Select any two versions of this STIG to compare the individual requirements
Select any old version/release of this STIG to view the previous requirements
If public folders are not used this check is NA. Obtain the Email Domain Security Plan (EDSP) and locate the value for 'ProhibitPostQuota'. Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Get-PublicFolderDatabase | Select Name, Identity, ProhibitPostQuota If the value of 'ProhibitPostQuota' is not set to the sites 'ProhibitPostQuota', this is a finding.
Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Set-PublicFolderDatabase <'publicdatabasename'> -ProhibitPostQuota <'SitesProhibitPostQuotaLimit'>
If public folders are not used this check is NA. Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Get-PublicFolderDatabase | Select Name, Identity, MountAtStartup If the value of 'MountAtStartup' is not set to 'True', this is a finding.
Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Set-PublicFolderDatabase -Identity <'PublicFolderName'> -MountAtStartup $true
If public folders are not used this check is NA. Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Get-PublicFolderDatabase| Select Name, Identity, RetainDeletedItemsUntilBackup If the value of 'RetainDeletedItemsUntilBackup' is not set to 'True', this is a finding.
Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Set-PublicFolderDatabase <'PublicFolderDatabaseName'> -RetainDeletedItemsUntilBackup $true
If public folders are not used this check is NA. Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Get-PublicFolderDatabase| Select Name, Identity, AllowFileRestore If the value of 'AllowFileRestore' is not set to 'False', this is a finding.
Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Set-PublicFolderDatabase <'PublicFolderDatabaseName'> -AllowFileRestore $false
Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Get-MailboxDatabase | Select Name, Identity, ProhibitSendReceiveQuota If the value of 'ProhibitSendReceiveQuota' is set to an alternate value, and has signoff and risk acceptance in the EDSP, this is not a finding. If the value of 'ProhibitSendReceiveQuota' is not set to 'Unlimited', this is a finding.
Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Set-MailboxDatabase <'MailboxDatabaseName'> -ProhibitSendReceiveQuota 'Unlimited' If an alternate value is desired from ProhibitSendReceiveQuota, obtain signoff with risk acceptance and document in the EDSP.
Obtain the Email Domain Security Plan (EDSP) and locate the value for 'Prohibit Send Quota Limit'. Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Get-MailboxDatabase | Select Name, Identity, ProhibitSendQuota If the value of 'ProhibitSendQuota' is not set to the sites 'ProhibitSendQuotaLimit', this is a finding.
Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Set-MailboxDatabase <'MailboxDatabaseName'> -ProhibitSendQuota <'SitesProhibitSendQuotaLimit'>
Obtain the Email Domain Security Plan (EDSP) and locate the value for 'IssueWarningQuota'. Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Get-MailboxDatabase | Select Name, Identity, IssueWarningQuota If the value of 'IssueWarningQuota' is not set to the sites 'Issue Warning Quota', this is a finding.
Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Set-MailboxDatabase <'MailboxDatabaseName'> -IssueWarningQuota <'SitesIssueWarningQuota'>
Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Get-MailboxDatabase | Select Name, Identity, MountAtStartup If the value of 'MountAtStartup' is not set to 'True', this is a finding.
Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Set-MailboxDatabase -Identity <'MailboxName'> -MountAtStartup $true
Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Get-MailboxDatabase| Select Name, Identity, RetainDeletedItemsUntilBackup If the value of 'RetainDeletedItemsUntilBackup' is not set to 'True', this is a finding.
Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Set-MailboxDatabase <'MailboxDatabase'> -RetainDeletedItemsUntilBackup $true
Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Get-MailboxDatabase| Select Name, Identity, AllowFileRestore If the value of 'AllowFileRestore' is not set to 'False', this is a finding.
Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Set-MailboxDatabase <'MailboxDatabaseName'> -AllowFileRestore $false
Obtain the Email Domain Security Plan (EDSP) and locate the assigned directory for the mailbox server under review. Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command to determine the drives the mailbox databases are located. Get-MailboxDatabase | Select Name, Identity, EdbFilePath Open Windows Explorer and use the file and folder properties function to verify the mailbox databases are on a dedicated partition. If not, this is a finding.
Configure the system to meet the separate partition requirement.
Access Active Directory for mailbox enabled user accounts with the msExchGenericForwardingAddress attribute set. Obtain the Email Domain Security Plan (EDSP) and locate any accounts that have been authorized to have email auto-forwarded. Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following commands: Get-Mailbox -Filter {ForwardingSMTPAddress -ne $null} If any user has a forwarding SMTP address and is not documented in the EDSP, this is a finding. Note: If no remote SMTP domain matching the mail-enabled user or contact that allows forwarding is configured for users identified with a forwarding address, this function will not work properly. This requirement works with Exch-1-324.
Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Set-Mailbox -Identity <'UserWithForwardedAddress'> -ForwardingSMTPAdddress $null
Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Get-EventLogLevel If any Diagnostic “EventLevel” is not set to “Low” or “Lowest”, this is a finding.
Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Set-EventLogLevel -Identity <ServiceName\Name> -Level Lowest or Set-EventLogLevel -Identity <ServiceName\Name> -Level Low
Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Get-ExchangeServer –status | Select Name, Identity, ErrorReportingEnabled If the value of 'ErrorReportingEnabled' is not set to 'False', this is a finding.
Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Set-ExchangeServer -Identity <'ServerName'> -ErrorReportingEnabled $false
Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Get-AdminAuditLogConfig | Select AdminAuditLogEnabled If the value of 'AdminAuditLogEnabled' is not set to 'True', this is a finding.
Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Set-AdminAuditLogConfig -AdminAuditLogEnabled $true
Obtain the Email Domain Security Plan (EDSP) and locate the authorized groups or users that should have access to the audit data. If any group or user has access to the audit data that is not documented in the EDSP, this is a finding.
Restrict any unauthorized groups or users from accessing the audit logs.
Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Get-MailboxDatabase -Server <'ServerUnderReview'>| Select Name, Identity, CircularLoggingEnabled If the value of 'CircularLoggingEnabled' is not set to 'False', this is a finding.
Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Set-MailboxDatabase -Identity <'MailboxDatabase'> -CircularLoggingEnabled $false
Obtain the Email Domain Security Plan (EDSP) and locate the authorized groups and users that have access to the Exchange application directories. Verify the access permissions on the directory match the access permissions listed in the EDSP. If any group or user has different access permissions, this is a finding. Note: The default installation directory is \Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14.
Locate the Exchange application directory and Remove or modify the group or user access permissions. Note: The default installation directory is \Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14.
Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Get-MailboxServer | Select Name, Identity, MessageTrackingLogSubjectLoggingEnabled If the value of 'MessageTrackingLogSubjectLoggingEnabled' is not set to 'False', this is a finding.
Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Set-MailboxServer -Identity <'ServerName'> -MessageTrackingLogSubjectLoggingEnabled $false
Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Get-MailboxServer | Select Name, Identity, MessageTrackingLogEnabled If the value of 'MessageTrackingLogEnabled' is not set to 'True', this is a finding.
Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Set-MailboxServer -Identity <'ServerName'> -MessageTrackingLogEnable $True
Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Get-OrganizationConfig If the value for CustomerFeedbackEnabled is not set to 'False', this is a finding.
Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Set-OrganizationConfig -CustomerFeedbackEnabled $false
Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Get-AdminAuditLogConfig | Select AdminAuditLogParameters If the value of 'AdminAuditLogParameters' is not set to '{*}', this is a finding. Note: The value of {*} indicates all parameters are being audited.
Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Set-AdminAuditLogConfig -AdminAuditLogParameters *
Obtain the Email Domain Security Plan (EDSP) and locate the audit logs assigned partition. By default the logs are located on the application partition in '\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Logging\'. If the log files are not on a separate partition from the application, this is a finding.
Configure the audit log location to be on a partition drive separate from the application. Document the location in the EDSP.
Note: If a third-party application is performing monitoring functions, the reviewer should verify the application is monitoring correctly and mark the vulnerability NA. Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: perfmon In the left pane, expand and navigate Data Collector Sets >> User Defined. If no sets are defined or queues are not being monitored, this is a finding.
Open the Exchange Management Console In the left pane, navigate to and select Microsoft Exchange On-Premises <server.domain> --> Toolbox In the Right pane double click on Performance Monitor In the left pane, navigate to and select Performance Logs and Alerts --> Data Collector Sets --> User Defined Right click on User Defined and configure the system to use User Defined data collection for monitoring the queues.
Access the EDSP baseline section and determine the process and frequency for identifying software changes (*.exe, *.bat, *.com, *.cmd, and *.dll) on servers against a baseline. Examine artifacts identified as outputs of this process. If baseline comparisons are not done on the INFOCON-required schedule, this is a finding.
Implement a process to compare software against a baseline (*.exe, *.bat, *.com, *.cmd, and *.dll) on a frequency required by the prevailing INFOCON level. Document the process and output artifacts in the EDSP.
Access the EDSP and locate the baseline documentation. Review the application software baseline procedures and implementation artifacts. Note the list of files and directories included in the baseline procedure for completeness. If an email software copy exists to serve as a baseline and is available for comparison during scanning efforts, this is not a finding.
Implement email software baseline process. Document the details in the EDSP.
To view system services open a windows power shell and enter the following command: Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.status -eq 'running'} The command returns a list of installed services and the status of that service. Required services will vary between organizations, and will vary depending on the role of the individual system. Organizations will develop their own list of services which will be documented and justified with the ISSO. The Site’s list will be provided for any security review. Services that are common to multiple systems can be addressed in one document. Exceptions for individual systems should be identified separately by system. If the site has not documented the services required for their system(s), this is a finding. If any undocumented or unnecessary services are running, then this is a finding.
Document the services required for the system to operate. Remove or disable any services that are not required.
Access Windows Explorer and identify the OS partition. Navigate to configured partitions, and access the ‘Program Files’ directory. Make note of the installation partition for Microsoft Exchange. If Microsoft Exchange resides on a partition other than that of the OS, and does not have other applications installed, this is not a finding. Note: In the case where additional applications are installed on the same partition as Microsoft Exchange, and each of those additional applications have been documented and had a risk assessment completed by the ISSO/ISSM, this is not a finding.
Install Exchange on a dedicated application partition separate than that of the OS.
Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Get-ExchangeCertificate | Select CertificateDomains, issuer If the value of 'CertificateDomains' does not indicate it is issued by the DoD, this is a finding.
Remove the non-DoD certificate and import the correct DoD certificates.
Obtain the email Domain Security Plan (EDSP) and locate the anti-virus strategy information. Validate that the message stores AV scanner product is Exchange 2010 compatible or VSAPI 2.6 compliant. If email servers are using email-aware AV product that is Exchange 2010 compliant or has VSAPI version 2.6 or higher, this is not a finding.
Install or upgrade scanning products to VSAPI version 2.6 or higher. Configure mail stores to be scanned with products at VSAPI version 2.6 or higher.
Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Get-ExchangeServer | fl name, AdminDisplayVersion If the value of 'AdminDisplayVersion' does not return Version 14.2 (Build 247.5) or greater, this is a finding.
Update the system with the latest approved service pack or a supported release.
Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Get-ExecutionPolicy If the value of 'LocalMachine' does not return a value of 'RemoteSigned', this is a finding.
Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Obtain the Email Domain Security Plan (EDSP) and locate any accounts that have been authorized to have email auto-forwarded. Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following commands: Get-RemoteDomain | select name, AutoForwardEnabled If any domain for user forwarding SMTP address is not documented in the EDSP, this is a finding. Note: If no remote SMTP domain matching the mail-enabled user or contact that allows forwarding is configured for users identified with a forwarding address, this function will not work properly. This requirement works with Exch-1-321.
Open the Exchange Management Shell and enter the following command: Set- RemoteDomain -Identity <RemoteDomainIdParameter>