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Review procedures and implementation evidence of annual reviews of ISA 2006 Information Assurance (IA) policy and procedures. Procedures must exist, be complete, and are implemented. They must be executed at least annually or more frequently. Procedure: Criteria: If complete review procedures exist, and are executed at least annually, this is not a finding.
Procedure: Ensure that procedures exist, and that annual reviews are scheduled and completed.
Interview the ISA Server Administrator or IAO. Review documentation that describes unique security requirements for ISA Servers implemented at the site. Included should be information such as firewall model, number of network interfaces, network location and ISA server role in the network. Criteria: If unique security requirements are documented in the System Security plan, this is not a finding.
Ensure that unique security requirements for ISA Servers are in the System Security Plan. Procedure: Update the System Security plan. Include information such as firewall model, number of network interfaces, network location and ISA server role in the network.
Interview the ISA Server Administrator or the IAO to ask if configuration management procedures are in place to prevent untested and uncontrolled software modifications to the production system. Access documentation demonstrating the process, scheduling, and signoff procedures for ISA configuration management. Criteria: If configuration management procedures are documented and implemented, this is not a finding.
Procedure: Implement Configuration Management procedures; document them and follow them. Ensure that patches, configurations, and upgrades are addressed. Process steps should have specific procedures and responsibilities assigned.
Interview the IAO. Ensure that roles assignments are written and controlled. Procedure: Review the documented procedures for approval and granting of ISA Server Administrator privileges. Review implementation evidence for the procedures. Criteria: If the ISA Server Administrator role is documented and authorized by the IAO, this is not a finding.
Procedure: Establish a procedure that ensures that the ISA Server Administrator role is defined and authorized (assigned) as documented by the IAO.
Review the System Security Plan for ISA services. Review coverage of the following in the System Security Plan: - Technical, administrative, and procedural IA program and policies that govern ISA services - Identification of all IA roles and assignments(IAM, IAO, FWA) - Specific IA requirements and objectives such as unique security considerations and outage contingency plans. Criteria: If ISA services are documented in the System Security Plan, this is not a finding.
Procedure: Establish a System Security Plan ISA services component. Ensure that the following types of information are covered in the plan: - Technical, administrative, and procedural IA program and policies that govern ISA services - Identification of all IA roles and assignments(IAM, IAO, FWA) - Specific IA requirements and objectives such as unique security considerations and outage contingency plans.
Ensure that critical ISA recovery files are restricted to Administrators and Backup/Recovery processes. Procedure: Interview the ISA Server Administrator or the IAO. Access the System Security Plan documentation that describes protection for the backup and recovery data. Direct access of any kind must be restricted only to personnel and processes that are authorized to handle that data. Criteria: If ISA Critical recovery files are restricted to Administrators and Backup/Recovery processes, this is not a finding.
Procedure: Create or modify recovery data access procedures. Ensure that access to ISA Recovery Data is restricted to ISA Server Administrators, System Administrators, or Backup/Recovery processes.
Interview the IAO or the ISA Server Administrator. Review automated tool usage for reporting on audit trail data. Criteria: If automated tools are available for review and reporting on ISA Service audit records, this is not a finding.
Procedure: Ensure that automated tools are implemented and available for review and reporting on ISA Service audit records.
Interview the IAO or ISA Server Administrator. Access the documentation that describes data retention for audit records. Criteria: If ISA audit records are retained for at least 1 year, this is not a finding.
Procedure: Ensure that ISA audit records are retained for 1 year. Update System Security Plans and any related Backup / Restore and Recovery procedures.
Interview the ISA Server Administrator. Access the documentation that describes inclusion of ISA audit data with the periodic backups. Verify that this directory is included in a backup strategy to preserve log history. Criteria: If ISA Audit logs are backed up at least weekly on to a different system or media, this is not a finding.
Procedure: Ensure that ISA audit records are backed up at least weekly on to a different system or media.
Procedure: Interview the ISA Server Administrator or the IAO. Access the System Security Plan or other documentation that describes the backup and recovery strategy for ISA 2006 servers. The plan should detail specifically what files and data stores are saved, including the frequency and schedules of the saves (as required by INFOCON levels), and recovery plans (should they become necessary). The recovery plan should also state a periodic recovery rehearsal to ensure the backup strategy is sound. Criteria: If the ISA Backup and Recovery strategy is documented and periodically tested according to the INFOCON recommended frequency, this is not a finding.
Ensure that the ISA Backup and Recovery Strategy is documented in the site Disaster Recovery Plan, with components, locations and directions, and is tested according to INFOCON frequency requirements.
Interview the ISA Administrator or IAO. Reference a copy of the System Security Plan. Procedure: Review the application software baseline procedures and implementation evidence. Review the list of files and directories included in the baseline procedure for completeness. Criteria: If ISA software copy exists to serve as a baseline and is available for comparison during scanning efforts, this is not a finding.
Procedure: Assure that ISA critical software copies are created and are stored offsite, and described in the ISA System Security plan.