Select any two versions of this STIG to compare the individual requirements
Select any old version/release of this STIG to view the previous requirements
CounterACT is inherently designed to terminate upon Exit or session disconnection, thus this part of the requirement does not have to be verified. To verify the device is configured to terminate management sessions after "10" minutes of inactivity, verify the timeout value is configured. 1. On the Enterprise Manager Console. 2. From the menu, select Tools >> Options >> User Console and Options >> Password and Login. 3. Verify the "User Inactivity Timeout" check box is selected and the associated setting is set to "10" minutes. If applicable, verify exceptions to this requirement are documented and signed. If Counteract does not terminate the connection associated with an Enterprise Manager Console at the end of the session or after "10" minutes of inactivity, this is a finding.
CounterACT is inherently designed to terminate upon Exit or session disconnection, thus this part of the requirement does not have a fix. To configure CounterACT to terminate the connection after "10" minutes of inactivity perform the following steps. 1. On the Enterprise Manager Console. 2. From the menu, select Tools >> Options >> User Console and Options >> Password and Login. 3. Ensure the "User In-activity Timeout" check box is selected and the associated setting is set to "10 minutes. If exceptions to this requirement are necessary based on mission requirements, document the mission requirement and validate with a signature by a designated authority.
CounterACT is inherently designed to terminate upon Exit or session disconnection, thus this part of the requirement does not have to be verified. To verify the device is configured to terminate management sessions after "10" minutes of inactivity, verify the timeout value is configured. 1. On the Enterprise Manager Console. 2. From the menu, select Tools >> Options >> User Console and Options >> Password and Login. 3. Verify the "User Inactivity Timeout" check box is selected and the associated setting is set to "10" minutes. If applicable, verify exceptions to this requirement are documented and signed. If Counteract does not terminate the connection associated with an Enterprise Manager Console at the end of the session or after "10" minutes of inactivity, this is a finding.
CounterACT is inherently designed to terminate upon Exit or session disconnection, thus this part of the requirement does not have a fix. To configure CounterACT to terminate the connection after "10" minutes of inactivity perform the following steps. 1. On the Enterprise Manager Console. 2. From the menu, select Tools >> Options >> User Console and Options >> Password and Login. 3. Ensure the "User In-activity Timeout" check box is selected and the associated setting is set to "10" minutes. If exceptions to this requirement are necessary based on mission requirements, document the mission requirement and validate with a signature by a designated authority.
List the contents of CounterACT’s local storage, including any drives supporting removable media (such as flash drives), and check the file permissions of all files on those drives. 1. Log on to the SSH command line interface of a CounterACT Enterprise Manager (EM) or CounterACT appliance using standard admin privilege. 2. At the command prompt, type: cd / (To narrow the search to a specific LINUX directory, replace the / with the full pathname of the directory to be searched.) 3. Use the following command to review file permissions: ls- la If any files allow read or write access by accounts not specifically authorized access or access using non-privileged accounts, this is a finding.
Set the file permissions on files on CounterACT or on removable media used by the device so that only authorized administrators can read or change their contents. This is completed by limiting access to SUDO accounts and command line admin accounts. 1. Review accounts with update privileges to CounterACT appliance configuration by selecting Tools >> Options >> Console User Profiles. 2. Select a user to edit. 3. Select the "Permissions" tab. 4. Ensure the "CounterACT Appliance Configuration" and "CounterACT Appliance Control" radio buttons are set to "View only".
Determine if CounterACT restricts the ability to change the auditing to be performed within the system log based on selectable event criteria to the audit administrator's role or to other roles or individuals. This requirement may be verified by configuration review or demonstration. 1. Open the CounterACT Administrator Console and log on with admin or operator credentials. 2. Select Tools >> Options >> Console User Profiles. 3. Select (highlight) the user profile to be reviewed (group or user) and then select "Edit". 4. Review the "Permissions" tab and verify the following "update" radio check boxes are enabled: Action Thresholds, CounterACT Appliance Configuration, and Enterprise Manager Control. If CounterACT does not provide the capability for organization-identified individuals or roles to change the auditing to be performed based on all selectable event criteria within near real time, this is a finding.
Configure CounterACT to restrict the ability to change the auditing to be performed within the system log based on selectable event criteria to the audit administrator's role or to other roles or individuals. Apply the following configuration changes: 1. Open the CounterACT Administrator Console and log on with admin or operator credentials. 2. Select Tools >> Options >> Console User Profiles. 3. Select (highlight) the user profile to be reviewed (group or user) and then select "Edit". 4. Review the "Permissions" tab and ensure the following "update" radio check boxes are enabled: Action Thresholds, CounterACT Appliance Configuration, and Enterprise Manager Control.
Determine if CounterACT records time stamps for audit records that can be mapped to UTC. This requirement may be verified by demonstration or configuration review. Verify by connecting to the appliance via SSH using standard user/operator privilege. 1. After logon, type the following command at the prompt using the IP address of the configured NTP server: fstool ntp test <ip address> 2. Verify the date references accurate time and the time zone points to UTC next to the year. If CounterACT does not record time stamps for audit records that can be mapped to UTC, this is a finding.
Configure CounterACT to record time stamps for audit records that can be mapped to UTC. Note: Updating time preferences will force CounterACT into maintenance mode. Use a scheduled outage for planned maintenance and stop CounterACT service prior to adjusting time settings. 1. After logon, type the following command at the prompt using the IP address of the required NTP server: fstool ntp <ip address> 2. Ensure the date references accurate time and the time zone points to UTC next to the year.
Verify Threat Protection notifications are enabled and configured. 1. Select Tools >> Options >> Threat Protection. 2. At the bottom of the Threat Protection pane, select "Customer" and then select the "Notify" tab. 3. Verify the Maximum emails per day is set to "15" and infected host notification is set to 1 hour. If CounterACT does not enable Threat Protection notifications to alert security personnel to Cyber events detected by a CounterACT IAW CJCSM 6510.01B, this is a finding.
Enable and configure Threat Protection notifications. 1. Select Tools >> Options >> Threat Protection. 2. At the bottom of the Threat Protection pane, select "Customer" and then select the "Notify" tab. 3. Modify the Maximum emails per day to "15" and infected host notification to 1 hour.
Determine if CounterACT generates audit log events for a locally developed list of auditable events. 1. Open the CounterACT Console. 2. Select Tools >> Options >> Plugin. 3. Select the Syslog Plugin. 4. Select CounterACT or the Enterprise Manager appliance you would like to verify. 5. Verify additional settings for audit are available by ensuring that either one of these options is selected: "Include only messages generated by the 'send message to syslog action'" or "include NAC policy logs". If CounterACT is not configured to generate audit log events for a locally developed list of auditable events, this is a finding.
Configure CounterACT to generate audit log events for a locally developed list of auditable events. 1. Open the CounterACT Console. 2. Select Tools >> Options >> Plugin. 3. Select the Syslog Plugin. 4. Select CounterACT or the Enterprise Manager appliance you would like to verify. 5. Ensure additional settings for audit are available by ensuring that either one of these options is selected: "Include only messages generated by the 'send message to syslog action'" or "include NAC policy logs".
Check CounterACT to determine if only authorized administrators have permissions for changes, deletions, and updates on the network device. Inspect the maintenance log to verify changes are being made only by the system administrators. 1. Log on to the CounterACT Administrator UI with admin or operator credentials. 2. From the menu, select Tools >> Options >> User Console and Options. 3. Select (highlight) the user profile to be reviewed (group or user) and then select "Edit". 4. Verify the non-administrator account selected does not have "update" on the "Permissions" tab for "CounterACT Appliance Configuration". If unauthorized users are allowed to change the hardware or software, this is a finding.
Configure CounterACT to enforce access restrictions associated with changes to the system components. 1. Log on to the CounterACT Administrator UI with admin or operator credentials. 2. From the menu, select Tools >> Options >> User Console and Options. 3. Select (highlight) the user profile to be reviewed (group or user) and then select "Edit". 4. Verify the non-administrator account selected does not have "update" on the "Permissions" tab for "CounterACT Appliance Configuration".
Review the CounterACT configuration to determine if administrative accounts for device management exist on the device other than the account of last resort and root account. 1. Log on to the CounterACT Administrator UI with admin or operator credentials. 2. From the menu, select Tools >> Options >> User Console and Options. 3. Select (highlight) the user profile to be reviewed (group or user) and then select "Edit". 4. Verify each user profile is for an approved administrator. 5. Verify each external LDAP group account profile by verifying on the trusted external directory group membership. If any administrative accounts other than the account of last resort and root account exist on the device, this is a finding.
Remove accounts that are not authorized. Do not remove the account of last resort. 1. Log on to the CounterACT Administrator UI with admin or operator credentials. 2. From the menu, select Tools >> Options >> User Console and Options. 3. Select (highlight) the user profile to be reviewed (group or user) and then select "Remove". 4. Remove external group membership, individual users on the Directory service.
Check CounterACT to determine if the network device is configured to conduct backups of system-level information contained in the information system when changes occur or weekly, whichever is sooner. 1. Open CounterACT Console and select Tools >> Options. 2. Select the "+" next to "Advanced" menu (toward the bottom). 3. Select the “Backup” submenu. 4. On the “System Backup” tab, verify the "Enable System Backup" radio button is selected. 5. Verify the Backup schedule is selected to at least "weekly". If CounterACT does not support the organizational requirements to conduct backups of system-level data according to the defined frequency, this is a finding.
Configure CounterACT to generate audit log events for a locally developed list of auditable events. 1. Open the CounterACT Console. 2. Select Tools >> Options >> Plugin. 3. Select the Syslog Plugin. 4. Select CounterACT or the Enterprise Manager appliance you would like to verify. 5. Ensure additional settings for audit are available by ensuring that either one of these options is selected: "Include only messages generated by the 'send message to syslog action'" or "include NAC policy logs".
Review the CounterACT backup configuration to determine if the network device backs up the information system documentation, including security-related documentation, when changes occur or weekly, whichever is sooner. 1. Open the CounterACT Console and select Tools >> Options. 2. Select the "+" next to "Advanced" menu (toward the bottom). 3. Select the “Backup” submenu. 4. On the “System Backup” tab, verify the "Enable System Backup" radio button is selected. 5. Verify the Backup schedule is selected to at least "weekly". If the network device does not back up the information system documentation, including security-related documentation, when changes occur or weekly, whichever is sooner, this is a finding.
Configure CounterACT to conduct backups of information system documentation, including security-related documentation, when changes occur or weekly, whichever is sooner. 1. Open the CounterACT Console and select Tools >> Options. 2. Select the "+" next to "Advanced" menu (toward the bottom). 3. Select the “Backup” submenu. 4. On the “System Backup” tab, ensure the "Enable System Backup" radio button is selected. 5. Ensure the Backup schedule is selected to at least "weekly".
Determine if CounterACT obtains public key certificates from an appropriate certificate policy through an approved service provider. To review the Web server certificate presented for captive portal/authentication: 1. Open a command line SSH to CounterACT appliance or Enterprise Manager. 2. Run the following command: >fstool cert test 3. Verify all Web server certificate(s) are printed and reviewable. 4. Verify the signing authority is from an approved certificate authority. If the network device does not obtain its public key certificates from an appropriate certificate policy through an approved service provider, this is a finding.
Configure CounterACT to obtain its public key certificates from an appropriate certificate policy through an approved service provider. Reference CounterACT Admin Manual and Appendix 1: Command line tools and subsection "Generating CSRs and importing signed certificates" for more detail on requesting a signed certificate.
Determine if CounterACT obtains public key certificates from an appropriate certificate policy through an approved service provider. 1. Open a command line SSH to CounterACT appliance or Enterprise Manager. 2. Run the following command: >fstool dot1x cert print <pathname/filename> for the local server certificate (/usr/local/forescout/etc/dot1x/certs.production/server.pem) 3. Verify the signing authority is from an approved certificate authority. If the network device does not obtain its public key certificates from an appropriate certificate policy through an approved service provider, this is a finding.
Configure CounterACT to obtain its public key certificates from an appropriate certificate policy through an approved service provider. Reference CounterACT 802.1x Plugin guide/help manual under Certificate Request process for additional details on the signing process.
Determine if CounterACT is configured either to enforce the limit of three consecutive invalid logon attempts by a user during a "15" minute time period or to use an authentication server that would perform this function. 1. Log on to the CounterACT Administrator UI. 2. From the menu, select Tools >> Options >> User Console and Options >> Password and Login. 3. Verify the "Lock account after" radio button is selected. 4. Verify that "3" password failures for "15" minutes is configured. If the limit of three consecutive invalid logon attempts by a user during a "15" minute time period is not enforced, this is a finding.
Configure CounterACT or its associated authentication server to enforce the limit of three consecutive invalid logon attempts by a user during a "15" minute time period. 1. Log on to the CounterACT Administrator UI. 2. From the menu, select Tools >> Options >> User Console and Options >> Password and Login. 3. Ensure the "Lock account after" radio button is selected. 4. Ensure that "3" password failures for "15" minutes is configured.
1. Log on to the CounterACT Administrator UI. 2. From the menu, select Tools >> Options >> User Console and Options >> Password and Login. 3. Enable "Display this Notice and Consent Message after login" and complete the provided text input area to have the Standard Mandatory DoD and Consent Banner appear before granting access to the device. This banner must include the following text: By using this IS (which includes any device attached to this IS), you consent to the following conditions: -The USG routinely intercepts and monitors communications on this IS for purposes including, but not limited to, penetration testing, COMSEC monitoring, network operations and defense, personnel misconduct (PM), law enforcement (LE), and counterintelligence (CI) investigations. -At any time, the USG may inspect and seize data stored on this IS. -Communications using, or data stored on, this IS are not private, are subject to routine monitoring, interception, and search, and may be disclosed or used for any USG-authorized purpose. -This IS includes security measures (e.g., authentication and access controls) to protect USG interests--not for your personal benefit or privacy. -Notwithstanding the above, using this IS does not constitute consent to PM, LE or CI investigative searching or monitoring of the content of privileged communications, or work product, related to personal representation or services by attorneys, psychotherapists, or clergy, and their assistants. Such communications and work product are private and confidential. See User Agreement for details". If this is not present, this is a finding.
1. Log on to the CounterACT Administrator UI. 2. Select Tools >> Options >> User Console and Options >> Password and Login. 3. Enable "Display this Notice and Consent Message after login" and complete the provided text input area to have the Standard Mandatory DoD and Consent Banner before granting access to the device. This banner must include the following text: By using this IS (which includes any device attached to this IS), you consent to the following conditions: -The USG routinely intercepts and monitors communications on this IS for purposes including, but not limited to, penetration testing, COMSEC monitoring, network operations and defense, personnel misconduct (PM), law enforcement (LE), and counterintelligence (CI) investigations. -At any time, the USG may inspect and seize data stored on this IS. -Communications using, or data stored on, this IS are not private, are subject to routine monitoring, interception, and search, and may be disclosed or used for any USG-authorized purpose. -This IS includes security measures (e.g., authentication and access controls) to protect USG interests--not for your personal benefit or privacy. -Notwithstanding the above, using this IS does not constitute consent to PM, LE or CI investigative searching or monitoring of the content of privileged communications, or work product, related to personal representation or services by attorneys, psychotherapists, or clergy, and their assistants. Such communications and work product are private and confidential. See User Agreement for details". 4. Select "Apply" to save the settings.
Verify CounterACT retains the Standard Mandatory DoD-approved Notice and Consent Banner on the screen until users acknowledge the usage conditions and takes explicit actions to log on for further access. 1. Log on to the CounterACT Administrator UI. 2. From the menu, select Tools >> Options >> User Console and Options >> Password and Login. 3. Verify the options for the logon banner "require confirmation" is selected. If CounterACT does not retain the Standard Mandatory DoD-approved Notice and Consent Banner on the screen until users acknowledge the usage conditions and take explicit actions to log on for further access, this is a finding.
Configure CounterACT to retain the Standard Mandatory DoD-approved Notice and Consent Banner on the screen until users acknowledge the usage conditions and take explicit actions to log on for further access. 1. Log on to the CounterACT Administrator UI. 2. From the menu, select Tools >> Options >> User Console and Options >> Password and Login. 3. Ensure the options for logon banner "require confirmation" is selected.
If all audit logs for the Enterprise Manager and appliances are sent to an audit log, this is not a finding. Determine if CounterACT backs up local logs on the Enterprise Manager or appliances at least every seven days onto a different system or system component than the system or component being audited. This requirement may be verified by configuration review. 1. Open the CounterACT Console and select Tools >> Options. 2. Select the "+" next to "Advanced" menu (toward the bottom). 3. Select the “Backup” submenu. 4. On the "System Backup" tab, verify the "Enable System Backup" radio button is selected. 5. Verify the Backup schedule is selected to at least "weekly". 6. On the "Backup Server" tab, verify an external backup server is configured with SFTP or SCP (and appropriate port/protocol requirements). If the network device does not back up audit records at least every seven days onto a different system or system component than the system or component being audited, this is a finding.
Configure CounterACT to back up locally stored audit records on the Enterprise Manager or the appliances at least every seven days onto a different system or system component than the system or component being audited. 1. Open the CounterACT Console and select Tools >> Options. 2. Select the "+" next to "Advanced" menu (toward the bottom). 3. Select the “Backup” submenu. 4. On the "System Backup" tab, ensure the "Enable System Backup" radio button is selected. 5. Ensure the Backup schedule is selected to at least "weekly". 6. On the "Backup Server" tab, verify an external backup server is configured with SFTP or SCP (and appropriate port/protocol requirements).
Ask if there are users defined in CounterACT that are not authorized to change the software libraries. Verify that Administrator privileges have been restricted for these users. This is verified by reviewing the administrator account profiles and auditing the assigned privilege for updated CounterACT software. 1. Log on to the CounterACT Console and select Tools >> Options >> Console User Profiles. 2. Select the non-privileged user profiles and then select "Edit". 3. Verify the users do not have the "Plugin Management" and "Software Upgrade" options selected. If CounterACT is not configured to limit privileges to change the software resident within software libraries for unauthorized users, this is a finding.
Configure CounterACT to prevent access to change the software resident within software libraries for unauthorized personnel. 1. Log on to the CounterACT Console and select Tools >> Options >> Console User Profiles. 2. Select the non-privileged user profiles and then select "Edit". 3. Verify the users do not have the "Plugin Management" and "Software Upgrade" options selected.
Navigate to the plugin tool and remove all unneeded or unsecure services. 1. Connect to the CounterACT Console and select Tools >> Options >> Plugins. 2. Review the list of plugins. If an unnecessary or nonsecure service is "Enabled", select the plugin and then select "Configure". If no configuration is present, this is a finding. If any unnecessary or nonsecure functions are enabled, this is a finding.
Configure the network device to prohibit the use of all unnecessary and/or nonsecure functions, ports, protocols, and/or services. The following is an example of disabling the wireless plugin if no wireless devices are directly managed by CounterACT. Example: 1. Connect to the CounterACT Console and select Tools >> Options >> Plugins. 2. Determine if the wireless plugin status is "Enabled", select the plugin, and select "Stop" (for all appliances). This process can be used to disable or remove plugins not being used.
Verify that only one local account exists and it has full administrator privileges. 1. Log on to the CounterACT Administrator UI. 2. From the menu, select Tools >> Options >> User Console and Options. If more than one local user account exists, this is a finding.
Create a local account with full administrator privileges to be used as the account of last resort. The default admin account may be used to fulfill this requirement. 1. Log on to the CounterACT Administrator UI. 2. From the menu, select Tools >> Options >> User Console and Options. Remove unneeded accounts, if any.
Determine if the network device enforces a minimum 15-character password length. This requirement may be verified by demonstration or configuration review. 1. Log on to the CounterACT Administrator UI. 2. From the menu, select Tools >> Options >> User Console and Options >> Password and Login. 3. Verify the "minimum length" is configured for "15". If CounterACT does not enforce a minimum 15-character password length, this is a finding.
1. Log on to the CounterACT Administrator UI. 2. From the menu, select Tools >> Options >> User Console and Options >> Password and Login. 3. Configure the "minimum length" for "15". 4. Verify additional complexity requirements are also met.
Determine if CounterACT prohibits password reuse for a minimum of five generations. This requirement may be verified by demonstration or configuration review. 1. Verify if the user profiles are using external authentication server or local. If using local, proceed to Step 2. If using external, verify the settings using the Authentication Server configuration guide. 2. Log on to the CounterACT Administrator UI. 3. From the menu, select Tools >> Options >> User Console and Options >> Password and Login. 4. Verify the "Last" radio button is selected and the option with "5" passwords cannot be reused is configured. If CounterACT does not prohibit password reuse for a minimum of five generations, this is a finding.
Configure CounterACT to prohibit password reuse for a minimum of five generations. 1. Log on to the CounterACT Administrator UI. 2. From the menu, select Tools >> Options >> User Console and Options >> Password and Login. 3. Ensure the "Last" radio button is selected and the option with "5" passwords cannot be reused is configured.
Verify CounterACT enforces password complexity by requiring that at least one numeric character be used. This requirement may be verified by demonstration, configuration review, or validated test results. 1. Log on to the CounterACT Administrator UI. 2. From the menu, select Tools >> Options >> User Console and Options >> Password and Login. 3. Verify the complexity requirements are met. If CounterACT does not require that at least one numeric character be used in each password, this is a finding.
1. Log on to the CounterACT Administrator UI. 2. From the menu, select Tools >> Options >> User Console and Options >> Password and Login. 3. Configure the complexity requirements to require the use of at least one numeric character in each password.
Verify CounterACT enforces password complexity by requiring that at least one special character be used. This requirement may be verified by demonstration, configuration review, or validated test results. 1. Log on to the CounterACT Administrator UI. 2. From the menu, select Tools >> Options >> User Console and Options >> Password and Login. 3. Verify the complexity requirement for use of at least one special character is met. If CounterACT does not require that at least one special character be used in each password, this is a finding.
1. Log on to the CounterACT Administrator UI. 2. From the menu, select Tools >> Options >> User Console and Options >> Password and Login. 3. Configure the complexity requirement for use of at least one special character.
Determine if CounterACT enforces a 60-day maximum password lifetime. This requirement may be verified by demonstration or configuration review. This requirement does not include root account or the account of last resort. 1. Log on to the CounterACT Administrator UI. 2. From the menu, select Tools >> Options >> User Console and Options >> Password and Login. 3. Verify the "password expires after" radio button is selected and configured to 60 days. If CounterACT does not enforce a 60-day maximum password lifetime, this is a finding.
Configure CounterACT to enforce a 60-day maximum password lifetime. 1. Log on to the CounterACT Administrator UI. 2. From the menu, select Tools >> Options >> User Console and Options >> Password and Login. 3. Verify the "password expires after" radio button is selected and configured to 60 days. This requirement does not include root account or the account of last resort.
Determine CounterACT automatically locks the account until the locked account is released by an administrator when three unsuccessful logon attempts in 15 minutes are exceeded. This requirement may be verified by demonstration or configuration review. 1. Log on to the CounterACT Administrator UI. 2. From the menu, select Tools >> Options >> User Console and Options >> Password and Login. 3. Verify the "Lock account After" radio button is selected. 4. Verify "3" is selected for the password failures setting. 5. Verify that "15" and "minutes" are selected. If an account is not automatically locked out until the locked account is released by an administrator when three unsuccessful logon attempts in 15 minutes are exceeded, this is a finding.
Configure CounterACT to automatically lock the account until the locked account is released by an administrator when three unsuccessful logon attempts in 15 minutes are exceeded. 1. Log on to the CounterACT Administrator UI. 2. From the menu, select Tools >> Options >> User Console and Options >> Password and Login. 3. Ensure the "Lock account After" radio button is selected. 4. Ensure that "3" is selected for the password failures setting. 5. Ensure that "15" and "minutes" are selected.
Check the network device configuration to determine if the device compares internal information system clocks at least every 24 hours with an authoritative time server. 1. Open an SSH session and authenticate to the CounterACT command line. 2. Verify the configured NTP servers with the command "fstool ntp". 3. Run the "date" command to look at the current system time compared to the known good, Network Time Protocol (NTP) server time. If the device does not compare internal information system clocks at least every 24 hours, this is a finding.
Configure CounterACT to compare internal information system clocks at least every 24 hours with an authoritative time server. 1. Open an SSH session and authenticate to CounterACT command line. 2. Configure the NTP servers with the command "fstool ntp setup <ip address>".
Determine if CounterACT is configured to synchronize internal clocks with the organization's primary and secondary NTP servers. 1. Open an SSH session and authenticate to the CounterACT command line. 2. Verify a primary and secondary NTP server has been configured with the command "fstool ntp". If CounterACT is not configured to synchronize internal information system clocks with the organization's primary and secondary NTP servers, this is a finding.
Configure CounterACT to synchronize internal information system clocks with the primary and secondary time sources located in different geographic regions using redundant authoritative time sources. 1. Open an SSH session and authenticate to the CounterACT command line. 2. Configure the primary and secondary NTP servers with the command "fstool ntp setup <ip address>".
Review the CounterACT configuration to determine if the network device authenticates network management endpoint devices before establishing a local, remote, and/or network connection using bidirectional authentication that is cryptographically based. 1. Select Tools >> Options >> Switch. 2. Select a network device and review the "CLI" tab. 3. If the radio button for "Use CLI" is selected, verify that the "SSH" drop-down option is also selected. Repeat this process for each switch. If anything other than SSH is selected, this is a finding.
Configure the network device to authenticate network management endpoint devices before establishing a local, remote, and/or network connection using bidirectional authentication that is cryptographically based. 1. Select Tools >> Options >> Switch. 2. Select a network device and review the "CLI" tab. 3. If the radio button for "Use CLI" is selected, select the "SSH" drop-down option and use proper credentials.
Review the CounterACT configuration to determine if the network device authenticates SNMP endpoint devices before establishing a local, remote, and/or network connection using bidirectional authentication that is cryptographically based. 1. Select Tools >> Options >> Switch. 2. Select a network device and review the "SNMP" tab. 3. Verify that the "SNMPv3" option is selected and the "HMAC-SHA" authentication protocol is selected. 4. Verify that the "use privacy" radio button is selected and "AES-128" is also selected from the drop-down box. If CounterACT does not authenticate the endpoint devices before establishing a connection using bidirectional authentication that is cryptographically based, this is a finding.
Configure CounterACT to authenticate SNMP endpoint devices before establishing a local, remote, and/or network connection using bidirectional authentication that is cryptographically based. 1. Select Tools >> Options >> Switch. 2. Select a network device and review the "SNMP" tab. 3. Ensure that the "SNMPv3" option is selected and the "HMAC-SHA" authentication protocol is selected. 4. Ensure that the "use privacy" radio button is selected and "AES-128" is also selected from the drop-down box.
Determine if the network device restricts the use of maintenance functions to authorized personnel only. View the list of users defined on the device. Select Tools >> Options >> Console User Profiles. If other personnel can use maintenance functions on the network device, this is a finding.
Configure the access privileges to CounterACT to restrict use of maintenance functions to authorized personnel only. 1. Select Tools >> Options >> Console User Profiles. 2. Adjust or remove the unauthorized group or user profile. Note: The RAFACS must also be inspected for unauthorized users.
Check the CounterACT configuration to determine if the device off-loads audit records onto a different system or media than the system being audited. 1. From the console, select Tools >> Options >> Plugins >> Syslog. 2. Verify the Syslog Plugin is running (on all CounterACT appliances). 3. Open the Plugin, selecting the appliance configuration for review. 4. Verify the "Send To" tab has an available log server properly configured. 5. Verify the Events Filtering includes ALL events, except the "Include only messages generated by the 'Send Message to Syslog' Action". This item should remain unchecked. If the device does not off-load audit records onto a different system or media, this is a finding.
Configure the network device to off-load audit records onto a different system or media than the system being audited. 1. From the console, select Tools >> Options >> Plugins >> Syslog. 2. Verify the Syslog Plugin is running (on all CounterACT appliances). If it is not, start the plugin in each appliance. 3. Open the Plugin, selecting the appliance configuration for review. 4. From the "Send To" tab, configure a Syslog server for Log export. (Refer to the CounterACT admin guide for additional references on proper configuration.) 5. Ensure the Events Filtering includes ALL events, except the "Include only messages generated by the 'Send Message to Syslog' Action". This item should remain unchecked.
Review the network device configuration to determine if it employs automated mechanisms to centrally apply authentication settings. 1. Connect to the User Directory Console user interface. 2. Select Tools >> Options >> User Directory. 3. Verify the Active Directory configuration exists and tests pass by selecting the chosen directory and selecting "Test". If authentication settings are not applied centrally using automated mechanisms, this is a finding.
Configure CounterACT to employ automated mechanisms to centrally apply authentication settings. 1. Connect to the User Directory Console user interface. 2. Select Tools >> Options >> User Directory. 3. Add the configuration to the Active Directory configuration, select the chosen directory, and select "Test".
Determine if CounterACT requires a limit of one session per user. This requirement may be verified by demonstration or configuration review. 1. Log on to the CounterACT Administrator UI. 2. From the menu, select Tools >> Options >> User Console and Options >> Password and Login. 3. Verify the "allow only one login session per user" radio button is selected and configured to either Log out existing session or Deny new logon attempts. If CounterACT does not enforce one session per user, this is a finding.
Configure CounterACT to require a limit of one session per user. 1. Log on to the CounterACT Administrator UI. 2. From the menu, select Tools >> Options >> User Console and Options >> Password and Login. 3. Ensure the "allow only one login session per user" radio button is selected and configured to either Log out existing session or Deny new logon attempts.
Review the CounterACT configuration to determine if an authentication server is required to access the device. 1. Log on to the CounterACT Administrator UI. 2. From the menu, select Tools >> Options >> User Directory. 3. Verify the selected authentication server is enabled for GUI authentication. If an authentication server is not configured for use by CounterACT, this is a finding.
Configure CounterACT to use an authentication server to access the device. 1. Log on to the CounterACT Administrator UI. 2. From the menu, select Tools >> Options >> User Directory. 3. Enable the selected authentication server.
Determine if CounterACT requires at least one upper-case character to be used in passwords. This requirement may be verified by demonstration or configuration review. 1. Log on to the CounterACT Administrator UI. 2. From the menu, select Tools >> Options >> User Console and Options >> Password and Login. 3. Verify the "password must contain at least # upper case alphabetic characters" radio button is selected and configured to at least 1. If CounterACT does not enforce at least one upper-case character, this is a finding.
Configure CounterACT to require a minimum of one upper-case character. 1. Log on to the CounterACT Administrator UI. 2. From the menu, select Tools >> Options >> User Console and Options >> Password and Login. 3. Ensure the "password must contain at least # upper case alphabetic characters" radio button is selected and configured to at least 1.
Determine if CounterACT requires at least one lower-case character to be used in passwords. This requirement may be verified by demonstration or configuration review. 1. Log on to the CounterACT Administrator UI. 2. From the menu, select Tools >> Options >> User Console and Options >> Password and Login. 3. Verify the "password must contain at least # lower case alphabetic characters" radio button is selected and configured to at least 1. If CounterACT does not enforce at least one lower-case character, this is a finding.
Configure CounterACT to require a minimum of one lower-case character. 1. Log on to the CounterACT Administrator UI. 2. From the menu, select Tools >> Options >> User Console and Options >> Password and Login. 3. Ensure the "password must contain at least # lower case alphabetic characters" radio button is selected and configured to at least 1.
Review the documentation to verify that a procedure exists to change the account of last resort and root account password when users with knowledge of the password leave the group. If a procedure does not exist to change the account of last resort and root account password when users with knowledge of the password leave the group, this is a finding.
Establish and document a procedure that requires the changing of the account of last resort and root account password when users with knowledge of the password leave the group. To change the password: 1. Log on to CounterACT's Administrator UI. 2. From the menu, select Tools >> Options >> User Console and Options >> Password and Login. 3. Enter a new password. Note: Use of a cryptographically generated password is recommended. Password must be stored in a locked safe and used only when necessary since individual accounts are required to be used to ensure non-repudiation.
ForeScout CounterAct versions supported by this STIG (Version 8 and earlier) are no longer supported by the vendor. If the system is running any CounterAct version, this is a finding.
Upgrade to a supported version.