, File Shards, etc., before execution will be enforced by Tanium. Signing will prevent MitM remote code execution attacks and will protect data element in transit. Tanium also supports object-level signing for content within the Tanium platform. Satisfies: SRG-APP-000219
Checks: C-57259r842447_chk

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Configuration", select "Platform Settings". 4. In the "Filter Items" search box, type "AllQuestionsRequireSignatureFlag". 5. Click "Enter". If no results are returned, this is a finding. If results are returned for "AllQuestionsRequireSignatureFlag" but the value is not "1", this is a finding.

Fix: F-57210r842448_fix

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Configuration", select "Platform Settings". 4. Click "Create Setting". 5. Select "Client" box for "Setting Type". 6. In "Create Platform Setting" dialog box, enter "AllQuestionsRequireSignatureFlag" for " Name". 7. Select "Numeric" radio button for "Value Type". 8. Enter "1" for "Value". 9. Click "Save".

Firewall rules must be configured on the Tanium endpoints for client-to-server communications.
CM-7 - Medium - CCI-000382 - V-253808 - SV-253808r997245_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253808
Rule IDs
  • SV-253808r997245_rule
In addition to the client-to-server TCP communication that takes place over port 17472, Tanium Clients also communicate to other Tanium-managed computers over port 17472. Without proper firewall configurations, proper TCP communications may not take place as necessary for application functionality. The Tanium environment can perform hundreds or thousands of times faster than other security or systems management tools because the Tanium Clients communicate in secure, linearly controlled peer-to-peer rings. Because clients dynamically communicate with other nearby agents based on proximity and latency, rings tend to form automatically to match a customer's topology. For example, endpoints in California will form one ring while endpoints in Germany will form a separate ring.
Checks: C-57260r842450_chk

Note: This check is performed for the Tanium endpoints and must be validated against the enterprise firewall solution (e.g., Endpoint Security Solution Firewall, Microsoft Windows Defender Firewall setting, Microsoft Advance Threat Protection Firewall, etc.) policies applied to the endpoints. 1. Consult with the personnel who maintain the Enterprise Security Suite configuration for assistance. 2. Validate a rule exists within the firewall policies for managed clients for the following: Port Needed: Tanium Clients or Zone Clients over TCP port 17472, bidirectionally. If a host-based firewall rule does not exist to allow TCP port 17472, bidirectionally, this is a finding. 3. Consult with the boundary network firewall administrator and validate rules exist for the following: Allow TCP traffic on port 17472 from any computer to be managed on a local area network to any other computer to be managed on the same local area network. If a network firewall rule does not exist to allow TCP port 17472 from any managed computer to any other managed computer on the same local area network, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57211r842451_fix

1. Consult with the personnel who maintain the Enterprise Security Suite to configure host-based and network firewall rules to allow the following: Tanium Clients or Zone Clients over TCP port 17472, bidirectionally. 2. Consult with the boundary network firewall administrator to create a rule to allow the following: TCP traffic on port 17472 from any computer to be managed on a local area network to any other computer to be managed on the same local area network.

Control of the Tanium Client service must be restricted to SYSTEM access only for all managed clients.
AC-3 - Medium - CCI-002165 - V-253809 - SV-253809r997246_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253809
Rule IDs
  • SV-253809r997246_rule
The reliability of the Tanium client's ability to operate depends on controlling access to the Tanium client service. By restricting access to SYSTEM access only, the non-Tanium system administrator will not have the ability to impact operability of the service.
Checks: C-57261r842453_chk

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Actions", select "Scheduled Actions". 4. Look for a scheduled action titled "Client Service Hardening - Allow Only Local SYSTEM to Control Service". If a scheduled action titled "Client Service Hardening - Allow Only Local SYSTEM to Control Service" does not exist, this is a finding. 5. If the scheduled action exists, select it. If it is not approved (the "Approve" button at the top of the section will be displayed if not approved), this is a finding. If the scheduled action exists and has been approved but does not restrict control of the Tanium Client service to Allow Only Local SYSTEM to Control Service, this is a finding. If the action is not configured to repeat at least every 12 hours, this is a finding. If the scheduled action is not targeted at an "All Computers" Action Group, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57212r842454_fix

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 3. Click "Interact". 4. In "Categories" section, select box for "Client Service Hardening". 5. In "Dashboards" section, select "Control Service State Permissions". 6. The results will show a "Count" of clients matching the "Service Control is set to default permissions" query. 7. Select the result line for "Service Control is set to default permissions". 8. Choose "Deploy Action". 9. In the Deployment Package drop-down, select "Client Service Hardening - Allow Only Local SYSTEM to Control Service". 10. Configure the schedule to repeat at least every 12 hours for the requested action. 11. Under "Targeting Criteria", in the Action Group, select "All Computers" from the drop-down menu. 12. Click "Show preview to continue". 13. Noncompliant systems will be displayed at the bottom. 14. Click "Deploy Action". 15. Verify settings. 16. Click "Show Client Status Details".

The ability to uninstall the Tanium Client service must be disabled on all managed clients.
AC-3 - Medium - CCI-002165 - V-253810 - SV-253810r997247_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253810
Rule IDs
  • SV-253810r997247_rule
By default, end users have the ability to uninstall software on their clients. In the event the Tanium Client software is uninstalled, the Tanium Server is unable to manage the client and must redeploy to the client. Preventing the software from being displayed in the client's Add/Remove Programs will lessen the risk of the software being uninstalled by non-Tanium system administrators.
Checks: C-57262r842456_chk

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Actions", select "Scheduled Actions". 4. Look for a scheduled action titled "Client Service Hardening - Hide Client from Add-Remove Programs". 5. If a scheduled action titled "Client Service Hardening - Hide Client from Add-Remove Programs" does not exist, this is a finding. If the scheduled action exists, select it. If it is not approved (the "Approve" button at the top of the section will be displayed if not approved), this is a finding. If the scheduled action exists and has been approved but does not disable the visibility of the client in Add-Remove Programs, this is a finding. If the action is not configured to repeat at least every 12 hours, this is a finding. If the scheduled action is not targeted at an "All Computers" Action Group, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57213r842457_fix

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 3. Click "Interact". 4. In "Categories" section, select box for "Client Service Hardening". 5. In "Dashboard" section, select "Hide From Add-Remove Program". 6. The results will show a "Count" of clients matching the "Tanium Client Visible in Add-Remove Programs" query. 7. Select the result line. 8. Choose "Deploy Action". 9. The "Deploy Action" dialog box will display "Client Service Hardening - Hide Client from Add-Remove Programs" as the package. The computer names comprising the "Count" of noncompliant systems will be displayed in the bottom. 10. From the Deployment Package drop-down, select "Client Service Hardening - Hide Client from Add-Remove Programs". 11. Configure the schedule to repeat at least every 12 hours for the requested action. 12. Under "Targeting Criteria", in the Action Group, select "All Computers" from the drop-down menu. 13. Click "Show preview to continue". Noncompliant systems will be displayed in the bottom. 14. Click "Deploy Action". 15. Verify settings. 16. Click "Show Client Status Details".

The permissions on the Tanium Client directory must be restricted to only the SYSTEM account on all managed clients.
AC-3 - Medium - CCI-002165 - V-253811 - SV-253811r997248_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253811
Rule IDs
  • SV-253811r997248_rule
By restricting access to the Tanium Client directory on managed clients, the Tanium client's ability to operate and function as designed will be protected from malicious attack and unintentional modifications by end users.
Checks: C-57263r842459_chk

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Actions", select "Scheduled Actions". 4. Look for a scheduled action titled "Client Service Hardening - Set SYSTEM only permissions on the Tanium Client directory". If a scheduled action titled "Client Service Hardening - Set SYSTEM only permissions on the Tanium Client directory" does not exist, this is a finding. If the scheduled action exists, select it. If it is not approved (the "Approve" button at the top of the section will be displayed if not approved), this is a finding. If the scheduled action exists and has been approved but does not disable the visibility of the client in Add-Remove Programs, this is a finding. If the action is not configured to repeat at least every 12 hours, this is a finding. If the scheduled action is not targeted at an "All Computers" Action Group, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57214r842460_fix

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 3. Click "Interact". 4. In "Categories" section, select box for "Client Service Hardening". 5. In "Dashboard" section, select "Set Client Directory Permissions". - The results will show a "Count" of clients' compliant and noncompliant hardening for the "Tanium Client Directory Permissions". - Noncompliant clients will have a count other than "0" for "Not Restricted" or "Error: No Permissions". 6. Select each of the "Not Restricted" or "Error: No Permissions" statuses. 7. Select "Deploy Action". 8. In the "Deploy Action" dialog box, change the package to "Client Service Hardening - Set SYSTEM only permissions on the Tanium Client directory" as the package. 9. Configure the schedule to repeat at least every 12 hours for the requested action. 10. Under "Targeting Criteria", in the Action Group, select "All Computers" from the drop-down menu. 11. Click "Show preview to continue". Noncompliant systems will be displayed in the bottom. 12. Click "Deploy Action". 13. Verify settings. 14. Click "Show Client Status Details".

Tanium Client directory and subsequent files must be excluded from On-Access scan.
CM-6 - Medium - CCI-000366 - V-253812 - SV-253812r997249_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253812
Rule IDs
  • SV-253812r997249_rule
Similar to any other host-based applications, the Tanium Client is subject to the restrictions other system-level software may place on an operating environment. Antivirus, intrusion prevention system (IPS), encryption, or other security and management stack software may disallow the Client from working as expected. For more information, refer to https://docs.tanium.com/platform_deployment_reference/platform_deployment_reference/security_exceptions.html?Highlight=exclusion.
Checks: C-57264r842462_chk

Review the settings of the antivirus software. Validate exclusions exist that exclude the Tanium Client directory and subsequent file interactions from On-Access scans. If exclusions do not exist, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57215r842463_fix

Implement exclusion policies within the antivirus software solution to exclude the On-Access scanning of Tanium Client directory and subsequent file interactions.

Tanium endpoint files must be excluded from host-based intrusion prevention system (HIPS) intervention.
CM-6 - Medium - CCI-000366 - V-253813 - SV-253813r997250_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253813
Rule IDs
  • SV-253813r997250_rule
Similar to any other host-based applications, the Tanium Client is subject to the restrictions other system-level software may place on an operating environment. Antivirus, intrusion prevention system (IPS), encryption, or other security and management stack software may disallow the Tanium Server from working as expected. For more information, refer to https://docs.tanium.com/platform_deployment_reference/platform_deployment_reference/security_exceptions.html?Highlight=exclusion.
Checks: C-57265r842465_chk

Consult with the Tanium system administrator to determine the HIPS software used on the Tanium Clients. Review the settings of the HIPS software. Validate exclusions exist that exclude the Tanium program files from being restricted by HIPS. If exclusions do not exist, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57216r842466_fix

Implement exclusion policies within the HIPS software solution to exclude the Tanium client program files from HIPS intervention.

The Tanium application must retain the session lock until the user reestablishes access using established identification and authentication procedures.
AC-11 - Medium - CCI-000060 - V-253814 - SV-253814r997251_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253814
Rule IDs
  • SV-253814r997251_rule
Unattended systems are susceptible to unauthorized use and should be locked when unattended. This protects critical and sensitive data from exposure to unauthorized personnel with physical access to the system.
Checks: C-57266r842468_chk

1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Run regedit as Administrator. 4. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE &gt;&gt; SOFTWARE &gt;&gt; Wow6432Node &gt;&gt; Tanium &gt;&gt; Tanium Server. 5. Validate the value for REG_DWORD "ForceSOAPSSLClientCert" is set to "1". 6. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE &gt;&gt; SOFTWARE &gt;&gt; Wow6432Node &gt;&gt; Tanium &gt;&gt; Tanium Server. 7. Validate the following keys exist and are configured: REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuthField" For example: X509v3 Subject Alternative Name. REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuthRegex" For example-DoD: .+?Name:\s*?(\S+@[._a-zA-Z0-9]+).* Note: This regex may vary. REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuth" For example: C:\Program Files\Tanium\Tanium Server\dod.pem If the value for REG_DWORD "ForceSOAPSSLClientCert" is not set to "1" and the remaining registry values are not configured, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57217r842469_fix

Use the vendor documentation titled "Smart card authentication" to implement correct configuration settings for this requirement. Vendor documentation can be downloaded from https://docs.tanium.com/platform_deployment_reference/platform_deployment_reference/smart_card_authentication.html?Highlight=cac. 1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Run regedit as Administrator. 4. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Wow6432Node >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. 5. Validate the value for REG_DWORD "ForceSOAPSSLClientCert" is set to "1". 6. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Wow6432Node >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. 7. Configure the following keys: REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuthField" For example: X509v3 Subject Alternative Name. REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuthRegex" For example-DoD: .+?Name:\s*?(\S+@[._a-zA-Z0-9]+).* Note: This regex may vary. REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuth" For example: C:\Program Files\Tanium\Tanium Server\dod.pem

The Tanium Application Server must be configured with a connector to sync to Microsoft Active Directory for account management functions.
SC-3 - Medium - CCI-001084 - V-253815 - SV-253815r986566_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253815
Rule IDs
  • SV-253815r986566_rule
By restricting access to the Tanium Server to only Microsoft Active Directory, user accounts and related permissions can be strictly monitored. Account management will be under the operational responsibility of the system administrator for the Windows Operating System Active Directory. Satisfies: SRG-APP-000317
Checks: C-57267r842471_chk

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Configuration", select "LDAP/AD Sync Configurations". 4. Verify a sync exists under "Enabled Servers". If no sync exists, this is a finding. If sync exists under "Disabled Servers" and there are no Enabled Servers, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57218r842472_fix

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Configuration", select "LDAP/AD Sync Configurations". 4. Click "Add Server". 5. Complete the settings using guidance from https://docs.tanium.com/platform_user/platform_user/console_using_ldap.html. 6. Click "Show Preview to Continue". 7. Review the users and groups to be imported. 8. Click "Save".

The Tanium Application Server must be configured to only use LDAP for account management functions.
AC-2 - Medium - CCI-000015 - V-253816 - SV-253816r997252_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253816
Rule IDs
  • SV-253816r997252_rule
Enterprise environments make application account management challenging and complex. A manual process for account management functions adds the risk of a potential oversight or other error. To reduce risk, the Tanium application must be configured to allow for LDAP to provide account management functions that immediately enforce the organization's current account policy.
Checks: C-57268r842474_chk

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Configuration", select "LDAP/AD Sync Configurations". 4. Ensure LDAP sync is enabled. If LDAP is not enabled, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57219r842475_fix

Vendor documentation can be downloaded from https://docs.tanium.com/platform_user/platform_user/console_using_ldap.html?Highlight=LDAP. 1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Configuration", select "LDAP/AD Sync Configurations". 4. Follow the vendor documentation titled "Integrating with LDAP Servers" to implement correct configuration settings for this requirement.

Tanium Computer Groups must be used to restrict console users from effecting changes to unauthorized computers.
AC-3 - Medium - CCI-000213 - V-253817 - SV-253817r997253_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253817
Rule IDs
  • SV-253817r997253_rule
Computer Groups allow a site running Tanium to assign responsibility of specific Computer Groups to specific Tanium console users. By doing so, a desktop administrator, for example, will not have the ability to enforce an action against a high-visibility server. For large sites, it is crucial to have the Computer Groups. While a smaller site might not seem to require Computer Groups, creating them provides for a cleaner implementation. All sites will be required to have some kind of Computer Groups configured other than the default "All Computers".
Checks: C-57269r842477_chk

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium Application, access the Tanium Application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Select the "Computer Groups" tab. 4. Under the "Name" column, verify organization-specific computer groups match organization-defined list in the system security plan (SSP). If site- or organization-specific computer groups do not match or exist, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57220r842478_fix

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium Server, access the Tanium Server web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Select the "Computer Groups" tab. 4. Configure specific Computer Groups to facilitate the management of computers by authorized individuals for those computers. Note: Tanium offers two ways to define computer groups. Refer to the following documentation for explanation: https://docs.tanium.com/platform_user/platform_user/console_computer_groups.html#Computer_Group_types

Documentation identifying Tanium console users, their respective User Groups, Computer Groups, and Roles must be maintained.
AC-3 - Medium - CCI-000213 - V-253818 - SV-253818r997254_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253818
Rule IDs
  • SV-253818r997254_rule
System access should be reviewed periodically to verify that all Tanium users are assigned the appropriate functional role, with the least privileged access possible to perform assigned tasks being the recommended best practice to avoid unauthorized access.
Checks: C-57270r842480_chk

Consult with the Tanium system administrator to review the documented list of Tanium users. The users' User Groups, Roles, Computer Groups, and correlated LDAP security groups must be documented. If the documentation does not exist or is missing any Tanium users and their respective User Groups, Roles, Computer Groups, and correlated LDAP security groups, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57221r842481_fix

Prepare and maintain documentation identifying the Tanium console users and their respective User Groups, Roles, Computer Groups, and associated LDAP security groups.

The Tanium application must be configured to use Tanium User Groups in a manner consistent with the model outlined in the environment's system documentation.
AC-3 - Medium - CCI-000213 - V-253819 - SV-253819r997255_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253819
Rule IDs
  • SV-253819r997255_rule
It is important for information system owners to document authorized User Groups for the Tanium application to avoid unauthorized access to systems. Misaligned implementation of User Groups grants excessive access and results in potential compromise of "need-to-know" for information access.
Checks: C-57271r842483_chk

1. Consult with the Tanium system administrator to review the documented list of Tanium User Groups. 2. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 3. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 4. Under "Permissions", select "User Groups". 5. Click each User Group and compare both the User Group name and the assigned Role(s) to the system documentation. If any users have access to Tanium and their User Group is not on the list of documented User Groups with the appropriate Role(s), this is a finding.

Fix: F-57222r842484_fix

Consult the documentation identifying the Tanium User Groups and their respective Role(s). 1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Permissions", select "User Groups". 4. Click each User Group and add any missing Role(s). 5. For any missing User Groups, make the appropriate adjustments in LDAP.

Documentation identifying Tanium console users and their respective Computer Group rights must be maintained.
AC-3 - Medium - CCI-000213 - V-253820 - SV-253820r997256_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253820
Rule IDs
  • SV-253820r997256_rule
System access should be reviewed periodically to verify all Tanium users are assigned the appropriate computer groups, with the least privileged access possible to perform assigned tasks. Users who have been removed from the documentation should no longer be configured as a Tanium Console User.
Checks: C-57272r842486_chk

Consult with the Tanium system administrator to review the documented list of Tanium users and their respective, approved Computer Group rights. If the documented list does not have the Tanium users and their respective, approved Computer Group rights documented, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57223r842487_fix

Prepare and maintain documentation identifying the Tanium console users and their respective Computer Group rights.

Multifactor authentication must be enabled on the Tanium Server for network access with privileged accounts.
IA-2 - High - CCI-000765 - V-253821 - SV-253821r986563_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253821
Rule IDs
  • SV-253821r986563_rule
The Tanium application must be configured to use multifactor authentication. Without the use of multifactor authentication, the ease of access to privileged functions is greatly increased. Multifactor authentication requires using two or more factors to achieve authentication. Factors include: 1. Something a user knows (e.g., password/PIN); 2. Something a user has (e.g., cryptographic identification device, token); or 3. Something a user is (e.g., biometric). A privileged account is defined as an information system account with authorizations of a privileged user. Network access is defined as access to an information system by a user (or a process acting on behalf of a user) communicating through a network (e.g., local area network, wide area network, or the internet). Satisfies: SRG-APP-000151
Checks: C-57273r842489_chk

1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Run regedit as Administrator. 4. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE &gt;&gt; SOFTWARE &gt;&gt; WOW6432Node &gt;&gt; Tanium &gt;&gt; Tanium Server. 5. Validate the value for REG_DWORD "ForceSOAPSSLClientCert" is set to "1". 6. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE &gt;&gt; SOFTWARE &gt;&gt; WOW6432Node &gt;&gt; Tanium &gt;&gt; Tanium Server. 7. Validate the following keys exist and are configured: REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuthField" For example: X509v3 Subject Alternative Name REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuthRegex" For example-DoD: .+?Name:\s*?(\S+@[._a-zA-Z0-9]+).* Note: This regex may vary. REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuth" For example: C:\Program Files\Tanium\Tanium Server\cac.pem REG_SZ "TrustedHostList" For example: (for IPv4) and [::1] (for IPv6) If the value for REG_DWORD "ForceSOAPSSLClientCert" is not set to "1" and the remaining registry values are not configured, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57224r842490_fix

Use the vendor documentation titled "Smartcard authentication" to implement correct configuration settings for this requirement. The documentation is at https://docs.tanium.com/platform_deployment_reference/platform_deployment_reference/smart_card_authentication.html?Highlight=cac. 1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Run regedit as Administrator. 4. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> WOW6432Node >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. 5. Validate the value for REG_DWORD "ForceSOAPSSLClientCert" is set to "1". 6. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> WOW6432Node >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. 7. Configure the following keys: REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuthField" For example: X509v3 Subject Alternative Name REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuthRegex" For example-DoD: .+?Name:\s*?(\S+@[._a-zA-Z0-9]+).* Note: This regex may vary. REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuth" For example: C:\Program Files\Tanium\Tanium Server\cac.pem REG_SZ "TrustedHostList" For example: Append (for IPv4) and [::1] (for IPv6)

Firewall rules must be configured on the Tanium Server for Console-to-Server communications.
CM-7 - Medium - CCI-001762 - V-253822 - SV-253822r997257_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253822
Rule IDs
  • SV-253822r997257_rule
An HTML5-based application, the Tanium Console runs from any device with a browser that supports HTML5. For security, the HTTP and SOAP communication to the Tanium Server is SSL encrypted, so the Tanium Server installer configures the server to listen for HTTP and SOAP requests on port 443. Without a proper connection to the Tanium Server, access to the system capabilities could be denied. Port Needed: To Tanium Server over TCP port 443. Network firewall rules: Allow HTTP traffic on TCP port 443 from any computer on the internal network to the Tanium Server device. For more information, refer to https://docs.tanium.com/platform_install/platform_install/reference_network_ports.html.
Checks: C-57274r842492_chk

Consult with the Tanium system administrator to verify which firewall is being used as a host-based firewall on the Tanium Server. 1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Access the host-based firewall configuration on the Tanium Server. 4. Validate a rule exists for the following: Port Needed: From only designated Tanium console user clients to Tanium Server over TCP port 443. If a host-based firewall rule does not exist to allow only designated Tanium console user clients to Tanium Server over TCP port 443, this is a finding. Consult with the network firewall administrator and validate rules exist for the following: Allow TCP traffic from only designated Tanium console user clients to Tanium Server over TCP ports 443. If a network firewall rule does not exist to allow traffic from only designated Tanium console user clients to Tanium Server over TCP port 443, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57225r842493_fix

1. Configure host-based firewall rules on the Tanium Server to include the following required traffic: Allow TCP traffic on port 433 to the Tanium Server from designated Tanium console user clients. Configure the network firewall to allow the above traffic.

The publicly accessible Tanium application must display the Standard Mandatory DoD Notice and Consent Banner before granting access to the application.
AC-8 - Medium - CCI-000048 - V-253823 - SV-253823r960843_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253823
Rule IDs
  • SV-253823r960843_rule
Display of a standardized and approved use notification before granting access to the publicly accessible application ensures privacy and security notification verbiage used is consistent with applicable federal laws, Executive Orders, directives, policies, regulations, standards, and guidance. System use notifications are required only for access via logon interfaces with human users and are not required when such human interfaces do not exist. The banner must be formatted in accordance with DTM-08-060. Use the following verbiage for desktops, laptops, and other devices accommodating banners of 1300 characters: "You are accessing a U.S. Government (USG) Information System (IS) that is provided for USG-authorized use only. By using this IS (which includes any device attached to this IS), you consent to the following conditions: -The USG routinely intercepts and monitors communications on this IS for purposes including, but not limited to, penetration testing, COMSEC monitoring, network operations and defense, personnel misconduct (PM), law enforcement (LE), and counterintelligence (CI) investigations. -At any time, the USG may inspect and seize data stored on this IS. -Communications using, or data stored on, this IS are not private, are subject to routine monitoring, interception, and search, and may be disclosed or used for any USG-authorized purpose. -This IS includes security measures (e.g., authentication and access controls) to protect USG interests--not for your personal benefit or privacy. -Notwithstanding the above, using this IS does not constitute consent to PM, LE or CI investigative searching or monitoring of the content of privileged communications, or work product, related to personal representation or services by attorneys, psychotherapists, or clergy, and their assistants. Such communications and work product are private and confidential. See User Agreement for details." Satisfies: SRG-APP-000069; SRG-APP-000070
Checks: C-57275r842495_chk

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Verify the DoD use notification displays prior to login: "You are accessing a U.S. Government (USG) Information System (IS) that is provided for USG-authorized use only. By using this IS (which includes any device attached to this IS), you consent to the following conditions: The USG routinely intercepts and monitors communications on this IS for purposes including, but not limited to, penetration testing, COMSEC monitoring, network operations and defense, personnel misconduct (PM), law enforcement (LE), and counterintelligence (CI) investigations. At any time, the USG may inspect and seize data stored on this IS. Communications using, or data stored on, this IS are not private, are subject to routine monitoring, interception, and search, and may be disclosed or used for any USG-authorized purpose. This IS includes security measures (e.g., authentication and access controls) to protect USG interests--not for your personal benefit or privacy. Notwithstanding the above, using this IS does not constitute consent to PM, LE or CI investigative searching or monitoring of the content of privileged communications, or work product, related to personal representation or services by attorneys, psychotherapists, or clergy, and their assistants. Such communications and work product are private and confidential. See User Agreement for details." If a DoD-approved use notification banner does not display prior to logon or cannot be acknowledged before granting access, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57226r842496_fix

1. Create a .html file composed of the DoD-authorized warning banner verbiage: "You are accessing a U.S. Government (USG) Information System (IS) that is provided for USG-authorized use only. By using this IS (which includes any device attached to this IS), you consent to the following conditions: The USG routinely intercepts and monitors communications on this IS for purposes including, but not limited to, penetration testing, COMSEC monitoring, network operations and defense, personnel misconduct (PM), law enforcement (LE), and counterintelligence (CI) investigations. At any time, the USG may inspect and seize data stored on this IS. Communications using, or data stored on, this IS are not private, are subject to routine monitoring, interception, and search, and may be disclosed or used for any USG-authorized purpose. This IS includes security measures (e.g., authentication and access controls) to protect USG interests--not for your personal benefit or privacy. Notwithstanding the above, using this IS does not constitute consent to PM, LE or CI investigative searching or monitoring of the content of privileged communications, or work product, related to personal representation or services by attorneys, psychotherapists, or clergy, and their assistants. Such communications and work product are private and confidential. See User Agreement for details." 2. Name the file "warning_banner.html". 3. Copy the .html file to the Tanium Server's http folder "<drive>:\Program Files\Tanium\Tanium Server\http\". 4. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 5. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 6. Under "Configuration", select "Platform Settings". 7. Click "Create Setting". 8. Select "Server" box from "Setting Type". 9. In "Create Platform Setting" dialog box, enter "console_PreLoginBannerHTML" for "Name". 10. Select "Text" radio button from "Value Type". 11. Enter "warning_banner.html" for "Value:". 12. Click "Save".

The Tanium application must alert the information system security officer and system administrator (at a minimum) in the event of an audit processing failure.
AU-5 - Medium - CCI-000139 - V-253824 - SV-253824r997258_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253824
Rule IDs
  • SV-253824r997258_rule
It is critical for the appropriate personnel to be aware if a system is at risk of failing to process audit logs as required. Without this notification, the security personnel may be unaware of an impending failure of the audit capability, and system operation may be adversely affected. Audit processing failures include software/hardware errors, failures in the audit capturing mechanisms, and audit storage capacity being reached or exceeded. This requirement applies to each audit data storage repository (i.e., distinct information system component where audit records are stored), the centralized audit storage capacity of organizations (i.e., all audit data storage repositories combined), or both.
Checks: C-57276r842498_chk

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 3. Click "Connect". 4. Review the configured Connections under "Connections" section. Work with the security information and event management (SIEM) administrator to determine if an alert is configured when audit data is no longer received as expected. If no alert is configured, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57227r842499_fix

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 3. Click "Connect". 4. Expand the left menu. 5. Click "Connections". 6. Configure a Connection for the "Tanium Audit Source" source from the Tanium Application to a SIEM tool. Work with the SIEM administrator to configure an alert when no audit data is received from Tanium based on the defined schedule of connections.

Tanium must notify system administrator and information system security officer (ISSO) when accounts are created.
AC-2 - Medium - CCI-000015 - V-253825 - SV-253825r997212_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253825
Rule IDs
  • SV-253825r997212_rule
Once an attacker establishes initial access to a system, the attacker often attempts to create a persistent method of reestablishing access. One way to accomplish this is for the attacker to create a new account. Notification of account creation is one method for mitigating this risk. A comprehensive account management process will ensure an audit trail, which documents the creation of application user accounts and notifies administrators and ISSOs. Such a process greatly reduces the risk that accounts will be surreptitiously created and provides logging that can be used for forensic purposes. To address access requirements, many application developers choose to integrate their applications with enterprise-level authentication/access/auditing mechanisms that meet or exceed access control policy requirements. Such integration allows the application developer to offload those access control functions and focus on core application features and functionality.
Checks: C-57277r842501_chk

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 3. Click "Connect". 4. Review the configured connections. If no sources exist to send audit logs from Tanium to a security information and event management (SIEM) tool or email destination, this is a finding. Work with the SIEM administrator to determine if an alert is configured when accounts are created. If no alert is configured, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57228r842502_fix

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 3. Click "Connect". 4. Click "Create Connection" in the "Connections" section. 5. Configure sources to send audit logs from the Tanium SQL Server to a SIEM tool or email destination. 6. Work with the email administrator to configure an email destination. 7. Work with the SIEM administrator to configure an alert when accounts are created.

Tanium must notify system administrators and the information system security officer (ISSO) when accounts are modified.
AC-2 - Medium - CCI-000015 - V-253826 - SV-253826r997213_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253826
Rule IDs
  • SV-253826r997213_rule
When application accounts are modified, user accessibility is affected. Accounts are utilized for identifying individual users or for identifying the application processes. Sending notification of account modification events to the system administrator and ISSO is one method for mitigating this risk. Such a capability greatly reduces the risk that application accessibility will be negatively affected for extended periods of time and also provides logging that can be used for forensic purposes. To address access requirements, many operating systems can be integrated with enterprise-level authentication/access/auditing mechanisms that meet or exceed access control policy requirements.
Checks: C-57278r842504_chk

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 3. Click "Connect". 4. Review the configured connections. If no sources exist to send audit logs from the Tanium Database to a security information and event management (SIEM) tool or email destination, this is a finding. Work with the SIEM administrator to determine if an alert is configured when accounts are modified. If no alert is configured, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57229r842505_fix

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 3. Click "Connect". 4. Click "Create Connection" in the "Connections" section. 5. Configure sources to send audit logs from the Tanium SQL Server to a SIEM tool or email destination. 6. Work with the email administrator to configure an email destination. 7. Work with the SIEM administrator to configure an alert when accounts are modified.

Tanium must notify the system administrator and information system security officer (ISSO) of account enabling actions.
AC-2 - Medium - CCI-000015 - V-253827 - SV-253827r997214_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253827
Rule IDs
  • SV-253827r997214_rule
Once an attacker establishes access to an application, the attacker often attempts to create a persistent method of reestablishing access. One way to accomplish this is for the attacker to enable a new or disabled account. Sending notification of account enabling events to the system administrator and ISSO is one method for mitigating this risk. Such a capability greatly reduces the risk that application accessibility will be negatively affected for extended periods of time and also provides logging that can be used for forensic purposes. To detect and respond to events that affect user accessibility and application processing, applications must notify the appropriate individuals so they can investigate the event. To address access requirements, many application developers choose to integrate their applications with enterprise-level authentication/access/auditing mechanisms that meet or exceed access control policy requirements. Such integration allows the application developer to offload those access control functions and focus on core application features and functionality.
Checks: C-57279r842507_chk

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 3. Click "Connect". 4. Review the configured sources. If no sources exists to send audit logs from the Tanium SQL Server to a security information and event management (SIEM) tool or email destination, this is a finding. Work with the SIEM administrator to determine if an alert is configured when account-enabling actions are performed. If no alert is configured, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57230r842508_fix

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 3. Click "Connect". 4. Configure sources to send audit logs from the Tanium SQL Server to a SIEM tool or email destination. 5. Work with the email administrator to configure an email destination. 6. Work with the SIEM administrator to configure an alert when account-enabling actions are performed.

Multifactor authentication must be enabled and enforced on the Tanium Server for all access and all accounts.
IA-2 - Medium - CCI-000764 - V-253828 - SV-253828r986564_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253828
Rule IDs
  • SV-253828r986564_rule
To ensure accountability and prevent unauthenticated access, organizational users must be identified and authenticated to prevent potential misuse and compromise of the system. Organizational users include organizational employees or individuals the organization deems to have equivalent status of employees (e.g., contractors). Organizational users (and any processes acting on behalf of users) must be uniquely identified and authenticated for all accesses, except the following. 1. Accesses explicitly identified and documented by the organization. Organizations document specific user actions that can be performed on the information system without identification or authentication; and 2. Accesses that occur through authorized use of group authenticators without individual authentication. Organizations may require unique identification of individuals in group accounts (e.g., shared privilege accounts) or for detailed accountability of individual activity. Satisfies: SRG-APP-000080; SRG-APP-000403; SRG-APP-000156; SRG-APP-000005; SRG-APP-000150; SRG-APP-000152
Checks: C-57280r842510_chk

1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Run regedit as Administrator. 4. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE &gt;&gt; SOFTWARE &gt;&gt; WOW6432Node &gt;&gt; Tanium &gt;&gt; Tanium Server. 5. Validate the value for REG_DWORD "ForceSOAPSSLClientCert" is set to "1". 6. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE &gt;&gt; SOFTWARE &gt;&gt; WOW6432Node &gt;&gt; Tanium &gt;&gt; Tanium Server. 7. Validate the following keys exist and are configured: REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuthField" For example: X509v3 Subject Alternative Name REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuthRegex" For example-DoD: .+?Name:\s*?(\S+@[._a-zA-Z0-9]+).* Note: This regex may vary. REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuth" For example: E:\Program Files\Tanium\Tanium Server\cac.pem REG_SZ "TrustedHostList" For example: (for IPv4) and [::1] (for IPv6) If the value for REG_DWORD "ForceSOAPSSLClientCert" is not set to "1" and the remaining required registry values are not configured, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57231r842511_fix

Use the vendor documentation titled "Smart card authentication" to implement correct configuration settings for this requirement. Vendor documentation can be downloaded from https://docs.tanium.com/platform_deployment_reference/platform_deployment_reference/smart_card_authentication.html?Highlight=cac. 1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Run regedit as Administrator. 4. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> WOW6432Node >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. 5. Configure the value for REG_DWORD "ForceSOAPSSLClientCert" to "1". 6. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> WOW6432Node >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. 7. Configure the following keys: REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuthField" For example: X509v3 Subject Alternative Name REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuthRegex" For example-DoD: .+?Name:\s*?(\S+@[._a-zA-Z0-9]+).* Note: This regex may vary. REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuth" For example: E:\Program Files\Tanium\Tanium Server\cac.pem REG_SZ "TrustedHostList" For example: Append (for IPv4) and [::1] (for IPv6)

Tanium must notify system administrators and the information system security officer (ISSO) for account disabling actions.
AC-2 - Medium - CCI-000015 - V-253829 - SV-253829r997215_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253829
Rule IDs
  • SV-253829r997215_rule
When application accounts are disabled, user accessibility is affected. Accounts are utilized for identifying individual users or for identifying the application processes. Sending notification of account disabling events to the system administrator and ISSO is one method for mitigating this risk. Such a capability greatly reduces the risk that application accessibility will be negatively affected for extended periods of time and also provides logging that can be used for forensic purposes. To address access requirements, many operating systems can be integrated with enterprise-level authentication/access/auditing mechanisms that meet or exceed access control policy requirements.
Checks: C-57281r842513_chk

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 3. Click "Connect". 4. Review the configured connections. If no sources exist to send audit logs from the Tanium SQL Server to a security information and event management (SIEM) tool or email destination, this is a finding. Work with the SIEM administrator to determine if an alert is configured when accounts are disabled. If no alert is configured, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57232r842514_fix

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 3. Click "Connect". 4. Click "Create Connection" in the "Connections" section. 5. Configure sources to send audit logs from the Tanium SQL Server to a SIEM tool or email destination. 6. Work with the email administrator to configure an email destination. 7. Work with the SIEM administrator to configure an alert when accounts are modified.

Tanium must notify system administrators and the information system security officer (ISSO) for account removal actions.
AC-2 - Medium - CCI-000015 - V-253830 - SV-253830r997216_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253830
Rule IDs
  • SV-253830r997216_rule
When application accounts are removed, user accessibility is affected. Accounts are utilized for identifying users or for identifying the application processes. Sending notification of account removal events to the system administrator and ISSO is one method for mitigating this risk. Such a capability greatly reduces the risk that application accessibility will be negatively affected for extended periods of time and also provides logging that can be used for forensic purposes. To address access requirements, many operating systems can be integrated with enterprise-level authentication/access/auditing mechanisms that meet or exceed access control policy requirements.
Checks: C-57282r842516_chk

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 3. Click "Connect". 4. Review the configured connections. If no sources exist to send audit logs from the Tanium SQL Server to a security information and event management (SIEM) tool or email destination, this is a finding. Work with the SIEM administrator to determine if an alert is configured when accounts are deleted. If no alert is configured, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57233r842517_fix

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 3. Click "Connect". 4. Configure sources to send audit logs from the Tanium SQL Server to a SIEM tool or email destination. 5. Work with the email administrator to configure an email destination. 6. Work with the SIEM administrator to configure an alert when accounts are deleted.

The Tanium application must prohibit user installation, modification, or deletion of software without explicit privileged status.
AU-9 - Medium - CCI-001493 - V-253831 - SV-253831r960939_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253831
Rule IDs
  • SV-253831r960939_rule
Allowing regular users to install, modify, or delete software, without explicit privileges, creates the risk that the application performs in a manner inconsistent with its design. Explicit privileges (escalated or administrative privileges) provide the regular user with explicit capabilities and control that exceed the rights of a regular user. Application functionality will vary, and while users are not permitted to install unapproved applications, there may be instances where the organization allows the user to install approved software packages, such as from an approved software repository. The application must enforce software installation by users based on what types of software installations are permitted (e.g., updates and security patches to existing software) and what types of installations are prohibited (e.g., software whose pedigree with regard to being potentially malicious is unknown or suspect) by the organization. Satisfies: SRG-APP-000122; SRG-APP-000123
Checks: C-57283r842519_chk

1. Consult with the Tanium system administrator to review the documented list of Tanium users. 2. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 3. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 4. Under "Permissions", select "Users". 5. Review the users' respective approved roles, as well as the correlated LDAP security group for the User Roles. 6. Validate LDAP security groups/Tanium roles are documented to assign least privileged access to the functions of the Tanium Server through the Tanium interface. If the documentation does not reflect a granular, least privileged access approach to the LDAP Groups/Tanium Roles assignment, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57234r842520_fix

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Permissions", select "Users". 4. Analyze the users configured in the Tanium interface. 5. Determine least privileged access required for each user to perform their respective duties. 6. Move users to the appropriate LDAP security group to ensure the user is synced to the appropriate Tanium User Role. 7. If the appropriate LDAP security groups are not already configured, create the groups and add the appropriate users. 8. Ensure LDAP sync repopulates the Tanium Users' associated Roles accordingly.

The Tanium database(s) must be installed on a separate system.
AC-23 - Medium - CCI-002346 - V-253832 - SV-253832r997259_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253832
Rule IDs
  • SV-253832r997259_rule
Failure to protect organizational information from data mining may result in a compromise of information. Data storage objects include, for example, databases, database records, and database fields. Data mining prevention and detection techniques include, for example, limiting the types of responses provided to database queries; limiting the number/frequency of database queries to increase the work factor needed to determine the contents of such databases; and notifying organizational personnel when atypical database queries or accesses occur.
Checks: C-57284r842522_chk

Note: If the customer is using a Tanium Appliance, this is not applicable. Consult with the Tanium system administrator to determine the server to which the database has been installed and is configured. 1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to each Tanium Application Server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Verify Tanium Module Service is not running on both servers. 4. Verify SQL Server Services are not running on both servers. If the Tanium Module Service is running on either server, this is a finding. If SQL Server Services are running on either server, this is a finding. If the database is installed on the same server as the Tanium Server or Tanium Module Server, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57235r842523_fix

Move the Tanium database from the Tanium Server or Tanium Module Server to a separate server. Steps to move the Tanium database can be found at https://docs.tanium.com/platform_install/platform_install/installing_tanium_server.html#set_up_DB_server.

The Tanium application database must be dedicated to only the Tanium application.
AC-23 - Medium - CCI-002346 - V-253833 - SV-253833r997260_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253833
Rule IDs
  • SV-253833r997260_rule
Failure to protect organizational information from data mining may result in a compromise of information. Data storage objects include, for example, databases, database records, and database fields. Data mining prevention and detection techniques include, for example, limiting the types of responses provided to database queries; limiting the number/frequency of database queries to increase the work factor needed to determine the contents of such databases; and notifying organizational personnel when atypical database queries or accesses occur.
Checks: C-57285r842525_chk

With the Tanium system administrator's assistance, access the server on which the Tanium database(s) is installed. 1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to each Tanium Application Server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Verify SQL Server Services are not running on both servers. If SQL Server Services are running on either server, this is a finding. Review the Tanium database(s). If databases related to products other than Tanium exist in the Tanium database, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57236r842526_fix

Move the Tanium database from the server hosting multiple databases for products other than Tanium or remove other product databases co-located with Tanium database(s).

The access to the Tanium SQL database must be restricted. Only the designated database administrator(s) can have elevated privileges to the Tanium SQL database.
- Medium - CCI-003938 - V-253834 - SV-253834r997217_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253834
Rule IDs
  • SV-253834r997217_rule
After the Tanium Server has been installed and the Tanium databases created, only the Tanium Server needs to access the SQL Server database.
Checks: C-57286r842528_chk

1. Access the Tanium SQL server interactively. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Open SQL Server Management Studio. 4. Connect to a Tanium instance of SQL Server. 5. In the left pane, click "Databases". 6. Select the Tanium database. 7. Click "Security". 8. Click "Users". 9. In the "Users" pane, review the roles assigned to the user accounts. (Note: This does not apply to service accounts.) 10. Select the Tanium_archive database. 11. Click "Security". 12. Click "Users". 13. In the "Users" pane, review the roles assigned to the user accounts. (Note: This does not apply to service accounts.) If any user account has an elevated privilege role other than the assigned database administrators, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57237r842529_fix

1. Access the Tanium SQL server interactively. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Open SQL Server Management Studio. 4. Connect to a Tanium instance of SQL Server. 5. In the left pane, click "Databases". 6. Select the Tanium database. 7. Click "Security". 8. Click "Users". 9. In the "Users" pane, review the roles assigned to the user accounts. (Note: This does not apply to service accounts.) 10. Select the Tanium_archive database. 11. Click "Security". 12. Click "Users". 13. Adjust user roles as necessary. (Note: This does not apply to service accounts.)

The Tanium Server installer's account database permissions must be reduced to an appropriate level.
- Medium - CCI-003938 - V-253835 - SV-253835r997218_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253835
Rule IDs
  • SV-253835r997218_rule
Creating the "tanium" and "tanium_archive" databases through the Tanium Server installer program or using the database to create SQL scripts requires Sysadmin-level permissions. Once the databases have been created, the Tanium Server services must be configured to execute under an account that holds at least the Database Owner (dbo) role on both databases. Post-installation, if the account used to configure the Tanium Server services to access the remote SQL database server holds only the Database Owner role, rather than the sysadmin role, grant this account the View Server State permission on the SQL Server. This dynamic management view enables the Tanium Server to access data faster than the dbo role alone.
Checks: C-57287r842531_chk

1. Access the Tanium SQL server interactively. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Open SQL Server Management Studio. 4. Connect to Tanium instance of SQL Server. 5. In the left pane, click "Databases". 6. Select the Tanium database. 7. Click "Security". 8. Click "Users". 9. In the "Users" pane, review the role assigned to the Tanium Server service user account. 10. In the left pane, click "Databases". 11. Select the Tanium_archive database. 12. Click "Security". 13. Click "Users". 14. In the "Users" pane, review the role assigned to the Tanium Server service user account. 15. If the role assigned to the Tanium Server service account is not "db_owner", this is a finding. 16. If using Postgres: Only owners of objects can change them. To view all functions, triggers, and trigger procedures, and their ownership and source, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -x -c "\df+"

Fix: F-57238r842532_fix

1. Access the Tanium SQL server interactively. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Open SQL Server Management Studio. 4. Connect to Tanium instance of SQL Server. 5. In the left pane, click "Databases". 6. Select the Tanium database. 7. Click "Security". 8. Click "Users". 9. In the "Users" pane, right-click the Tanium Server service user account. 10. On the shortcut menu, click "Properties". 11. Under Database role membership, change role from "sysadmin" to "db_owner". 12. Click "OK". 13. In the left pane, click "Databases". 14. Select the Tanium_archive database. 15. Click "Security". 16. Click "Users". 17. In the "Users" pane, right-click the Tanium Server service user account. 18. On the shortcut menu, click "Properties". 19. Under Database role membership, change role from "sysadmin" to "db_owner". 20. Click "OK" 21. If using Postgres: Configure PostgreSQL to enforce access restrictions associated with changes to the configuration of PostgreSQL or database(s). Use ALTER ROLE to remove accesses from roles: $ psql -c "ALTER ROLE <role_name> NOSUPERUSER"

Firewall rules must be configured on the Tanium Server for server-to-database communications.
CM-7 - Medium - CCI-001762 - V-253836 - SV-253836r997261_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253836
Rule IDs
  • SV-253836r997261_rule
The Tanium Server can use either a SQL Server relational database management system (RDBMS) installed locally to the same device as the Tanium Server application or a remote dedicated or shared SQL Server instance. Using a local SQL Server database typically requires no changes to network firewall rules since all communication remains on the Tanium application server device. To access database resources installed to a remote device, however, the Tanium Server service communicates over the port reserved for SQL, by default port 1433, to the database. Port Needed: Tanium Server to Remote SQL Server over TCP port 1433. Network firewall rules: Allow TCP traffic on port 1433 from the Tanium Server device to the remote device hosting the SQL Server RDBMS. For more information, refer to https://docs.tanium.com/platform_install/platform_install/reference_network_ports.html.
Checks: C-57288r842534_chk

Consult with the Tanium system administrator to verify which firewall is being used as a host-based firewall on the Tanium Server. 1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Access the host-based firewall configuration on the Tanium Server. 4. Validate a rule exists for the following: Port Needed: Tanium Server to Remote SQL Server over TCP port 1433. If a host-based firewall rule does not exist to allow Tanium Server to Remote SQL Server over TCP port 1433, this is a finding. Consult with the network firewall administrator and validate rules exist for the following: Allow traffic from Tanium Server to Remote SQL Server over TCP port 1433. If a network firewall rule does not exist to allow traffic from Tanium Server to Remote SQL Server over TCP port 1433, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57239r842535_fix

1. Configure host-based firewall rules on the Tanium Server to include the following required traffic: Allow TCP traffic on port 1433 from the Tanium Server to the Remote SQL Server. 2. Configure the network firewall to allow the above traffic.

The Tanium Application Server console must be configured to initiate a session lock after a 15-minute period of inactivity.
AC-11 - Medium - CCI-000057 - V-253837 - SV-253837r997262_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253837
Rule IDs
  • SV-253837r997262_rule
When multifactor authentication is enabled, the Tanium Console will initiate a session lock based on the ActivClient or other smartcard software. By initiating the session lock, the console will be locked and not allow unauthorized access by anyone other than the original user. Although this setting does not apply when multifactor authentication is enabled, it should be explicitly disabled in the event multifactor authentication is ever broken or removed.
Checks: C-57289r842537_chk

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Configuration", select "Platform Settings". 4. In the "Filter items" search box, type "max_console_idle_seconds". 5. Click "Enter". If no results are returned, this is a finding. If results are returned for "max_console_idle_seconds", but the value is not between the range of "1 - 900", this is a finding.

Fix: F-57240r842538_fix

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Configuration", select "Platform Settings". 4. Click "Create Setting". 5. Select "Server" box for "Setting Type". 6. In " Create Platform Setting" dialog box enter "max_console_idle_seconds" for "Name". 7. Select "Numeric" radio button from "Value Type". 8. Select "Value" and enter a value between the range of "1 - 900". 9. Click "Save". 10. Add this setting to the system documentation for validation.

Tanium Trusted Content providers must be documented.
AC-17 - Medium - CCI-001453 - V-253838 - SV-253838r997263_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253838
Rule IDs
  • SV-253838r997263_rule
A Tanium Sensor, also called content, enables an organization to gather real-time inventory, configuration, and compliance data elements from managed computers. Sensors gather specific information from the local device and then write the results to the computer's standard output channel. The Tanium Client captures that output and forwards the results through the platform's unique "ring" architecture for display in the Tanium Console. The language used for Sensor development is based on the scripting engine available on the largest number of devices under management as well as the scripting experience and background of the people who will be responsible for creating new Sensors. VBScript and PowerShell are examples of common scripting languages used for developing sensors. Because errors in scripting can and will provide errant feedback at best and will impact functionality of the endpoint to which the content is directed, it is imperative to ensure content is accepted only from trusted sources.
Checks: C-57290r842540_chk

Note: If only using Tanium-provided content and not accepting content from any other content providers, this is not applicable. Consult with the Tanium system administrator to review the documented list of trusted content providers along with the hash for their respective public keys. If the site does not have the Tanium trusted content providers documented along with the SHA-256 hash for their respective public keys, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57241r842541_fix

Prepare and maintain documentation identifying the Tanium trusted content providers along with the SHA-256 hash from their respective public keys.

Content providers must provide their public key to the Tanium administrator to import for validating signed content.
AC-17 - Medium - CCI-001453 - V-253839 - SV-253839r997264_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253839
Rule IDs
  • SV-253839r997264_rule
A Tanium Sensor, also called content, enables an organization to gather real-time inventory, configuration, and compliance data elements from managed computers. Sensors gather specific information from the local device and then write the results to the computer's standard output channel. The Tanium Client captures that output and forwards the results through the platform's unique "ring" architecture for display in the Tanium Console. The language used for Sensor development is based on the scripting engine available on the largest number of devices under management as well as the scripting experience and background of the people who will be responsible for creating new Sensors. VBScript and PowerShell are examples of common scripting languages used for developing sensors. Because errors in scripting can and will provide errant feedback at best and will impact functionality of the endpoint to which the content is directed, it is imperative to ensure content is only accepted from trusted sources.
Checks: C-57291r842543_chk

Note: If only using Tanium-provided content and not accepting content from any other content providers, this is not applicable. Obtain documentation that contains the public key validation data from the Tanium system administrator. 1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Open an Explorer window. 4. Navigate to the following folder: Program Files &gt;&gt; Tanium &gt;&gt; Tanium Server &gt;&gt; content_public_keys &gt;&gt; content folder. If the Tanium default content-release.pub key is the only key in the folder, this is not a finding. If documented content provider keys are in the content folder, this is not a finding. If nondocumented content provider keys are in the content folder, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57242r842544_fix

Obtain the public key from the content providers and validate the keys are present in the Tanium folders. If the public keys are found for nontrusted content providers, remove the associated signing key and remove any content imported by that provider. 1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Open an Explorer window. 4. Navigate to the following folder: Program Files >> Tanium >> Tanium Server >> content_public_keys >> content folder. 5. Copy any trusted source's .pub keys into the folder and document them. 6. Remove any nontrusted source's .pub keys from the folder.

Tanium public keys of content providers must be validated against documented trusted content providers.
AC-17 - Medium - CCI-001453 - V-253840 - SV-253840r997265_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253840
Rule IDs
  • SV-253840r997265_rule
A Tanium Sensor, also called content, enables an organization to gather real-time inventory, configuration, and compliance data elements from managed computers. Sensors gather specific information from the local device and then write the results to the computer's standard output channel. The Tanium Client captures that output and forwards the results through the platform's unique "ring" architecture for display in the Tanium Console. The language used for Sensor development is based on the scripting engine available on the largest number of devices under management as well as the scripting experience and background of the people who will be responsible for creating new Sensors. VBScript and PowerShell are examples of common scripting languages used for developing sensors. Because errors in scripting can and will provide errant feedback at best and will impact functionality of the endpoint to which the content is directed, it is imperative to ensure content is only accepted from trusted sources.
Checks: C-57292r842546_chk

Note: If only using Tanium-provided content and not accepting content from any other content providers, this is not applicable. Obtain documentation from the Tanium system administrator that contains the public key validation data. 1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Open an Explorer window. 4. Navigate to the following folder: Program Files &gt;&gt; Tanium &gt;&gt; Tanium Server &gt;&gt; content_public_keys &gt;&gt; content folder. 5. Verify the public keys listed in the content folder are documented. If a public key, other than the default Tanium public key, is in the content folder and is not documented, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57243r842547_fix

1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Open an Explorer window. 4. Navigate to the following folder: Program Files >> Tanium >> Tanium Server >> content_public_keys >> content folder. 5. If a public key, other than the default Tanium public key, resides in the content folder, use a hashing utility (e.g., TaniumFileInfo.exe) to determine the hash of the public key. 6. Document the owner, the name of the key, and the associated hash of the public key.

The Tanium Action Approval feature must be enabled for two-person integrity when deploying actions to endpoints.
AC-3 - Medium - CCI-000213 - V-253841 - SV-253841r960792_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253841
Rule IDs
  • SV-253841r960792_rule
The Tanium Action Approval feature provides a two-person integrity control mechanism designed to achieve a high level of security and reduce the possibility of error for critical operations. When this feature is enabled, an action configured by one Tanium console user will require a second Tanium console user with a role of Action Approver (or higher) to approve the action before it is deployed to targeted computers. While this system slows workflow, the reliability of actions deployed will be greater on the Packaging and Targeting. Satisfies: SRG-APP-000488
Checks: C-57293r842549_chk

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Configuration", select "Platform Settings". 4. In the "Filter items" search box, type "require_action_approval". 5. Click "Enter". If no results are returned, this is a finding. If results are returned for "require_action_approval", but the value is not "1", this is a finding.

Fix: F-57244r842550_fix

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Configuration", select "Platform Settings". 4. If "require_action_approval" does not exist: click "Create Setting". 5. Select "Server" box for "Setting Type". 6. In "Create Platform Setting" dialog box, enter "require_action_approval" for "Name". 7. Select "Numeric" radio button from "Value Type". 8. Select "Value" and enter "1". 9. Click "Save".

The Tanium documentation identifying recognized and trusted indicator of compromise (IOC) streams must be maintained.
AC-4 - Medium - CCI-001414 - V-253842 - SV-253842r997266_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253842
Rule IDs
  • SV-253842r997266_rule
Using trusted and recognized IOC sources may detect compromise and prevent systems from becoming compromised. An IOC stream is a series or stream of IOCs that are imported from a vendor based on a subscription service. An IOC stream can be downloaded manually or on a scheduled basis. The items in an IOC stream can be manipulated separately after they are imported.
Checks: C-57294r842552_chk

Consult with the Tanium system administrator to determine if the Threat Response module is being used. If it is not, this is not applicable. Review the documented list of IOC trusted stream sources. If the site uses an external source for IOCs and the IOC trusted stream source is not documented, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57245r842553_fix

Prepare and maintain documentation identifying the Threat Response trusted stream sources.

Tanium Threat Response must be configured to receive IOC streams only from trusted sources.
AC-4 - Medium - CCI-001414 - V-253843 - SV-253843r997267_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253843
Rule IDs
  • SV-253843r997267_rule
Using trusted and recognized IOC sources may detect compromise and prevent systems from becoming compromised. An IOC stream is a series or stream of intel that is imported from a vendor based on a subscription service or manually downloaded and placed in a folder. Threat Response can be configured to retrieve the IOC content on a regularly scheduled basis. The items in an IOC stream can be manipulated separately after they are imported.
Checks: C-57295r842555_chk

Consult with the Tanium system administrator to determine if the Threat Response module is being used. If it is not, this is not applicable. 1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 3. Click "Threat Response". 4. Expand the left menu. 5. Click "Intel". 6. Select "Sources". 7. Verify all configured Threat Response Streams are configured to a documented trusted source. If Threat Response is configured to a stream that has not been documented as trusted, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57246r842556_fix

Consult the documentation on trusted intel subscription feeds. 1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 3. Click "Threat Response". 4. Expand the left menu. 5. Click "Intel". 6. Select "Sources". 7. Click "New Source". 8. Select the specified Source from the list. 9. Fill out the specified information based on the documented trusted intel feeds. 10. Select "Create".

The Tanium applications must be configured to filter audit records for events of interest based on organization-defined criteria.
AU-7 - Medium - CCI-000158 - V-253844 - SV-253844r997268_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253844
Rule IDs
  • SV-253844r997268_rule
The ability to specify the event criteria that are of interest enables those reviewing the logs to quickly isolate and identify these events without having to review entries that are of little or no consequence to the investigation. Without this capability, forensic investigations are impeded. Events of interest can be identified by the content of specific audit record fields including, for example, identities of individuals, event types, event locations, event times, event dates, system resources involved, IP addresses involved, or information objects accessed. Organizations may define audit event criteria to any degree of granularity required, for example, locations selectable by general networking location (e.g., by network or subnetwork) or by specific information system component. This requires applications to provide the capability to customize audit record reports based on organization-defined criteria.
Checks: C-57296r842558_chk

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 3. Click "Connect". 4. Click "Connections" under "Connections" section. 5. Filter by source and review event-based sources. If any event=based sources have a failed run for more than 72 hours, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57247r842559_fix

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 3. Click "Connect". 4. Expand the left menu. 5. Click "Connections". 6. Click "Create Connection" or if importing, click "Import". 7. Give the "Connection" a name and description. 8. In the "Configuration" section, select "Event" as the source. 9. Select appropriate source under "Event Group" - any source to generate interest-based events (Discover, Asset, IM, THR, etc). 10. Select the appropriate events to send. Note: Consult with the Tanium system administrator for the Destination. 11. Select "Listen for this Event". 12. Click "Save".

The Tanium cryptographic signing capabilities must be enabled on the Tanium Server.
- Medium - CCI-003992 - V-253845 - SV-253845r986567_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253845
Rule IDs
  • SV-253845r986567_rule
All of Tanium's signing capabilities should be enabled upon install. Tanium supports the cryptographic signing and verification before execution of all Sensors, Questions, Actions, Sensor Libraries, File Shards, etc. Enabling signing does away with the ability of an attacker to conduct man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks for remote code execution and precludes the modification of the aforementioned data elements in transit. Additionally, Tanium supports object level signing for content ingested into the Tanium platform. This allows for the detection and rejection of changes to objects (sensors, actions, etc.) by even a privileged user within Tanium. Tanium has built-in signing capabilities enabled by default when installed. Cryptographic signing and verification of all Sensors, Questions, Actions, Sensor Libraries, File Shards, etc., before execution will be enforced by Tanium. Signing will prevent MitM remote code execution attacks and will protect data elements in transit. Tanium also supports object-level signing for content within the Tanium platform. Satisfies: SRG-APP-000233; SRG-APP-000317
Checks: C-57297r842561_chk

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Configuration", select "Platform Settings". 4. In the "Filter Items" search box, type "sign_all_questions_flag". 5. Click "Enter". If no results are returned, this is a finding. If results are returned for "sign_all_questions_flag" but the value is not "1", this is a finding.

Fix: F-57248r842562_fix

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Configuration", select "Platform Settings". 4. Click "Create Setting". 5. Select "Server" box for "Setting Type." 6. In "Create Platform Setting" dialog box, enter "sign_all_questions_flag" for "Name". 7. Select "Numeric" radio button for "Value Type". 8. Enter "1" for "Value". 9. Click "Save".

The Tanium Server must be configured to allow only signed content to be imported.
- Medium - CCI-003992 - V-253846 - SV-253846r997219_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253846
Rule IDs
  • SV-253846r997219_rule
Changes to any software components can have significant effects on the overall security of the application. Verifying software components have been digitally signed using a certificate that is recognized and approved by the organization ensures the software has not been tampered with and that it has been provided by a trusted vendor. Patches, service packs, or application components must be signed with a certificate recognized and approved by the organization. Verifying the authenticity of the software prior to installation validates the integrity of the patch or upgrade received from a vendor. This ensures the software has not been tampered with and that it has been provided by a trusted vendor. Self-signed certificates are disallowed by this requirement. The application should not have to verify the software again. This requirement does not mandate DoD certificates for this purpose; however, the certificate used to verify the software is from an approved certificate authority (CA).
Checks: C-57298r842564_chk

Note: This requirement applies only to Tanium implementations in production. If implementation being evaluated is in development, this requirement is not applicable. 1. Access the Tanium Server through interactive logon. 2. Open Windows Explorer and browse to the installation drive of the Tanium Server (e.g., E:\Program Files\Tanium\Tanium Server). 3. Locate the "tanium.license" file and double-click it. 4. Select Notepad to open the "tanium.license" file. 5. Select "Edit" and then select "Find" from the menu in Notepad. 6. Type "allow_unsigned_import" in the search box and select "Find Next." If "allow unsigned_import" is followed by ":true", this is a finding. If "allow unsigned_import" is followed by ":false", this is not a finding.

Fix: F-57249r842565_fix

Contact Tanium for a corrected license file. 1. Double-click the new "tanium.license" file and select Notepad to open the file. 2.. Select "Edit" and then select "Find" from the menu in Notepad. 3. Type "allow_unsigned_import" in the search box and select "Find Next". 4. Verify "allow unsigned_import" is followed by ":false". 5. Access the Tanium Server through interactive logon. 6. Open Windows Explorer and browse to the installation drive of the Tanium Server (e.g., E:\Program Files\Tanium\Tanium Server). 7. Locate the "tanium.license" file and copy it to a backup location. 8. Copy the new "tanium.license" file to the installation drive and directory of the Tanium Server (e.g., E:\Program Files\Tanium\Tanium Server).

All installation files originally downloaded to the Tanium Server must be configured to download to a location other than the Tanium Server directory.
CM-5 - Medium - CCI-001499 - V-253847 - SV-253847r997269_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253847
Rule IDs
  • SV-253847r997269_rule
Typically, the Tanium Server stores the Package Source Files that it downloads from the internet and server shares or files uploaded through the Tanium Console in a subdirectory of the server's installation directory called "Downloads". To ensure package files are not accessible to nonauthorized functions, the files must be relocated to outside of the server's installation directory.
Checks: C-57299r842567_chk

1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Run regedit as Administrator. 4. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE &gt;&gt; SOFTWARE &gt;&gt; WOW6432Node &gt;&gt; Tanium &gt;&gt; Tanium Server. 5. Validate the value name "DownloadPath" with value type "REG_SZ" does not point to a location within the Tanium Server directory. If the value name "DownloadPath" with value type "REG_SZ" does not exist or points to a location within the Tanium Server directory, this is a finding. If the "DownloadPath REG_SZ" value points to a location within the Tanium Server directory, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57250r842568_fix

1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Create a new folder outside of the Tanium Server directory (e.g., E:\Stage\Downloads). 4. Run regedit as Administrator. 5. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> WOW6432Node >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. 6. Add or change the value name "DownloadPath" with value type "REG_SZ" to point to the location of the relocated installation package files (e.g., E:\Stage\Downloads). 7. Move the files from the original directory (E:\Program Files\Tanium\Tanium Server\Downloads) to the location created for the installation package files. 8. Move the files from the original directory (E:\Program Files\Tanium\Tanium Server\Downloads) to the location created for the installation package files.

Firewall rules must be configured on the Tanium Server for client-to-server communications.
CM-7 - Medium - CCI-000382 - V-253848 - SV-253848r997270_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253848
Rule IDs
  • SV-253848r997270_rule
In addition to the client-to-server TCP communication that takes place over port 17472, Tanium Clients also communicate to other Tanium-managed computers over port 17472. Without proper firewall configurations, proper TCP communications may not take place as necessary for application functionality. The Tanium environment can perform hundreds or thousands of times faster than other security or systems management tools because the Tanium Clients communicate in secure, linearly controlled peer-to-peer rings. Because clients dynamically communicate with other nearby agents based on proximity and latency, rings tend to form automatically to match a customer's topology. For example, endpoints in California will form one ring while endpoints in Germany will form a separate ring. For more information, refer to https://docs.tanium.com/platform_deployment_reference/platform_deployment_reference/network_ports.html.
Checks: C-57300r842570_chk

Note: This check is performed for the Tanium endpoints and must be validated against the enterprise firewall solution (e.g., Endpoint Security Solution Firewall, Microsoft Windows Defender Firewall setting, Microsoft Advance Threat Protection Firewall, etc.) policies applied to the endpoints. 1. Consult with the personnel who maintain the Enterprise Security Suite configuration for assistance. 2. Validate a rule exists within the firewall policies for managed clients for the following: Port Needed: Tanium Clients or Zone Clients over TCP port 17472, bidirectionally. If a host-based firewall rule does not exist to allow TCP port 17472, bidirectionally, this is a finding. 3. Consult with the boundary network firewall administrator and validate rules exist for the following: Allow TCP traffic on port 17472 from any computer to be managed on a local area network to any other computer to be managed on the same local area network. If a network firewall rule does not exist to allow TCP port 17472 from any managed computer to any other managed computer on the same local area network, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57251r842571_fix

1. Consult with the personnel who maintain the Enterprise Security Suite to configure host-based and network firewall rules to allow the following: Tanium Clients or Zone Clients over TCP port 17472, bidirectionally. 2. Consult with the boundary network firewall administrator to create a rule to allow the following: TCP traffic on port 17472 from any computer to be managed on a local area network to any other computer to be managed on the same local area network.

Firewall rules must be configured on the Tanium Zone Server for Client-to-Zone Server communications.
CM-7 - Medium - CCI-000382 - V-253849 - SV-253849r997271_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253849
Rule IDs
  • SV-253849r997271_rule
In customer environments using the Tanium Zone Server, a Tanium Client may be configured to point to a Zone Server instead of a Tanium Server. The communication requirements for these Clients are identical to the Server-to-Client requirements. Without proper firewall configurations, proper TCP communications may not take place as necessary for application functionality. Additionally, without proper configuration, organizations may lose complete visibility into endpoints that cannot connect directly to the Tanium Server. For more information, refer to https://docs.tanium.com/platform_deployment_reference/platform_deployment_reference/network_ports.html.
Checks: C-57301r842573_chk

Note: If a Zone Server is not being used, this is not applicable. 1. Consult with the Tanium system administrator to verify which firewall is being used as a host-based firewall on the Tanium Zone Server. 2. Access the host-based firewall configuration on the Tanium Zone Server. 3. Validate a rule exists for the following: Port Needed: Tanium Clients to Zone Server over TCP port 17472, bidirectionally. If a host-based firewall rule does not exist to allow TCP port 17472, bidirectionally, from Tanium Clients to the Tanium Zone Server, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57252r842574_fix

Consult with the personnel who maintain the Enterprise Security Suite to configure host-based and network firewall rules to allow the following: Tanium Clients or Zone Clients over TCP port 17472, bidirectionally.

The Tanium Application Server must be configured to prohibit or restrict the use of organization-defined functions, ports, protocols, and/or services, as defined in the PPSM Category Assurance List (CAL) and vulnerability assessments.
CM-7 - Medium - CCI-000382 - V-253850 - SV-253850r997272_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253850
Rule IDs
  • SV-253850r997272_rule
To prevent unauthorized connection of devices, unauthorized transfer of information, or unauthorized tunneling (i.e., embedding of data types within data types), organizations must disable or restrict unused or unnecessary physical and logical ports/protocols on information systems. Applications are capable of providing a wide variety of functions and services. Some of the functions and services provided by default may not be necessary to support essential organizational operations. Additionally, it is sometimes convenient to provide multiple services from a single component (e.g., email and web services); however, doing so increases risk over limiting the services provided by any one component. To support the requirements and principles of least functionality, the application must support the organizational requirements providing only essential capabilities and limiting the use of ports, protocols, and/or services to only those required, authorized, and approved to conduct official business or address authorized quality-of-life issues.
Checks: C-57302r842576_chk

Review the PPSM CAL to verify Tanium has been registered with all of the TCP ports required for functionality to include (but not limited to) TCP 17472, 17477, 17440, 17441, 443, and 1433. If any TCP ports are being used on the Tanium Server that have been deemed as restricted by the PPSM CAL, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57253r842577_fix

Submit a formal request to have the Tanium communication ports evaluated and added to the PPSM CAL.

The Tanium Server certificates must have Extended Key Usage entries for the serverAuth object TLS Web Server Authentication and the clientAuth object TLS Web Client Authentication.
IA-5 - Medium - CCI-000185 - V-253851 - SV-253851r997273_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253851
Rule IDs
  • SV-253851r997273_rule
Restricting this setting limits the user's ability to change their password. Passwords must be changed at specific policy-based intervals; however, if the application allows the user to immediately and continually change their password, it could be changed repeatedly in a short period of time to defeat the organization's policy regarding password reuse.
Checks: C-57303r842579_chk

1. Access the Tanium application server interactively. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Navigate to Program Files &gt;&gt; Tanium &gt;&gt; Tanium Server. 4. Locate the "SOAPServer.crt" file. 5. Double-click the file to open the certificate. 6. Select the "Details" tab. 7. Scroll down through the details to find and select the "Enhanced Key Usage" field. If there is no "Enhanced Key Usage" field, this is a finding. In the bottom screen, verify "Server Authentication" and "Client Authentication" are both identified. If "Server Authentication" and "Client Authentication" are not both identified, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57254r842580_fix

Request or regenerate the certificate being used to include both the "Server Authentication" and "Client Authentication" objects.

The Tanium Server directory must be restricted with appropriate permissions.
AC-3 - Medium - CCI-002165 - V-253852 - SV-253852r997274_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253852
Rule IDs
  • SV-253852r997274_rule
Discretionary Access Control (DAC) is based on the notion that individual users are "owners" of objects and therefore have discretion over who should be authorized to access the object and in which mode (e.g., read or write). Ownership is usually acquired as a consequence of creating the object or via specified ownership assignment. DAC allows the owner to determine who will have access to objects they control. An example of DAC includes user-controlled file permissions. When DAC policies are implemented, subjects are not constrained with regard to what actions they can take with information for which they have already been granted access. Thus, subjects that have been granted access to information are not prevented from passing (i.e., the subjects have the discretion to pass) the information to other subjects or objects. A subject that is constrained in its operation by Mandatory Access Control policies is still able to operate under the less rigorous constraints of this requirement. Thus, while Mandatory Access Control imposes constraints preventing a subject from passing information to another subject operating at a different sensitivity level, this requirement permits the subject to pass the information to any subject at the same sensitivity level. The policy is bounded by the information system boundary. Once the information is passed outside of the control of the information system, additional means may be required to ensure the constraints remain in effect. While the older, more traditional definitions of DAC require identity-based access control, that limitation is not required for this use of DAC.
Checks: C-57304r842582_chk

1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Open an Explorer window. 4. Navigate to Program Files &gt;&gt; Tanium. 5. Right-click the "Tanium Server" folder. 6. Select "Properties". 7. Select the "Security" tab. 8. Click the "Advanced" button. - Validate the owner of the "Tanium Server" folder is the service account [Tanium service account]. - Validate the [Tanium service account] has full permissions to the "Tanium Server" folder. - Validate the [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions to the "Tanium Server" folder. - Validate Users have no permissions to the "Tanium Server" folder. If any accounts other than the [Tanium service account] and the [Tanium Admins] group have any permission to the "Tanium Server" folder, this is a finding. If the [Tanium service account] is not the owner of the "Tanium Server" folder, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57255r842583_fix

1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Open an Explorer window. 4. Navigate to Program Files >> Tanium. 5. Right-click the "Tanium Server" folder. 6. Select "Properties". 7. Select the "Security" tab. 8. Click the "Advanced" button. 9. Disable folder inheritance. 10. Change the owner of the directory to the service account [Tanium service account]. 11. Remove User permissions. 12. Give [Tanium service account] full permissions. 13. Give [Tanium Admins] group full permissions.

The Tanium Server http directory and subdirectories must be restricted with appropriate permissions.
AC-3 - Medium - CCI-002165 - V-253853 - SV-253853r997275_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253853
Rule IDs
  • SV-253853r997275_rule
Discretionary Access Control (DAC) is based on the notion that individual users are "owners" of objects and therefore have discretion over who should be authorized to access the object and in which mode (e.g., read or write). Ownership is usually acquired as a consequence of creating the object or via specified ownership assignment. DAC allows the owner to determine who will have access to objects they control. An example of DAC includes user-controlled file permissions. When DAC policies are implemented, subjects are not constrained with regard to what actions they can take with information for which they have already been granted access. Thus, subjects that have been granted access to information are not prevented from passing (i.e., the subjects have the discretion to pass) the information to other subjects or objects. A subject that is constrained in its operation by Mandatory Access Control policies is still able to operate under the less rigorous constraints of this requirement. Thus, while Mandatory Access Control imposes constraints preventing a subject from passing information to another subject operating at a different sensitivity level, this requirement permits the subject to pass the information to any subject at the same sensitivity level. The policy is bounded by the information system boundary. Once the information is passed outside of the control of the information system, additional means may be required to ensure the constraints remain in effect. While the older, more traditional definitions of DAC require identity-based access control, that limitation is not required for this use of DAC.
Checks: C-57305r842585_chk

1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Open an Explorer window. 4. Navigate to Program Files &gt;&gt; Tanium &gt;&gt; Tanium Server. 5. Right-click the "Tanium Server\http" folder. 6. Select "Properties". 7. Select the "Security" tab. 8. Click the "Advanced" button. - Validate Folder Inheritance is disabled. - Validate the owner of the directory is the [Tanium service account]. - Validate the [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions. - Validate System has Read-Only permissions. 9. Right-click the "Tanium Server\http\libraries" folder. 10. Select the "Security" tab. 11. Click the "Advanced" button. - Validate Folder Inheritance is disabled. - Validate the owner of the directory is the [Tanium service account]. - Validate System has Read-Only permissions. - Validate the [Tanium service account] has Read-Only permissions. - Validate the [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions. 12. Right-click the "Tanium Server\http\taniumjs" folder. 13. Select the "Security" tab. 14. Click the "Advanced" button. - Validate Folder Inheritance is disabled. - Validate the owner of the directory is the [Tanium service account]. - Validate System has "Read-Only" permissions. - Validate the [Tanium service account] has "Read-Only" permissions. - Validate the [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions. 15. Right-click the "Tanium Server\http\tux" folder. 16. Select the "Security" tab. 17. Click the "Advanced" button. - Validate Folder Inheritance is disabled. - Validate the owner of the directory is the [Tanium service account]. - Validate System has "Read-Only" permissions. - Validate the [Tanium service account] has "Read Only" permissions. - Validate the [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions. 18. Right-click the "Tanium Server\http\tux-console" folder. 19. Select the "Security" tab. 20. Click the "Advanced" button. - Validate Folder Inheritance is disabled. - Validate the owner of the directory is the [Tanium service account]. - Validate System has "Read-Only" permissions. - Validate the [Tanium service account] has "Read-Only" permissions. - Validate the [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions. 21. Right-click the "Tanium Server\Logs" folder. 22. Select "Properties". 23. Select the "Security" tab. 24. Click the "Advanced" button. - Validate Folder Inheritance is disabled. - Validate the owner of the directory is the [Tanium service account]. - Validate the [Tanium Service Account] has only "Modify" permissions. - Validate the [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions. 25. Right-click the "Tanium Server\TDL_Logs" folder. 26. Select "Properties". 27. Select the "Security" tab. 28. Click the "Advanced" button. - Validate Folder Inheritance is disabled. - Validate the owner of the directory is the [Tanium service account]. - Validate the [Tanium Service Account] has only "Modify" permissions. - Validate the [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions. 29. Right-click the "Tanium Server\Certs" folder. 30. Select "Properties". 31. Select the "Security" tab. 32. Click the "Advanced" button. - Validate Folder Inheritance is disabled. - Validate the owner of the directory is the [Tanium service account]. - Validate System has "Read-Only" permissions. - Validate the [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions. 33. Navigate to Tanium Server &gt;&gt; Certs. 34. For the following files, verify System and [Tanium Service Account] have "Read-Only" permissions: installedcacert.crt installed-server.crt installed-server.key SOAPServer.crt SOAPServer.key 35. Right-click the "Tanium Server\content_public_keys" folder. 36. Select "Properties". 37. Select the "Security" tab. 38. Click the "Advanced" button. - Validate Folder Inheritance is disabled. - Validate the owner of the directory is the [Tanium service account]. - Validate System has "Read-Only" permissions. - Validate the [Tanium Service Account] has "Read-Only" permissions. - Validate the [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions. If any of the above permissions are not configured correctly, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57256r842586_fix

1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Open an Explorer window. 4. Navigate to Program Files >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. 5. Right-click the "Tanium Server\http folder. 6. Select "Properties". 7. Select the "Security" tab. 8. Click the "Advanced" button. 9. Verify/Disable folder inheritance. 10. Change/verify the owner of the directory to the [Tanium service account]. 11. Change/verify the [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions. 12. Reduce System to "Read-Only" permissions. 13. Right-click the "Tanium Server\http\libraries" folder. 14. Select the "Security" tab. 15. Click the "Advanced" button. 16. Verify/disable folder inheritance. 17. Change/verify the owner of the directory to the [Tanium service account]. 18. Reduce System to "Read-Only" permissions. 19. Reduce [Tanium service account] to "Read-Only" permissions. 20. Change/verify the [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions. 21. Right-click the "Tanium Server\http\taniumjs" folder. 22. Select the "Security" tab. 23. Click the "Advanced" button. 24. Verify/disable folder inheritance. 25. Change/verify the owner of the directory to the [Tanium service account]. 26. Reduce System to "Read-Only" permissions. 27. Reduce [Tanium service account] to "Read-Only" permissions. 28. Change/verify the [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions. 29. Right-click the "Tanium Server\http\tux" folder. 30. Select the "Security" tab. 31. Click the "Advanced" button. 32. Verify/disable folder inheritance. 33. Change/verify the owner of the directory to the [Tanium service account]. 34. Reduce System to "Read-Only" permissions. 35. Reduce [Tanium service account] to "Read-Only" permissions. 36. Change/verify the [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions. 37. Right-click the "Tanium Server\http\tux-console" folder. 38. Select the "Security" tab. 39. Click the "Advanced" button. 40. Verify/disable folder inheritance. 41. Change/verify the owner of the directory to the [Tanium service account]. 42. Reduce System to "Read-Only" permissions. 43. Reduce [Tanium service account] to "Read-Only" permissions. 44. Change/verify the [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions. 45. Right-click the "Tanium Server\Logs" folder. 46. Select the "Security" tab. 47. Click the "Advanced" button. 48. Verify/disable folder inheritance. 49. Change/verify the owner of the directory to the [Tanium service account]. 50. Reduce [Tanium service account] to "Modify" permissions. 51. Change/verify the [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions. 52. Right-click the "Tanium Server\http\TDL_Logs" folder. 53. Select the "Security" tab. 54. Click the "Advanced" button. 55. Verify/disable folder inheritance. 56. Change/verify the owner of the directory to the [Tanium service account]. 57. Reduce [Tanium service account] to "Modify" permissions. 58. Change/verify the [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions. 59. Right-click the "Tanium Server\Certs" folder. 60. Select the "Security" tab. 61. Click the "Advanced" button. 62. Verify/disable folder inheritance. 63. Change/verify the owner of the directory to the [Tanium service account]. 64. Reduce System to "Read-Only" permissions. 65. Change/verify the [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions. 66. Navigate to Tanium Server >> Certs. 67. For the following files, verify/reduce System and [Tanium Service Account] to "Read-Only" permissions: installedcacert.crt installed-server.crt installed-server.key SOAPServer.crt SOAPServer.key 68. Right-click the "Tanium Server\content_public_keys" folder. 69. Select the "Security" tab. 70. Click the "Advanced" button. 71. Verify/disable folder inheritance. 72. Change/verify the owner of the directory to the [Tanium service account]. 73. Reduce System to "Read-Only" permissions - apply to child objects. 74. Reduce [Tanium service account] to "Read-Only" permissions - apply to child objects. 75. Change/verify the [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions.

The permissions on the Tanium Server registry keys must be restricted to only the Tanium service account and the [Tanium Admins] group.
AC-3 - Medium - CCI-002165 - V-253854 - SV-253854r997276_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253854
Rule IDs
  • SV-253854r997276_rule
Discretionary Access Control (DAC) is based on the notion that individual users are "owners" of objects and therefore have discretion over who should be authorized to access the object and in which mode (e.g., read or write). Ownership is usually acquired as a consequence of creating the object or via specified ownership assignment. DAC allows the owner to determine who will have access to objects they control. An example of DAC includes user-controlled file permissions. When DAC policies are implemented, subjects are not constrained with regard to what actions they can take with information for which they have already been granted access. Thus, subjects that have been granted access to information are not prevented from passing (i.e., the subjects have the discretion to pass) the information to other subjects or objects. A subject that is constrained in its operation by Mandatory Access Control policies is still able to operate under the less rigorous constraints of this requirement. Thus, while Mandatory Access Control imposes constraints preventing a subject from passing information to another subject operating at a different sensitivity level, this requirement permits the subject to pass the information to any subject at the same sensitivity level. The policy is bounded by the information system boundary. Once the information is passed outside of the control of the information system, additional means may be required to ensure the constraints remain in effect. While the older, more traditional definitions of DAC require identity-based access control, that limitation is not required for this use of DAC.
Checks: C-57306r842588_chk

1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Run regedit as Administrator. 4. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE &gt;&gt; SOFTWARE &gt;&gt; Wow6432Node &gt;&gt; Tanium &gt;&gt; Tanium Server. 5. Right-click "Tanium Server". 6. Select "Permissions". 7. Click the "Security" tab. 8. Click the "Advanced" button. - Validate the [Tanium service account] has full permissions. - Validate the [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions. - Validate the SYSTEM account has full permissions. - Validate the User accounts do not have any permissions. If any other account has full permissions and/or the User account has any permissions, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57257r842589_fix

1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Run regedit as Administrator. 4. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Wow6432Node >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. 5. Right-click "Tanium Server". 6. Select "Properties". 7. Click the "Security" tab. 8. Click the "Advanced" button. 9. Provide the [Tanium service account] with full permissions. 10. Provide the [Tanium Admins] group with full permissions. 11. Reduce permissions for any other accounts with full permissions. 12. Remove permissions for User accounts.

The Tanium Server Logs and TDL_Logs directories must be restricted with appropriate permissions.
AC-3 - Medium - CCI-002165 - V-253855 - SV-253855r997277_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253855
Rule IDs
  • SV-253855r997277_rule
Discretionary Access Control (DAC) is based on the notion that individual users are "owners" of objects and therefore have discretion over who should be authorized to access the object and in which mode (e.g., read or write). Ownership is usually acquired as a consequence of creating the object or via specified ownership assignment. DAC allows the owner to determine who will have access to objects they control. An example of DAC includes user-controlled file permissions. When discretionary access control policies are implemented, subjects are not constrained with regard to what actions they can take with information for which they have already been granted access. Thus, subjects that have been granted access to information are not prevented from passing (i.e., the subjects have the discretion to pass) the information to other subjects or objects. A subject that is constrained in its operation by Mandatory Access Control policies is still able to operate under the less rigorous constraints of this requirement. Thus, while Mandatory Access Control imposes constraints preventing a subject from passing information to another subject operating at a different sensitivity level, this requirement permits the subject to pass the information to any subject at the same sensitivity level. The policy is bounded by the information system boundary. Once the information is passed outside of the control of the information system, additional means may be required to ensure the constraints remain in effect. While the older, more traditional definitions of DAC require identity-based access control, that limitation is not required for this use of DAC.
Checks: C-57307r842591_chk

1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Open an Explorer window. 4. Navigate to Program Files &gt;&gt; Tanium &gt;&gt; Tanium Server. 5. Right-click the "Logs" folder. 6. Select "Properties". 7. Click the "Security" tab. 8. Click the "Advanced" button. - Validate the owner of the directory is the [Tanium service account]. - Validate the [Tanium service account] privileges is the only account with modify permissions on the directory. - Validate the [Tanium Administrators] group has full permissions on the directory. 9. Right-click the "TDL_Logs" folder. 10. Select "Properties". 11. Click the "Security" tab. 12. Click the "Advanced" button. - Validate the owner of the directory is the [Tanium service account]. - Validate the [Tanium service account] privileges is the only account with modify permissions on the directory. - Validate the [Tanium Administrators] group has full permissions on the directory. If any of the specified permissions are not set as required, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57258r842592_fix

1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Open an Explorer window. 4. Navigate to Program Files >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. 5. Right-click the "Logs" folder. 6. Select "Properties". 7. Click the "Security" tab. 8. Click the "Advanced" button. 9. Disable folder inheritance. 10. Change/verify the owner of the directory to the [Tanium service account]. 11. Reduce [Tanium service account] privileges to modify permissions on the directory. 12. Ensure [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions on the directory. 13. Right-click the "TDL_Logs" folder. 14. Select "Properties". 15. Click the "Security" tab. 16. Click the "Advanced" button. 17. Disable folder inheritance. 18. Change/verify the owner of the directory to the [Tanium service account]. 19. Reduce [Tanium service account] privileges to modify permissions on the directory. 20. Ensure [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions on the directory.

Firewall rules must be configured on the Tanium module server to allow Server-to-Module Server communications from the Tanium Server.
CM-7 - Medium - CCI-001762 - V-253856 - SV-253856r997278_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253856
Rule IDs
  • SV-253856r997278_rule
The Tanium Module Server is used to extend the functionality of Tanium through the use of various workbenches. The Tanium Module Server requires communication with the Tanium Server on port 17477. Without a proper connection from the Tanium Server to the Tanium Module Server, access to the system capabilities could be denied. For more information, refer to https://docs.tanium.com/platform_install/platform_install/reference_network_ports.html.
Checks: C-57308r842594_chk

Consult with the Tanium system administrator to verify which firewall is being used as a host-based firewall on the Tanium Module Server. 1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Access the host-based firewall configuration on the Tanium Module Server. 4. Validate a rule exists for the following: Port Needed: Tanium Server to Tanium Module Server over TCP port 17477. If a host-based firewall rule does not exist to allow TCP port 17477 from the Tanium Server to the Tanium Module Server, this is a finding. Consult with the network firewall administrator and validate rules exist for the following: Allow TCP traffic on port 17477 from the Tanium Server to the Tanium Module Server. If a network firewall rule does not exist to allow TCP traffic on port 17477 from the Tanium Server to the Tanium Module Server, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57259r842595_fix

1. Configure host-based firewall rules on the Tanium Module Server to include the following required traffic: Allow TCP traffic on port 17477 from the Tanium Server to the Tanium Module Server. 2. Configure the network firewall to allow the above traffic.

Firewall rules must be configured on the Tanium Server for Server-to-Module Server communications.
CM-7 - Medium - CCI-001762 - V-253857 - SV-253857r997279_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253857
Rule IDs
  • SV-253857r997279_rule
The Tanium Module Server is used to extend the functionality of Tanium through the use of various workbenches. The Tanium Module Server requires communication with the Tanium Server on port 17477. Without a proper connection from the Tanium Server to the Tanium Module Server, access to the system capabilities could be denied. For more information, refer to https://docs.tanium.com/platform_install/platform_install/reference_network_ports.html.
Checks: C-57309r842597_chk

Consult with the Tanium system administrator to verify which firewall is being used as a host-based firewall on the Tanium Server. 1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Access the host-based firewall configuration on the Tanium Server. 4. Validate a rule exists for the following: Port Needed: Tanium Server to Tanium Module Server over TCP port 17477. If a host-based firewall rule does not exist to allow TCP port 17477 from the Tanium Server to the Tanium Module Server, this is a finding. Consult with the network firewall administrator and validate rules exist for the following: Allow TCP traffic on port 17477 from the Tanium Server to the Tanium Module Server. If a network firewall rule does not exist to allow TCP traffic on port 17477 from the Tanium Server to the Tanium Module Server, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57260r842598_fix

1. Configure host-based firewall rules on the Tanium Server to allow the following required traffic: Allow TCP traffic on port 17477 to the Tanium Module Server from the Tanium Server. 2. Configure the network firewall to allow the above traffic.

Firewall rules must be configured on the Tanium Server for Server-to-Zone Server communications.
CM-7 - Medium - CCI-001762 - V-253858 - SV-253858r997280_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253858
Rule IDs
  • SV-253858r997280_rule
If using the Tanium Zone Server to proxy traffic from Tanium-managed computers on less trusted network segments to the Tanium Server on the core network, the Tanium Zone Server Hub, typically installed to the Tanium Server device, must be able to connect to the Zone Server(s) in the DMZ. This is the only configuration that requires allowing outbound traffic on port 17472 from the Tanium Server device. The ZoneServerList.txt configuration file in the Tanium Zone Server Hub's installation folder identifies the addresses of the destination Zone Servers. Refer to the Zone Server Configuration page for more details. Port Needed: Tanium Server to Zone Server over TCP port 17472. Network firewall rules: Allow TCP traffic on port 17472 from the Zone Server Hub, usually the Tanium Server device, to the destination DMZ devices(s) hosting the Zone Server(s). Endpoint firewall rules: For additional security, configure the following endpoint firewall rules: Allow TCP traffic outbound on port 17472 from only the Zone Server Hub process running on the Tanium Server device. Allow TCP traffic inbound on port 17472 to only the Zone Server process running on the designated Zone Server device(s). For more information, refer to ttps://docs.tanium.com/platform_install/platform_install/reference_network_ports.html.
Checks: C-57310r842600_chk

Note: If a Zone Server is not being used, this is not applicable. Consult with the Tanium system administrator to verify which firewall is being used as a host-based firewall on the Tanium Server. 1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Access the host-based firewall configuration on the Tanium Server. 4. Validate a rule exists for the following: Port Needed: Tanium Server to Zone Server over TCP port 17472. Note: By default, the Zone Server uses 17472 for traffic from Zone Server Hubs and Tanium Clients. However, as a best practice to improve the security of the Zone Server, different ports can be configured for the hubs and clients. If a host-based firewall rule does not exist to allow TCP port 17472 or other defined port, bidirectionally, from the Tanium Server to the Tanium Zone Server, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57261r842601_fix

1. Configure host-based firewall rules on the Tanium Zone server to include the following required traffic: Allow Tanium Server to Zone Server over TCP port 17472. 2. Configure the network firewall to allow the above traffic. Note: By default, the Zone Server uses 17472 for traffic from Zone Server Hubs and Tanium Clients. However, as a best practice to improve the security of the Zone Server, different ports can be configured for the hubs and clients.

The SSLHonorCipherOrder must be configured to disable weak encryption algorithms on the Tanium Server.
SC-13 - Medium - CCI-002450 - V-253859 - SV-253859r997281_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253859
Rule IDs
  • SV-253859r997281_rule
Use of weak or untested encryption algorithms undermines the purposes of using encryption to protect data. The application must implement cryptographic modules adhering to the higher standards approved by the federal government since this provides assurance they have been tested and validated.
Checks: C-57311r842603_chk

1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Access the server's registry by typing: regedit &lt;enter&gt;. 4. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE &gt;&gt; SOFTWARE &gt;&gt; Wow6432Node &gt;&gt; Tanium &gt;&gt; Tanium Server. 5. Verify the existence of a DWORD "SSLHonorCipherOrder" with a value of "0x00000001" (hex). If the DWORD "SSLHonorCipherOrder" does not exist with a value of "0x00000001" (hex), this is a finding.

Fix: F-57262r842604_fix

1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Access the server's registry by typing: regedit <enter>. 4. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Wow6432Node >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. 5. Add or modify the DWORD "SSLHonorCipherOrder" to have a value of 0x00000001 (hex).

The Tanium Server certificate must be signed by a DoD certificate authority (CA).
SC-23 - Medium - CCI-002470 - V-253860 - SV-253860r997282_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253860
Rule IDs
  • SV-253860r997282_rule
The Tanium Server has the option to use a "self-signed" certificate or a trusted CA signed certificate for SSL connections. During evaluations of Tanium in lab settings, customers often conclude that a "self-signed" certificate is an acceptable risk. However, in production environments it is critical that an SSL certificate signed by a trusted CA be used on the Tanium Server in lieu of an untrusted and insecure "self-signed" certificate.
Checks: C-57312r842606_chk

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. When connected, review the certificate for the Tanium Server as noted below. 3. In the web browser, view the certificate and verify it was issued by a DoD root CA. Also verify the certification path's top level is a DoD root CA. If the certificate authority is not DoD Root CA, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57263r842607_fix

Request or regenerate the certificate from a DoD root CA.

Tanium Server directory and subsequent files must be excluded from On-Access scan.
CM-6 - Medium - CCI-000366 - V-253861 - SV-253861r997283_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253861
Rule IDs
  • SV-253861r997283_rule
Similar to any other host-based applications, the Tanium Server is subject to the restrictions other system-level software may place on an operating environment. Antivirus, intrusion prevention system (IPS), encryption, or other security and management stack software may disallow the Tanium Server from working as expected. For more information, refer to: https://docs.tanium.com/platform_deployment_reference/platform_deployment_reference/security_exceptions.html?Highlight=exclusion
Checks: C-57313r842609_chk

Review the settings of the antivirus software. Validate exclusions exist that exclude the Tanium Server directory and subsequent file interactions from On-Access scans. If exclusions do not exist, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57264r842610_fix

Implement exclusion policies within the antivirus software solution to exclude the On-Access scanning of Tanium Server directory and subsequent file interactions.

The SSLCipherSuite must be configured to disable weak encryption algorithms on the Tanium Server.
SC-13 - Medium - CCI-002450 - V-253862 - SV-253862r997284_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253862
Rule IDs
  • SV-253862r997284_rule
Use of weak or untested encryption algorithms undermines the purposes of using encryption to protect data. The application must implement cryptographic modules adhering to the higher standards approved by the federal government since this provides assurance they have been tested and validated.
Checks: C-57314r842612_chk

1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". 4. Click "Enter". 5. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE &gt;&gt; SOFTWARE &gt;&gt; Wow6432Node &gt;&gt; Tanium &gt;&gt; Tanium Server. 6. Verify the existence of the string "SSLCipherSuite" with a value of: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:!aNULL:!eNULL:!EXPORT:!DES:!RC4:!MD5:!PSK If the string "SSLCipherSuite" does not exist with the appropriate list values, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57265r842613_fix

1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Access the server's registry by typing: regedit <enter>. 4. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Wow6432Node >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. 5. Add a new string (REG_SZ) or modify the string "SSLCipherSuite" to have a value of: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:!aNULL:!eNULL:!EXPORT:!DES:!RC4:!MD5:!PSK

The Tanium "max_soap_sessions_total" setting must be explicitly enabled to limit the number of simultaneous sessions.
AC-10 - Medium - CCI-000054 - V-253863 - SV-253863r997285_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253863
Rule IDs
  • SV-253863r997285_rule
Application management includes the ability to control the number of users and user sessions that utilize an application. Limiting the number of allowed users and sessions per user is helpful in limiting risks related to denial-of-service attacks. This requirement may be met via the application or by using information system, session control provided by a web server with specialized session management capabilities. If it has been specified that this requirement will be handled by the application, the capability to limit the maximum number of concurrent single user sessions must be designed and built into the application. This requirement addresses concurrent sessions for information system accounts and does not address concurrent sessions by single users via multiple system accounts. The maximum number of concurrent sessions should be defined based on mission needs and the operational environment for each system.
Checks: C-57315r842615_chk

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Configuration", select "Platform Settings". 4. In the "Filter items" search box, type "max_soap_sessions_total". 5. Click "Enter". If no results are returned, this is a finding. If results are returned for "max_soap_sessions_total" but the value does not follow {(Number of Users) * 1024} formula, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57266r842616_fix

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Configuration", select "Platform Settings". 4. Click "Create Setting". 5. Select "Server" box for "Setting Type". 6. In "Create Platform Setting" dialog box, enter "max_soap_sessions_total" for "Name". 7. Select "Numeric" radio button from "Value Type". 8. Use this formula for determining "Setting Value": {(Number of Users) * 1024 = max_soap_sessions_total} 9. Click "Save". 10. Add this setting to the system documentation for validation.

The Tanium "max_soap_sessions_per_user" setting must be explicitly enabled to limit the number of simultaneous sessions.
AC-10 - Medium - CCI-000054 - V-253864 - SV-253864r997286_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253864
Rule IDs
  • SV-253864r997286_rule
Application management includes the ability to control the number of users and user sessions that utilize an application. Limiting the number of allowed users and sessions per user is helpful in limiting risks related to denial-of-service attacks. This requirement may be met via the application or by using information system session control provided by a web server with specialized session management capabilities. If it has been specified that this requirement will be handled by the application, the capability to limit the maximum number of concurrent single user sessions must be designed and built into the application. This requirement addresses concurrent sessions for information system accounts and does not address concurrent sessions by single users via multiple system accounts. The maximum number of concurrent sessions should be defined based on mission needs and the operational environment for each system.
Checks: C-57316r842618_chk

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Configuration", select "Platform Settings". 4. In the "Filter items" search box, type "max_soap_sessions_per_user". 5. Click "Enter". If no results are returned, this is a finding. If results are returned for "max_soap_sessions_per_user" but the value is not 1024, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57267r842619_fix

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Configuration", select "Platform Settings". 4. Click "Create Setting". 5. Select "Server" box for "Setting Type". 6. In "Create Platform Setting" dialog box, enter "max_soap_sessions_per_user" for "Name". 7. Select "Numeric" radio button from "Value Type". 8. Enter "1024" for the "Value:". 9. Click "Save". 10. Add this setting to the system documentation for validation.

The Tanium documentation identifying recognized and trusted folders for Threat Response Local Directory Source must be maintained.
AC-4 - Medium - CCI-001414 - V-253865 - SV-253865r997287_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253865
Rule IDs
  • SV-253865r997287_rule
Using trusted and recognized indicator of compromise (IOC) sources may detect and prevent systems from becoming compromised. An IOC stream is a series or stream of IOCs that are imported from a vendor based on a subscription service or manually downloaded and placed in a folder. Threat Response can be configured to retrieve the IOC content on a regularly scheduled basis. The items in an IOC stream can be manipulated separately after they are imported.
Checks: C-57317r842621_chk

Consult with the Tanium system administrator to review the documented list of folder maintainers for Threat Response Local Directory Source. If the site does not leverage Local Directory Source to import IOCs, this finding is not applicable. If the site does use Local Directory Source to import IOCs and the folder maintainers are not documented, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57268r842622_fix

Prepare and maintain documentation identifying the Tanium Threat Response Local Directory Source maintainers.

The Tanium Threat Response Local Directory Source must be configured to restrict access to only authorized maintainers of threat intel.
AC-4 - Medium - CCI-001414 - V-253866 - SV-253866r997288_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253866
Rule IDs
  • SV-253866r997288_rule
Using trusted and recognized indicator of compromise (IOC) sources may detect and prevent systems from becoming compromised. An IOC stream is a series or stream of intel that is imported from a vendor based on a subscription service or manually downloaded and placed in a folder. Threat Response can be configured to retrieve the IOC content on a regularly scheduled basis. The items in an IOC stream can be manipulated separately after they are imported.
Checks: C-57318r842624_chk

Consult with the Tanium system administrator to determine if the Tanium Threat Response module is being used. If it is not, his finding is not applicable. If the Local Directory Source type is being used, determine where they get their IOC stream. 1. Access the Tanium Module Server interactively. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Open an Explorer window. 4. Navigate to Program Files &gt;&gt; Tanium &gt;&gt; Tanium Module Server &gt;&gt; services &gt;&gt; threat-response-files. 5. Right-click the folder and choose "Properties". 6. Select the "Security" tab. 7. Click the "Advanced" button. If the accounts listed in the "Security" tab do not match the list of accounts in the Tanium documentation, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57269r842625_fix

1. Access the Tanium Module Server interactively. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Open an Explorer window. 4. Navigate to Program Files >> Tanium >> Tanium Module Server >> services >> threat-response-files. 5. Right-click the folder and choose "Properties". 6. Select the "Security" tab. 7. Click the "Advanced" button. If the accounts listed in the "Security" tab do not match the list of accounts, with the exception of SYSTEM, remove the additionally listed accounts. If the accounts listed in the "Security" tab are missing accounts from the documentation, with the exception of SYSTEM, add the additionally listed accounts with a minimum of READ permission.

The Tanium documentation identifying recognized and trusted Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) sources must be maintained.
AC-4 - Medium - CCI-001414 - V-253867 - SV-253867r997289_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253867
Rule IDs
  • SV-253867r997289_rule
SCAP XML documents validated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) are provided from several possible sources such as DISA, NIST, and nongovernment entities. These documents are used as the basis of compliance definitions leveraged to automate compliance auditing of systems. These documents are updated on different frequencies and must be downloaded manually at regular intervals and imported in order to be current. Nonapproved SCAP definitions lead to a false sense of security when evaluating an enterprise environment.
Checks: C-57319r842627_chk

Consult with the Tanium system administrator to review the documented list of trusted SCAP sources. If the site does not have the "Tanium Comply" module or does not use "Tanium Comply" for compliance validation, this finding is not applicable. If the site does use Tanium Comply and the source for SCAP content is not documented, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57270r842628_fix

If the site does not have the "Tanium Comply" module or does not use "Tanium Comply" for compliance validation, this finding is not applicable. Prepare and maintain documentation identifying the source of SCAP sources that will be used by the "Tanium Comply" module.

The Tanium documentation identifying recognized and trusted Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language (OVAL) feeds must be maintained.
AC-4 - Medium - CCI-001414 - V-253868 - SV-253868r997290_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253868
Rule IDs
  • SV-253868r997290_rule
OVAL XML documents are provided from several possible sources such as the Community Intercomparison Suite (CIS) open-source repository and vendor/third-party paid repositories. These documents are used to automate the passive validation of vulnerabilities on systems and therefore require a reasonable level of confidence in their origin. Nonapproved OVAL definitions lead to a false sense of security when evaluating an enterprise environment.
Checks: C-57320r842630_chk

Consult with the Tanium system administrator to review the documented list of trusted OVAL feeds. If the site does not have the "Tanium Comply" module or does not use "Tanium Comply" for passive vulnerability scanning, this finding is not applicable. If the site does use "Tanium Comply" and the source for OVAL content is not documented, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57271r842631_fix

If the site does not have the "Tanium Comply" module or does not use "Tanium Comply" for passive vulnerability scanning, this finding is not applicable. Prepare and maintain documentation identifying the source of OVAL feeds that will be used by the "Tanium Comply" module.

Tanium Comply must be configured to receive Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) content only from trusted sources.
AC-4 - Medium - CCI-001414 - V-253869 - SV-253869r997291_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253869
Rule IDs
  • SV-253869r997291_rule
SCAP XML documents validated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) are provided from several possible sources such as DISA, NIST, and other nongovernment entities. These documents are used as the basis of compliance definitions leveraged to automate compliance auditing of systems. These documents are updated on different frequencies and must be downloaded manually at regular intervals and imported in order to be current. Nonapproved SCAP definitions lead to a false sense of security when evaluating an enterprise environment.
Checks: C-57321r842633_chk

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top banner of the console. 3. Click "Comply". 4. Click the menu on the left side of the interface. Under "Standards", click "Compliance". Verify all imported compliance benchmarks are from a documented trusted source. If any compliance benchmark is found that does not come from a documented trusted source, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57272r842634_fix

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top banner of the console. 3. Click "Comply". 4. Click the menu on the left side of the interface. Under "Standards", click "Compliance". 5. Delete any compliance benchmarks that come from nontrusted sources.

Tanium Comply must be configured to receive Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language (OVAL) feeds only from trusted sources.
AC-4 - Medium - CCI-001414 - V-253870 - SV-253870r997292_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253870
Rule IDs
  • SV-253870r997292_rule
OVAL XML documents are provided from several possible sources such as the Community Intercomparison Suite (CIS) open-source repository and vendor/third-party paid repositories. These documents are used to automate the passive validation of vulnerabilities on systems and therefore require a reasonable level of confidence in their origin. Nonapproved OVAL definitions lead to a false sense of security when evaluating an enterprise environment.
Checks: C-57322r842636_chk

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 3. Click "Comply". 4. Expand the left menu. 5. Under "Standards", click "Vulnerability". 6. Verify all imported vulnerability sources are from a documented trusted source. If any vulnerability sources are found that do not come from a documented trusted source, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57273r842637_fix

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Modules" on the top navigation banner. 3. Click "Comply". 4. Expand the left menu. 5. Under "Standards", click "Vulnerability". 6. Delete any vulnerability sources configured to nontrusted sources or reconfigure them to point to trusted sources.

The Tanium application must limit the bandwidth used in communicating with endpoints to prevent a denial-of-service (DoS) condition at the server.
SC-5 - Medium - CCI-002385 - V-253871 - SV-253871r997293_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253871
Rule IDs
  • SV-253871r997293_rule
DoS is a condition when a resource is not available for legitimate users. When this occurs, the organization either cannot accomplish its mission or must operate at degraded capacity. This requirement addresses the configuration of applications to mitigate the impact of DoS attacks that have occurred or are ongoing on application availability. For each application, known and potential DoS attacks must be identified and solutions for each type implemented. A variety of technologies exist to limit or, in some cases, eliminate the effects of DoS attacks (e.g., limiting processes or restricting the number of sessions the application opens at one time). Employing increased capacity and bandwidth, combined with service redundancy, may reduce the susceptibility to some DoS attacks.
Checks: C-57323r842639_chk

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Configuration", select "Bandwidth Throttles". 4. Work with the Tanium administrator to confirm settings. If settings are not based on organization needs, this is a finding. For more information, refer to https://docs.tanium.com/platform_user/platform_user/console_bandwidth_throttling.html.

Fix: F-57274r842640_fix

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Configuration", select "Bandwidth Throttles". 4. Click "Add" on the line for "Global Throttle for All Data". 5. Work with the Tanium administrator to configure the required bandwidth throttles. 6. Click "Save". 7. Work with the Tanium administrator to confirm or set settings for the remaining options: - Global Throttle for Package Files. - Global Throttle for Sensors. - Site Throttles.

Tanium Server files must be excluded from host-based intrusion prevention intervention.
CM-6 - Medium - CCI-000366 - V-253872 - SV-253872r997294_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253872
Rule IDs
  • SV-253872r997294_rule
Similar to any other host-based applications, the Tanium Server is subject to the restrictions other system-level software may place on an operating environment. Antivirus, intrusion prevention system (IPS), encryption, or other security and management stack software may disallow the Tanium Server from working as expected. For more information, refer to https://docs.tanium.com/platform_deployment_reference/platform_deployment_reference/security_exceptions.html?Highlight=exclusion.
Checks: C-57324r842642_chk

Consult with the Tanium system administrator to determine the HIPS software used on the Tanium Server. Review the settings of the HIPS software. Validate exclusions exist that exclude the Tanium program files from being restricted by HIPS. If exclusions do not exist, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57275r842643_fix

Implement exclusion policies within the HIPS software solution to exclude the Tanium Server program files from HIPS intervention.

The Tanium application must set an inactive timeout for sessions.
AC-12 - Medium - CCI-002361 - V-253873 - SV-253873r997295_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253873
Rule IDs
  • SV-253873r997295_rule
Leaving sessions open indefinitely is a major security risk. An attacker can easily use an already authenticated session to access the hosted application as the previously authenticated user. By closing sessions after a set period of inactivity, the web server can ensure sessions that are not closed when the user logs out of an application are eventually closed. Acceptable values are 5 minutes for high-value applications, 10 minutes for medium-value applications, and 20 minutes for low-value applications.
Checks: C-57325r842645_chk

1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web user interface (UI) and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" at top center of the screen. 3. Under "Configuration", select "Platform Settings". 4. In the "Filter Items" box, enter "max_console_idle_seconds". If no results are returned, this is a finding. If results are returned for "max_console_idle_seconds" but the value is not "900" or less, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57276r842646_fix

If the "max_console_idle_seconds" setting exists but is not "900" or less: 1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Configuration", select "Platform Settings". 4. In the "Filter Items" box, enter "max_console_idle_seconds". 5. Select the "max_console_idle_seconds" setting. 6. For "Value", enter "900" or less. 7. Click the "Save" button. If the "max_console_idle_seconds" setting does not exist: 1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium application, access the Tanium application web UI and log on with multifactor authentication. 2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner. 3. Under "Configuration", select "Platform Settings". 4. Click the "Create Setting" button at the top right. 5. Select "Server" box for "Setting Type". 6. In "Create Platform Setting" dialog box, enter "max_console_idle_seconds" for "Name". 7. Select "Numeric" for the "Value Type". 8. For the "Value", enter "900" or less. 9. Click "Save".

The Tanium application service must be protected from being stopped by a nonprivileged user.
SC-5 - Medium - CCI-002385 - V-253874 - SV-253874r997296_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253874
Rule IDs
  • SV-253874r997296_rule
Denial of service (DoS) is a condition when a resource is not available for legitimate users. When this occurs, the organization either cannot accomplish its mission or must operate at degraded capacity. This requirement addresses the configuration of applications to mitigate the impact of DoS attacks that have occurred or are ongoing on application availability. For each application, known and potential DoS attacks must be identified and solutions for each type implemented. A variety of technologies exist to limit or, in some cases, eliminate the effects of DoS attacks (e.g., limiting processes or restricting the number of sessions the application opens at one time). Employing increased capacity and bandwidth, combined with service redundancy, may reduce the susceptibility to some DoS attacks. A web server not properly tuned may become overwhelmed and cause a DoS condition even with expected traffic from users. To avoid a DoS, the web server must be tuned to handle the expected traffic for the hosted applications.
Checks: C-57326r842648_chk

Verify that to prevent a nonprivileged user from affecting the Tanium Server's ability to operate, the control of the service is restricted to the local administrators. 1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Open the CMD prompt as admin. 4. Run "sc sdshow "Tanium Server". If the string does not match "D:(A;;CCDCLCSWRPWPDTLOCRSDRCWDWO;;;BA)(A;;CCLCSWRPWPDTLOCRRC;;;SY)(A;;CCLCSWLOCRRC;;;AU)S:(AU;FA;CCDCLCSWRPWPDTLOCRSDRCWDWO;;;WD)", this is a finding. Note: Run the above on all other Tanium Servers, including Tanium Servers in an Active-Active pair.

Fix: F-57277r842649_fix

1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Open the CMD prompt as admin. 4. Run "sc sdset "Tanium Server" D:(A;;CCDCLCSWRPWPDTLOCRSDRCWDWO;;;BA)(A;;CCLCSWRPWPDTLOCRRC;;;SY)(A;;CCLCSWLOCRRC;;;AU)S:(AU;FA;CCDCLCSWRPWPDTLOCRSDRCWDWO;;;WD)". 5. Run the above on all other Tanium Servers, including Tanium Servers in an Active-Active pair.

The Tanium Application, SQL, and Module servers must all be configured to communicate using TLS 1.2 Strict Only.
SC-8 - High - CCI-002418 - V-253875 - SV-253875r997297_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253875
Rule IDs
  • SV-253875r997297_rule
Disabling feedback to senders when there is a failure in protocol validation format prevents adversaries from obtaining information that would otherwise be unavailable.
Checks: C-57327r842651_chk

1. Access the Tanium Servers (Application, SQL and Module) interactively. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Access the server's registry by typing "regedit". 4. Press "Enter". 5. Confirm the following settings are in place: a) Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE &gt;&gt; SYSTEM &gt;&gt; CurrentControlSet &gt;&gt; Control &gt;&gt; SecurityProviders &gt;&gt; SCHANNEL &gt;&gt; Protocols &gt;&gt; SSL 2.0 &gt;&gt; Client. Name: DisabledByDefault Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000001 (hex) If the value for "DisabledByDefault" is not set to "1" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding. Name: Enabled Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000000 (hex) If the value for "Enabled" is not set to "0" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding. b) Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE &gt;&gt; SYSTEM &gt;&gt; CurrentControlSet &gt;&gt; Control &gt;&gt; SecurityProviders &gt;&gt; SCHANNEL &gt;&gt; Protocols &gt;&gt; SSL 2.0 &gt;&gt; Server. Name: DisabledByDefault Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000001 (hex) If the value for "DisabledByDefault" is not set to "1" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding. Name: Enabled Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000000 (hex) If the value for "Enabled" is not set to "0" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding. c) Repeat the steps above for SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, and TLS 1.1. d) Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE &gt;&gt; SYSTEM &gt;&gt; CurrentControlSet &gt;&gt; Control &gt;&gt; SecurityProviders &gt;&gt; SCHANNEL &gt;&gt; Protocols &gt;&gt; TLS 1.2 &gt;&gt; Client. Name: DisabledByDefault Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000000 (hex) If the value for "DisabledByDefault" is not set to "0" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding. Name: Enabled Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000001 (hex) If the value for "Enabled" is not set to "1" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding. e) Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE &gt;&gt; SYSTEM &gt;&gt; CurrentControlSet &gt;&gt; Control &gt;&gt; SecurityProviders &gt;&gt; SCHANNEL &gt;&gt; Protocols &gt;&gt; SSL 2.0 &gt;&gt; Server. Name: DisabledByDefault Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000000 (hex) If the value for "DisabledByDefault" is not set to "0" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding. Name: Enabled Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000001 (hex) If the value for "Enabled" is not set to "1" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57278r842652_fix

1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Access the server's registry by typing "regedit". 4. Press "Enter". 5. Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> SSL 2.0 >> Client. 6. Right-click in the right window pane. 7. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value. 8. In the "Name" field, enter "DisabledByDefault". 9. Press "Enter". 10. Right-click the newly created "Name". 11. Select "Modify...". 12. Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base", the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. 13. Click "OK". 14. Right-click in the right window pane. 15. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value. 16. In the "Name" field, enter "Enabled". 17. Press "Enter". 18. Right-click the newly created "Name". 19. Select "Modify...". 20. Leave default value of "0" in "Value data:". 21. Ensure that under "Base", the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. 22. Click "OK". 23. Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> SSL 2.0 >> Server. 24. Right-click in the right window pane. 25. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value. 26. In the "Name" field, enter "DisabledByDefault". 27. Press "Enter". 28. Right-click the newly created "Name". 29. Select "Modify...". 30. Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base", the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. 31. Click "OK". 32. Right-click in the right window pane. 33. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value. 34. In the "Name" field, enter "Enabled". 35. Press "Enter". 36. Right-click the newly created "Name". 37. Select "Modify...". 38. Leave default value of "0" in "Value data:". 39. Ensure that under "Base", the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. 40. Click "OK". 41. Repeat the above steps for SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, and TLS 1.1. 42. Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.2 >> Client. 43. Right-click in the right window pane. 44. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value. 45. In the "Name" field, enter "DisabledByDefault". 46. Press "Enter". 47. Right-click the newly created "Name". 48. Select "Modify...". 49. Enter "0" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base", the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. 50. Click "OK". 51. Right-click in the right window pane. 52. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value. 53. In the "Name" field, enter "Enabled". 54. Press "Enter". 55. Right-click the newly created "Name". 56. Select "Modify...". 57. Leave default value of "1" in "Value data:". 58. Ensure that under "Base", the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. 59. Click "OK". 60. Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.2 >> Server. 61. Right-click in the right window pane. 62. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value. 63. In the "Name" field, enter "DisabledByDefault". 64. Press "Enter". 65. Right-click the newly created "Name". 66. Select "Modify...". 67. Enter "0" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base", the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. 68. Click "OK". 69. Right-click in the right window pane. 70. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value. 71. In the "Name" field, enter "Enabled". 72. Press "Enter". 73. Right-click the newly created "Name". 74. Select "Modify...". 75. Leave default value of "1" in "Value data:". 76. Ensure that under "Base", the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. 77. Click "OK".

The SchUseStrongCrypto registry value must be set.
SC-8 - High - CCI-002418 - V-253876 - SV-253876r997298_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253876
Rule IDs
  • SV-253876r997298_rule
Without protection of the transmitted information, confidentiality and integrity may be compromised since unprotected communications can be intercepted and either read or altered. This requirement applies only to applications that are either distributed or can allow access to data nonlocally. Use of this requirement will be limited to situations where the data owner has a strict requirement for ensuring data integrity and confidentiality is maintained at every step of the data transfer and handling process. When transmitting data, applications must leverage transmission protection mechanisms, such as TLS, SSL VPNs, or IPsec. FIPS 140-2 approved TLS versions must be enabled, and non-FIPS-approved SSL versions must be disabled. NIST SP 800-52 defines the approved TLS versions for government applications. Communication paths outside the physical protection of a controlled boundary are exposed to the possibility of interception and modification. Protecting the confidentiality and integrity of organizational information can be accomplished by physical means (e.g., employing physical distribution systems) or by logical means (e.g., employing cryptographic techniques). If physical means of protection are employed, then logical means (cryptography) do not have to be employed, and vice versa.
Checks: C-57328r842654_chk

1. Access the Tanium Server, Tanium Module Server, and Tanium SQL Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Run regedit as Administrator. 4. Navigate to the following and confirm the setting "SchUseStrongCrypto" is present and configured as follows: Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE &gt;&gt; SOFTWARE &gt;&gt; Wow6432Node &gt;&gt; Microsoft &gt;&gt; .NETFramework &gt;&gt; v4.0.xxxxx (the subversion number may vary, but it is a 4.0 version; example: 4.0.30319) for Tanium Application Server. Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE &gt;&gt; SOFTWARE &gt;&gt; Microsoft &gt;&gt; .NETFramework &gt;&gt; v4.0.xxxxx (the subversion number may vary, but it is a 4.0 version; example: 4.0.30319) for Tanium SQL Server. Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE &gt;&gt; SOFTWARE &gt;&gt; Microsoft &gt;&gt; .NETFramework &gt;&gt; v4.0.xxxxx (the subversion number may vary, but it is a 4.0 version; example: 4.0.30319) for Tanium Module Server. Name: SchUseStrongCrypto Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000001 (hex) If the value for "SchUseStrongCrypto " is not set to "0x00000001" (hex) and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57279r842655_fix

1. Access the Tanium Server, Tanium Module Server, and Tanium SQL Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Run regedit as Administrator. 4. Use the following locations for steps 5-13. Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Wow6432Node >> Microsoft >> .NETFramework >> v4.0.xxxxx (the subversion number may vary, but it is a 4.0 version; example: 4.0.30319) for Tanium Application Server. Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Microsoft >> .NETFramework >> v4.0.xxxxx (the subversion number may vary, but it is a 4.0 version; example: 4.0.30319) for Tanium SQL Server. Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Microsoft >> .NETFramework >> v4.0.xxxxx (the subversion number may vary, but it is a 4.0 version; example: 4.0.30319) for Tanium Module Server. 5. Right-click in the right window pane. 6. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value. 7. In the "Name" field, enter "SchUseStrongCrypto". 8. Press "Enter". 9. Right-click the newly created "Name". 10. Select "Modify...". 11. Enter "1" in "Value data:". 12. Ensure that under "Base", the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. 13. Click "OK".

The SSLCipherSuite registry value must be set.
SC-8 - High - CCI-002418 - V-253877 - SV-253877r997299_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-253877
Rule IDs
  • SV-253877r997299_rule
Without protection of the transmitted information, confidentiality and integrity may be compromised since unprotected communications can be intercepted and either read or altered. This requirement applies only to applications that are either distributed or can allow access to data nonlocally. Use of this requirement will be limited to situations where the data owner has a strict requirement for ensuring data integrity and confidentiality is maintained at every step of the data transfer and handling process. When transmitting data, applications must leverage transmission protection mechanisms, such as TLS, SSL VPNs, or IPsec. FIPS 140-2 approved TLS versions must be enabled, and non-FIPS-approved SSL versions must be disabled. NIST SP 800-52 defines the approved TLS versions for government applications. Communication paths outside the physical protection of a controlled boundary are exposed to the possibility of interception and modification. Protecting the confidentiality and integrity of organizational information can be accomplished by physical means (e.g., employing physical distribution systems) or by logical means (e.g., employing cryptographic techniques). If physical means of protection are employed, logical means (cryptography) do not have to be employed, and vice versa.
Checks: C-57329r842657_chk

1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Run regedit as Administrator. 4. Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE &gt;&gt; SOFTWARE &gt;&gt; Wow6432Node &gt;&gt; Tanium &gt;&gt; Tanium Server. Name: SSLCipherSuite Type: String Value:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-RSAAES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:!aNULL:!eNULL:!EXPORT:!DES:!RC4:!MD5:!PSK If the String "SSLCipherSuite" does not exist with the appropriate list values, this is a finding.

Fix: F-57280r842658_fix

1. Access the Tanium Server. 2. Log on to the server with an account that has administrative privileges. 3. Run regedit as Administrator. 4. Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> Software >> Wow6432Node >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. 5. Right-click in the right window pane. 6. Select: New >> String Value. 7. In the "Name" field, enter "SSLCipherSuite". 8. Press "Enter". 9. Right-click the newly created "Name". 10. Select "Modify". 11. Add the following: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-RSAAES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:!aNULL:!eNULL:!EXPORT:!DES:!RC4:!MD5:!PSK 12. Click "OK".