Select any two versions of this STIG to compare the individual requirements
Select any old version/release of this STIG to view the previous requirements
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Go to Administration (gear icon) >> Access >> RBM Settings. Verify the Authentication Method is set to LDAP. Review LDAP server configuration settings and verify the LDAP configuration limits the number of concurrent sessions. If MQ is not set to LDAP authentication or if LDAP is not configured to meet the requirement, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Go to Administration (gear icon) >> Access >> RBM Settings. Set Authentication Method to LDAP and configure LDAP connection as required. Note: Implementation of concurrent session limitation must be enforced by the LDAP server's control of user logons.
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Go to Administration (gear icon) >> Access >> RBM Settings. Review LDAP configuration. Verify the LDAP configuration includes a Load Balancer Group that includes two or more authentication servers. If the LDAP configuration does not include a Load Balancer Group that includes two or more authentication servers, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Go to Administration (gear icon) >> Access >> RBM Settings. Set Authentication Method to LDAP. Configure a Load Balancer Group that includes two or more LDAP authentication servers. Configure LDAP server connection settings as required.
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Go to Administration (gear icon) >> Access >> RBM Settings. Verify the Authentication Method is set to LDAP. Review LDAP server settings and verify accounts are configured to be disabled after 35 days of inactivity. If MQ is not set to LDAP authentication or if LDAP is not configured to meet the requirement, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Go to Administration (gear icon) >> Access >> RBM Settings. Set Authentication Method to LDAP. Configure LDAP server connection as required.
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Go to Administration (gear icon) >> Access >> RBM Settings. Verify the Authentication Method is set to LDAP. Review LDAP server settings and verify the LDAP configuration limits three consecutive invalid logon attempts by a user during a 15-minute time period If MQ is not set to LDAP authentication or if LDAP is not configured to meet the requirement, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Go to Administration (gear icon) >> Access >> RBM Settings. Set Authentication Method to LDAP. Configure LDAP connection as required. Note: Enforcing the limit of three consecutive invalid logon attempts during a 15-minute time period is the responsibility of the LDAP server.
Using a browser, navigate to the MQ Appliance logon page as a privileged user. Verify the logon page displays the Standard Mandatory DoD Notice and Consent Banner: For the WebGUI, the banner must read: "You are accessing a U.S. Government (USG) Information System (IS) that is provided for USG-authorized use only. By using this IS (which includes any device attached to this IS), you consent to the following conditions: -The USG routinely intercepts and monitors communications on this IS for purposes including, but not limited to, penetration testing, COMSEC monitoring, network operations and defense, personnel misconduct (PM), law enforcement (LE), and counterintelligence (CI) investigations. -At any time, the USG may inspect and seize data stored on this IS. -Communications using, or data stored on, this IS are not private, are subject to routine monitoring, interception, and search, and may be disclosed or used for any USG-authorized purpose. -This IS includes security measures (e.g., authentication and access controls) to protect USG interests--not for your personal benefit or privacy. -Notwithstanding the above, using this IS does not constitute consent to PM, LE or CI investigative searching or monitoring of the content of privileged communications, or work product, related to personal representation or services by attorneys, psychotherapists, or clergy, and their assistants. Such communications and work product are private and confidential. See User Agreement for details. Logging in signifies acceptance of this agreement." For the SSH CLI, the banner must read: "I've read & consent to terms in IS user agreem't. Logging in signifies acceptance of this agreement." If the standard banner is not displayed in both the WebGUI and CLI interfaces, this is a finding.
Log on to the WebGUI as a privileged user. The custom banner must be set up as follows: 1. Click on the Administration (gear) icon. 2. Under Main, click on File Management. 3. Open the "Store" directory. 4. Scroll down to the file "ui-customization.xml". 5. Click in the box to the left of the file name. 6. At the top of the page, click on the Copy button. 7. Select "local:" as the New Directory Name. 8. Enter a New File Name, e.g., "ui-customization.xml". 9. Click Confirm copy. 10. Click Continue. 11. Edit the "ui-customization.xml" file. 12. Refresh the browser page. 13. Click "local:". 14. Click the "Edit" link to the right of "ui-customization.xml". 15. Click the "Edit" button. 16. Locate the XML Stanza named "MarkupBanner". 17. 'type="pre-login"'. 18. Replace the text "WebGUI pre-login message" with the text of the Standard Mandatory DoD Notice and Consent Banner: "You are accessing a U.S. Government (USG) Information System (IS) that is provided for USG-authorized use only. By using this IS (which includes any device attached to this IS), you consent to the following conditions: -The USG routinely intercepts and monitors communications on this IS for purposes including, but not limited to, penetration testing, COMSEC monitoring, network operations and defense, personnel misconduct (PM), law enforcement (LE), and counterintelligence (CI) investigations. -At any time, the USG may inspect and seize data stored on this IS. -Communications using, or data stored on, this IS are not private, are subject to routine monitoring, interception, and search, and may be disclosed or used for any USG-authorized purpose. -This IS includes security measures (e.g., authentication and access controls) to protect USG interests--not for your personal benefit or privacy. -Notwithstanding the above, using this IS does not constitute consent to PM, LE or CI investigative searching or monitoring of the content of privileged communications, or work product, related to personal representation or services by attorneys, psychotherapists, or clergy, and their assistants. Such communications and work product are private and confidential. See User Agreement for details. Logging in signifies acceptance of this agreement." 19. Locate the XML Stanza named "TextBanner". 20. 'type="pre-login"'. 21. Replace the text "Command line pre-login message" with the text of the Standard Mandatory DoD Notice and Consent Banner: "I've read & consent to terms in IS user agreem't. Logging in signifies acceptance of this agreement." 22. Click the "Submit" button. Configure the MQ Appliance to use the customized User Interface Customization file: In the WebGUI, click on the Gear icon (Administration) and then select Device >> System Settings. Scroll to "Custom user interface file" section at the bottom of the page and select the local:/// directory and then the "ui-customization.xml" from the drop-down list. Scroll to the top of the page. Click "Applyā€¯. Click "Save Configuration". Log out of the appliance.
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Enter: co show logging target All configured logging targets will be displayed. Verify: - This list includes a remote syslog notification target; and - It includes all of the following log event source and log-level parameters: event audit info event auth notice event mgmt notice event cli notice event user notice event system error In the WebGUI, Administration (gear icon) >> Access >> User Account, add a user. Verify the administrator receives notification of this event. If the event notifications are not configured, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Configure a syslog target by using the command line interface (CLI). To enter global configuration mode, enter "config". To create a syslog target, enter: logging target <logging target name> type syslog admin-state enabled local-address <MQ Appliance IP> remote-address <syslog server IP> remote-port <syslog server port> event audit info event auth notice event mgmt notice event cli notice event user notice event system error exit write mem y
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Enter: co show logging target All configured logging targets will be displayed. Verify: - This list includes a remote syslog notification target; and - It includes all of the following log event source and log level parameters: event audit info event auth notice event mgmt notice event cli notice event user notice event system error If these events are not configured, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Configure a syslog target. To enter global configuration mode, enter "config". To create a syslog target, enter: logging target <logging target name> type syslog admin-state enabled local-address <MQ Appliance IP> remote-address <syslog server IP> remote-port <syslog server port> event audit info event auth notice event mgmt notice event cli notice event user notice event system error exit write mem y
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Enter: co show logging target All configured logging targets will be displayed. Verify: - This list includes a remote syslog notification target; and - It includes all desired log event source and log level parameters: event audit info event auth notice event mgmt notice event cli notice event user notice event system error Configuring notification of events occurring at the external logging server is the responsibility of the administrator. Ask the system admin to provide evidence the required alert triggers for the following event codes: 0x80c0006a, 0x82400067, 0x00330034, 0x80400080 have been set up and the ISSO and SA at a minimum are alerted. If there is no evidence that alerts are sent in the event of an audit processing failure, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Configure a syslog target. To enter global configuration mode, enter "config". To create a syslog target, enter: logging target <logging target name> type syslog admin-state enabled local-address <MQ Appliance IP> remote-address <syslog server IP> remote-port <syslog server port> event audit info event auth notice event mgmt notice event cli notice event user notice event system error exit write mem y At the syslog server, set up event notification triggers for the following event codes: 0x80c0006a, 0x82400067, 0x00330034, 0x80400080.
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Enter: co show logging target All configured logging targets will be displayed. Verify: - This list of log targets includes an appropriate syslog notification target; - The log target is enabled; and - It includes all desired log event source and log level parameters, e.g., event audit debug. If any of these conditions is not true, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Configure a syslog target. To enter global configuration mode, enter "config". To create a syslog target, enter: logging target <logging target name> type syslog admin-state enabled local-address <MQ Appliance IP> remote-address <syslog server IP> remote-port <syslog server port> event audit info event auth notice event mgmt notice event cli notice event user notice event system error exit write mem y
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Go to Administration (gear icon) >> Access >> RBM Settings. Verify the Authentication Method is set to LDAP. If MQ is not set to LDAP authentication, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Go to Administration (gear icon) >> Access >> RBM Settings. Set Authentication Method to LDAP. Configure the LDAP connection as required.
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Go to Administration (gear icon) >> Access >> RBM Settings. Verify the Authentication Method is set to LDAP. Verify at least one Fallback user is configured. If MQ authentication is not set to LDAP and if the Fallback user is not created, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Go to Administration (gear icon) >> Access >> RBM Settings. Set Authentication Method to LDAP. Configure one Fallback user. Configure the LDAP connection as required.
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Verify the MQ Appliance PKI-based user authentication is configured to support multifactor authentication for network access to privileged accounts. Click on the Network (gear) icon. Under Management, click on "Web Management Service". Expand the settings under "Advanced". Click the pencil icon to the right of the custom SSL Server Profile. Scroll to "Validation Credentials". Click on the pencil icon to the right. For each certificate name listed, click the pencil to the right and then click "Details" to display the certificate properties. Verify all listed client certificates are authorized to access the MQ Appliance. If certificate-based multifactor authentication is not used, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Configure MQ Appliance PKI-based user authentication to support multifactor authentication for network access to privileged accounts. Step 1: Create Crypto Certificate Object: - Click on the "Objects" icon. - Select Crypto Configuration >> Crypto Certificate >> New. - Provide a new crypto certificate name in the "Name" field. - Select "cert:///" from "File Name". - Click the "Upload" button. - Browse to the certificate file, select file, and click "Open". - Click "Upload". - Repeat process for additional certificate files as needed. Step 2: Create Crypto Key Object: - Select Crypto Configuration >> Crypto Key >> New. - Provide a new crypto key name in the "Name" field. - Select "cert:///" from "File Name". - Click the "Upload" button. - Browse to the key file, select file, and click "Open". - Click "Upload". - Repeat process for all additional certificate files previously uploaded. Step 3: Create Identification Credentials: - Select Crypto Configuration >> Crypto Identification Credentials >> New. - Provide a new identification credential name in the "Name" field. - Select a previously created crypto key object. - Select a previously created crypto certificate object. - Click on "Apply". Step 4: Create Crypto Validation Credentials: - Select Crypto Configuration >> Crypto Validation Credentials >> New. - Provide a new validation credential name in the "Name" field. - Click the "Add" button. - Select a crypto certificate object from the drop-down menu. - Repeat the Add function as needed. - Select Certificate Validation Mode >> Full Certificate Chain Checking. - Click on "Apply". Step 5: Create SSL Server Profile: - Select Crypto Configuration >> SSL Server Profile >> New. - Provide a new SSL Server Profile name in the "Name" field. - Scroll down to "Identification Credentials" and select the identification credential object. - Under "Client Authentication", check the following check boxes: --Request Client Authentication check box --Require Client Authentication check box --Validate Client Certificate check box - Select "Validation Credentials". - Select the validation credential object. - Click "Apply". Step 6: Associate SSL Server Profile with Web Management Interface: - Click on the Network icon. - Select Management >> Web Management Service. - Specify the unique IP address for the web management interface. - Expand "Advanced". - From the "Custom SSL Server Type" drop-down menu, select "Server Profile". - From the "Custom SSL Server Profile" drop-down menu, select the SSL Server profile previously created. - Click "Apply". - At the top of the page click "Save Changes".
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Verify the MQ Appliance PKI-based user authentication is configured to support multifactor authentication to provide replay-resistant authentication. Verify an SSL Server Profile is associated with the WebGUI (CLI). Enter: co show web-mgmt [Note the name of the ssl-server] Display the parameters of the ssl-server (CLI). Enter: co crypto ssl-server <ssl-server name> show [Note the name of the valcred] Display the certificates in the ValCred (CLI). Enter: co crypto valcred <name of valcred> show Verify all listed client certificates are authorized to access the MQ Appliance. If any are not authorized, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Configure MQ Appliance PKI-based user multifactor authentication to provide replay-resistant authentication. Assign the WebGUI to one management port (CLI). Enter: co web-mgmt <mgmt port IP addr> 9090 <timeout in seconds> write mem y Import to cert directory MQ Appliance private key and cert and client cert(s) (WebGUI): - Log on to the WebGUI as a privileged user. - Click on the Administration (gear) icon. - Under Main, click on File Management. - Click cert directory. - Click Actions. - Upload files. - Browse to select MQ Appl privkey. - Add. - Browse to select MQ Appl cert. - Add. - Browse to select client cert. - Add. - [Repeat Browse and Add for all desired client certs.] - Upload. - Continue. Create cert aliases (CLI). Enter: co crypto certificate <MQAppl CryptoCert alias: appliance name> cert:///<MQAppl cert file name> certificate <client CryptoCert alias: subject field fm client cert> cert:///<client cert file name> [Repeat certificate command for any additional client certs.] exit write mem y Create MQAppl private key alias (CLI). Enter: co crypto key <MQAppl CryptoKey alias> cert:///<MQAppl privkey file name> exit write mem y Create MQAppl ID Credential (CLI). Enter: co crypto idcred <MQAppl IDCred name> <MQAppl CryptoKey alias> <MQAppl CryptoCert alias> exit write mem y Create a client Validation Credential (CLI). Enter: co crypto valcred <Client ValCred name> certificate <Client CryptoCert alias> [Add additional client certificates as required] exit exit write mem y Create SSL Server Profile (CLI). Enter: co crypto ssl-server <SSL Svr Profile name> admin-state enabled idcred <MQAppl IDCred name> protocols TLSv1d2 valcred <Client ValCred name> request-client-auth on require-client-auth on send-client-auth-ca-list on exit exit write mem y Associate SSL Server Profile with WebGUI (CLI). Enter: co web-mgmt ssl-config-type server ssl-server <SSL Svr Profile name> exit write mem y
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Go to Administration (gear icon) >> Access >> RBM Settings. Verify the Authentication Method is set to LDAP. Expand Password Policy. Verify the (local) Password Policy for the Fallback user minimum length is set to 15. If MQ is not set to LDAP authentication or if the local password policy is not configured to meet the requirement, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Go to Administration (gear icon) >> Access >> RBM Settings. Set Authentication Method to LDAP. Configure the LDAP server connection as required. Expand Password Policy. In Password Policy, set minimum password length to 15.
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Go to Administration (gear icon) >> Access >> RBM Settings. Verify the Authentication Method is set to LDAP. Expand Password Policy. Verify the (local) MQ Password Policy Reuse History is set to a minimum of "5". If MQ is not set to LDAP authentication or if the local password policy is not configured to meet the requirement, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Go to Administration (gear icon) >> Access> > RBM Settings. Set Authentication Method to LDAP. Configure LDAP server connection as required. Expand Password Policy. In Password Policy, check the Control Reuse check box and set reuse history to a minimum of "5".
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Go to Administration (gear icon) >> Access >> RBM Settings. Verify the Authentication Method is set to LDAP. Expand Password Policy. Verify the (local) Password Policy Require Mixed Case check box is checked. If MQ is not set to LDAP authentication or if the local password policy is not configured to meet the requirement, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Go to Administration (gear icon) >> Access >> RBM Settings. Set Authentication Method to LDAP. Configure LDAP server connection as required. Expand Password Policy. In Password Policy, check the Require Mixed Case check box.
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Go to Administration (gear icon) >> Access >> RBM Settings. Verify the Authentication Method is set to LDAP. Expand Password Policy. Verify the (local) Password Policy Require Mixed Case check box is checked. If MQ is not set to LDAP authentication or if the local password policy is not configured to meet the requirement, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Go to Administration (gear icon) >> Access >> RBM Settings. Set Authentication Method to LDAP. Configure LDAP server connection as required. Expand Password Policy. Check the Require Mixed Case check box.
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Go to Administration (gear icon) >> Access >> RBM Settings. Verify the Authentication Method is set to LDAP. Expand Password Policy. Verify the (local) Password Policy Require Number check box is checked. If MQ is not set to LDAP authentication or if the local password policy is not configured to meet the requirement, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Go to Administration (gear icon) >> Access >> RBM Settings. Set the Authentication Method to LDAP. Configure LDAP server connection as required. Expand Password Policy. Check the Password Policy Require Mixed Case check box.
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Go to Administration (gear icon) >> Access >> RBM Settings. Verify the Authentication Method is set to LDAP. Expand Password Policy. Verify the (local) Password Policy Require Non-alphanumeric check box is checked. If MQ is not set to LDAP authentication or if the local password policy is not configured to meet the requirement, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Go to Administration (gear icon) >> Access >> RBM Settings. Set Authentication Method to LDAP. Configure LDAP server connection as required. Expand Password Policy. Check the Require Non-alphanumeric check box.
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Go to Administration (gear icon) >> Access >> RBM Settings. Verify the Authentication Method is set to LDAP. Expand Password Policy. Verify the (local) Password Policy Enable Aging check box is selected. If MQ is not set to LDAP authentication or if the local password policy is not configured to meet the requirement, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Go to Administration (gear icon) >> Access >> RBM Settings. Set Authentication Method to LDAP. Configure LDAP connection as required. Expand Password Policy. Check the "Enable Aging" check box.
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Verify the MQ Appliance is configured to support PKI-based user authentication. Verify an SSL Server Profile is associated with the WebGUI (CLI). Enter: co show web-mgmt [Note the name of the ssl-server] Display the parameters of the ssl-server (CLI). Enter: co crypto ssl-server <ssl-server name> show [Note the name of the valcred] Display the certificates in the ValCred (CLI). Enter: co crypto valcred <name of valcred> show Verify all listed client certificates are authorized to access the MQ Appliance. If any listed client certificates are not authorized to access the MQ Appliance, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Configure MQ Appliance to support PKI-based user authentication. Assign the WebGUI to one management port (CLI). Enter: co web-mgmt <mgmt port IP addr> 9090 <timeout in seconds> write mem y Import to cert directory MQ Appliance private key and cert, and client cert(s) (WebGUI): - Log on to the WebGUI as a privileged user. - Click on the Administration (gear) icon. - Under Main, click on File Management. - Click cert directory. - Click Actions. - Upload files. - Browse to select MQ Appl privkey. - Add. - Browse to select MQ Appl cert. - Add. - Browse to select client cert. - Add. - [Repeat Browse and Add for all desired client certs.] - Upload. - Continue. Create cert aliases (CLI). Enter: co crypto certificate <MQAppl CryptoCert alias: appliance name> cert:///<MQAppl cert file name> certificate <client CryptoCert alias: subject field fm client cert> cert:///<client cert file name> [Repeat certificate command for any additional client certs.] exit write mem y Create MQAppl private key alias (CLI). Enter: co crypto key <MQAppl CryptoKey alias> cert:///<MQAppl privkey file name> exit write mem y Create MQAppl ID Credential (CLI). Enter: co crypto idcred <MQAppl IDCred name> <MQAppl CryptoKey alias> <MQAppl CryptoCert alias> exit write mem y Create a client Validation Credential (CLI). Enter: co crypto valcred <Client ValCred name> certificate <Client CryptoCert alias> [Add additional client certificates as required] exit exit write mem y Create SSL Server Profile (CLI). Enter: co crypto ssl-server <SSL Svr Profile name> admin-state enabled idcred <MQAppl IDCred name> protocols TLSv1d2 valcred <Client ValCred name> request-client-auth on require-client-auth on send-client-auth-ca-list on exit exit write mem y Associate SSL Server Profile with WebGUI (CLI). Enter: co web-mgmt ssl-config-type server ssl-server <SSL Svr Profile name> exit write mem y
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Verify the MQ Appliance is configured to support PKI-based user authentication. Verify an SSL Server Profile is associated with the WebGUI (CLI). Enter: co show web-mgmt [Note the name of the ssl-server] Display the parameters of the ssl-server (CLI). Enter: co crypto ssl-server <ssl-server name> show [Note the name of the valcred] Display the certificates in the ValCred (CLI). Enter: co crypto valcred <name of valcred> show Verify all listed client certificates are authorized to access the MQ Appliance. If any are not authorized, this is a finding. Spot-check access to the appliance: Attempt to access the appliance from a browser enabled with an authorized certificate. If authorized access does not succeed, this is a finding. Attempt to access the appliance from a browser not enabled with an authorized client certificate. If unauthorized access succeeds, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Configure MQ Appliance to support PKI-based user authentication. Assign the WebGUI to one management port (CLI). Enter: co web-mgmt <mgmt port IP addr> 9090 <timeout in seconds> write mem y Import to cert directory MQ Appliance private key and cert and client cert(s) (WebGUI): - Log on to the WebGUI as a privileged user. - Click on the Administration (gear) icon. - Under Main, click on File Management. - Click cert directory. - Click Actions. - Upload files. - Browse to select MQ Appl privkey. - Add. - Browse to select MQ Appl cert. - Add. - Browse to select client cert. - Add. - [Repeat Browse and Add for all desired client certs.] - Upload. - Continue, Create cert aliases (CLI). Enter: co crypto certificate <MQAppl CryptoCert alias: appliance name> cert:///<MQAppl cert file name> certificate <client CryptoCert alias: subject field fm client cert> cert:///<client cert file name> [Repeat certificate command for any additional client certs.] exit write mem y Create MQAppl private key alias (CLI). Enter: co crypto key <MQAppl CryptoKey alias> cert:///<MQAppl privkey file name> exit write mem y Create MQAppl ID Credential (CLI). Enter: co crypto idcred <MQAppl IDCred name> <MQAppl CryptoKey alias> <MQAppl CryptoCert alias> exit write mem y Create a client Validation Credential (CLI). Enter: co crypto valcred <Client ValCred name> certificate <Client CryptoCert alias> [Add additional client certificates as required.] exit exit write mem y Create SSL Server Profile (CLI). Enter: co crypto ssl-server <SSL Svr Profile name> admin-state enabled idcred <MQAppl IDCred name> protocols TLSv1d2 valcred <Client ValCred name> request-client-auth on require-client-auth on send-client-auth-ca-list on exit exit write mem y Associate SSL Server Profile with WebGUI (CLI). Enter: co web-mgmt ssl-config-type server ssl-server <SSL Svr Profile name> exit write mem y
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Enter: config crypto show crypto-mode The result should be: fips-140-2-l1 If it is not, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Enable FIPS 140-2 Level 1 mode at the next reload of the firmware. Enter: config crypto crypto-mode-set fips-140-2-l1 The following message will appear: "Crypto Mode Successfully set to fips-140-2-l1 for next boot."
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Enter: co web-mgmt show If the idle-timeout value is not 600 seconds or less, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Enter: co web-mgmt idle-timeout <600 seconds or less> exit write mem y
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Enter: co web-mgmt show If the idle-timeout value is not 600 seconds or less, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Enter: co web-mgmt idle-timeout <600 seconds or less> exit write mem y
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Enter: co rbm show If the idle-timeout value is not 600 seconds or less, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Enter: co rbm idle-timeout <600 seconds or less> exit write mem y
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Enter: config crypto show crypto-mode If the result is not fips-140-2-l1, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Enable FIPS 140-2 Level 1 mode at the next reload of the firmware. Enter: config crypto crypto-mode-set fips-140-2-l1 The following message will appear: "Crypto Mode Successfully set to fips-140-2-l1 for next boot." Reboot MQ appliance.
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Enter: failure-notification show failure-notification Examine the configured parameters to verify the current configuration, including the notification address. If the MQ Appliance is not configured to send an alert when a component failure is detected, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Enter: co failure-notification admin-state enabled upload-report <on or off> location-id <String to identify the issuing device> use-smtp on protocol smtp email-address <destination notification email address> remote-address <remote SMTP server address> internal-state on ffdc packet-capture on ffdc event-log on ffdc memory-trace on always-on-startup on always-on-shutdown on report-history <Max. # of local error rpts to maintain> exit write mem y
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Enter: co show logging target All configured logging targets will be displayed. Verify: - This list includes a remote syslog notification target; and - It includes all desired log event source and log level parameters: event audit info event auth notice event mgmt notice event cli notice event user notice event system error Ask the system admin to provide evidence that alerts are sent based on the following audit events: 0x8240001f and 0x810001f0. Account administration events will fall into this event category and be written to the audit logs. If alerts are not sent when accounts on the MQ appliance are created, modified, deleted, or re-enabled, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. To enter global configuration mode, enter "config". To creates a syslog target, enter: logging target <logging target name> type syslog admin-state enabled local-address <MQ Appliance IP> remote-address <syslog server IP> remote-port <syslog server port> event audit info event auth notice event mgmt notice event cli notice event user notice event system error exit write mem y Configure alerts that will trigger off of syslog audit events: 0x8240001f and 0x810001f0.
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Enter: co web-mgmt show If the idle-timeout value is not 600 seconds or less, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Enter: co web-mgmt idle-timeout <600 seconds or less> exit write mem y
Log on to the MQ appliance WebGUI as an admin user. Click Administration (gear icon) >> Access. Select User Account and User Group options. Review user names that are displayed. Local user accounts should not be shared. The only exception is the local "Fallback" user account of last resort, which is used for emergency access. Verify that no user accounts other than the designated Fallback user emergency account exist or are shared. Verify the local Fallback user password is changed whenever MQ administrators leave the team and no longer have a need to access the MQ device. If any user accounts other than the Fallback user exist or are shared, or if the local Fallback user password is not changed when MQ admins leave the team/group, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ appliance WebGUI as an admin user. Click Administration (gear icon) >> Access. Select User Account and User Group options. Configure no local accounts other than the Fallback user emergency account. Change the local Fallback user account password whenever MQ admin team members leave the group or no longer require access.
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Go to Administration (gear icon) >> Access >> RBM Settings. Verify the Authentication Method is set to LDAP. Request third-party log monitoring alarming information that provides the notification alerts regarding logons, dates, times, and source IP addresses. If it is not set to LDAP and third-party alarming notifications are not used, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Go to Administration (gear icon) >> Access >> RBM Settings. Set Authentication Method to LDAP. Configure LDAP connection as required. Configure notification alerts in third party event notification solution.
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Enter: co show logging target All configured logging targets will be displayed. Verify: - This list includes a remote syslog notification target; and - It includes all desired log event source and log level parameters: event audit info event auth notice event mgmt notice event cli notice event user notice event system error Ask the system admin to provide evidence the following alert triggers have been set up: 0x80c0006a, 0x82400067, 0x00330034, 0x80400080. Verify alerts are immediately sent when syslog storage capacity reaches 75% of maximum audit record storage capacity. If any is not true, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. To enter global configuration mode, enter "config". To create a syslog target, enter: logging target <logging target name> type syslog admin-state enabled local-address <MQ Appliance IP> remote-address <syslog server IP> remote-port <syslog server port> event audit info event auth notice event mgmt notice event cli notice event user notice event system error exit write mem y At the syslog server, set up event notification triggers for the following event codes: 0x80c0006a, 0x82400067, 0x00330034, 0x80400080. Set up notifications to immediately alert when audit record storage utilization exceeds 75% of storage capacity.
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. On the Manage Appliance tab, select Network >> Interface/NTP Service. Verify: - NTP server destinations are configured; - The NTP servers are located in different geographic regions; and - Status (at the top of the page) is "up". If any is not true, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Click on the Network icon (third from the top). Select "Interface/NTP Service". Click the "Add" button to add multiple NTP servers. Click "Enable administrative state". Click the "Apply" button. Add one or more additional NTP servers, at least one of which is from a different geographic region. The result should be: "Status:up" Click "Save configuration".
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. On the Manage Appliance tab, select Network >> Interface/NTP Service. Verify: - NTP server destinations are configured; - The NTP servers are located in different geographic regions; and - Status (at the top of the page) is "up". If any is not true, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Click on the Network icon (third from the top). Select "Interface/NTP Service". Click the "Add" button to add multiple NTP servers. Click "Enable administrative state". Click the "Apply" button. Add one or more additional NTP servers, at least one of which is from a different geographic region. The result should be: "Status:up" Click "Save configuration".
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. On the Manage Appliance tab, select Network >> Interface/NTP Service. Verify: - NTP server destinations are configured; * The NTP servers are located in different geographic regions; and * Status (at the top of the page) is "up". If any is not true, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Click on the Network icon (third from the top). Select "Interface/NTP Service". Click the "Add" button to add multiple NTP servers. Click "Enable administrative state". Click the "Apply" button. Add one or more additional NTP servers, at least one of which is from a different geographic region. The result should be: "Status:up" Click "Save configuration".
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Verify MQ Appliance PKI-based user authentication is configured. Verify an SSL Server Profile is associated with the WebGUI (CLI). Enter: co show web-mgmt [Note the name of the ssl-server] Display the parameters of the ssl-server (CLI). Enter: co crypto ssl-server <ssl-server name> show [Note the name of the valcred] Display the certificates in the ValCred (CLI). Enter: co crypto valcred <name of valcred> show Verify all listed client certificates are authorized to access the MQ Appliance. If any are not authorized, this is a finding. Spot-check access to the appliance: Attempt to access the appliance from a browser enabled with an authorized certificate. If authorized access does not succeed, this is a finding. Attempt to access the appliance from a browser not enabled with an authorized client certificate. If unauthorized access succeeds, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Configure MQ Appliance PKI-based user authentication. Assign the WebGUI to one management port (CLI). Enter: co web-mgmt <mgmt port IP addr> 9090 <timeout in seconds> write mem y Import to cert directory MQ Appliance private key and cert and client cert(s) (WebGUI): - Log on to the WebGUI as a privileged user. - Click on the Administration (gear) icon. - Under Main, click on File Management. - Click cert directory. - Click Actions. - Upload files. - Browse to select MQ Appl privkey. - Add. - Browse to select MQ Appl cert. - Add. - Browse to select client cert. - Add. - [Repeat Browse and Add for all desired client certs.] - Upload. - Continue. Create cert aliases (CLI). Enter: co crypto certificate <MQAppl CryptoCert alias: appliance name> cert:///<MQAppl cert file name> certificate <client CryptoCert alias: subject field fm client cert> cert:///<client cert file name> [Repeat certificate command for any additional client certs.] exit write mem y Create MQAppl private key alias (CLI). Enter: co crypto key <MQAppl CryptoKey alias> cert:///<MQAppl privkey file name> exit write mem y Create MQAppl ID Credential (CLI). Enter: co crypto idcred <MQAppl IDCred name> <MQAppl CryptoKey alias> <MQAppl CryptoCert alias> exit write mem y Create a client Validation Credential (CLI). Enter: co crypto valcred <Client ValCred name> certificate <Client CryptoCert alias> [Add additional client certificates as required] exit exit write mem y Create SSL Server Profile (CLI). Enter: co crypto ssl-server <SSL Svr Profile name> admin-state enabled idcred <MQAppl IDCred name protocols TLSv1d2 valcred <Client ValCred name> request-client-auth on require-client-auth on send-client-auth-ca-list on exit exit write mem y Associate SSL Server Profile with WebGUI (CLI). Enter: co web-mgmt ssl-config-type server ssl-server <SSL Svr Profile name> exit write mem y
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Verify MQ Appliance PKI-based user authentication is configured. Verify an SSL Server Profile is associated with the WebGUI (CLI). Enter: co show web-mgmt [Note the name of the ssl-server] Display the parameters of the ssl-server (CLI). Enter: co crypto ssl-server <ssl-server name> show [Note the name of the valcred] Display the certificates in the ValCred (CLI). Enter: co crypto valcred <name of valcred> show Verify all listed client certificates are authorized to access the MQ Appliance. Spot-check access to the appliance: Attempt to access the appliance from a browser enabled with an authorized certificate. Attempt to access the appliance from a browser not enabled with an authorized client certificate. If unauthorized access succeeds, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Configure MQ Appliance PKI-based user authentication. Assign the WebGUI to one management port (CLI). Enter: co web-mgmt <mgmt port IP addr> 9090 <timeout in seconds> write mem y Import to cert directory MQ Appliance private key and cert and client cert(s) (WebGUI): - Log on to the WebGUI as a privileged user. - Click on the Administration (gear) icon. - Under Main, click on File Management. - Click cert directory. - Click Actions. - Upload files. - Browse to select MQ Appl privkey. - Add. - Browse to select MQ Appl cert. - Add. - Browse to select client cert. - Add. - [Repeat Browse and Add for all desired client certs.] - Upload. - Continue Create cert aliases (CLI). Enter: co crypto certificate <MQAppl CryptoCert alias: appliance name> cert:///<MQAppl cert file name> certificate <client CryptoCert alias: subject field fm client cert> cert:///<client cert file name> [Repeat certificate command for any additional client certs.] exit write mem y Create MQAppl private key alias (CLI). Enter: co crypto key <MQAppl CryptoKey alias> cert:///<MQAppl privkey file name> exit write mem y Create MQAppl ID Credential (CLI). Enter: co crypto idcred <MQAppl IDCred name> <MQAppl CryptoKey alias> <MQAppl CryptoCert alias> exit write mem y Create a client Validation Credential (CLI). Enter: co crypto valcred <Client ValCred name> certificate <Client CryptoCert alias> [Add additional client certificates as required] exit exit write mem y Create SSL Server Profile (CLI). Enter: co crypto ssl-server <SSL Svr Profile name> admin-state enabled idcred <MQAppl IDCred name> protocols TLSv1d2 valcred <Client ValCred name> request-client-auth on require-client-auth on send-client-auth-ca-list on exit exit write mem y Associate SSL Server Profile with WebGUI (CLI). Enter: co web-mgmt ssl-config-type server ssl-server <SSL Svr Profile name> exit write mem y
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Go to Administration (gear icon) >> Access >> RBM Settings. Verify the Authentication Method is set to LDAP and the cache setting is defined and specifies the organization-defined time period. If the Authentication Method is not set to LDAP and the cache setting does not specify the organization-defined time period, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Go to Administration (gear icon) >> Access >> RBM Settings. Set Authentication Method to LDAP. Limit cache settings to an organization-defined time period. Configure other LDAP connection settings as required.
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Display the SSL Server Profile associated with the WebGUI (CLI). Enter: co show web-mgmt Verify the following: An ssl-server is associated with the WebGUI. [Note the name of the ssl-server.] List parameters of the SSL Server (CLI). Enter: co crypto ssl-server <ssl-server name> show Verify the following: protocols TLSv1d2 If TLS protocol is not configured for use with the ssl-server, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Display the SSL Server Profile associated with the WebGUI (CLI). Enter: co show web-mgmt [Note the name of the ssl-server.] Define the cache parameters of the SSL Server (CLI). Enter: co crypto ssl-server <ssl-server name> protocols TLSv1d2 exit exit write mem y
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Enter: co show logging target All configured logging targets will be displayed. Verify: - This list includes a remote syslog notification target; and - It includes all desired log event source and log level parameters: event audit info event auth notice event mgmt notice event cli notice event user notice event system error Log onto the MQ appliance from two different workstations simultaneously. Request a copy of the audit logs and verify both events were recorded in the logs. If log events were not created, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. To enter global configuration mode, enter "config". To create a syslog target, enter: logging target <logging target name> type syslog admin-state enabled local-address <MQ Appliance IP> remote-address <syslog server IP> remote-port <syslog server port> event audit info event auth notice event mgmt notice event cli notice event user notice event system error exit write mem y
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Enter: co show logging target All configured logging targets will be displayed. Verify: - This list includes a remote syslog notification target; and - It includes all desired log event source and log level parameters, e.g., event audit info. In the WebGUI, Manage Appliance/User access. Create, disable or modify an account. Verify the administrator receives notification of this event. If any is not true, this is a finding.
Configure a syslog target by using the command line interface (CLI). Log on as an administrative user. To enter global configuration mode, enter "config". To create a syslog target, enter: logging target <logging target name> type syslog admin-state enabled local-address <MQ Appliance IP> remote-address <syslog server IP> remote-port <syslog server port> event audit info event auth notice event mgmt notice event cli notice event user notice event system error exit write mem y It is the responsibility of the sysadmin to configure the triggers necessary to send alerts based upon information received at the syslog server. To meet the current requirement, the sysadmin should trigger notification upon receiving the following audit events: 0x8240001f and 0x810001f0. All account creations, modifications, disabling, and termination events fall into this event category.
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Enter: co show logging target All configured logging targets will be displayed. Verify: - This list includes a remote syslog notification target; and - It includes all desired log event source and log level parameters: event audit info event auth notice event mgmt notice event cli notice event user notice event system error Ask the system admin to provide logs from syslog server and verify the MQ appliance is logging to the syslog server. If the logs are not off-loaded, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. To enter global configuration mode, enter "config". To create a syslog target, enter: logging target <logging target name> type syslog admin-state "enabled" local-address <MQ Appliance IP> remote-address <syslog server IP> remote-port <syslog server port> event audit debug event auth debug event mgmt debug event cli debug event user debug event system error exit write mem y Configure the MQ appliance to off-load audit records to a remote syslog server.
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. Enter: co show logging target All configured logging targets will be displayed. Verify: - This list includes a remote syslog notification target; and - It includes all desired log event source and log level parameters: event audit info event auth notice event mgmt notice event cli notice event user notice event system error Ask the system admin to provide evidence the required alert triggers have been set up. If any is not true, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. To enter global configuration mode, enter "config". To create a syslog target, enter: logging target <logging target name> type syslog admin-state enabled local-address <MQ Appliance IP> remote-address <syslog server IP> remote-port <syslog server port> event audit info event auth notice event mgmt notice event cli notice event user notice event system error exit write mem y It is the responsibility of the sysadmin to configure the triggers necessary to send alerts based upon information received at the syslog server. To meet the current requirement, the sysadmin must specify threat event patterns that should trigger alerts. Then, the sysadmin must configure alerts that will occur in response to those event patterns. Ideas for trigger event patterns can be gained from an examination of the existing syslog.
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Go to Administration (gear icon) >> Access >> RBM Settings. Verify the Authentication Method is set to LDAP. Verify only one Fallback user is specified. If administrative accounts other than the Fallback user are on the local MQ appliance, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Go to Administration (gear icon) >> Access >> RBM Settings. Set Authentication Method to LDAP. Configure LDAP server connection requirements as required. Specify one privileged Fallback user. Remove unauthorized Fallback users or admin accounts.
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Go to Administration (gear icon) >> Access >> RBM Settings. Verify the Authentication Method is set to LDAP. If MQ is not set to LDAP authentication, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Go to Administration (gear icon) >> Access >> RBM Settings. Set Authentication Method to LDAP. Configure LDAP server connection requirements as required.
Interview the system admin and determine how the MQ system is backed up. The MQ Appliance provides three features for providing system backup: - High Availability (HA) configuration of paired appliances - Disaster Recovery (DR) configuration using a paired off-site appliance - Manual backup and restore If manual backup and restore is used verify backups are performed when changes to the system occur or at least weekly. If none of the above methods are employed or if no backups exist, this is a finding.
Configure the MQ appliance to use one of the following backup solutions. - High Availability (HA) configuration of paired appliances - Disaster Recovery (DR) configuration using a paired off-site appliance - Manual backup and restore
Log on to the MQ Appliance CLI as a privileged user. To verify certs, enter: co crypto show certificate [lists all defined cert aliases] Verify the following: All certificate aliases point to standard DoD cert files and none are self-generated. If the certificates were not generated by a DoD approved CA, or if they are self-signed certificates, this is a finding.
Obtain MQ Appliance and client certs from an approved CA or ECA as required by DoD policy. Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Import approved certs to the cert directory: - Click on the Administration (gear) icon. - Under Main, click on File Management. - Click cert directory. - Click Actions. - Upload files. - Browse to select MQ Appl cert. - Add. - Browse to select client cert. - Add. - [Repeat Browse and Add for all desired client certs.] - Upload. - Continue. Create cert aliases for use in MQ Appliance configurations (CLI). Enter: co crypto certificate <MQAppliance CryptoCert alias> cert:///<MQAppl cert file name> certificate <client CryptoCert alias> cert:///<client cert file name> [Repeat certificate command for any additional client certs.] exit write mem y
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Go to the Network icon. Select Management >> SSH Service. Click "edit" next to the Access control list field. View the SSH ACL and obtain the list of authorized addresses. Ask the administrator for the list of approved addresses. If an authorized management network is in place, the SSH ACL can include a range of addresses within the authorized management network. If a firewall is used to isolate SSH traffic, request the IP addresses of the MQ appliance and the relevant firewall ruleset. If SSH traffic is not restricted to the list of approved addresses, this is a finding.
Log on to the MQ Appliance WebGUI as a privileged user. Go to Network icon. Select Management >> SSH Service. Click "edit" next to the Access control list field. Edit the SSH ACL and add authorized workstations or management network segment. For a firewall solution, isolate the MQ SSH network interface behind the firewall and apply firewall rules to limit SSH access to only authorized management workstations or networks.