Select any two versions of this STIG to compare the individual requirements
Select any old version/release of this STIG to view the previous requirements
The Tanium endpoint makes a connection to the Tanium Server, the endpoint's copy of the Tanium Server's public key is used to verify the validity of the registration day coming from the Tanium Server. If any endpoint systems do not have the correct Tanium Server public key in its configuration, they will not perform any instructions from the Tanium Server and a record of those endpoints will be listed in the Tanium Server's System Status. To validate, Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Administration". Select the "System Status" tab. Change "Show systems that have reported in the last:", enter "7" in the first field and select "Days" from the drop-down menu in the second field to determine if any endpoints connected with an invalid key. If any systems are listed with "No" in the "Valid Key" column, this is a finding.
For systems that do not have a valid key for the Tanium Server, redeploy the client software from Tanium using the Tanium Client Deployment Tool or work with the Tanium System Administrator to accomplish this.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI) and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Actions". Click on "Scheduled Actions". Look for a scheduled action titled "Client Service Hardening - Set SYSTEM only permissions on Tanium Client directory". If a scheduled action titled "Client Service Hardening - Set SYSTEM only permissions on Tanium Client directory" does not exist, or there is a Scheduled Action contradicting the "Client Service Hardening - Set SYSTEM only permissions on Tanium Client directory" scheduled action, this is a finding. If the scheduled action exists, select it and if it is not approved (the "Approve" button at the top of the section will be displayed if not approved), this is a finding.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web UI and log on with CAC. On the Dashboard, select "Client Service Hardening". Select the "Set Client Directory Permissions". Tanium will parse the script and return a row for "Restricted" and a row for "Not Restricted", with their respective client counts. Click on the "Not Restricted" row. Select "Deploy Action". In the "Deploy Action" dialog box, the package "Client Service Hardening - Set SYSTEM only permissions on Tanium Client directory" will be selected. The clients that have their Tanium Client directory "Not Restricted" will be displayed in the bottom window. Choose a schedule to deploy the hardening. Under "Targeting Criteria", in the Action Group select "All Computers" from the drop-down. Click on "Deploy Action". Verify settings. Click on "Show Client Status Details".
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI) and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Administration". Select the "Global Settings" tab. In the "Show Settings Containing:" search box type "AllQuestionsRequireSignatureFlag". Click "Enter". If no results are returned, this is a finding. If results are returned for "AllQuestionsRequireSignatureFlag" but the value is not "1", this is a finding.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web UI and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Administration". Select the "Global Settings" tab. Click on "New Setting". In "New System Setting" dialog box, enter "AllQuestionsRequireSignatureFlag" for "Setting Name:". Enter "1" for "Setting Value:". Select "Client" from "Affects" drop-down list. Select "Numeric" from "Value Type" drop-down list. Click "Save".
Note: This check is performed for the Tanium Endpoints and must be validated against the HBSS desktop firewall policy applied to the Endpoints. Consult with the HBSS administration for assistance. Validate a rule exists within the HBSS HIPS firewall policies for managed clients for the following: Port Needed: Tanium Clients or Zone Clients over TCP port 17472, bi-directionally. If a host-based firewall rule does not exist to allow TCP port 17472, bi-directionally, this is a finding. Consult with the network firewall administrator and validate rules exist for the following: Allow TCP traffic on port 17472 from any computer to be managed on a local area network to any other computer to be managed on the same local area network. If a network firewall rule does not exist to allow TCP port 17472 from any managed computer to any other managed computer on the same local area network, this is a finding.
Configure host-based and network firewall rules as required.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI) and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Administration". Select the "Scheduled Actions" tab. Look for a scheduled action titled "Client Service Hardening - Allow Only Local SYSTEM to Control Service". If a scheduled action titled "Client Service Hardening - Allow Only Local SYSTEM to Control Service" does not exist, this is a finding. If the scheduled action exists, select it and if it is not approved (the "Approve" button at the top of the section will be displayed if not approved), this is a finding. If the scheduled action exists and has been approved but does not restrict control of the Tanium Client service to Allow Only Local SYSTEM to Control Service, this is a finding. If the action is not configured to repeat at least every hour, this is a finding.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web UI and log on with CAC. From the Dashboard, under "Client Service Hardening", click on "Control Service State Permissions". The results will show a "Count" of clients matching the "Service Control is set to default permissions" query. Select the result line for "Service Control is set to default permissions". Choose "Deploy Action". Deployment Package drop-down select "Client Service Hardening - Allow Only Local SYSTEM to Control Service". Configure the schedule to repeat at least every hour for the requested action. Under "Targeting Criteria", in the Action Group select "All Computers" from the drop-down. Click on "Show preview to continue". Non-compliant systems will be displayed at the bottom. Click on "Deploy Action". Verify settings. Click on "Show Client Status Details".
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI) and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Administration". Select the "Scheduled Actions" tab. Look for a scheduled action titled "Client Service Hardening - Hide Client from Add-Remove Programs". If a scheduled action titled "Client Service Hardening - Hide Client from Add-Remove Programs" does not exist, this is a finding. If the scheduled action exists, select it and if it is not approved (the "Approve" button at the top of the section will be displayed if not approved), this is a finding. If the scheduled action exists and has been approved but does not disable the visibility of the client in Add-Remove Programs, this is a finding. If the action is not configured to repeat at least every hour, this is a finding.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web UI and log on with CAC. From the Dashboard, under "Client Service Hardening", click on "Hide From Add-Remove Programs". The results will show a "Count" of clients matching the "Tanium Client Visible in Add-Remove Programs" query. Select the result line. Choose "Deploy Action". The "Deploy Action" dialog box will display "Client Service Hardening - Hide Client from Add-Remove Programs" as the package. The computer names comprising the "Count" of non-compliant systems will be displayed in the bottom. Deployment Package drop-down select "Client Service Hardening - Hide Client from Add-Remove Programs". Configure the schedule to repeat at least every hour for the requested action. Under "Targeting Criteria", in the Action Group select "All Computers" from the drop-down. Click on "Show preview to continue". Non-compliant systems will be displayed in the bottom. Click on "Deploy Action". Verify settings and click on "Show Client Status Details".
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI) and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Administration". Select the "Scheduled Actions" tab. Look for a scheduled action titled "Client Service Hardening - Set SYSTEM only permissions on the Tanium Client directory". If a scheduled action titled "Client Service Hardening - Set SYSTEM only permissions on the Tanium Client directory" does not exist, this is a finding. If the scheduled action exists, select it and if it is not approved (the "Approve" button at the top of the section will be displayed if not approved), this is a finding. If the scheduled action exists and has been approved but does not disable the visibility of the client in Add-Remove Programs, this is a finding. If the action is not configured to repeat at least every hour, this is a finding.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web UI and log on with CAC. From the Dashboard, under "Client Service Hardening", click on "Set Client Directory Permissions". The results will show a "Count" of clients' compliant and non-compliant hardening for the "Tanium Client Directory Permissions". Non-compliant clients will have a count other than "0" for "Not Restricted" or "Error: No Permissions". Select each of the "Not Restricted" or "Error: No Permissions" statuses. Select "Deploy Action". In the "Deploy Action" dialog box change the package to "Client Service Hardening - Set SYSTEM only permissions on the Tanium Client directory" as the package. Configure the schedule to repeat at least every hour for the requested action. Under "Targeting Criteria", in the Action Group select "All Computers" from the drop-down. Click on "Show preview to continue". Non-compliant systems will be displayed in the bottom. Click on "Deploy Action". Verify settings. Click on "Show Client Status Details".
Consult with the Tanium System Administrator to determine the antivirus used on the Tanium clients. Review the settings of the antivirus software. Validate exclusions exist that exclude the Tanium program files from being scanned by antivirus on-access scans. If exclusions do not exist, this is a finding.
Implement exclusion policies within the antivirus software solution to exclude the on-access scanning of Tanium client program files.
Access the Tanium Module Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Navigate to Program Files(x86) >> Tanium >> Tanium Client Deployment Tool. If the file "psexec.exe" exists, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Module Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Navigate to Program Files(x86) >> Tanium >> Tanium Client Deployment Tool. Remove the file "psexec.exe".
Consult with the Tanium System Administrator to determine the file-based encryption software used on the Tanium clients. Review the settings for the file-based encryption software. Validate exclusions exist that exclude the Tanium program files from being encrypted by the file-based encryption software. If exclusions do not exist, this is a finding.
Implement excluding policies within the file-based encryption software solution to exclude the file level encryption of the Tanium client program files.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI) and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Administration". Select the "Global Settings" tab. In the "Show Settings Containing:" search box type "RandomSensorDelayInSeconds". Click "Enter". If no results are returned, this is a finding. If results are returned for "RandomSensorDelayInSeconds", but do not match the defined value in the system documentation, this is a finding.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web UI and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Administration". Select the "Global Settings" tab. Click on "New Setting". In "New System Setting" dialog box, enter "RandomSensorDelayInSeconds" for "Setting Name:". Consult with a Tanium TAM for an appropriate value for a given network. Enter the value for "Setting Value:". Select "Clients" from "Affects" drop-down list. Select "Numeric" from "Value Type" drop-down list. Click "Save". Document the value for later use.
Consult with the Tanium System Administrator to determine the HIPS software used on the Tanium Clients. Review the settings of the HIPS software. Validate exclusions exist that exclude the Tanium program files from being restricted by HIPS. If exclusions do not exist, this is a finding.
Implement exclusion policies within the HIPS software solution to exclude the Tanium client program files from HIPS intervention.
Access the Tanium Module server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Click "Start". Click the down arrow to view Apps. Find "Tanium Connection Manager AD Sync". Right-click on the icon. Choose to Run-as administrator, at the "User Account Control" window prompt. Click "Yes". In the "Tanium Connection Manager" configuration window, select the "Connector Plug-Ins" tab. Verify a plug-in exists for the "Type" of "Active Directory Sync". If no plug-in exists with the "Type" of "Active Directory Sync", this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Module server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Click "Start" and click the down arrow to view Apps. Find "Tanium Connection Manager AD Sync". Right-click on the icon. Choose to Run-as administrator, at the "User Account Control window" prompt. Click "Yes". In the Tanium Connection Manager configuration window, select the "Connector Plug-Ins" tab. Click the "+" (plus sign) to add a connector. For "Connector Type:" select "Active Directory Sync" from the drop-down menu. Assign a unique "Connector Name:" or leave the default of "Active Directory Sync". Click "OK". Configure "Active Directory" and "Configuration" tabs with variables according to the site's Active Directory configuration. Consult the Tanium Administrator for these variables.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI) and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Administration". Select the "Users" tab. Consult with the Tanium System Administrator to review the documented list of Tanium users. Compare the list of Tanium users versus the users found in the appropriate Active Directory security groups for the User Roles. If there are any console users who are listed in the Tanium console that are not found in a synced Active Directory security group, this is a finding. Alternatively, the ISSO can document the non-synced Active Directory security group users and accept the risk for the users. If this is the case, this would no longer be a finding.
Consult with the Tanium System Administrator to review the documented list of Tanium users. Compare the list of Tanium users versus the users found in the appropriate Active Directory security groups for the User Roles. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web UI and log on with CAC. Click on "Administration". Select the "Users" tab. Any users populated manually, select the user's name, and then click on the "trashcan" icon at the top of the console to delete this user. Note: Consult with the Tanium System Administrator before deleting any user accounts to ensure any scheduled actions or other content is reassigned to another user. This will prevent any potential issues arising from the deletion of a user.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI) and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Administration". Select the "Computer Groups" tab. Under the "Name" column, verify specific groups exist other than the default "All Computers" and "No Computers". If site or organization specific computer groups do not exist, this is a finding.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web UI and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console and then click on "Administration". Select the "Computer Groups" tab. Configure specific Computer Groups in order to facilitate the management of computers by authorized individuals for those computers. Note: Tanium offer two ways to define computer groups. Refer to documentation for explanation found here: Note: Active Directory Computer Groups may also be used to sync with Tanium Computer Groups as a means to satisfy this requirement.
Consult with the Tanium System Administrator to review the documented list of Tanium users. The users' respective, approved roles, as well as the correlated Active Directory security group for the User Roles, must be documented. If the site does not have the Tanium users and their respective, approved roles and AD security groups documented, this is a finding.
Prepare and maintain documentation identifying the Tanium console users and their respective User Roles and AD security groups.
Consult with the Tanium System Administrator to review the documented list of Tanium users. Analyze the users configured in the Tanium interface. Review the users' respective approved roles, as well as the correlated Active Directory security group for the User Roles. Validate Active Directory security groups/Tanium roles are documented to assign least privileged access to the functions of the Tanium Server through the Tanium interface. If the documentation does not reflect a granular, least privileged access approach to the Active Directory Groups/Tanium Roles assignment, this is a finding.
Analyze the users configured in the Tanium interface. Determine least privileged access required for each user to perform their respective duties. Move users to the appropriate Active Directory security group in order to ensure the user is synced to the appropriate Tanium User Role. If appropriate Active Directory security groups are not already configured, create the groups and add the appropriate users. Ensure AD sync re-populates the Tanium Users' associated Roles accordingly.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI) and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Administration". Select the "Users" tab. Verify each user against the Tanium approved users list, and review the assigned roles for each user against the "User Role" column. If any user exists in Tanium but is not on the Tanium-approved users list and/or if any user exists in Tanium at a more elevated User Role than that documented on the list, this is a finding.
When using Active Directory synchronization, as is required by this STIG, User Roles assignments are assigned by the AD Sync connector. AD security groups correlate, one to one, to Tanium User Roles. To change a Tanium user's User Role, their Active Directory account needs to be moved to the AD security group that correlates with the applicable User Role. Access the Active Directory server. Locate the account(s) that have been determined to have the incorrect User Roles in Tanium. Review the Tanium-related AD Security Groups to which the user account(s) belong that directly correlate to the incorrect Tanium User Roles. Remove the user account(s) from the incorrect Tanium User Roles, ensuring the user account(s) are still members of the Tanium-related AD Security Groups for which they have been documented to be authorized.
Consult with the Tanium System Administrator to review the documented list of Tanium users and their respective, approved Computer Group rights. If the site does not have the Tanium users and their respective, approved Computer Group rights documented, this is a finding.
Prepare and maintain documentation identifying the Tanium console users and their respective Computer Group rights.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI) and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Administration". Select the "Users" tab. Verify each user against the Tanium approved users list, and review the assigned group rights for each user against the "Group Rights" column. If any user exists in Tanium but is not on the Tanium-approved users list and/or if any user exists in Tanium with more Group Rights than documented, this is a finding.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web UI and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console and then click on "Administration". Select the "Users" tab. For any user(s) in Tanium who is not on the approved, documented Tanium user list, access the Microsoft Windows Active Directory Management and remove the respective user(s) from the AD Security Group in which those user(s) are members. For any user in Tanium who has not been assigned one or more Computer Groups as has been documented in the Computer Groups list, access the Microsoft Windows Active Directory Management and add the respective user(s) to the AD Security Groups applicable for the roles for which the user(s) have been documented to be authorized. Click "Save".
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Run regedit as Administrator. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Wow6432Node >> Tanium >> Tanium Server Validate the value for REG_DWORD "ForceSOAPSSLClientCert" is set to "1". Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Wow6432Node >> Tanium >> Tanium Server Validate the following keys exist and are configured: REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuthField" For example: X509v3 Subject Alternative Name. REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuthRegex" For example-DoD: .*\:\s*([^@]+)@.* $Note: This regedit should be valid for any Subject Alternative Name entry. REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuth" Note: This registry value defines which certificate file to use for authentication. For example: C:\Program Files\Tanium\Tanium Server\dod.pem REG_SZ "cac_ldap_server_url" Note: This registry value requires that Tanium validate every CAC/PIV authentication attempt with AD to determine the state of the account that is logging on. It must use the syntax similar to LDAP://<AD instance FQDN> If the value for REG_DWORD "ForceSOAPSSLClientCert" is not set to "1" and the remaining registry values are not configured, this is a finding.
Use the vendor documentation titled "Reference: Smart card authentication" to implement correct configuration settings for this requirement. If assistance is required, contact the Tanium Technical Account Manager (TAM). Vendor documentation can be downloaded from the following URL:
Consult with the Tanium System Administrator to verify which firewall is being used as a host-based firewall on the Tanium Server. Access the host-based firewall configuration on the Tanium Server. Validate a rule exists for the following: Port Needed: From only designated Tanium console user clients to Tanium Server over TCP port 443. If a host-based firewall rule does not exist to allow only designated Tanium console user clients to Tanium Server over TCP port 443, this is a finding. Consult with the network firewall administrator and validate rules exist for the following: Allow TCP traffic from only designated Tanium console user clients to Tanium Server over TCP ports 443. If a network firewall rule does not exist to allow traffic from only designated Tanium console user clients to Tanium Server over TCP port 443, this is a finding.
Configure host-based firewall rules on the Tanium Server to include the following required traffic: Allow TCP traffic on port 433 to the Tanium Server from designated Tanium console user clients. Configure the network firewall to allow the above traffic.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI). If a DoD-approved use notification banner does not display prior to logon, this is a finding.
Create an .html file composed of the DoD-authorized warning banner verbiage. Name the file "warning_banner.html". Copy the .html file to the Tanium Server’s http folder. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web UI and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Administration". Select the "Global Settings" tab. Click on "New Setting". In "New System Setting" dialog box, enter "console_PreLoginBannerHTML" for "Setting Name:". Enter "warning_banner.html" for "Setting Value:". Enter Server for "Affects:". Enter Text for "Value Type:". Click "Save".
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI) and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Connect". Review the configured Sources. If no "Sources" exists to send audit logs from the Tanium SQL Server to a SIEM tool, this is a finding. Work with the SIEM administrator to determine if an alert is configured when audit data is no longer received as expected. If there is no alert configured, this is a finding.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web UI and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Connect". Configure a "Sources" to send audit logs from the Tanium SQL Server to a SIEM tool. Work with the SIEM administrator to configure an alert when no audit data is received from Tanium based on the defined schedule of connections.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI) and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Administration". Select the "Scheduled Actions" tab. Look for a scheduled action targeting all machines that is titled either "Patch - Distribute Scan Configuration" or "Patch Management - Run Patch Scan". If there is no Scheduled Action for patching or the Scheduled Action is less frequent than every "30" days, this is a finding.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web UI and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Administration". Select the "Scheduled Actions" tab. Look for a scheduled action targeting all machines that is titled either "Patch - Distribute Scan Configuration" or "Patch Management - Run Patch Scan". Make sure the action is enabled, and configure it to reissue at a minimum, every "30" days.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI) and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Connect". Review the configured Sources. If no "Sources" exists to send audit logs from the Tanium SQL Server to a SIEM tool, this is a finding. Work with the SIEM administrator to determine if an alert is configured when accounts are created. If there is no alert configured, this is a finding.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web UI and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Connect". Configure a "Sources" to send audit logs from the Tanium SQL Server to a SIEM tool. Work with the SIEM administrator to configure an alert when accounts are created.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI) and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Connect". Review the configured Sources. If no "Sources" exists to send audit logs from the Tanium SQL Server to a SIEM tool, this is a finding. Work with the SIEM administrator to determine if an alert is configured when accounts are modified. If there is no alert configured, this is a finding.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web UI and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Connect". Configure "Sources" to send audit logs from the Tanium SQL Server to a SIEM tool. Work with the SIEM administrator to configure an alert when accounts are modified.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI) and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Connect". Review the configured Sources. If no "Sources" exists to send audit logs from the Tanium SQL Server to a SIEM tool, this is a finding. Work with the SIEM administrator to determine if an alert is configured when account enabling actions are performed. If there is no alert configured, this is a finding.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web UI and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Connect". Configure "Sources" to send audit logs from the Tanium SQL Server to a SIEM tool. Work with the SIEM administrator to configure an alert when account enabling actions are performed.
Consult with the Tanium system administrator or database administrator to determine the volume on which the Tanium SQL databases are installed. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI) and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Connect". Review the configured Sources. If none exist to send Disk Free Space of the Tanium SQL Server, this is a finding. Work with the SIEM administrator to determine if an alert is configured when Disk Free Space of the Tanium SQL Server reaches below 25 percent. If there is no alert configured, this is a finding.
Consult with the Tanium system administrator or database administrator to determine the volume on which the Tanium SQL databases are installed. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web UI and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Interact". Enter "Get Disk Free Space from all machines with Computer Name containing "[Your SQL Computer Name]. Press "Enter". Select "Save this question" located under the Question box. Enter a name (e.g., SQL Disk Free Space). Select "Create Saved Question". Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Connect". Select "Create Connection". In the Sources and Destination section select "Saved Question" from the drop-down menu. Enter the "Saved Question Name" created above or select from the drop-down menu. Select the "Computer Group" name from the drop-down menu. Select the desired destination from the drop-down menu (must be a SIEM tool). In the General Information section, provide a name and description. Select "Create Connection" at bottom of the page. Work with the SIEM administrator to configure an alert when Disk Free Space of the Tanium SQL Server reaches below 25 percent of maximum.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Run regedit as Administrator. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Wow6432Node >> Tanium >> Tanium Server Validate the value for REG_DWORD "ForceSOAPSSLClientCert" is set to "1". Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Wow6432Node >> Tanium >> Tanium Server Validate the following keys exist and are configured: REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuthField" For example: X509v3 Subject Alternative Name. REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuthRegex" For example-DoD: .*\:\s*([^@]+)@.*$ Note: This regedit should be valid for any Subject Alternative Name entry. REG_SZ "ClientCertificateAuth" Note: This registry value defines which certificate file to use for authentication. For example: C:\Program Files\Tanium\Tanium Server\dod.pem REG_SZ "cac_ldap_server_url" Note: This registry value requires that Tanium validate every CAC/PIV authentication attempt with AD to determine the state of the account that is logging on. It must use the syntax similar to LDAP://<AD instance FQDN> If the value for REG_DWORD "ForceSOAPSSLClientCert" is not set to "1" and the remaining registry values are not configured, this is a finding.
Use the vendor documentation titled "Reference: Smart card authentication" to implement correct configuration settings for this requirement. If assistance is required, contact the Tanium Technical Account Manager (TAM). Vendor documentation can be downloaded from the following URL:
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI) and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Connect". Review the configured Sources. If no "Sources" exists to send audit logs from the Tanium SQL Server to a SIEM tool, this is a finding. Work with the SIEM administrator to determine if an alert is configured when accounts are disabled. If there is no alert configured, this is a finding.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web UI and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Connect". Configure "Sources" to send audit logs from the Tanium SQL Server to a SIEM tool. Work with the SIEM administrator to configure an alert when accounts are disabled.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI) and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Connect". Review the configured Sources. If no "Sources" exists to send audit logs from the Tanium SQL Server to a SIEM tool, this is a finding. Work with the SIEM administrator to determine if an alert is configured when accounts are deleted. If there is no alert configured, this is a finding.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web UI and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Connect". Configure "Sources" to send audit logs from the Tanium SQL Server to a SIEM tool. Work with the SIEM administrator to configure an alert when accounts are deleted.
Consult with the Tanium System Administrator to review the documented list of Tanium users. Review the users' respective approved roles, as well as the correlated Active Directory security group for the User Roles. Validate Active Directory security groups/Tanium roles are documented to assign least privileged access to the functions of the Tanium Server through the Tanium interface. If the documentation does not reflect a granular, least privileged access approach to the Active Directory Groups/Tanium Roles assignment, this is a finding.
Analyze the users configured in the Tanium interface. Determine least privileged access required for each user to perform their respective duties. Move users to the appropriate Active Directory security group in order to ensure the user is synced to the appropriate Tanium User Role. If appropriate Active Directory security groups are not already configured, create the groups and add the appropriate users. Ensure AD sync repopulates the Tanium users' associated Roles accordingly.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI) and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Connect". Review the configured Tanium Sources listed. If an "Audit Log" Source does not exist, this is a finding.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web UI and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Connect". Click "Create Connection". In the Source and Destination section, select "Audit Log" as the Source from the drop-down menu. In the Destination section, select the desired Destination and fill in the respective fields. In the Format section, select the desired file format type. In the Schedule section, select the desired schedule. Click "Create Connection".
Consult with the Tanium System Administrator to determine the server to which the SQL database has been installed and is configured. If the SQL database is installed on the same server as the Tanium Server, this is a finding.
Move the Tanium SQL database from the Tanium Server to a separate SQL server system.
With the Tanium System Administrator's assistance, access the server on which the Tanium SQL database is installed. Review the databases hosted by that SQL server. If more databases exist on the SQL server than the Tanium database, this is a finding.
Move the Tanium SQL database from the SQL server hosting multiple databases to a dedicated SQL server or remove other databases co-located with Tanium on the existing SQL server.
Access the Tanium SQL server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to a Tanium instance of SQL Server. In the left pane, click "Databases". Select the Tanium database. Click "Security". Click "Users". In the "Users" pane, review the roles assigned to the user accounts. (Note: This does not apply to service accounts.) If any user account has an elevated privilege role other than the assigned database administrators, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium SQL server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Open SQL Server Management Studio. Connect to a Tanium instance of SQL Server. In the left pane, click "Databases". Select the Tanium database. Click "Security". Click "Users". In the "Users" pane, review the roles assigned to the user accounts. For any user accounts with elevated privileges, reduce the role assigned to a least privileged role.
Access the Tanium SQL server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to a Tanium instance of SQL Server. In the left pane, click "Databases". Select the Tanium database. Click "Security". Click "Users". In the "Users" pane, review the role assigned to the Tanium Server service user account. If the role assigned to the Tanium Server service account is not db_owner, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium SQL server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to Tanium instance of SQL Server. In the left pane, click "Databases". Select the Tanium database. Click "Security". Click "Users". In the "Users" pane, right-click the Tanium Server service user account, and on the shortcut menu, click "Properties". Under Database role membership, change role from sysadmin to db_owner. Click "OK".
Consult with the Tanium System Administrator to verify which firewall is being used as a host-based firewall on the Tanium Server. Access the host-based firewall configuration on the Tanium Server. Validate a rule exists for the following: Port Needed: Tanium Server to Remote SQL Server over TCP port 1433. If a host-based firewall rule does not exist to allow Tanium Server to Remote SQL Server over TCP port 1433, this is a finding. Consult with the network firewall administrator and validate rules exist for the following: Allow traffic from Tanium Server to Remote SQL Server over TCP port 1433. If a network firewall rule does not exist to allow traffic from Tanium Server to Remote SQL Server over TCP port 1433, this is a finding.
Configure host-based firewall rules on the Tanium Server to include the following required traffic: Allow TCP traffic on port 1433 from the Tanium Server to the Remote SQL Server. Configure the network firewall to allow the above traffic.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Navigate to Program Files >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. If any SQL stored queries (.sql files) or procedures are found, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Navigate to Program Files >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. Remove the SQL stored queries (.sql files) or procedures from the folder.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI) and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Administration". Select the "Global Settings" tab. In the "Show Settings Containing:" search box type "sign_all_questions_flag". Click "Enter". If no results are returned, this is a finding. If results are returned for "sign_all_questions_flag" but the value is not "1", this is a finding.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web UI and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Administration". Select the "Global Settings" tab. Click on "New Setting". In "New System Setting" dialog box, enter "sign_all_questions_flag" for "Setting Name:". Enter "1" for "Setting Value:". Select "Server" from "Affects" drop-down list. Select "Numeric" from "Value Type" drop-down list. Click "Save".
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI) and log on with CAC. After logging on, in the top right corner of the UI select the drop-down arrow and click on "Preferences". Verify the "Suspend console automatically if no activity detected for:" is configured to a value of "15" minutes or less. If the "Suspend console automatically if no activity detected for:" is not configured to a value of "15" minutes or less, this is a finding.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web UI and log on with CAC. After logging on, in the top right corner of the UI select the drop-down arrow and click on "Preferences". For "Suspend console automatically if no activity detected for:", select a value of "15" minutes or less. Click "Save".
Note: If only using Tanium provided content and not accepting content from any other content providers, this is "Not Applicable". Consult with the Tanium System Administrator to review the documented list of trusted content providers along with the Hash for their respective public keys. If the site does not have the Tanium trusted content providers documented along with the SHA-256 Hash for their respective public keys, this is a finding.
Prepare and maintain documentation identifying the Tanium trusted content providers along with the SHA-256 Hash from their respective public keys.
Note: If only using Tanium provided content and not accepting content from any other content providers, this is "Not Applicable". Obtain documentation from the Tanium System Administrator that contains the public key validation data. Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Open an Explorer window. Navigate to the following folder: Program Files >> Tanium >> Tanium Server >> content_public_keys >> content folder. If the Tanium default key is the only key in the folder, this is not a finding. If there are documented content provider keys in the content folder, this is not a finding. If non-documented content provider keys are found in the content folder, this is a finding.
Obtain the public key from the content providers and validate the keys are present in the Tanium folders. If the public keys are found for non-trusted content providers, remove the associated signing key and remove any content imported by that provider. Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Open an Explorer window. Navigate to the following folder: Program Files >> Tanium >> Tanium Server >> content_public_keys >> content folder. Copy any Trusted Source's .pub key into the folder and document them. Remove any non-Trusted Source's .pub keys from the folder.
Note: If only using Tanium provided content and not accepting content from any other content providers, this is "Not Applicable". Obtain documentation from the Tanium System Administrator that contains the public key validation data. Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Open an Explorer window. Navigate to the following folder: Program Files >> Tanium >> Tanium Server >> content_public_keys >> content folder. Ensure the public keys listed in the content folder are documented. If a public key, other than the default Tanium public key, resides in the content folder and is not documented, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Open an Explorer window. Navigate to the following folder: Program Files >> Tanium >> Tanium Server >> content_public_keys >> content folder. If a public key, other than the default Tanium public key, resides in the content folder, use a hashing utility (e.g., TaniumFileInfo.exe) to determine the hash of the public key. Document the owner, the name of the key, and the associated hash of the public key.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI) and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Administration". Select the "Global Settings" tab. In the "Show Settings Containing:" search box type "require_action_approval". Click "Enter". If no results are returned, this is a finding. If results are returned for "require_action_approval", but the value is not "1", this is a finding.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web UI and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console and then click on "Administration". Select the "Global Settings" tab. If "require_action_approval" does not exist: click on "New Setting". In "New System Setting" dialog box, enter "require_action_approval" for "Setting Name:". Enter "1" for "Setting Value:". Select "Server" from "Affects" drop-down list. Select "Numeric" from "Value Type" drop-down list. Click "Save". If "require_action_approval" does exist but is not set to a value of "1": Click on "require_action_approval". In the right pane click "Edit". Set the "Setting Value" to "1". Click "Save".
Consult with the Tanium System Administrator to determine if the "Tanium Detect" module is being used. If it is not, this is "Not Applicable". Review the documented list of IOC trusted stream sources. If the site does use an external source for IOCs and the IOC trusted stream source is not documented, this is a finding.
Consult with the Tanium System Administrator to determine if the "Tanium Detect" module is being used. If it is not, this is "Not Applicable". Prepare and maintain documentation identifying the Tanium IOC trusted stream sources.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI) and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "IOC Detect". Along the top right side of the interface, click on the icon with the gear. Select "IOC Streams" from the headers within the "Settings" window. Verify all configured IOC Detect Streams are configured to a documented trusted source. If any configured IOC Detect Stream is configured to a stream that has not been documented as trusted, this is a finding.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web UI and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "IOC Detect". Along the top right side of the interface, click on the icon with the gear. Select "IOC Streams" from the headers within the "Settings" window. Delete IOC streams that are configured to a non-trusted source, or reconfigure to point to a trusted source.
Consult with the Tanium System Administrator to determine if the "Tanium Detect" module is being used. If it is not, this is "Not Applicable". Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI) and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Connect". Click "Events" under "Sources". Verify the "Tanium IOC Detect" event is being sent to an identified destination. If there is no "Tanium IOC Detect" event source, this is a finding.
Consult with the Tanium System Administrator to determine if the "Tanium Detect" module is being used. If it is not, this is "Not Applicable". Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web UI and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Connect". Click "Create Connection". Give the Connection a name and description. Select "Events" as the source. Event Group should be "Tanium IOC Detect". Select the appropriate events to send. Consult with the Tanium System Administrator for the Destination. Click "Create Connection".
Consult with the Tanium System Administrator to review the documented list of Tanium users. Review the users' respective approved roles, as well as the correlated Active Directory security group for the User Roles. Validate Active Directory security groups/Tanium roles are documented to assign a least privileged access to the functions of the Tanium Server through the Tanium interface. If the documentation does not reflect a granular, least privileged access approach to the Active Directory Groups/Tanium Roles assignment, this is a finding.
Analyze the users configured in the Tanium interface. Determine least privileged access required for each user to perform their respective duties. Move users to the appropriate Active Directory security group in order to ensure the user is synced to the appropriate Tanium User Role. If appropriate Active Directory security groups are not already configured, create the groups and add the appropriate users. Ensure AD sync repopulates the Tanium users' associated Roles accordingly.
Note: This requirement only applies to Tanium implementations in production. If implementation being evaluated is in development, this requirement is "Not Applicable". Access the Tanium Server through interactive logon. Drill to Program Files >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. Open the tanium.license in Notepad and search for "allow_unsigned_import". If "allow unsigned_import" is followed by ":true", this is a finding.
Contact Tanium for a corrected license file.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Run regedit as Administrator. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Wow6432Node >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. Validate the "DownloadPath" REG_SZ value points to a location off of the Tanium Server directory. If the "DownloadPath" REG_SZ value does not point to a location off of the Tanium Server directory, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Configure a directory off of the Tanium server to relocate the installation package files. Run regedit as Administrator. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Wow6432Node >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. Change the "DownloadPath" REG_SZ value to point to the location of the relocated installation package files. Move the files from the original directory to the location created for the installation package files.
Consult with the Tanium System Administrator to verify which firewall is being used as a host-based firewall on the Tanium Server. Access the host-based firewall configuration on the Tanium Server. Validate rules exist, as required, to include: Between Tanium Clients or Zone Clients over TCP port 17472, bi-directionally. If a host-based firewall rule does not exist to allow TCP port 17472, bi-directionally, this is a finding. Consult with the network firewall administrator and validate rules exist for the following: Allow TCP traffic on port 17472 from any computer to be managed on a local area network to any other computer to be managed on the same local area network. If a network firewall rule does not exist to allow TCP port 17472 from any managed computer to any other managed computer on the same local area network, this is a finding.
Configure host-based and network firewall rules as required, to include Tanium Clients or Zone Clients over TCP port 17472, bi-directionally allow TCP traffic on port 17472 from any computer to be managed on a local area network to any other computer to be managed on the same local area network.
Note: If a Zone Server is not being used, this is "Not Applicable". Consult with the Tanium System Administrator to verify which firewall is being used as a host-based firewall on the Tanium Zone Server. Access the host-based firewall configuration on the Tanium Zone Server. Validate a rule exists for the following: Port Needed: Tanium Clients to Zone Server over TCP port 17472. If a host-based firewall rule does not exist to allow TCP port 17472, bi-directionally, from Tanium Clients to the Tanium Zone Server, this is a finding.
Configure host-based firewall rules as required, to include Tanium Clients to Zone Server over TCP port 17472.
Review the PPSM CAL to ensure Tanium has been registered with all of the TCP ports required for functionality to include (but not limited to) TCP 17472, 17477, 17440, 17441, 443 and 1433. If any TCP ports are being used on the Tanium Server that have been deemed as restricted by the PPSM CAL, this is a finding.
Submit a formal request to have the Tanium communication ports evaluated and added to the PPSM CAL.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Navigate to Program Files >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. Locate the SOAPServer.crt file. Double-click on the file to open the certificate. Select the "Details" tab. Scroll down through the details to find and select the "Enhanced Key Usage" Field. If there is no "Enhanced Key Usage" field, this is a finding. In the bottom screen, verify "Server Authentication" and "Client Authentication" are both identified. If "Server Authentication" and "Client Authentication" are not both identified, this is a finding.
Request or regenerate the certificate being used to include both the "Server Authentication" and "Client Authentication" objects.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Open an Explorer window. Navigate to Program Files >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. Right-click on the "Certs" folder. Choose "Properties". Select the "Security" tab. Click on the "Advanced" button. Validate the owner of the directory is the [Tanium service account]. Validate System has Read Only permissions. Validate the [Tanium service account] has Read Only permissions. Validate [Tanium Admins group] has Full permissions. If the owner of the directory is not the [Tanium service account] and/or System and the [Tanium service account] has more privileges than Read Only and/or the [Tanium Admins group] has less than Full permissions, this is a finding. Navigate to Program Files >> Tanium >> Tanium Server >> Certs. Right-click on each of the following files: Select "Properties". Select the "Security" tab. Click on the "Advanced" button. Installedcacert.crt Installed-server.crt Installed-server.key SOAPServer.crt SOAPServer.key Validate System and the [Tanium service account] have Read-Only permissions to each of the individual files, and the [Tanium Admin group] has Full permissions to each of the individual files. If System and the [Tanium service account] have more than Read-Only permissions to any of the individual files and/or the [Tanium Admin group] has less than Full permissions to any of the individual files, this is a finding. Navigate to Program Files >> Tanium >> Tanium Server >> content_public_keys. Right-click on each of the following files: Select "Properties". Select the "Security" tab. Click on the "Advanced" button. Validate System has Read-Only permissions and is applied to child objects. Validate [Tanium service account] has Read-Only permissions and is applied to child objects. Validate [Tanium Admin Group] has Full permissions and is applied to child objects. If the [Tanium service account] and system permissions to the \content_public_keys folder is greater than Read-Only and/or the Read-Only permissions have not been applied to child objects and/or the [Tanium Admin Group] has less than Full permissions, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Open an Explorer window. Navigate to Program Files >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. Right-click on "Certs" folder. Choose "Properties". Select the "Security" tab. Click on the "Advanced" button. Change the owner of the directory to the [Tanium service account]. Reduce System and the [Tanium service account] to Read-Only permissions. Provide the [Tanium Admin group] with Full permissions. Navigate to >> Program Files >> Tanium >> Tanium Server >> Certs. Right-click on each of the following files: Select "Properties". Select the "Security" tab. Click on the "Advanced" button. For the following files, reduce System and the [Tanium service account] to Read-Only: Installedcacert.crt Installed-server.crt Installed-server.key SOAPServer.crt SOAPServer.key Ensure the [Tanium Admin group] has Full permissions for those same files. Navigate to >> Program Files >> Tanium >> Tanium Server >> content_public_keys. Select "Properties". Select the "Security" tab. Click on the "Advanced" button. Reduce System to Read-Only permissions. - apply to child objects. Reduce [Tanium service account] to Read-Only permissions. - apply to child objects. Provide [Tanium Admin group] with Full permissions - apply to child objects.
Note: If the server being validated is the Tanium Module server, this check is "Not Applicable". Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Click "Start" and access Server Manager. Select Local Server. In upper right corner, click "Tools". Select "Services". If the Tanium Module Server service is "Running", this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Click "Start" and access Server Manager. Select "Local Server". In the upper right corner, click "Tools". Select "Services". Disable the Tanium Module Server service.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Open an Explorer window. Navigate to Program Files >> Tanium. Right-click on the Tanium Server folder. Select "Properties". Select the "Security" tab. Click on the "Advanced" button. Validate the owner of the Tanium Server folder is the service account [Tanium service account]. Validate the [Tanium service account] has full permissions to the Tanium Server folder. Validate the [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions to the Tanium Server folder. Validate users have no permissions to the Tanium Server folder. If any accounts other than the [Tanium service account] and the [Tanium Admins] group have any permission to the Tanium Server folder, this is a finding. If the [Tanium service account] is not the owner of the Tanium Server folder, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Open an Explorer window. Navigate to Program Files >> Tanium. Right-click on the "Tanium Server" folder. Select "Properties". Select the "Security" tab. Click on the "Advanced" button. Disable folder inheritance. Change the owner of the directory to the service account [Tanium service account]. Remove User permissions. Give [Tanium service account] full permissions. Give [Tanium Admins] group full permissions.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Open an Explorer window. Navigate to Program Files >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. Right-click on the "http" folder. Select "Properties". Select the "Security" tab. Click on the "Advanced" button. Validate the owner of the directory is the [Tanium service account]. Validate the [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions. Validate System has Read-Only permissions. Right-click on the "legacy" folder. Select "Properties". Select the "Security" tab. Click on the "Advanced" button. Validate the owner of the directory is the [Tanium service account]. Validate the System has Read-Only permissions. Validate the [Tanium service account] has Read-Only permissions. Validate the [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions. Navigate into the "legacy" folder. Validate the "index.html.bak" file does not exist. Right-click on the "libraries" folder. Select the "Security" tab. Click on the "Advanced" button. Validate the owner of the directory is the [Tanium service account]. Validate System has Read-Only permissions. Validate the [Tanium service account] has Read-Only permissions. Validate the [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions. Right-click on the "taniumjs" folder. Select the "Security" tab. Click on the "Advanced" button. Validate the owner of the directory is the [Tanium service account]. Validate System has Read-Only permissions. Validate the [Tanium service account] has Read-Only permissions. Validate the [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions. Right-click on the "tux" folder. Select the "Security" tab. Click on the "Advanced" button. Validate the owner of the directory is the [Tanium service account]. Validate System has Read-Only permissions. Validate the [Tanium service account] has Read Only permissions. Validate the [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions. Right-click on the "tux-console" folder. Select the "Security" tab. Click on the "Advanced" button. Validate the owner of the directory is the [Tanium service account]. Validate System has Read-Only permissions. Validate the [Tanium service account] has Read-Only permissions. Validate the [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions. If any of the above permissions are not configured correctly, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Open an Explorer window. Navigate to Program Files >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. Right-click on the "http" folder. Select "Properties". Select the "Security" tab. Click on the "Advanced" button. Disable folder inheritance. Change/verify the owner of the directory to the [Tanium service account]. Change/verify the [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions. Reduce System to Read-Only permissions. Right-click on the "legacy" folder. Select the "Security" tab. Click on the "Advanced" button. Disable folder inheritance. Change/verify the owner of the directory to the [Tanium service account]. Reduce System to Read-Only permissions. Reduce [Tanium service account] to Read-Only permissions. Change/verify the [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions. Navigate into the "legacy" folder. Delete index.html.bak. Right-click on the "libraries" folder. Select the "Security" tab. Click on the "Advanced" button. Disable folder inheritance. Change/verify the owner of the directory to the [Tanium service account]. Reduce System to Read-Only permissions. Reduce [Tanium service account] to Read-Only permissions. Change/verify the [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions. Right-click on the "taniumjs" folder. Select the "Security" tab. Click on the "Advanced" button. Disable folder inheritance. Change/verify the owner of the directory to the [Tanium service account]. Reduce System to Read-Only permissions. Reduce [Tanium service account] to Read-Only permissions. Change/verify the [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions. Right-click on the "tux" folder. Select the "Security" tab. Click on the "Advanced" button. Disable folder inheritance. Change/verify the owner of the directory to the [Tanium service account]. Reduce System to Read-Only permissions. Reduce [Tanium service account] to Read-Only permissions. Change/verify the [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions. Right-click on the "tux-console" folder. Select the "Security" tab. Click on the "Advanced" button. Disable folder inheritance. Change/verify the owner of the directory to the [Tanium service account]. Reduce System to Read-Only permissions. Reduce [Tanium service account] to Read-Only permissions. Change/verify the [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Run regedit as Administrator. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Wow6432Node >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. Right-click on "Tanium Server". Select "Properties". Click on the "Security" tab. Click on the "Advanced" button. Validate the [Tanium service account] has full permissions. Validate the [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions. Validate the User accounts do not have any permissions. If any other account has full permissions and/or the User account has any permissions, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Run regedit as Administrator. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Wow6432Node >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. Right-click on "Tanium Server". Select "Properties". Click on the "Security" tab. Click on the "Advanced" button. Provide the [Tanium service account] with full permissions. Provide the [Tanium Admins] group with full permissions. Reduce permissions for any other accounts with full permissions. Remove permissions for User accounts.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Open an Explorer window. Navigate to Program Files >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. Right-click on the "Logs" folder. Select "Properties". Click on the "Security" tab. Click on the "Advanced" button. Validate the owner of the directory is the [Tanium service account]. Validate the [Tanium service account] privileges is only account with modify permissions on the directory. Validate the [Tanium Administrators] group has full permissions on the directory. Right-click on the "TDL_Logs" folder. Select "Properties". Click on the "Security" tab. Click on the "Advanced" button. Validate the owner of the directory is the [Tanium service account]. Validate the [Tanium service account] privileges is the only account with modify permissions on the directory. Validate the [Tanium Administrators] group has full permissions on the directory. If any of the specified permissions are not set as required, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Open an Explorer window. Navigate to Program Files >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. Right-click on the "Logs" folder. Select "Properties". Click on the "Security" tab. Click on the "Advanced" button. Disable folder inheritance. Change/verify the owner of the directory to the [Tanium service account]. Reduce [Tanium service account] privileges to modify permissions on the directory. Ensure [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions on the directory. Right-click on the "TDL_Logs" folder. Select "Properties". Click on the "Security" tab. Click on the "Advanced" button. Disable folder inheritance. Change/verify the owner of the directory to the [Tanium service account]. Reduce [Tanium service account] privileges to modify permissions on the directory. Ensure [Tanium Admins] group has full permissions on the directory.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI) and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Administration". Select the "Users" tab. Review each of the users listed and determine their Active Directory synced account. Access one of the domain's Active Directory Domain Controller servers with a Domain Administrator account. Review each of the users for which a synced account is in the Tanium console as a user. Validate whether any of the users are considered to be non-privileged in Active Directory, yet have privileged capabilities in Tanium. If any of the non-privileged Active Directory accounts have elevated privileges and are synced as a Tanium privileged account, this is a finding.
Access one of the domain's Active Directory Domain Controller servers with a Domain Administrator account. For each of the users for which a synced account is in the Tanium console as a privileged user, adjust the user to an appropriate security group in Active Directory. Verify, after syncing with Tanium, the non-privileged user account is no longer in a privileged role within Tanium.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI) and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Connect". Review the configured Tanium Sources listed. If an "Audit Log" Source does not exist, this is a finding. Select the "Audit Log" source. Select the audit connection found in the lower half of the screen. Verify the "Destination Type" is a SIEM tool. If the "Destination Type" is not a SIEM tool, this is a finding.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web UI and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Connect". Click "Create Connection". In the Source and Destination section, select "Audit Log" as the Event Source from the drop-down menu. In the Destination section, select "Socket Receiver" from the drop-down menu. Enter "Destination Name", "Host", "Network Protocol", and "Port". Consult documentation located at for reference on configuring other applicable SIEM connections.
If the site is using Tanium Integrity Monitor, Tanium Integrity Monitor should be used to monitor the file integrity of Tanium critical files. If Tanium Integrity Monitor is not installed, a third-party file integrity monitoring tool must be used to monitor Tanium critical executables, defined files within the Tanium Server directory path. If the file integrity of Tanium critical executables is not monitored, this is a finding.
Implement a file integrity monitoring system to monitor the Tanium critical executable files.
Consult with the Tanium System Administrator to verify which firewall is being used as a host-based firewall on the Tanium Module Server. Access the host-based firewall configuration on the Tanium Module Server. Validate a rule exists for the following: Port Needed: Tanium Server to Tanium Module Server over TCP port 17477. If a host-based firewall rule does not exist to allow TCP port 17477, from the Tanium Server to the Tanium Module Server, this is a finding. Consult with the network firewall administrator and validate rules exist for the following: Allow TCP traffic on port 17477 from the Tanium Server to the Tanium Module Server. If a network firewall rule does not exist to allow TCP traffic on port 17477 from the Tanium Server to the Tanium Module Server, this is a finding.
Configure host-based firewall rules on the Tanium Module Server to include the following required traffic: Allow TCP traffic on port 17477 from the Tanium Server to the Tanium Module Server. Configure the network firewall to allow the above traffic.
Consult with the Tanium System Administrator to verify which firewall is being used as a host-based firewall on the Tanium Server. Access the host-based firewall configuration on the Tanium Server. Validate a rule exists for the following: Port Needed: Tanium Server to Tanium Module Server over TCP port 17477. If a host-based firewall rule does not exist to allow TCP port 17477, from the Tanium Server to the Tanium Module Server, this is a finding. Consult with the network firewall administrator and validate rules exist for the following: Allow TCP traffic on port 17477 from the Tanium Server to the Tanium Module Server. If a network firewall rule does not exist to allow TCP traffic on port 17477 from the Tanium Server to the Tanium Module Server, this is a finding.
Configure host-based firewall rules on the Tanium Server to allow the following required traffic: Allow TCP traffic on port 17477 to the Tanium Module Server from the Tanium Server. Configure the network firewall to allow the above traffic.
Note: If a Zone Server is not being used, this is "Not Applicable". Consult with the Tanium System Administrator to verify which firewall is being used as a host-based firewall on the Tanium Zone Server. Access the host-based firewall configuration on the Tanium Zone Server. Validate a rule exists for the following: Port Needed: Tanium Server to Zone Server over TCP port 17472. If a host-based firewall rule does not exist to allow TCP port 17472, bi-directionally, from Tanium Server to the Tanium Zone Server, this is a finding.
Configure host-based firewall rules on the Tanium Zone server to include the following required traffic: Allow Tanium Server to Zone Server over TCP port 17472. Configure the network firewall to allow the above traffic.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: regedit <enter>. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Wow6432Node >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. Verify the existence of a DWORD "SSLHonorCipherOrder" with a value of "0x00000001" (hex). If the DWORD "SSLHonorCipherOrder" does not exist with a value of "0x00000001" (hex), this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: regedit <enter>. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Wow6432Node >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. Add or modify the DWORD "SSLHonorCipherOrder" to have a value of 0x00000001 (hex).
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI) and log on with CAC. When connected, review the Certificate for the Tanium Server. (In Internet Explorer, right-click on the page, select "Properties", click on the "Certificates" tab.) On the "General" tab, validate the Certificate shows as issued by a DOD Root CA. On Certification "Path" tab, validate the path top-level is a DoD Root CA. If the certificate authority is not DoD Root CA, this is a finding.
Request or regenerate the certificate from a DoD Root Certificate Authority.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI) and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Connect". If no "Email" connectors are configured under "Destinations", this is Not Applicable. For each "Email" connector, select the connector to reveal its properties. Validate the "Enable TLS" is set to "true". If any configured "Email" connectors are configured for "Enable TLS" set to "false", this is a finding.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web UI and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Connect". Click on "Email" on the Destinations column. Select each "Email" connector that is configured with "Enable TLS" set to "false". Click the "Edit" button at the top right of the screen. Place a check in the "Enable TLS" check box. Click on "Save Changes".
Consult with the Tanium System Administrator to determine the antivirus software used on the Tanium Server. Review the settings of the antivirus software. Validate exclusions exist that exclude the Tanium program files from being scanned by antivirus on-access scans. If exclusions do not exist, this is a finding.
Implement exclusion policies within the antivirus software solution to prevent on-access scanning of Tanium Server program files.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI). If a DoD-approved use notification banner does not display prior to logon, this is a finding.
Create an .html file composed of the DoD-authorized warning banner verbiage (Consult with a Tanium TAM for syntax). Name the file "warning_banner.html". Copy the .html file to the Tanium Server’s http folder. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web UI and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Administration". Select the "Global Settings" tab. Click on "New Setting". In "New System Setting" dialog box, enter "console_PreLoginBannerHTML" for "Setting Name:". Enter "warning_banner.html" for "Setting Value:". Enter Server for "Affects:". Enter Text for "Value Type:". Click "Save".
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI). If a DoD-approved use notification banner does not display prior to logon, this is a finding.
Create an .html file composed of the DoD-authorized warning banner verbiage. Name the file "warning_banner.html". Copy the .html file to the Tanium Server’s http folder. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web UI and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Administration". Select the "Global Settings" tab. Click on "New Setting". In "New System Setting" dialog box, enter "console_PreLoginBannerHTML" for "Setting Name:". Enter "warning_banner.html" for "Setting Value:". Enter Server for "Affects:". Enter Text for "Value Type:". Click "Save".
Consult with the Tanium System Administrator to determine the file-level encryption software used on the Tanium Server. Review the settings for the file-level encryption software. Validate exclusions exist that exclude the Tanium program files from being encrypted by the file-level encryption software. If exclusions do not exist, this is a finding.
Implement excluding policies within the file-level encryption software solution to exclude encryption of the Tanium Server program files.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI) and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Administration". Select the "Global Settings" tab. In the "Show Settings Containing:" search box type "max_soap_sessions_total". Click "Enter". If no results are returned, this is a finding. If results are returned for "max_soap_sessions_total", but the value is not the value defined in the system documentation, this is a finding.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web UI and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console and then click on "Administration". Select the "Global Settings" tab. Click on "New Setting". In "New System Setting" dialog box enter "max_soap_sessions_total" for "Setting Name:". Work with a Tanium Technical Account Manager (TAM) for a proper value, and enter this for the "Setting Value:". Select "Server" from "Affects drop-down list. Select "Numeric" from "Value Type" drop-down list. Click "Save". Add this setting to the system documentation for validation.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI) and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Administration". Select the "Global Settings" tab. In the "Show Settings Containing:" search box type "max_soap_sessions_per_user". Click "Enter". If no results are returned, this is a finding. If results are returned for "max_soap_sessions_per_user", but the value is not the value defined in the system documentation, this is a finding.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web UI and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console and then click on "Administration". Select the "Global Settings" tab. Click on "New Setting". In "New System Setting" dialog box enter "max_soap_sessions_per_user" for "Setting Name:". Work with a Tanium Technical Account Manager (TAM) for a proper value, and enter this for the "Setting Value:". Select "Server" from "Affects" drop-down list. Select "Numeric" from "Value Type" drop-down list. Click "Save". Add this setting to the system documentation for validation.
Consult with the Tanium System Administrator to review the documented list of folder maintainers for IOC Detect Folder streams. If the site does not leverage Folder streams to import IOCs, this finding is "Not Applicable". If the site does use Folder streams to import IOCs and the folder maintainers are not documented, this is a finding.
Prepare and maintain documentation identifying the Tanium IOC Folder stream maintainers.
Consult with the Tanium System Administrator to determine if the Tanium Detect module is being used. If it is not, this finding is "Not Applicable". If it is being used, determine where the IOC stream comes from. Access the Tanium Module Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Open an Explorer window. If the folder hosting the IOC Detect Folder streams is not mapped to the Tanium Module Server, temporarily map it to the Tanium Module Server. Right-click on the folder and choose "Properties". Select the "Security" tab. Click on the "Advanced" button. If the accounts listed in the "Security" tab do not match the list of accounts found in the Tanium documentation, this is a finding. If the folder was temporarily mapped to the Tanium Module Server, remove the folder mapping.
Consult with the Tanium System Administrator to determine if the "Detect" module is being used. If it is not, this is "Not Applicable". Access the Tanium Module Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Open an Explorer window. If the folder hosting the IOC Detect Folder streams is not mapped to the Tanium Module Server, temporarily map it to the Tanium Module Server. Right-click on the folder and choose "Properties". Select the "Security" tab. Click on the "Advanced" button. If the accounts listed in the "Security" tab do not match the list of accounts, with the exception of SYSTEM, remove the additionally listed accounts. If the accounts listed in the "Security" tab are missing accounts from the documentation, with the exception of SYSTEM, add the additionally listed accounts with a minimum of READ permissions. If the folder was temporarily mapped to the Tanium Module Server, remove the folder mapping.
Consult with the Tanium System Administrator to review the documented list of trusted SCAP feeds. If the site does not have "Tanium Comply" module, or does not use "Tanium Comply" for compliance validation, this finding is "Not Applicable". If the site does use "Tanium Comply" and the source for SCAP content is not documented, this is a finding.
If the site does not have "Tanium Comply" module, or does not use "Tanium Comply" for compliance validation, this finding is "Not Applicable". Prepare and maintain documentation identifying the source of SCAP feeds that will be used by "Tanium Comply" module.
Consult with the Tanium System Administrator to review the documented list of trusted OVAL feeds. If the site does not have "Tanium Comply" module, or does not use "Tanium Comply" for passive vulnerability scanning, this finding is "Not Applicable". Otherwise, if the site does use "Tanium Comply" and the source for OVAL content is not documented, this is a finding.
If the site does not have "Tanium Comply" module, or does not use "Tanium Comply" for passive vulnerability scanning, this finding is "Not Applicable". Prepare and maintain documentation identifying the source of OVAL feeds that will be used by "Tanium Comply" module.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI) and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Comply". Along the left side of the interface, click on "Benchmarks" then "Configuration Compliance". Verify all imported compliance benchmarks are from a documented trusted source. If any compliance benchmark is found that does not come from a documented trusted source, this is a finding.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web UI and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Comply". Along the left side of the interface, click on "Benchmarks" then "Configuration Compliance". Delete any compliance benchmarks that come from non-trusted sources.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI) and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Comply". Along the left side of the interface, click on "Benchmarks" then "Vulnerability". Verify all imported vulnerability sources are from a documented trusted source. If any vulnerability sources found do not match a documented trusted source, this is a finding.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web UI and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Comply". Along the left side of the interface, click on "Benchmarks" then "Vulnerability". Delete any vulnerability sources that are configured to non-trusted sources, or reconfigured to point to a trusted sources.
If the system is not considered mission critical, this is Not Applicable. Consult with the Tanium System Administrator to verify that Tanium is configured in a high-availability (HA) Active-Active setup. If Tanium is not configured in a HA Active-Active setup, this is a finding.
If the system is not considered mission critical, this is Not Applicable. Work with the Tanium System Administrator to configure Tanium in a HA Active-Active setup based on the process outlined in the Tanium documentation found at
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: regedit <enter> Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Wow6432Node >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. Verify the existence of a DWORD "DownloadBytesPerSecondLimit". If the DWORD "DownloadBytesPerSecondLimit" does not exist with a value equal to the value recorded in the system documentation, this is a finding. Consult with your TAM for an appropriate value and record this in the system documentation. If this setting is not documented, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: regedit <enter> Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Wow6432Node >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. Add or modify the DWORD "DownloadBytesPerSecondLimit" to have a value that matches the value recorded in the system documentation.
Access the Tanium SQL Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Consult server sizing documentation at and the Tanium system administrator to determine the recommended disk space sizing for the size of the Tanium deployment. Launch File Explorer. Check the total disk space allocated to the hard drive allocated for the Tanium SQL databases. Compare the allocated size against the recommended disk space sizing for the size of the Tanium deployment. If the allocated size is less than the recommended disk space, this is a finding.
Work with the Tanium System Administrator and/or database administrator to allocate additional disk space for the volume hosting the Tanium SQL databases.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: regedit <enter>. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Wow6432Node >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. Verify the existence of a DWORD "DownloadBytesPerSecondLimit" with a value matching what is in the system documentation. If the DWORD "DownloadBytesPerSecondLimit" does not exist with the correct value, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: regedit <enter>. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Wow6432Node >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. Add or modify the DWORD "DownloadBytesPerSecondLimit" to have a value consistent with the value found in the system documentation.
Consult with the Tanium System Administrator to review the documented time window designated for updates. If a window of time is not defined, or does not specify a reoccurring frequency, this is a finding. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI) and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console and then click on "Tanium Solutions". If any module has the text "Upgrade to" a newer (greater) version number compared to the Installed version number in the Tanium Modules section of the page, this is a finding. If the Tanium install is an "airgap" install, work with the Tanium Technical Account Manager (TAM) to determine if the modules are up to date.
Work with the Tanium System Administrator to define the reoccurring time window designated for updates. Update the system documentation to reflect this window of time. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web UI and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console and then click on "Tanium Solutions". Select any modules that indicate "Upgrade to" and proceed with importing the modules.
Consult with the Tanium System Administrator to determine the HIPS software used on the Tanium Server. Review the settings of the HIPS software. Validate exclusions exist that exclude the Tanium program files from being restricted by HIPS. If exclusions do not exist, this is a finding.
Implement exclusion policies within the HIPS software solution to exclude the Tanium Server program files from HIPS intervention.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI) and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Administration". Select the "Global Settings" tab. In the "Show Settings Containing:" search box, type "session_expiration_seconds". Enter. If no results are returned, this is a finding. If results are returned for "session_expiration_seconds", but the value is not "900" or less, this is a finding.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web UI and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console and then click on "Administration". Select the "Global Settings" tab. Click on "New Setting". In the "New System Setting" dialog box, enter "session_expiration_seconds" for "Setting Name:". Enter "900" or less for "Setting Value:". Select "Server" from the "Affects" drop-down list. Select "Numeric" from the "Value Type" drop-down list. Click "Save". If "session_expiration_seconds" exists but is not "900" or less, select the box beside the value and click on "Edit". Enter "900" or less for "Setting Value:". Click "Save".
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI) and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Administration". Select the "Global Settings" tab. In the "Show Settings Containing:" search box, type "max_console_idle_seconds". Enter. If no results are returned, this is a finding. If results are returned for "max_console_idle_seconds", but the value is not "900" or less, this is a finding.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web UI and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console and then click on "Administration". Select the "Global Settings" tab. Click on "New Setting". In "New System Setting" dialog box, enter "max_console_idle_seconds" for "Setting Name:". Enter "900" for "Setting Value:". Select "Server" from the "Affects" drop-down list. Select "Numeric" from the "Value Type" drop-down list. Click "Save". If "max_console_idle_seconds" exists but is not "900" or less, select the box beside the value and click "Edit". Enter "900" or less for "Setting Value:". Click "Save".
Verify that to prevent a non-privileged user from impacting the Tanium Server's ability to operate, the control of the service is restricted to the Local Administrators. Log on interactively to the Tanium Server. Open the CMD prompt as admin. Run "sc sdshow "Tanium Server"" If the string does not match "D:(A;;CCDCLCSWRPWPDTLOCRSDRCWDWO;;;BA)(A;;CCLCSWRPWPDTLOCRRC;;;SY)(A;;CCLCSWLOCRRC;;;AU)S:(AU;FA;CCDCLCSWRPWPDTLOCRSDRCWDWO;;;WD)", this is a finding. Run the above on all other Tanium Servers, to include Tanium Servers in an Active-Active pair.
Log on interactively to the Tanium Server. Open the CMD prompt as admin. Run "sc sdset "Tanium Server" D:(A;;CCDCLCSWRPWPDTLOCRSDRCWDWO;;;BA)(A;;CCLCSWRPWPDTLOCRRC;;;SY)(A;;CCLCSWLOCRRC;;;AU)S:(AU;FA;CCDCLCSWRPWPDTLOCRSDRCWDWO;;;WD)" Run the above on all other Tanium Servers, to include Tanium Servers in an Active-Active pair.
As part of any Tanium install, Tanium has a tuning process that takes into account customer-provided inputs on the size of the deployment as well as characteristics of the network. Obtain from Tanium the document that states the tuning settings for the particular installation. If the organization cannot provide a server tuning document from the vendor, this is a finding.
Obtain the vendor tuning documentation for the deployment and include it in the system's documentation as proof of tuning.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> SSL 2.0 >> Client Name: DisabledByDefault Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000001 (hex) If the value for "DisabledByDefault" is not set to "1" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding. Name: Enabled Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000000 (hex) If the value for "Enabled" is not set to "0" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> SSL 2.0 >> Client Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "DisabledByDefault" and press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify...". Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK". Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "Enabled" and press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify...". Leave default value of "0" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK".
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> SSL 2.0 >> Server Name: DisabledByDefault Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000001 (hex) If the value for "DisabledByDefault" is not set to "1" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding. Name: Enabled Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000000 (hex) If the value for "Enabled" is not set to "0" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> SSL 2.0 >> Server Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "DisabledByDefault" and press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK". Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "Enabled" and press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Leave default value of "0" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK".
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> SSL 3.0 >> Client Name: DisabledByDefault Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000001 (hex) If the value for "DisabledByDefault" is not set to "1" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding. Name: Enabled Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000000 (hex) If the value for "Enabled" is not set to "0" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> SSL 3.0 >> Client Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "DisabledByDefault" and press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK". Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "Enabled" and press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Leave default value of "0" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK".
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> SSL 3.0 >> Server Name: DisabledByDefault Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000001 (hex) If the value for "DisabledByDefault" is not set to "1" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding. Name: Enabled Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000000 (hex) If the value for "Enabled" is not set to "0" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> SSL 3.0 >> Server Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "DisabledByDefault" and press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK". Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "Enabled" and press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Leave the default value of "0" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK".
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.0 >> Client Name: DisabledByDefault Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000001 (hex) If the value for "DisabledByDefault" is not set to "1" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding. Name: Enabled Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000000 (hex) If the value for "Enabled" is not set to "0" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.0 >> Client Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "DisabledByDefault" and press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK". Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "Enabled" and press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Leave default value of "0" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK".
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.0 >> Server Name: DisabledByDefault Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000001 (hex) If the value for "DisabledByDefault" is not set to "1" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding. Name: Enabled Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000000 (hex) If the value for "Enabled" is not set to "0" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.0 >> Server Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "DisabledByDefault" and press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK". Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "Enabled" and press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Leave default value of "0" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK".
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.1 >> Client Name: DisabledByDefault Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000001 (hex) If the value for "DisabledByDefault" is not set to "1" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding. Name: Enabled Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000000 (hex) If the value for "Enabled" is not set to "0" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.1 >> Client Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "DisabledByDefault" and press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK". Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "Enabled" and press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Leave default value of "0" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK".
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.1 >> Server Name: DisabledByDefault Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000001 (hex) If the value for "DisabledByDefault" is not set to "1" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding. Name: Enabled Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000000 (hex) If the value for "Enabled" is not set to "0" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.1 >> Server Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "DisabledByDefault" and press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK". Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "Enabled" and press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Leave default value of "0" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK".
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.2 >> Client Name: DisabledByDefault Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000000 (hex) If the value for "DisabledByDefault" is not set to "0" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding. Name: Enabled Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000001 (hex) If the value for "Enabled" is not set to "1" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.2 >> Client Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "DisabledByDefault". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Leave default value of "0" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK". Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "Enabled" and press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK".
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.2 >> Server Name: DisabledByDefault Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000000 (hex) If the value for "DisabledByDefault" is not set to "0" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding. Name: Enabled Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000001 (hex) If the value for "Enabled" is not set to "1" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.2 >> Server Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "DisabledByDefault". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Leave default value of "0" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK". Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "Enabled". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK".
Access the Tanium Module Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> SSL 2.0 >> Client Name: DisabledByDefault Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000001 (hex) If the value for "DisabledByDefault" is not set to "1" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding. Name: Enabled Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000000 (hex) If the value for "Enabled" is not set to "0" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Module Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> SSL 2.0 >> Client Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "DisabledByDefault". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK". Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "Enabled". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Leave default value of "0" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK".
Access the Tanium Module Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> SSL 2.0 >> Server Name: DisabledByDefault Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000001 (hex) If the value for "DisabledByDefault" is not set to "1" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding. Name: Enabled Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000000 (hex) If the value for "Enabled" is not set to "0" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Module Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> SSL 2.0 >> Server Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "DisabledByDefault". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK". Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "Enabled". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Leave default value of "0" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK".
Access the Tanium Module Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> SSL 3.0 >> Client Name: DisabledByDefault Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000001 (hex) If the value for "DisabledByDefault" is not set to "1" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding. Name: Enabled Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000000 (hex) If the value for "Enabled" is not set to "0" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Module Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> SSL 3.0 >> Client Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "DisabledByDefault". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK". Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "Enabled". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Leave default value of "0" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK".
Access the Tanium Module Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> SSL 3.0 >> Server Name: DisabledByDefault Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000001 (hex) If the value for "DisabledByDefault" is not set to "1" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding. Name: Enabled Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000000 (hex) If the value for "Enabled" is not set to "0" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Module Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> SSL 3.0 >> Server Right-click in the right window pane Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "DisabledByDefault". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK". Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "Enabled". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Leave default value of "0" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK".
Access the Tanium Module Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.0 >> Client Name: DisabledByDefault Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000001 (hex) If the value for "DisabledByDefault" is not set to "1" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding. Name: Enabled Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000000 (hex) If the value for "Enabled" is not set to "0" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Module Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.0 >> Client Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "DisabledByDefault". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK". Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "Enabled". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Leave default value of "0" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK".
Access the Tanium Module Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.0 >> Server Name: DisabledByDefault Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000001 (hex) If the value for "DisabledByDefault" is not set to "1" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding. Name: Enabled Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000000 (hex) If the value for "Enabled" is not set to "0" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Module Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.0 >> Server Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "DisabledByDefault". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK". Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "Enabled". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Leave default value of "0" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK".
Access the Tanium Module Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.1 >> Client Name: DisabledByDefault Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000001 (hex) If the value for "DisabledByDefault" is not set to "1" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding. Name: Enabled Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000000 (hex) If the value for "Enabled" is not set to "0" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Module Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.1 >> Client Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "DisabledByDefault". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK". Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "Enabled". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Leave default value of "0" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK".
Access the Tanium Module Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.1 >> Server Name: DisabledByDefault Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000001 (hex) If the value for "DisabledByDefault" is not set to "1" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding. Name: Enabled Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000000 (hex) If the value for "Enabled" is not set to "0" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Module Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.1 >> Server Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "DisabledByDefault". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK". Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "Enabled". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Leave default value of "0" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK".
Access the Tanium Module Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.2 >> Client Name: DisabledByDefault Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000000 (hex) If the value for "DisabledByDefault" is not set to "0" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding. Name: Enabled Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000001 (hex) If the value for "Enabled" is not set to "1" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Module Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.2 >> Client Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "DisabledByDefault". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Leave default value of "0" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK". Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "Enabled". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK".
Access the Tanium Module Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.2 >> Server Name: DisabledByDefault Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000000 (hex) If the value for "DisabledByDefault" is not set to "0" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding. Name: Enabled Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000001 (hex) If the value for "Enabled" is not set to "1" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Module Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.2 >> Server Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "DisabledByDefault". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Leave default value of "0" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK". Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "Enabled". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK".
Access the Tanium SQL Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> SSL 2.0 >> Client Name: DisabledByDefault Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000001 (hex) If the value for "DisabledByDefault" is not set to "1" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding. Name: Enabled Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000000 (hex) If the value for "Enabled" is not set to "0" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium SQL Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> SSL 2.0 >> Client Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "DisabledByDefault". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK". Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "Enabled". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Leave default value of "0" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK".
Access the Tanium SQL Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> SSL 2.0 >> Server Name: DisabledByDefault Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000001 (hex) If the value for "DisabledByDefault" is not set to "1" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding. Name: Enabled Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000000 (hex) If the value for "Enabled" is not set to "0" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium SQL Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> SSL 2.0 >> Server Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "DisabledByDefault". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK". Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "Enabled". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Leave default value of "0" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK".
Access the Tanium SQL Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> SSL 3.0 >> Client Name: DisabledByDefault Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000001 (hex) If the value for "DisabledByDefault" is not set to "1" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding. Name: Enabled Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000000 (hex) If the value for "Enabled" is not set to "0" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium SQL Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> SSL 3.0 >> Client Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "DisabledByDefault". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK". Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "Enabled". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Leave default value of "0" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK".
Access the Tanium SQL Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> SSL 3.0 >> Server Name: DisabledByDefault Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000001 (hex) If the value for "DisabledByDefault" is not set to "1" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding. Name: Enabled Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000000 (hex) If the value for "Enabled" is not set to "0" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium SQL Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> SSL 3.0 >> Server Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "DisabledByDefault". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK". Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "Enabled". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Leave default value of "0" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK".
Access the Tanium SQL Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.0 >> Client Name: DisabledByDefault Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000001 (hex) If the value for "DisabledByDefault" is not set to "1" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding. Name: Enabled Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000000 (hex) If the value for "Enabled" is not set to "0" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium SQL Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.0 >> Client Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "DisabledByDefault". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK". Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "Enabled". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Leave default value of "0" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK".
Access the Tanium SQL Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.0 >> Server Name: DisabledByDefault Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000001 (hex) If the value for "DisabledByDefault" is not set to "1" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding. Name: Enabled Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000000 (hex) If the value for "Enabled" is not set to "0" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium SQL Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.0 >> Client Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "DisabledByDefault". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK". Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "Enabled". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Leave default value of "0" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK".
Access the Tanium SQL Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.1 >> Client Name: DisabledByDefault Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000001 (hex) If the value for "DisabledByDefault" is not set to "1" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding. Name: Enabled Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000000 (hex) If the value for "Enabled" is not set to "0" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium SQL Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.1 >> Client Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "DisabledByDefault". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK". Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "Enabled". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Leave default value of "0" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK".
Access the Tanium SQL Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.1 >> Server Name: DisabledByDefault Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000001 (hex) If the value for "DisabledByDefault" is not set to "1" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding. Name: Enabled Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000000 (hex) If the value for "Enabled" is not set to "0" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium SQL Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.1 >> Server Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "DisabledByDefault". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK". Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "Enabled". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Leave default value of "0" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK".
Access the Tanium SQL Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.2 >> Client Name: DisabledByDefault Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000000 (hex) If the value for "DisabledByDefault" is not set to "0" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding. Name: Enabled Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000001 (hex) If the value for "Enabled" is not set to "1" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium SQL Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.2 >> Client Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "DisabledByDefault". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Leave default value of "0" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK". Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "Enabled". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK".
Access the Tanium SQL Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.2 >> Server Name: DisabledByDefault Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000000 (hex) If the value for "DisabledByDefault" is not set to "0" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding. Name: Enabled Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x00000001 (hex) If the value for "Enabled" is not set to "1" and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium SQL Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> SecurityProviders >> SCHANNEL >> Protocols >> TLS 1.2 >> Server Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "DisabledByDefault". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Leave default value of "0" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK". Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "Enabled". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK".
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Microsoft >> .NETFramework >> v4.0.xxxxx (the sub-version number may vary, but it is a 4.0 version; example: 4.0.30319) Name: SchUseStrongCrypto Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000001 (hex) If the value for "SchUseStrongCrypto" is not set to "0x00000001" (hex) and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Microsoft >> .NETFramework >> v4.0.xxxxx (the sub-version number may vary, but it is a 4.0 version; example: 4.0.30319) Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "SchUseStrongCrypto" and press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK".
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Wow6432Node >> Microsoft >> .NETFramework >> v4.0.xxxxx (the sub-version number may vary, but it is a 4.0 version; example: 4.0.30319) Name: SchUseStrongCrypto Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000001 (hex) If the value for "SchUseStrongCrypto" is not set to "0x00000001" (hex) and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Wow6432Node >> Microsoft >> .NETFramework >> v4.0.xxxxx (the sub-version number may vary, but it is a 4.0 version; example: 4.0.30319) Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "SchUseStrongCrypto" and press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK".
Access the Tanium Module Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Microsoft >> .NETFramework >> v4.0.xxxxx (the sub-version number may vary, but it is a 4.0 version; example: 4.0.30319) Name: SchUseStrongCrypto Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000001 (hex) If the value for "SchUseStrongCrypto" is not set to "0x00000001" (hex) and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Module Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Microsoft >> .NETFramework >> v4.0.xxxxx (the sub-version number may vary, but it is a 4.0 version; example 4.0.30319) Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "SchUseStrongCrypto" and press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK".
Access the Tanium Module Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Wow6432Node >> Microsoft >> .NETFramework >> v4.0.xxxxx (the sub-version number may vary, but it is a 4.0 version; example 4.0.30319) Name: SchUseStrongCrypto Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000001 (hex) If the value for "SchUseStrongCrypto" is not set to "0x00000001" (hex) and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Module Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Wow6432Node >> Microsoft >> .NETFramework >> v4.0.xxxxx (the sub-version number may vary, but it is a 4.0 version; example: 4.0.30319) Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "SchUseStrongCrypto" and press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK".
Access the Tanium SQL Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Microsoft >> .NETFramework >> v4.0.xxxxx (the sub-version number may vary, but it is a 4.0 version; example: 4.0.30319) Name: SchUseStrongCrypto Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000001 (hex) If the value for "SchUseStrongCrypto" is not set to "0x00000001" (hex) and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium SQL Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Microsoft >> .NETFramework >> v4.0.xxxxx (the sub-version number may vary, but it is a 4.0 version; example: 4.0.30319) Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "SchUseStrongCrypto" and press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Leave default value of "0" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK". Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "Enabled". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK".
Access the Tanium SQL Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Wow6432Node >> Microsoft >> .NETFramework >> v4.0.xxxxx (the sub-version number may vary, but it is a 4.0 version; example: 4.0.30319) Name: SchUseStrongCrypto Type: REG_DWORD Data: 0x0000001 (hex) If the value for "SchUseStrongCrypto" is not set to "0x00000001" (hex) and "Type" is not configured to "REG_DWORD" or does not exist, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium SQL Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Wow6432Node >> Microsoft >> .NETFramework >> v4.0.xxxxx (the sub-version number may vary, but it is a 4.0 version; example: 4.0.30319) Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "SchUseStrongCrypto" and press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Leave default value of "0" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK". Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value In the "Name" field, enter "Enabled". Press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Enter "1" in "Value data:" and ensure that under "Base" the "Hexadecimal" radio button is selected. Click "OK".
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Wow6432Node >> Tanium >> Tanium Server Name: SSLCipherSuite Type: String Value:AES256-GCM-SHA384:AES128-GCM-SHA256:AES256-CCM:AES128-CCM:AES256- CCM8:AES128-CCM8:AES256-SHA256:AES128- SHA256:!aNULL:!eNULL:!EXPORT:!DES:!RC4:!MD5:!PSK:!aECDH:!EDH-DSS-DES-CBC3- SHA:!EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA:!KRB5-DES-CBC3-SHA If the String "SSLCipherSuite" does not exist with the appropriate list values, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Press "Enter". Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> Software >> Wow6432Node >> Tanium >> Tanium Server Right-click in the right window pane. Select: New >> String Value In the "Name" field, enter "SSLCipherSuite" and press "Enter". Right-click on the newly created "Name" and select "Modify..." Add the following: AES256-GCM-SHA384:AES128-GCM-SHA256:AES256-CCM:AES128-CCM:AES256- CCM8:AES128-CCM8:AES256-SHA256:AES128- SHA256:!aNULL:!eNULL:!EXPORT:!DES:!RC4:!MD5:!PSK:!aECDH:!EDH-DSS-DES-CBC3- SHA:!EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA:!KRB5-DES-CBC3-SHA Click "OK".
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web user interface (UI) and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console. Click on "Administration". Select the "Global Settings" tab. In the "Show Settings Containing:" search box type "soap_max_keep_alive". Click "Enter". If no results are returned, this is a finding. If results are returned for "soap_max_keep_alive", but the value is not the value defined in the system documentation, this is a finding.
Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to Tanium, access the Tanium web UI and log on with CAC. Click on the navigation button (hamburger menu) on the top left of the console and then click on "Administration". Select the "Global Settings" tab. Click on "New Setting". In "New System Setting" dialog box enter "soap_max_keep_alive" for "Setting Name:". Work with a Tanium Technical Account Manager (TAM) for a proper value, and enter this for the "Setting Value:". Select "Server" from "Affects" drop-down list. Select "Numeric" from "Value Type" drop-down list. Click "Save". Add this setting to the system documentation for validation.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: "regedit". Click "Enter". Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Wow6432Node >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. Verify the existence of a String "SSLCipherSuite" with a value of: AES256-GCM-SHA384:AES128-GCM-SHA256:AES256-CCM:AES128-CCM:AES256- CCM8:AES128-CCM8:AES256-SHA256:AES128- SHA256:!aNULL:!eNULL:!EXPORT:!DES:!RC4:!MD5:!PSK:!aECDH:!EDH-DSS-DES-CBC3- SHA:!EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA:!KRB5-DES-CBC3-SHA If the String "SSLCipherSuite" does not exist with the appropriate list values, this is a finding.
Access the Tanium Server interactively. Log on with an account with administrative privileges to the server. Access the server's registry by typing: regedit <enter>. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Wow6432Node >> Tanium >> Tanium Server. Add or modify the String "SSLCipherSuite" to have a value of: AES256-GCM-SHA384:AES128-GCM-SHA256:AES256-CCM:AES128-CCM:AES256- CCM8:AES128-CCM8:AES256-SHA256:AES128- SHA256:!aNULL:!eNULL:!EXPORT:!DES:!RC4:!MD5:!PSK:!aECDH:!EDH-DSS-DES-CBC3- SHA:!EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA:!KRB5-DES-CBC3-SHA