Select any two versions of this STIG to compare the individual requirements
Select any old version/release of this STIG to view the previous requirements
Review the system documentation to determine the required levels of protection for securables in the database, by type of user. Review the permissions actually in place in the database. The database permission functions and views provided in the supplemental file Permissions.sql can help with this. If the actual permissions do not match the documented requirements, this is a finding.
Use GRANT, REVOKE, DENY, ALTER ROLE … ADD MEMBER … and/or ALTER ROLE …. DROP MEMBER statements to add and remove permissions on database-level securables, bringing them into line with the documented requirements.
If there are no locally-defined security tables or procedures, this is not applicable. If neither SQL Server Audit nor SQL Server Trace is in use for audit purposes, this is a finding. If SQL Server Trace is in use for audit purposes, verify that all required events are being audited. From the query prompt: SELECT * FROM sys.traces; All currently defined traces for the SQL server instance will be listed. If no traces are returned, this is a finding. Determine the trace(s) being used for the auditing requirement. In the following, replace # with a trace ID being used for the auditing requirements. From the query prompt: SELECT DISTINCT(eventid) FROM sys.fn_trace_geteventinfo(#); The following required event IDs should all be among those listed; if not, this is a finding. Any additional events locally defined should also be in the list; if not, this is a finding. 14 -- Audit Login 15 -- Audit Logout 16 -- Attention 17 -- ExistingConnection 18 -- Audit Server Starts and Stops 20 -- Audit Login Failed 42 -- SP:Starting 43 -- SP:Completed 46 -- Object:Created 47 -- Object:Deleted 90 -- User-defined Event 102 -- Audit Database Scope GDR Event 103 -- Audit Object GDR Event 104 -- Audit AddLogin Event 105 -- Audit Login GDR Event 106 -- Audit Login Change Property Event 107 -- Audit Login Change Password Event 108 -- Audit Add Login to Server Role Event 109 -- Audit Add DB User Event 110 -- Audit Add Member to DB Role Event 111 -- Audit Add Role Event 112 -- Audit App Role Change Password Event 113 -- Audit Statement Permission Event 115 -- Audit Backup/Restore Event 116 -- Audit DBCC Event 117 -- Audit Change Audit Event 118 -- Audit Object Derived Permission Event 128 -- Audit Database Management Event 129 -- Audit Database Object Management Event 130 -- Audit Database Principal Management Event 131 -- Audit Schema Object Management Event 132 -- Audit Server Principal Impersonation Event 133 -- Audit Database Principal Impersonation Event 134 -- Audit Server Object Take Ownership Event 135 -- Audit Database Object Take Ownership Event 152 -- Audit Change Database Owner 153 -- Audit Schema Object Take Ownership Event 162 -- User error message 164 -- Object:Altered 170 -- Audit Server Scope GDR Event 171 -- Audit Server Object GDR Event 172 -- Audit Database Object GDR Event 173 -- Audit Server Operation Event 175 -- Audit Server Alter Trace Event 176 -- Audit Server Object Management Event 177 -- Audit Server Principal Management Event 178 -- Audit Database Operation Event 180 -- Audit Database Object Access Event If SQL Server Audit is in use, proceed as follows. The basic SQL Server Audit configuration provided in the supplemental file Audit.sql uses broad, server-level audit action groups for this purpose. SQL Server Audit's flexibility makes other techniques possible. If an alternative technique is in use and demonstrated effective, this is not a finding. Determine the name(s) of the server audit specification(s) in use. To look at audits and audit specifications, in Management Studio's object explorer, expand <server name> >> Security >> Audits and <server name> >> Security >> Server Audit Specifications. Also, <server name> >> Databases >> <database name> >> Security >> Database Audit Specifications. Alternatively, review the contents of the system views with "audit" in their names. Run the following code to verify that all configuration-related actions are being audited: USE [master]; GO SELECT * FROM sys.server_audit_specification_details WHERE server_specification_id = (SELECT server_specification_id FROM sys.server_audit_specifications WHERE [name] = '<server_audit_specification_name>'); GO Examine the list produced by the query. If the audited_result column is not "SUCCESS AND FAILURE" on every row, this is a finding. If any of the following audit action groups is not included in the list, this is a finding. APPLICATION_ROLE_CHANGE_PASSWORD_GROUP AUDIT_CHANGE_GROUP BACKUP_RESTORE_GROUP DATABASE_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP DATABASE_OBJECT_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_OBJECT_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_OPERATION_GROUP DATABASE_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_CHANGE_GROUP DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_IMPERSONATION_GROUP DATABASE_ROLE_MEMBER_CHANGE_GROUP DBCC_GROUP FAILED_LOGIN_GROUP LOGIN_CHANGE_PASSWORD_GROUP LOGOUT_GROUP SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP SCHEMA_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP SCHEMA_OBJECT_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_GROUP SCHEMA_OBJECT_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP SERVER_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP SERVER_OBJECT_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_GROUP SERVER_OBJECT_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP SERVER_OPERATION_GROUP SERVER_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP SERVER_PRINCIPAL_CHANGE_GROUP SERVER_PRINCIPAL_IMPERSONATION_GROUP SERVER_ROLE_MEMBER_CHANGE_GROUP SERVER_STATE_CHANGE_GROUP SUCCESSFUL_LOGIN_GROUP TRACE_CHANGE_GROUP
Design and deploy a SQL Server Audit or Trace that captures all auditable events. The script provided in the supplemental file Trace.sql can be used to create a trace; edit it as necessary to capture any additional, locally-defined events. The script provided in the supplemental file Audit.sql can be used to create an audit; edit it as necessary to capture any additional, locally-defined events.
If SQL Server Audit is not in use at the database level, this is not applicable (NA). Obtain the list of approved audit maintainers from the system documentation. Review the database roles and individual users that have the following permissions, both of which enable the ability to maintain audit definitions: ALTER ANY DATABASE AUDIT CONTROL ON DATABASE The functions and views provided in the supplemental file Permissions.sql can assist in this review. In the following, "STIG" stands for the schema where you have deployed these views and functions. To see which logins and server roles have been granted these permissions: SELECT * FROM STIG.database_permissions P WHERE (P.[Permission] = 'ALTER ANY DATABASE AUDIT') OR (P.[Permission] = 'CONTROL' AND P.[Securable Type or Class] = 'DATABASE') ; To see what users and database roles inherit these permissions from the database roles reported by the previous query, repeat the following for each one: SELECT * FROM STIG.members_of_database_role(<database role name>); To see all the permissions in effect for a database principal (server role or login): SELECT * FROM STIG.server_effective_permissions(<principal name>); If designated personnel are not able to configure auditable events, this is a finding. If unapproved personnel are able to configure auditable events, this is a finding.
Create a database role specifically for audit maintainers, and give it permission to maintain audits, without granting it unnecessary permissions: USE <database name>; GO CREATE ROLE DATABASE_AUDIT_MAINTAINERS; GO GRANT ALTER ANY DATABASE AUDIT TO DATABASE_AUDIT_MAINTAINERS; GO (The role name used here is an example; other names may be used.) Use REVOKE and/or DENY and/or ALTER ROLE ... DROP MEMBER ... statements to remove the ALTER ANY DATABASE AUDIT permission from all users. Then, for each authorized database user, run the statement: ALTER ROLE DATABASE_AUDIT_MAINTAINERS ADD MEMBER <user name> ; GO Use REVOKE and/or DENY and/or ALTER SERVER ROLE ... DROP MEMBER ... statements to remove CONTROL DATABASE permission from logins that do not need it.
Check the SQL Server configuration for a timed job that automatically checks all system and user-defined Functions for being modified by running the following SQL Server query: EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_help_job @job_name = '<enter . . . job name>'; (Alternatively, in SQL Server Management Studio, navigate to SQL Server Agent and examine the job from there.) If a timed job or some other method is not implemented to check for Functions being modified, this is a finding.
Configure a SQL Server timed job that automatically checks all system and user-defined Functions for being modified. (The supplemental file Track.sql, provided with this STIG, can be used to establish a monitoring job. This should be supplemented with a process for informing the appropriate personnel. Other techniques for achieving the same ends, such as the use of DDL triggers, are acceptable.)
Check the SQL Server configuration for the timed job that automatically checks all system and user-defined Triggers for being modified by running the following SQL Server query: EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_help_job @job_name = '<enter . . . job name>'; (Alternatively, in SQL Server Management Studio, navigate to SQL Server Agent and examine the job from there.) If such a job, or an alternative method of monitoring triggers for modification, does not exist, this is a finding
Configure a SQL Server timed job that automatically checks all system and user-defined Triggers for modification. (The supplemental file Track.sql, provided with this STIG, can be used to establish a monitoring job. This should be supplemented with a process for informing the appropriate personnel. Other techniques for achieving the same ends, such as the use of DDL triggers, are acceptable.)
Check for the existence of a job to monitor for changes to stored procedures: EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_help_job @job_name = '<enter . . . job name>'; (Alternatively, in SQL Server Management Studio, navigate to SQL Server Agent and examine the job from there.) If such a job, or an alternative method of monitoring stored procedures for modification, does not exist, this is a finding.
Configure a SQL Server timed job that automatically checks all system and user-defined Stored Procedures for modification. (The supplemental file Track.sql, provided with this STIG, can be used to establish a monitoring job. This should be supplemented with a process for informing the appropriate personnel. Other techniques for achieving the same ends, such as the use of DDL triggers, are acceptable.)
Review system documentation to identify SQL Server accounts authorized to own database objects. If the SQL Server database ownership list does not exist or needs to be updated, this is a finding. The view STIG.database_permissions, included in the supplemental file, Permissions.sql, can be of use in making this determination: USE <database name>; GO SELECT DISTINCT S.[Schema/Owner] AS [Owner], O.[Schema/Owner] AS [Schema], O.[Securable] FROM STIG.database_permissions O INNER JOIN STIG.database_permissions S ON S.[Securable] = O.[Schema/Owner] AND O.[Securable Type or Class] = 'OBJECT_OR_COLUMN' AND S.[Securable Type or Class] = 'SCHEMA' WHERE S.[Schema/Owner] NOT IN ('dbo', 'sys', 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA' ... ) -- Complete the "NOT IN" list with the names of user accounts authorized for ownership. ; If any of the listed owners is not authorized, this is a finding.
Add and/or update system documentation to include any accounts authorized for object ownership and remove any account not authorized. To change the schema owning a database object in SQL Server, use this code: USE <database name>; GO ALTER SCHEMA <name of new schema> TRANSFER <name of old schema>.<object name>; GO Caution: this can break code. This Fix should be implemented in conjunction with corrections to such code. Test before deploying in production. Deploy during a scheduled maintenance window.
If the database is owned by an account that is directly or indirectly a member of a fixed (built-in) server role, this is not applicable (NA). Run the query: USE <database name>; GO SELECT DB_NAME() AS [Database], SUSER_SNAME(D.owner_sid) AS [Database Owner], CASE WHEN D.is_trustworthy_on = 1 THEN 'ON' ELSE 'off' END AS [Trustworthy] FROM sys.databases D WHERE D.[name] = DB_NAME() AND DB_NAME() <> 'msdb' AND D.is_trustworthy_on = 1; GO If the query returns a row indicating that the TRUSTWORTHY setting is OFF, or returns no rows, this is not a finding. Review the system security plan to determine whether the need for TRUSTWORTHY is documented and approved. If not, this is a finding.
Run the SQL statements: USE [master]; GO ALTER DATABASE <name> SET TRUSTWORTHY OFF; GO
Run the SQL statements: USE <database name>; GO WITH FixedServerRoles(RoleName) AS ( SELECT 'sysadmin' UNION SELECT 'securityadmin' UNION SELECT 'serveradmin' UNION SELECT 'setupadmin' UNION SELECT 'processadmin' UNION SELECT 'diskadmin' UNION SELECT 'dbcreator' UNION SELECT 'bulkadmin' ) SELECT DB_NAME() AS [Database], SUSER_SNAME(D.owner_sid) AS [Database Owner], F.RoleName AS [Fixed Server Role], CASE WHEN D.is_trustworthy_on = 1 THEN 'ON' ELSE 'off' END AS [Trustworthy] FROM FixedServerRoles F INNER JOIN sys.databases D ON D.Name = DB_NAME() WHERE IS_SRVROLEMEMBER(F.RoleName, SUSER_SNAME(D.owner_sid)) = 1 AND DB_NAME() <> 'msdb' AND D.is_trustworthy_on = 1; GO If the query returns any rows, this is a finding.
Set the TRUSTWORTHY property OFF; or remove the database owner from the fixed server role(s); or change the database owner. To set the TRUSTWORTHY property OFF: USE [master]; GO ALTER DATABASE <name> SET TRUSTWORTHY OFF; GO Verify that this produced the intended result by re-running the query specified in the Check. To determine the path or paths by which the database owner is assigned the fixed server role or roles, run this query: USE <database name>; GO WITH C AS ( SELECT AS [Parent Server Role], CAST('Fixed' AS varchar(8)) AS [Server Role Type], AS [Member], M.type_desc AS [Member Type], AS [Root], 1 AS [Level] FROM [sys].[server_role_members] X INNER JOIN [sys].[server_principals] P ON P.principal_id = X.role_principal_id INNER JOIN [sys].[server_principals] M ON M.principal_id = X.member_principal_id WHERE P.is_fixed_role = 1 UNION ALL SELECT AS [Parent Server Role], CASE WHEN M.is_fixed_role = 1 THEN CAST('Fixed' AS varchar(8)) ELSE CAST('Custom' AS varchar(8)) END AS [Server Role Type], AS [Member], M.type_desc AS [Member Type], C.[Root] AS [Root], C.[Level] + 1 AS [Level] FROM [sys].[server_role_members] X INNER JOIN [sys].[server_principals] P ON P.principal_id = X.role_principal_id INNER JOIN [sys].[server_principals] M ON M.principal_id = X.member_principal_id INNER JOIN C ON = C.Member ) , B AS ( SELECT C.[Member] AS [Leaf], C.[Root], C.[Parent Server Role], C.[Server Role Type], C.[Member], C.[Member Type], C.[Level] FROM C WHERE C.[Member Type] NOT LIKE '%ROLE%' UNION ALL SELECT B.[Leaf], C.[Root], C.[Parent Server Role], C.[Server Role Type], C.[Member], C.[Member Type], C.[Level] FROM C INNER JOIN B ON C.[Member] = B.[Parent Server Role] AND C.[Level] = B.[Level] - 1 AND C.[Root] = B.[Root] ) SELECT DB_NAME() AS [Database], B.[Leaf] AS [Owner Login], B.[Root] AS[Top-Level Server Role], B.[Parent Server Role], B.[Server Role Type], B.[Member], B.[Member Type], B.[Level] FROM B WHERE B.[Leaf] = (SELECT SUSER_SNAME(D.owner_sid) FROM sys.databases D WHERE D.Name = DB_NAME()) ORDER BY B.[Root], B.[Level], B.[Parent Server Role], B.[Member] ; GO To remove the database owner from a fixed server role or a custom server role: USE [master]; GO ALTER SERVER ROLE <fixed/custom server role name> DROP MEMBER <database owner name>; GO Verify that this produced the intended result by re-running the Check query. To change the database owner: USE [master]; GO ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON DATABASE::<DB name> TO <new owner name>; GO Verify that this produced the intended result by re-running the Check query.
Review the system security plan (SSP) to determine whether the database is static, the recovery model to be used, the backup schedule, and the plan for testing database restoration. If the SSP does not state that the database is static, assume that it is not static. If any of the other information is absent, this is a finding. If the database is not static, but the documented recovery model is Simple, this is a finding. If the database is not static, and the documented recovery model is Bulk Logged, but the justification and authorization for this are not documented, this is a finding. In SQL Server Management Studio, Object Explorer, right-click on the name of the database; select Properties. Select the Options page. Observe the Recovery Model field, near the top of the page. If this does not match the documented recovery model, this is a finding. In Object Explorer, expand <server name> >> SQL Server Agent >> Jobs. Review the jobs set up to implement the backup plan. If they are absent, this is a finding. Right-click on each backup job; select View History. If the history indicates a pattern of job failures, this is a finding. Review evidence that database recovery is tested annually or more often, and that the most recent test was successful. If not, this is a finding.
Modify the system security plan, to include whether the database is static, the correct recovery model to be used, the backup schedule, and the plan for testing database restoration. In SQL Server Management Studio, Object Explorer, right-click on the name of the database; select Properties. Select the Options page. Set the Recovery Model field, near the top of the page, to the correct value. In Object Explorer, expand <server name> >> SQL Server Agent >> Jobs. Create, modify and delete jobs to implement the backup schedule. (Alternatively, this may done using T-SQL code.) Correct any issues that have been causing backups to fail. Test the restoration of the database at least once a year; correct any issues that cause it to fail. Maintain a record of these tests.
If no databases require encryption, this is not a finding. From the query prompt: SELECT name FROM [master].sys.databases WHERE is_master_key_encrypted_by_server = 1 AND owner_sid <> 1 AND state = 0; (Note that this query assumes that the [sa] account is not used as the owner of application databases, in keeping with other STIG guidance. If this is not the case, modify the query accordingly.) If no databases are returned by the query, this is not a finding. For any databases returned, verify in the System Security Plan that encryption of the Database Master Key using the Service Master Key is acceptable and approved by the Information Owner, and the encrypted data does not require additional protections to deter or detect DBA access. If not approved, this is a finding. If approved and additional protections are required, then verify the additional requirements are in place in accordance with the System Security Plan. These may include additional auditing on access of the Database Master Key with alerts or other automated monitoring. If the additional requirements are not in place, this is a finding.
Where possible, encrypt the Database Master Key with a password known only to the application administrator. Where not possible, configure additional audit events or alerts to detect unauthorized access to the Database Master Key by users not authorized to view sensitive data.
From the query prompt: SELECT COUNT(credential_id) FROM [master].sys.master_key_passwords If count is not 0, this is a finding.
Use the stored procedure sp_control_dbmasterkey_password to remove any credentials that store Database Master Key passwords. From the query prompt: EXEC SP_CONTROL_DBMASTERKEY_PASSWORD @db_name = '<database name>', @action = N'drop'
In a query tool: USE <database name>; GO SELECT, k.crypt_type_desc FROM sys.symmetric_keys s, sys.key_encryptions k WHERE s.symmetric_key_id = k.key_id AND <> '##MS_DatabaseMasterKey##' AND k.crypt_type IN ('ESKP', 'ESKS') ORDER BY, k.crypt_type_desc; GO Review any symmetric keys that have been defined against the System Security Plan. If any keys are defined that are not documented in the System Security Plan, this is a finding. Review the System Security Plan to review the encryption mechanism specified for each symmetric key. If the method does not indicate use of certificates, this is a finding. If the certificate specified is not a DoD PKI certificate, this is a finding.
Configure or alter symmetric keys to encrypt keys with certificates or authorized asymmetric keys. In a query tool: ALTER SYMMETRIC KEY <key name> ADD ENCRYPTION BY CERTIFICATE <certificate name>; ALTER SYMMETRIC KEY <key name> DROP ENCRYPTION BY <password, symmetric key or asymmetric key>; The symmetric key must specify a certificate or asymmetric key for encryption.
Verify there are proper procedures in place for the transfer of development/test data from production. Review any scripts or code that exists for the movement of production data to development/test and verify copies of production data are not left in unprotected locations. If there is no documented procedure for data movement from production to development/test, this is a finding. If data movement code that copies from production to development/test does exist and leaves any copies of production data in unprotected locations, this is a finding.
Create and document a process for moving data from production to development/test systems and follow the process. Modify any code used for moving data from production to development/test systems to ensure copies of production data are not left in unsecured locations.
Review DBMS code (stored procedures, functions, triggers), application code, settings, column and field definitions, and constraints to determine whether the database is protected against invalid input. If code exists that allows invalid data to be acted upon or input into the database, this is a finding. If column/field definitions are not reflective of the data, this is a finding. If columns/fields do not contain constraints and validity checking where required, this is a finding. Where a column/field is noted in the system documentation as necessarily free-form, even though its name and context suggest that it should be strongly typed and constrained, the absence of these protections is not a finding. Where a column/field is clearly identified by name, caption or context as Notes, Comments, Description, Text, etc., the absence of these protections is not a finding.
Use triggers, constraints, foreign keys, etc. to validate data input. Modify SQL Server to properly use the correct column data types as required in the database.
Review source code in the database (stored procedures, functions, triggers) and application source code, to identify cases of dynamic code execution. If dynamic code execution is employed in circumstances where the objective could practically be satisfied by static execution with strongly typed parameters, this is a finding.
Where dynamic code execution is employed in circumstances where the objective could practically be satisfied by static execution with strongly typed parameters, modify the code to do so.
Review source code in the database (stored procedures, functions, triggers) and application source code to identify cases of dynamic code execution. If dynamic code execution is employed without protective measures against code injection, this is a finding.
Where dynamic code execution is used, modify the code to implement protections against code injection.
Review application behavior and custom database code (stored procedures; triggers), to determine whether error messages contain information beyond what is needed for explaining the issue to general users. If database error messages contain PII data, sensitive business data, or information useful for identifying the host system or database structure, this is a finding.
Configure DBMS settings, custom database code, and associated application code not to divulge sensitive information or information useful for system identification in error messages that are displayed to general users.
Review application behavior, custom database code (stored procedures; triggers) and DBMS audit and trace settings, to determine whether detailed error messages are logged or stored for review by authorized personnel. If detailed error messages are not available to individuals authorized to view them, this is a finding.
Configure audit logging, tracing and/or custom code in the database or application to record detailed error messages generated by SQL Server, for review by authorized personnel.
If security labeling is not required, this is not a finding. If security labeling requirements have been specified, but the security labeling is not implemented or does not reliably maintain labels on information in storage, this is a finding.
Develop SQL or application code or acquire a third party tool to perform data labeling.
If security labeling is not required, this is not a finding. If security labeling requirements have been specified, but the security labeling is not implemented or does not reliably maintain labels on information in process, this is a finding.
Develop SQL or application code or acquire a third party tool to perform data labeling.
If security labeling is not required, this is not a finding. If security labeling requirements have been specified, but the security labeling is not implemented or does not reliably maintain labels on information in transmission, this is a finding.
Develop SQL or application code or acquire a third party tool to perform data labeling.
Review the column definitions and contents of audit-trail and activity-tracking timestamps in database tables. If these are not defined and maintained to include date and time of day, accurate to a granularity of one second or finer, this is a finding.
Modify applications and/or column/field definitions so that the time stamps in audit-trail and activity-tracking columns/fields in application data include date and time of day, to a granularity of one second or finer, and are recorded accurately.
Review the system documentation to determine whether the organization has defined the information at rest that is to be protected from modification, which must include, at a minimum, PII and classified information. If no information is identified as requiring such protection, this is not a finding. Review the configuration of SQL Server, Windows, and additional software as relevant. If full-disk encryption is required, and Windows or the storage system is not configured for this, this is a finding. If database transparent data encryption (TDE) is called for, check whether it is enabled: In SQL Server Management Studio, Object Explorer, expand the instance and right-click on the database name; select properties. Select the Options page, State section, Encryption Enabled parameter. If the value displayed is False, this is a finding. If column encryption, done via SQL Server features, is required, review the definitions and contents of the relevant tables and columns. If any of the information defined as requiring cryptographic protection is not encrypted in a manner that provides the required level of protection, this is a finding.
Where full-disk encryption is required, configure Windows and/or the storage system to provide this. Where transparent data encryption (TDE) is required, deploy the necessary stack of certificates and keys, and set the Encryption Enabled to True. For guidance from the Microsoft Developer Network on how to do this, perform a web search for "SQL Server 2014 TDE". Where column encryption is required, deploy the necessary stack of certificates and keys, and enable encryption on the columns in question. For guidance from the Microsoft Developer Network on how to do this, perform a web search for "SQL Server 2014 Encrypt a Column of Data".
Review system documentation to determine how input errors are to be handled in general and if any special handling is defined for specific circumstances. Review the source code for database program objects (stored procedures, functions, triggers) and application source code to identify how the system responds to invalid input. If it does not implement the documented behavior, this is a finding.
Revise and deploy the source code for database program objects (stored procedures, functions, triggers) and application source code, to implement the documented behavior.
Review the system documentation to determine whether it is required to track categories of information, such as classification or sensitivity level. If it is not, this is not applicable (NA). If neither SQL Server Audit nor SQL Server Trace is in use for audit purposes, this is a finding. If SQL Server Trace is in use for audit purposes, review the application(s) using the database to verify that all SELECT actions on categorized data are being audited, and that the tracking records are written to the SQL Server Trace. If not, this is a finding. If SQL Server Audit is in use, proceed as follows. The basic SQL Server Audit configuration provided in the supplemental file Audit.sql uses the broad, server-level audit action group SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP for this purpose. SQL Server Audit's flexibility makes other techniques possible. If an alternative technique is in use and demonstrated effective, this is not a finding. Determine the name(s) of the server audit specification(s) in use. To look at audits and audit specifications, in Management Studio's object explorer, expand <server name> >> Security >> Audits and <server name> >> Security >> Server Audit Specifications. Also, <server name> >> Databases >> <database name> >> Security >> Database Audit Specifications. Alternatively, review the contents of the system views with "audit" in their names. Run the following to verify that all SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE actions on tables and views are being audited: USE [master]; GO SELECT * FROM sys.server_audit_specification_details WHERE server_specification_id = (SELECT server_specification_id FROM sys.server_audit_specifications WHERE [name] = '<server_audit_specification_name>') AND audit_action_name = 'SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP'; If no row is returned, this is a finding. If the audited_result column is not "SUCCESS" or "SUCCESS AND FAILURE", this is a finding.
Where SQL Server Trace is in use, implement tracking of SELECTs on categorized data at the application level, using the system stored procedure sp_trace_generateevent to write the tracking records to the Trace used for audit purposes. If SQL Server Audit is in use, design and deploy an Audit that captures all auditable events and data items. The script provided in the supplemental file Audit.sql can be used as the basis for this. Supplement the standard audit data as necessary, using Extended Events and/or triggers. Alternatively, to add the necessary data capture to an existing server audit specification, run the script: USE [master]; GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> WITH (STATE = OFF); GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> ADD (SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP); GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> WITH (STATE = ON); GO
Review the system documentation to determine whether it is required to track categories of information, such as classification or sensitivity level. If it is not, this is not applicable (NA). If neither SQL Server Audit nor SQL Server Trace is in use for audit purposes, this is a finding. If SQL Server Trace is in use for audit purposes, review the application(s) using the database to verify that all SELECT actions on categorized data, including unsuccessful attempts, are being audited; and that the tracking records are written to the SQL Server Trace used for audit purposes. If not, this is a finding. If SQL Server Audit is in use, proceed as follows. The basic SQL Server Audit configuration provided in the supplemental file Audit.sql uses the broad, server-level audit action group SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP for this purpose. SQL Server Audit's flexibility makes other techniques possible. If an alternative technique is in use and demonstrated effective, this is not a finding. Determine the name(s) of the server audit specification(s) in use. To look at audits and audit specifications, in Management Studio's object explorer, expand <server name> >> Security >> Audits and <server name> >> Security >> Server Audit Specifications. Also, <server name> >> Databases >> <database name> >> Security >> Database Audit Specifications. Alternatively, review the contents of the system views with "audit" in their names. Run the following to verify that all SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE actions on tables and views are being audited: USE [master]; GO SELECT * FROM sys.server_audit_specification_details WHERE server_specification_id = (SELECT server_specification_id FROM sys.server_audit_specifications WHERE [name] = '<server_audit_specification_name>') AND audit_action_name = 'SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP'; If no row is returned, this is a finding. If the audited_result column is not "FAILURE" or "SUCCESS AND FAILURE", this is a finding.
Where SQL Server Trace is in use, implement tracking of SELECTs on categorized data at the application level, using the system stored procedure sp_trace_generateevent to write the tracking records to the Trace used for audit purposes. Include failed attempts in the tracking. If SQL Server Audit is in use, design and deploy an Audit that captures all auditable events and data items. The script provided in the supplemental file Audit.sql can be used as the basis for this. Supplement the standard audit data as necessary, using Extended Events and/or triggers. Alternatively, to add the necessary data capture to an existing server audit specification, run the script: USE [master]; GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> WITH (STATE = OFF); GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> ADD (SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP); GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> WITH (STATE = ON); GO
Obtain the list of locally-defined security tables, procedures and functions that require tracking. If there are none, this is not a finding. If neither SQL Server Audit nor SQL Server Trace is in use for audit purposes, this is a finding. If SQL Server Trace is in use for audit purposes, review the locally-defined security tables for the existence of triggers to raise a custom event on each Update operation. If such triggers are not present, this is a finding. Verify that all required events are being audited. From the query prompt: SELECT * FROM sys.traces; All currently defined traces for the SQL server instance will be listed. If no traces are returned, this is a finding. Determine the trace(s) being used for the auditing requirement. In the following, replace # with a trace ID being used for the auditing requirements. From the query prompt: SELECT DISTINCT(eventid) FROM sys.fn_trace_geteventinfo(#); The following required event IDs should be among those listed; if not, this is a finding: 42 -- SP:Starting 43 -- SP:Completed 82-91 -- User-defined Event 162 -- User error message If SQL Server Audit is in use, proceed as follows. Verify that all EXECUTE actions on locally-defined permissions-related procedures are being audited. If not, this is a finding. The basic SQL Server Audit configuration provided in the supplemental file Audit.sql uses the broad, server-level audit action group SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP for this purpose. SQL Server Audit's flexibility makes other techniques possible. If an alternative technique is in use and demonstrated effective, this is not a finding. Determine the name(s) of the server audit specification(s) in use. To look at audits and audit specifications, in Management Studio's object explorer, expand <server name> >> Security >> Audits and <server name> >> Security >> Server Audit Specifications. Also, <server name> >> Databases >> <database name> >> Security >> Database Audit Specifications. Alternatively, review the contents of the system views with "audit" in their names. Run the following to verify that all UPDATE and EXECUTE actions on any locally-defined permissions tables, procedures and functions are being audited: USE [master]; GO SELECT * FROM sys.server_audit_specification_details WHERE server_specification_id = (SELECT server_specification_id FROM sys.server_audit_specifications WHERE [name] = '<server_audit_specification_name>') AND audit_action_name = 'SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP'; If no row is returned, this is a finding. If the audited_result column is not "SUCCESS" or "SUCCESS AND FAILURE", this is a finding.
Where SQL Server Trace is in use, define and enable a trace that captures all auditable events. The script provided in the supplemental file Trace.sql can be used to do this. Add blocks of code to Trace.sql for each custom event class (integers in the range 82-91; the same event class may be used for all such triggers) used in these triggers. Create triggers to raise a custom event on each locally-defined security table that requires tracking of Insert-Update-Delete operations. The examples provided in the supplemental file CustomTraceEvents.sql can serve as the basis for these. Execute Trace.sql. Where SQL Server Audit is in use, design and deploy a SQL Server Audit that captures all auditable events. The script provided in the supplemental file Audit.sql can be used for this. Alternatively, to add the necessary data capture to an existing server audit specification, run the script: USE [master]; GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> WITH (STATE = OFF); GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> ADD (SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP); GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> WITH (STATE = ON); GO
Obtain the list of locally-defined security tables, procedures and functions that require tracking. If there are none, this is not a finding. If neither SQL Server Audit nor SQL Server Trace is in use for audit purposes, this is a finding. If SQL Server Trace is in use for audit purposes, review the locally-defined security tables for the existence of triggers to raise a custom event on each Update operation. If such triggers are not present, this is a finding. Verify that all required events are being audited. From the query prompt: SELECT * FROM sys.traces; All currently defined traces for the SQL server instance will be listed. If no traces are returned, this is a finding. Determine the trace(s) being used for the auditing requirement. In the following, replace # with a trace ID being used for the auditing requirements. From the query prompt: SELECT DISTINCT(eventid) FROM sys.fn_trace_geteventinfo(#); The following required event IDs should be among those listed; if not, this is a finding: 42 -- SP:Starting 43 -- SP:Completed 82-91 -- User-defined Event 162 -- User error message If SQL Server Audit is in use, proceed as follows. Verify that all EXECUTE actions on locally-defined permissions-related procedures are being audited. If not, this is a finding. The basic SQL Server Audit configuration provided in the supplemental file Audit.sql uses the broad, server-level audit action group SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP for this purpose. SQL Server Audit's flexibility makes other techniques possible. If an alternative technique is in use and demonstrated effective, this is not a finding. Determine the name(s) of the server audit specification(s) in use. To look at audits and audit specifications, in Management Studio's object explorer, expand <server name> >> Security >> Audits and <server name> >> Security >> Server Audit Specifications. Also, <server name> >> Databases >> <database name> >> Security >> Database Audit Specifications. Alternatively, review the contents of the system views with "audit" in their names. Run the following to verify that all UPDATE and EXECUTE actions on any locally-defined permissions tables, procedures and functions are being audited: USE [master]; GO SELECT * FROM sys.server_audit_specification_details WHERE server_specification_id = (SELECT server_specification_id FROM sys.server_audit_specifications WHERE [name] = '<server_audit_specification_name>') AND audit_action_name = 'SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP'; If no row is returned, this is a finding. If the audited_result column is not "FAILURE" or "SUCCESS AND FAILURE", this is a finding.
Where SQL Server Trace is in use, define and enable a trace that captures all auditable events. The script provided in the supplemental file Trace.sql can be used to do this. Add blocks of code to Trace.sql for each custom event class (integers in the range 82-91; the same event class may be used for all such triggers) used in these triggers. Create triggers to raise a custom event on each locally-defined security table that requires tracking of Insert-Update-Delete operations. The examples provided in the supplemental file CustomTraceEvents.sql can serve as the basis for these. Execute Trace.sql. Where SQL Server Audit is in use, design and deploy a SQL Server Audit that captures all auditable events. The script provided in the supplemental file Audit.sql can be used for this. Alternatively, to add the necessary data capture to an existing server audit specification, run the script: USE [master]; GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> WITH (STATE = OFF); GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> ADD (SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP); GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> WITH (STATE = ON); GO
If there are no locally-defined security tables or procedures, this is not a finding. If neither SQL Server Audit nor SQL Server Trace is in use for audit purposes, this is a finding. If SQL Server Trace is in use for audit purposes, verify that all required events are being audited. From the query prompt: SELECT * FROM sys.traces; All currently defined traces for the SQL server instance will be listed. If no traces are returned, this is a finding. Determine the trace(s) being used for the auditing requirement. In the following, replace # with a trace ID being used for the auditing requirements. From the query prompt: SELECT DISTINCT(eventid) FROM sys.fn_trace_geteventinfo(#); The following required event IDs should all be among those listed; if not, this is a finding: 46 -- Object:Created 47 -- Object:Deleted 162 -- User error message 164 -- Object:Altered If SQL Server Audit is in use, proceed as follows. The basic SQL Server Audit configuration provided in the supplemental file Audit.sql uses the broad, server-level audit action group SCHEMA_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP for this purpose. SQL Server Audit's flexibility makes other techniques possible. If an alternative technique is in use and demonstrated effective, this is not a finding. Determine the name(s) of the server audit specification(s) in use. To look at audits and audit specifications, in Management Studio's object explorer, expand <server name> >> Security >> Audits and <server name> >> Security >> Server Audit Specifications. Also, <server name> >> Databases >> <database name> >> Security >> Database Audit Specifications. Alternatively, review the contents of the system views with "audit" in their names. Run the following to verify that all CREATE, ALTER, and DROP actions on any locally-defined permissions tables, procedures and functions are being audited: USE [master]; GO SELECT * FROM sys.server_audit_specification_details WHERE server_specification_id = (SELECT server_specification_id FROM sys.server_audit_specifications WHERE [name] = '<server_audit_specification_name>') AND audit_action_name = 'SCHEMA_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP'; If no row is returned, this is a finding. If the audited_result column is not "SUCCESS" or "SUCCESS AND FAILURE", this is a finding.
Where SQL Server Trace is in use, define and enable a trace that captures all auditable events. The script provided in the supplemental file Trace.sql can be used to do this. Where SQL Server Audit is in use, design and deploy a SQL Server Audit that captures all auditable events. The script provided in the supplemental file Audit.sql can be used for this. Alternatively, to add the necessary data capture to an existing server audit specification, run the script: USE [master]; GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> WITH (STATE = OFF); GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> ADD (SCHEMA_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP); GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> WITH (STATE = ON); GO
If neither SQL Server Audit nor SQL Server Trace is in use for audit purposes, this is a finding. Obtain the list of objects (tables and stored procedures) where tracking of SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or EXECUTE actions is required. If there are none, this is not a finding. If SQL Server Trace is in use for audit purposes, verify that all required event classes are being audited. From the query prompt: SELECT * FROM sys.traces; All currently defined traces for the SQL server instance will be listed. If no traces are returned, this is a finding. Determine the trace(s) being used for the auditing requirement. In the following, replace # with a trace ID being used for the auditing requirements. From the query prompt: SELECT DISTINCT(eventid) FROM sys.fn_trace_geteventinfo(#); The following required event ID should be among those listed; if not, this is a finding: 162 -- User error message If SQL Server Audit is in use, proceed as follows. The basic SQL Server Audit configuration provided in the supplemental file Audit.sql uses the server-level audit action group SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP for this purpose. SQL Server Audit's flexibility makes other techniques possible. If an alternative technique is in use and demonstrated effective, this is not a finding. Determine the name(s) of the server audit specification(s) in use. To look at audits and audit specifications, in Management Studio's object explorer, expand <server name> >> Security >> Audits and <server name> >> Security >> Server Audit Specifications. Also, <server name> >> Databases >> <database name> >> Security >> Database Audit Specifications. Alternatively, review the contents of the system views with "audit" in their names. Run the following to verify that all logons and connections are being audited: USE [master]; GO SELECT * FROM sys.server_audit_specification_details WHERE server_specification_id = (SELECT server_specification_id FROM sys.server_audit_specifications WHERE [name] = '<server_audit_specification_name>') AND audit_action_name = 'SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP'; GO If no row is returned, this is a finding. If the audited_result column is not "FAILURE" or "SUCCESS AND FAILURE", this is a finding.
Where SQL Server Trace is in use, define and enable a trace that captures all auditable events. The script provided in the supplemental file Trace.sql can be used to do this. If SQL Server Audit is in use, design and deploy an Audit that captures all auditable events and data items. The script provided in the supplemental file Audit.sql can be used as the basis for this. Supplement the standard audit data as necessary, using Extended Events and/or triggers. Alternatively, to add the necessary data capture to an existing server audit specification, run the script: USE [master]; GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> WITH (STATE = OFF); GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> ADD (SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP); GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> WITH (STATE = ON); GO
If neither SQL Server Audit nor SQL Server Trace is in use for audit purposes, this is a finding. Obtain the list of objects (tables and stored procedures) where tracking of SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or EXECUTE actions is required. If there are none, this is not a finding. If SQL Server Trace is in use for audit purposes, review the application(s) using the database to verify that all SELECT actions on categorized data are being audited, and that the tracking records are written to the SQL Server Trace used for audit purposes. If not, this is a finding. Review the designated tables for the existence of triggers to raise a custom event on each Insert-Update-Delete operation. If such triggers are not present, this is a finding. Check to see that all required event classes are being audited. From the query prompt: SELECT * FROM sys.traces; All currently defined traces for the SQL server instance will be listed. If no traces are returned, this is a finding. Determine the trace(s) being used for the auditing requirement. In the following, replace # with a trace ID being used for the auditing requirements. From the query prompt: SELECT DISTINCT(eventid) FROM sys.fn_trace_geteventinfo(#); The following required event IDs should be among those listed; if not, this is a finding: 42 -- SP:Starting 43 -- SP:Completed 82-91 -- User-defined Event (at least one of these; 90 is used in the supplied script) 162 -- User error message If SQL Server Audit is in use, verify that execution of all SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or EXECUTE actions on the designated objects, is audited,. If any such actions are not audited, this is a finding. If SQL Server Audit is in use, proceed as follows. The basic SQL Server Audit configuration provided in the supplemental file Audit.sql uses the server-level audit action group SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP for this purpose. SQL Server Audit's flexibility makes other techniques possible. If an alternative technique is in use and demonstrated effective, this is not a finding. Determine the name(s) of the server audit specification(s) in use. To look at audits and audit specifications, in Management Studio's object explorer, expand <server name> >> Security >> Audits and <server name> >> Security >> Server Audit Specifications. Also, <server name> >> Databases >> <database name> >> Security >> Database Audit Specifications. Alternatively, review the contents of the system views with "audit" in their names. Run the following to verify that all logons and connections are being audited: USE [master]; GO SELECT * FROM sys.server_audit_specification_details WHERE server_specification_id = (SELECT server_specification_id FROM sys.server_audit_specifications WHERE [name] = '<server_audit_specification_name>') AND audit_action_name = 'SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP'; GO If no row is returned, this is a finding. If the audited_result column is not "SUCCESS" or "SUCCESS AND FAILURE", this is a finding.
Where SQL Server Trace is in use, implement tracking of SELECTs on designated tables at the application level, using the system stored procedure sp_trace_generateevent to write the tracking records to the Trace used for audit purposes. Create triggers to raise a custom event on each table that requires tracking of Insert-Update-Delete operations. The examples provided in the supplemental file CustomTraceEvents.sql can serve as the basis for these. Add a block of code to the supplemental file Trace.sql for each custom event class (integers in the range 82-91; the same event class may be used for all such triggers) used in these triggers. Ensure that Trace.sql includes blocks of code for event classes 42, 43, and 162. Execute Trace.sql. If SQL Server Audit is in use, design and deploy an Audit that captures all auditable events and data items. The script provided in the supplemental file Audit.sql can be used as the basis for this. Supplement the standard audit data as necessary, using Extended Events and/or triggers. Alternatively, to add the necessary data capture to an existing server audit specification, run the script: USE [master]; GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> WITH (STATE = OFF); GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> ADD (SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP); GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> WITH (STATE = ON); GO
Review the system documentation to determine whether it is required to track categories of information, such as classification or sensitivity level. If it is not, this is not applicable (NA). If neither SQL Server Audit nor SQL Server Trace is in use for audit purposes, this is a finding. If SQL Server Trace is in use for audit purposes, review the Trace settings, and the triggers on the tables holding categorized information, to determine whether all DELETE actions on these tables are traced, including failed attempts. If not, this is a finding. Check to see that all required event classes are being audited. From the query prompt: SELECT * FROM sys.traces; All currently defined traces for the SQL server instance will be listed. If no traces are returned, this is a finding. Determine the trace(s) being used for the auditing requirement. In the following, replace # with a trace ID being used for the auditing requirements. From the query prompt: SELECT DISTINCT(eventid) FROM sys.fn_trace_geteventinfo(#); The following required event IDs should be among those listed; if not, this is a finding: 82-91 -- User-defined Event (at least one of these, matching the triggers; 90 is used in the supplied script) 162 -- User error message If SQL Server Audit is in use, proceed as follows. The basic SQL Server Audit configuration provided in the supplemental file Audit.sql uses the broad, server-level audit action group SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP for this purpose. SQL Server Audit's flexibility makes other techniques possible. If an alternative technique is in use and demonstrated effective, this is not a finding. Determine the name(s) of the server audit specification(s) in use. To look at audits and audit specifications, in Management Studio's object explorer, expand <server name> >> Security >> Audits and <server name> >> Security >> Server Audit Specifications. Also, <server name> >> Databases >> <database name> >> Security >> Database Audit Specifications. Alternatively, review the contents of the system views with "audit" in their names. Run the following to verify that all SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE actions on tables and views are being audited: USE [master]; GO SELECT * FROM sys.server_audit_specification_details WHERE server_specification_id = (SELECT server_specification_id FROM sys.server_audit_specifications WHERE [name] = '<server_audit_specification_name>') AND audit_action_name = 'SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP'; If no row is returned, this is a finding. If the audited_result column is not "FAILURE" or "SUCCESS AND FAILURE", this is a finding.
Where SQL Server Trace is in use, create triggers to raise a custom event for DELETEs on each table holding categorized information. The examples provided in the supplemental file CustomTraceEvents.sql can serve as the basis for these. Add a block of code to the supplemental file Trace.sql for each custom event class (integers in the range 82-91; the same event class may be used for all such triggers) used in these triggers. Execute Trace.sql. If SQL Server Audit is in use, design and deploy an Audit that captures all auditable events and data items. The script provided in the supplemental file Audit.sql can be used as the basis for this. Supplement the standard audit data as necessary, using Extended Events and/or triggers. Alternatively, to add the necessary data capture to an existing server audit specification, run the script: USE [master]; GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> WITH (STATE = OFF); GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> ADD (SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP); GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> WITH (STATE = ON); GO
Review the system documentation to determine whether it is required to track categories of information, such as classification or sensitivity level. If it is not, this is not applicable (NA). If neither SQL Server Audit nor SQL Server Trace is in use for audit purposes, this is a finding. If SQL Server Trace is in use for audit purposes, review the triggers on all tables holding categorized information, to determine whether trace events are generated for all DELETE actions on these tables. If not, this is a finding. Check to see that all required event classes are being audited. From the query prompt: SELECT * FROM sys.traces; All currently defined traces for the SQL server instance will be listed. If no traces are returned, this is a finding. Determine the trace(s) being used for the auditing requirement. In the following, replace # with a trace ID being used for the auditing requirements. From the query prompt: SELECT DISTINCT(eventid) FROM sys.fn_trace_geteventinfo(#); The following required event IDs should be among those listed; if not, this is a finding: 82-91 -- User-defined Event (at least one of these, matching the triggers; 90 is used in the supplied script) 162 -- User error message If SQL Server Audit is in use, proceed as follows. The basic SQL Server Audit configuration provided in the supplemental file Audit.sql uses the broad, server-level audit action group SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP for this purpose. SQL Server Audit's flexibility makes other techniques possible. If an alternative technique is in use and demonstrated effective, this is not a finding. Determine the name(s) of the server audit specification(s) in use. To look at audits and audit specifications, in Management Studio's object explorer, expand <server name> >> Security >> Audits and <server name> >> Security >> Server Audit Specifications. Also, <server name> >> Databases >> <database name> >> Security >> Database Audit Specifications. Alternatively, review the contents of the system views with "audit" in their names. Run the following to verify that all SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE actions on tables and views are being audited: USE [master]; GO SELECT * FROM sys.server_audit_specification_details WHERE server_specification_id = (SELECT server_specification_id FROM sys.server_audit_specifications WHERE [name] = '<server_audit_specification_name>') AND audit_action_name = 'SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP'; If no row is returned, this is a finding. If the audited_result column is not "SUCCESS" or "SUCCESS AND FAILURE", this is a finding.
Where SQL Server Trace is in use, create triggers to raise a custom event for DELETEs on each table holding categorized information. The examples provided in the supplemental file CustomTraceEvents.sql can serve as the basis for these. Add a block of code to the supplemental file Trace.sql for each custom event class (integers in the range 82-91; the same event class may be used for all such triggers) used in these triggers. Execute Trace.sql. If SQL Server Audit is in use, design and deploy an Audit that captures all auditable events and data items. The script provided in the supplemental file Audit.sql can be used as the basis for this. Supplement the standard audit data as necessary, using Extended Events and/or triggers. Alternatively, to add the necessary data capture to an existing server audit specification, run the script: USE [master]; GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> WITH (STATE = OFF); GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> ADD (SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP); GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> WITH (STATE = ON); GO
If neither SQL Server Audit nor SQL Server Trace is in use for audit purposes, this is a finding. If there are no locally-defined security tables or procedures, this is not a finding. If SQL Server Trace is in use for audit purposes, verify that all required events are being audited. From the query prompt: SELECT * FROM sys.traces; All currently defined traces for the SQL server instance will be listed. If no traces are returned, this is a finding. Determine the trace(s) being used for the auditing requirement. In the following, replace # with a trace ID being used for the auditing requirements. From the query prompt: SELECT DISTINCT(eventid) FROM sys.fn_trace_geteventinfo(#); The following required event IDs should all be among those listed; if not, this is a finding: 46 -- Object:Created 47 -- Object:Deleted 162 -- User error message 164 -- Object:Altered If SQL Server Audit is in use, proceed as follows. The basic SQL Server Audit configuration provided in the supplemental file Audit.sql uses the broad, server-level audit action group SCHEMA_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP for this purpose. SQL Server Audit's flexibility makes other techniques possible. If an alternative technique is in use and demonstrated effective, this is not a finding. Determine the name(s) of the server audit specification(s) in use. To look at audits and audit specifications, in Management Studio's object explorer, expand <server name> >> Security >> Audits and <server name> >> Security >> Server Audit Specifications. Also, <server name> >> Databases >> <database name> >> Security >> Database Audit Specifications. Alternatively, review the contents of the system views with "audit" in their names. Run the following to verify that all CREATE, ALTER, and DROP actions on any locally-defined permissions tables, procedures and functions are being audited: USE [master]; GO SELECT * FROM sys.server_audit_specification_details WHERE server_specification_id = (SELECT server_specification_id FROM sys.server_audit_specifications WHERE [name] = '<server_audit_specification_name>') AND audit_action_name = 'SCHEMA_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP'; If no row is returned, this is a finding. If the audited_result column is not "FAILURE" or "SUCCESS AND FAILURE", this is a finding.
Where SQL Server Trace is in use, define and enable a trace that captures all auditable events. The script provided in the supplemental file Trace.sql can be used to do this. Add blocks of code to Trace.sql for each custom event class (integers in the range 82-91; the same event class may be used for all such triggers) used in these triggers. Create triggers to raise a custom event on each locally-defined security table that requires tracking of Insert-Update-Delete operations. The examples provided in the supplemental file CustomTraceEvents.sql can serve as the basis for these. Execute Trace.sql. Where SQL Server Audit is in use, design and deploy a SQL Server Audit that captures all auditable events. The script provided in the supplemental file Audit.sql can be used for this. Alternatively, to add the necessary data capture to an existing server audit specification, run the script: USE [master]; GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> WITH (STATE = OFF); GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> ADD (SCHEMA_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP); GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> WITH (STATE = ON); GO
If neither SQL Server Audit nor SQL Server Trace is in use for audit purposes, this is a finding. If there are no locally-defined security tables or procedures, this is not a finding. If SQL Server Trace is in use for audit purposes, verify that all required events are being audited. From the query prompt: SELECT * FROM sys.traces; All currently defined traces for the SQL server instance will be listed. If no traces are returned, this is a finding. Determine the trace(s) being used for the auditing requirement. In the following, replace # with a trace ID being used for the auditing requirements. From the query prompt: SELECT DISTINCT(eventid) FROM sys.fn_trace_geteventinfo(#); The following required event IDs should all be among those listed; if not, this is a finding: 46 -- Object:Created 47 -- Object:Deleted 162 -- User error message 164 -- Object:Altered If SQL Server Audit is in use, proceed as follows. The basic SQL Server Audit configuration provided in the supplemental file Audit.sql uses the broad, server-level audit action group SCHEMA_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP for this purpose. SQL Server Audit's flexibility makes other techniques possible. If an alternative technique is in use and demonstrated effective, this is not a finding. Determine the name(s) of the server audit specification(s) in use. To look at audits and audit specifications, in Management Studio's object explorer, expand <server name> >> Security >> Audits and <server name> >> Security >> Server Audit Specifications. Also, <server name> >> Databases >> <database name> >> Security >> Database Audit Specifications. Alternatively, review the contents of the system views with "audit" in their names. Run the following to verify that all CREATE, ALTER, and DROP actions on any locally-defined permissions tables, procedures and functions are being audited: USE [master]; GO SELECT * FROM sys.server_audit_specification_details WHERE server_specification_id = (SELECT server_specification_id FROM sys.server_audit_specifications WHERE [name] = '<server_audit_specification_name>') AND audit_action_name = 'SCHEMA_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP'; If no row is returned, this is a finding. If the audited_result column is not "SUCCESS" or "SUCCESS AND FAILURE", this is a finding.
Where SQL Server Trace is in use, define and enable a trace that captures all auditable events. The script provided in the supplemental file Trace.sql can be used to do this. Add blocks of code to Trace.sql for each custom event class (integers in the range 82-91; the same event class may be used for all such triggers) used in these triggers. Create triggers to raise a custom event on each locally-defined security table that requires tracking of Insert-Update-Delete operations. The examples provided in the supplemental file CustomTraceEvents.sql can serve as the basis for these. Execute Trace.sql. Where SQL Server Audit is in use, design and deploy a SQL Server Audit that captures all auditable events. The script provided in the supplemental file Audit.sql can be used for this. Alternatively, to add the necessary data capture to an existing server audit specification, run the script: USE [master]; GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> WITH (STATE = OFF); GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> ADD (SCHEMA_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP); GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> WITH (STATE = ON); GO
If there are no locally-defined security tables or procedures, this is not a finding. If neither SQL Server Audit nor SQL Server Trace is in use for audit purposes, this is a finding. If SQL Server Trace is in use for audit purposes, verify that all required events are being audited. From the query prompt: SELECT * FROM sys.traces; All currently defined traces for the SQL server instance will be listed. If no traces are returned, this is a finding. Determine the trace(s) being used for the auditing requirement. In the following, replace # with a trace ID being used for the auditing requirements. From the query prompt: SELECT DISTINCT(eventid) FROM sys.fn_trace_geteventinfo(#); The following required event IDs should all be among those listed; if not, this is a finding: 46 -- Object:Created 47 -- Object:Deleted 162 -- User error message 164 -- Object:Altered If SQL Server Audit is in use, proceed as follows. The basic SQL Server Audit configuration provided in the supplemental file Audit.sql uses the broad, server-level audit action group SCHEMA_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP for this purpose. SQL Server Audit's flexibility makes other techniques possible. If an alternative technique is in use and demonstrated effective, this is not a finding. Determine the name(s) of the server audit specification(s) in use. To look at audits and audit specifications, in Management Studio's object explorer, expand <server name> >> Security >> Audits and <server name> >> Security >> Server Audit Specifications. Also, <server name> >> Databases >> <database name> >> Security >> Database Audit Specifications. Alternatively, review the contents of the system views with "audit" in their names. Run the following to verify that all CREATE, ALTER, and DROP actions on any locally-defined permissions tables, procedures and functions are being audited: USE [master]; GO SELECT * FROM sys.server_audit_specification_details WHERE server_specification_id = (SELECT server_specification_id FROM sys.server_audit_specifications WHERE [name] = '<server_audit_specification_name>') AND audit_action_name = 'SCHEMA_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP'; If no row is returned, this is a finding. If the audited_result column is not "FAILURE" or "SUCCESS AND FAILURE", this is a finding.
Where SQL Server Trace is in use, define and enable a trace that captures all auditable events. The script provided in the supplemental file Trace.sql can be used to do this. Where SQL Server Audit is in use, design and deploy a SQL Server Audit that captures all auditable events. The script provided in the supplemental file Audit.sql can be used for this. Alternatively, to add the necessary data capture to an existing server audit specification, run the script: USE [master]; GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> WITH (STATE = OFF); GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> ADD (SCHEMA_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP); GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> WITH (STATE = ON); GO
Review the system documentation to determine whether it is required to track categories of information, such as classification or sensitivity level. If it is not, this is not applicable (NA). If neither SQL Server Audit nor SQL Server Trace is in use for audit purposes, this is a finding. If SQL Server Trace is in use for audit purposes, review the Trace settings, and the triggers on the tables holding categorized information, to determine whether all INSERT actions on these tables are traced, including failed attempts. If not, this is a finding. Check to see that all required event classes are being audited. From the query prompt: SELECT * FROM sys.traces; All currently defined traces for the SQL server instance will be listed. If no traces are returned, this is a finding. Determine the trace(s) being used for the auditing requirement. In the following, replace # with a trace ID being used for the auditing requirements. From the query prompt: SELECT DISTINCT(eventid) FROM sys.fn_trace_geteventinfo(#); The following required event IDs should be among those listed; if not, this is a finding: 82-91 -- User-defined Event (at least one of these, matching the triggers; 90 is used in the supplied script) 162 -- User error message If SQL Server Audit is in use, proceed as follows. The basic SQL Server Audit configuration provided in the supplemental file Audit.sql uses the broad, server-level audit action group SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP for this purpose. SQL Server Audit's flexibility makes other techniques possible. If an alternative technique is in use and demonstrated effective, this is not a finding. Determine the name(s) of the server audit specification(s) in use. To look at audits and audit specifications, in Management Studio's object explorer, expand <server name> >> Security >> Audits and <server name> >> Security >> Server Audit Specifications. Also, <server name> >> Databases >> <database name> >> Security >> Database Audit Specifications. Alternatively, review the contents of the system views with "audit" in their names. Run the following to verify that all SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE actions on tables and views are being audited: USE [master]; GO SELECT * FROM sys.server_audit_specification_details WHERE server_specification_id = (SELECT server_specification_id FROM sys.server_audit_specifications WHERE [name] = '<server_audit_specification_name>') AND audit_action_name = 'SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP'; If no row is returned, this is a finding. If the audited_result column is not "SUCCESS" or "SUCCESS AND FAILURE", this is a finding.
Where SQL Server Trace is in use, create triggers to raise a custom event for INSERTs on each table holding categorized information. The examples provided in the supplemental file CustomTraceEvents.sql can serve as the basis for these. Add a block of code to the supplemental file Trace.sql for each custom event class (integers in the range 82-91; the same event class may be used for all such triggers) used in these triggers. Execute Trace.sql. If SQL Server Audit is in use, design and deploy an Audit that captures all auditable events and data items. The script provided in the supplemental file Audit.sql can be used as the basis for this. Supplement the standard audit data as necessary, using Extended Events and/or triggers. Alternatively, to add the necessary data capture to an existing server audit specification, run the script: USE [master]; GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> WITH (STATE = OFF); GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> ADD (SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP); GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> WITH (STATE = ON); GO
Review the system documentation to determine whether it is required to track categories of information, such as classification or sensitivity level. If it is not, this is not applicable (NA). If neither SQL Server Audit nor SQL Server Trace is in use for audit purposes, this is a finding. If SQL Server Trace is in use for audit purposes, review the Trace settings, and the triggers on the tables holding categorized information, to determine whether all INSERT actions on these tables are traced, including failed attempts. If not, this is a finding. Check to see that all required event classes are being audited. From the query prompt: SELECT * FROM sys.traces; All currently defined traces for the SQL server instance will be listed. If no traces are returned, this is a finding. Determine the trace(s) being used for the auditing requirement. In the following, replace # with a trace ID being used for the auditing requirements. From the query prompt: SELECT DISTINCT(eventid) FROM sys.fn_trace_geteventinfo(#); The following required event IDs should be among those listed; if not, this is a finding: 82-91 -- User-defined Event (at least one of these, matching the triggers; 90 is used in the supplied script) 162 -- User error message If SQL Server Audit is in use, proceed as follows. The basic SQL Server Audit configuration provided in the supplemental file Audit.sql uses the broad, server-level audit action group SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP for this purpose. SQL Server Audit's flexibility makes other techniques possible. If an alternative technique is in use and demonstrated effective, this is not a finding. Determine the name(s) of the server audit specification(s) in use. To look at audits and audit specifications, in Management Studio's object explorer, expand <server name> >> Security >> Audits and <server name> >> Security >> Server Audit Specifications. Also, <server name> >> Databases >> <database name> >> Security >> Database Audit Specifications. Alternatively, review the contents of the system views with "audit" in their names. Run the following to verify that all SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE actions on tables and views are being audited: USE [master]; GO SELECT * FROM sys.server_audit_specification_details WHERE server_specification_id = (SELECT server_specification_id FROM sys.server_audit_specifications WHERE [name] = '<server_audit_specification_name>') AND audit_action_name = 'SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP'; If no row is returned, this is a finding. If the audited_result column is not "FAILURE" or "SUCCESS AND FAILURE", this is a finding.
Where SQL Server Trace is in use, create triggers to raise a custom event for INSERTs on each table holding categorized information. The examples provided in the supplemental file CustomTraceEvents.sql can serve as the basis for these. Add a block of code to the supplemental file Trace.sql for each custom event class (integers in the range 82-91; the same event class may be used for all such triggers) used in these triggers. Execute Trace.sql. If SQL Server Audit is in use, design and deploy an Audit that captures all auditable events and data items. The script provided in the supplemental file Audit.sql can be used as the basis for this. Supplement the standard audit data as necessary, using Extended Events and/or triggers. Alternatively, to add the necessary data capture to an existing server audit specification, run the script: USE [master]; GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> WITH (STATE = OFF); GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> ADD (SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP); GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> WITH (STATE = ON); GO
Review the system documentation to determine whether it is required to track categories of information, such as classification or sensitivity level. If it is not, this is not applicable (NA). If neither SQL Server Audit nor SQL Server Trace is in use for audit purposes, this is a finding. If SQL Server Trace is in use for audit purposes, review the triggers on all tables holding categorized information, to determine whether trace events are generated for all UPDATE actions on these tables. If not, this is a finding. Check to see that all required event classes are being audited. From the query prompt: SELECT * FROM sys.traces; All currently defined traces for the SQL server instance will be listed. If no traces are returned, this is a finding. Determine the trace(s) being used for the auditing requirement. In the following, replace # with a trace ID being used for the auditing requirements. From the query prompt: SELECT DISTINCT(eventid) FROM sys.fn_trace_geteventinfo(#); The following required event IDs should be among those listed; if not, this is a finding: 82-91 -- User-defined Event (at least one of these, matching the triggers; 90 is used in the supplied script) 162 -- User error message If SQL Server Audit is in use, proceed as follows. The basic SQL Server Audit configuration provided in the supplemental file Audit.sql uses the broad, server-level audit action group SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP for this purpose. SQL Server Audit's flexibility makes other techniques possible. If an alternative technique is in use and demonstrated effective, this is not a finding. Determine the name(s) of the server audit specification(s) in use. To look at audits and audit specifications, in Management Studio's object explorer, expand <server name> >> Security >> Audits and <server name> >> Security >> Server Audit Specifications. Also, <server name> >> Databases >> <database name> >> Security >> Database Audit Specifications. Alternatively, review the contents of the system views with "audit" in their names. Run the following to verify that all SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE actions on tables and views are being audited: USE [master]; GO SELECT * FROM sys.server_audit_specification_details WHERE server_specification_id = (SELECT server_specification_id FROM sys.server_audit_specifications WHERE [name] = '<server_audit_specification_name>') AND audit_action_name = 'SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP'; If no row is returned, this is a finding. If the audited_result column is not "SUCCESS" or "SUCCESS AND FAILURE", this is a finding.
Where SQL Server Trace is in use, create triggers to raise a custom event for UPDATEs on each table holding categorized information. The examples provided in the supplemental file CustomTraceEvents.sql can serve as the basis for these. Add a block of code to the supplemental file Trace.sql for each custom event class (integers in the range 82-91; the same event class may be used for all such triggers) used in these triggers. Execute Trace.sql. If SQL Server Audit is in use, design and deploy an Audit that captures all auditable events and data items. The script provided in the supplemental file Audit.sql can be used as the basis for this. Supplement the standard audit data as necessary, using Extended Events and/or triggers. Alternatively, to add the necessary data capture to an existing server audit specification, run the script: USE [master]; GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> WITH (STATE = OFF); GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> ADD (SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP); GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> WITH (STATE = ON); GO
Review the system documentation to determine whether it is required to track categories of information, such as classification or sensitivity level. If it is not, this is not applicable (NA). If neither SQL Server Audit nor SQL Server Trace is in use for audit purposes, this is a finding. If SQL Server Trace is in use for audit purposes, review the Trace settings, and the triggers on the tables holding categorized information, to determine whether all UPDATE actions on these tables are traced, including failed attempts. If not, this is a finding. Check to see that all required event classes are being audited. From the query prompt: SELECT * FROM sys.traces; All currently defined traces for the SQL server instance will be listed. If no traces are returned, this is a finding. Determine the trace(s) being used for the auditing requirement. In the following, replace # with a trace ID being used for the auditing requirements. From the query prompt: SELECT DISTINCT(eventid) FROM sys.fn_trace_geteventinfo(#); The following required event IDs should be among those listed; if not, this is a finding: 82-91 -- User-defined Event (at least one of these, matching the triggers; 90 is used in the supplied script) 162 -- User error message If SQL Server Audit is in use, proceed as follows. The basic SQL Server Audit configuration provided in the supplemental file Audit.sql uses the broad, server-level audit action group SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP for this purpose. SQL Server Audit's flexibility makes other techniques possible. If an alternative technique is in use and demonstrated effective, this is not a finding. Determine the name(s) of the server audit specification(s) in use. To look at audits and audit specifications, in Management Studio's object explorer, expand <server name> >> Security >> Audits and <server name> >> Security >> Server Audit Specifications. Also, <server name> >> Databases >> <database name> >> Security >> Database Audit Specifications. Alternatively, review the contents of the system views with "audit" in their names. Run the following to verify that all SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE actions on tables and views are being audited: USE [master]; GO SELECT * FROM sys.server_audit_specification_details WHERE server_specification_id = (SELECT server_specification_id FROM sys.server_audit_specifications WHERE [name] = '<server_audit_specification_name>') AND audit_action_name = 'SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP'; If no row is returned, this is a finding. If the audited_result column is not "SUCCESS" or "SUCCESS AND FAILURE", this is a finding.
Where SQL Server Trace is in use, create triggers to raise a custom event for UPDATEs on each table holding categorized information. The examples provided in the supplemental file CustomTraceEvents.sql can serve as the basis for these. Add a block of code to the supplemental file Trace.sql for each custom event class (integers in the range 82-91; the same event class may be used for all such triggers) used in these triggers. Execute Trace.sql. If SQL Server Audit is in use, design and deploy an Audit that captures all auditable events and data items. The script provided in the supplemental file Audit.sql can be used as the basis for this. Supplement the standard audit data as necessary, using Extended Events and/or triggers. Alternatively, to add the necessary data capture to an existing server audit specification, run the script: USE [master]; GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> WITH (STATE = OFF); GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> ADD (SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP); GO ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION <server_audit_specification_name> WITH (STATE = ON); GO
If the application owner and Authorizing Official have determined that encryption of data at rest is NOT required, this is not a finding. If the application owner and Authorizing Official have determined that encryption of data at rest is required, ensure the data on secondary devices is encrypted. If full-disk encryption is being used, this is not a finding. If DBMS data encryption is required, ensure the data is encrypted before being put on the secondary device by executing: SELECT AS [Database Name], CASE e.encryption_state WHEN 0 THEN 'No database encryption key present, no encryption' WHEN 1 THEN 'Unencrypted' WHEN 2 THEN 'Encryption in progress' WHEN 3 THEN 'Encrypted' WHEN 4 THEN 'Key change in progress' WHEN 5 THEN 'Decryption in progress' WHEN 6 THEN 'Protection change in progress' END AS [Encryption State] FROM sys.dm_database_encryption_keys e RIGHT JOIN sys.databases d ON DB_NAME(e.database_id) = WHERE NOT IN ('master','model','msdb') ORDER BY 1 ; For each user database where encryption is required, verify that encryption is in effect. If not, this is a finding. Verify that there are physical security measures, operating system access control lists and organizational controls appropriate to the sensitivity level of the data in the database(s). If not, this is a finding.
Apply appropriate controls to protect the confidentiality and integrity of data on a secondary device. Where encryption is required, this can be done by full-disk encryption or by database encryption. To enable database encryption, create a master key, create a database encryption key, and protect it by using mechanisms tied to the master key, and then set encryption on. Implement physical security measures, operating system access control lists and organizational controls appropriate to the sensitivity level of the data in the database(s).