Select any two versions of this STIG to compare the individual requirements
Select any old version/release of this STIG to view the previous requirements
As the database administrator, run the following SQL: $ psql -c "SHOW port" $ psql -c "SHOW listen_addresses" If the currently defined address:port configuration is deemed prohibited, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. To change the listening port of the database, as the database administrator, change the following setting in postgresql.conf: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi $PGDATA/postgresql.conf Change the port parameter to the desired port. Next, restart the database: # SYSTEMD SERVER ONLY $ sudo systemctl restart postgresql-${PGVER?} Note: psql uses the port 5432 by default. This can be changed by specifying the port with psql or by setting the PGPORT environment variable: $ psql -p 5432 -c "SHOW port" $ export PGPORT=5432
Note: The following instructions use the PGLOG environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-I for instructions on configuring them. As a database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), create a table, insert a value, alter the table and update the table by running the following SQL: CREATE TABLE stig_test(id INT); INSERT INTO stig_test(id) VALUES (0); ALTER TABLE stig_test ADD COLUMN name text; UPDATE stig_test SET id = 1 WHERE id = 0; Next, as a user without access to the stig_test table, run the following SQL: INSERT INTO stig_test(id) VALUES (1); ALTER TABLE stig_test DROP COLUMN name; UPDATE stig_test SET id = 0 WHERE id = 1; The prior SQL should generate errors: ERROR: permission denied for relation stig_test ERROR: must be owner of relation stig_test ERROR: permission denied for relation stig_test Now, as the database administrator, drop the test table by running the following SQL: DROP TABLE stig_test; Now verify the errors were logged: $ sudo su - postgres $ cat ${PGLOG?}/<latest_logfile> < 2016-02-23 14:51:31.103 EDT psql postgres postgres 570bf22a.3af2 2016-04-11 14:51:22 EDT [local] >LOG: AUDIT: SESSION,1,1,DDL,CREATE TABLE,,,CREATE TABLE stig_test(id INT);,<none> < 2016-02-23 14:51:44.835 EDT psql postgres postgres 570bf22a.3af2 2016-04-11 14:51:22 EDT [local] >LOG: AUDIT: SESSION,2,1,WRITE,INSERT,,,INSERT INTO stig_test(id) VALUES (0);,<none> < 2016-02-23 14:53:25.805 EDT psql postgres postgres 570bf22a.3af2 2016-04-11 14:51:22 EDT [local] >LOG: AUDIT: SESSION,3,1,DDL,ALTER TABLE,,,ALTER TABLE stig_test ADD COLUMN name text;,<none> < 2016-02-23 14:53:54.381 EDT psql postgres postgres 570bf22a.3af2 2016-04-11 14:51:22 EDT [local] >LOG: AUDIT: SESSION,4,1,WRITE,UPDATE,,,UPDATE stig_test SET id = 1 WHERE id = 0;,<none> < 2016-02-23 14:54:20.832 EDT psql postgres postgres 570bf22a.3af2 2016-04-11 14:51:22 EDT [local] >ERROR: permission denied for relation stig_test < 2016-02-23 14:54:20.832 EDT psql postgres postgres 570bf22a.3af2 2016-04-11 14:51:22 EDT [local] >STATEMENT: INSERT INTO stig_test(id) VALUES (1); < 2016-02-23 14:54:41.032 EDT psql postgres postgres 570bf22a.3af2 2016-04-11 14:51:22 EDT [local] >ERROR: must be owner of relation stig_test < 2016-02-23 14:54:41.032 EDT psql postgres postgres 570bf22a.3af2 2016-04-11 14:51:22 EDT [local] >STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE stig_test DROP COLUMN name; < 2016-02-23 14:54:54.378 EDT psql postgres postgres 570bf22a.3af2 2016-04-11 14:51:22 EDT [local] >ERROR: permission denied for relation stig_test < 2016-02-23 14:54:54.378 EDT psql postgres postgres 570bf22a.3af2 2016-04-11 14:51:22 EDT [local] >STATEMENT: UPDATE stig_test SET id = 0 WHERE id = 1; < 2016-02-23 14:55:23.723 EDT psql postgres postgres 570bf307.3b0a 2016-04-11 14:55:03 EDT [local] >LOG: AUDIT: SESSION,1,1,DDL,DROP TABLE,,,DROP TABLE stig_test;,<none> If audit records exist without the outcome of the event that occurred, this is a finding.
Using pgaudit PostgreSQL can be configured to audit various facets of PostgreSQL. See supplementary content APPENDIX-B for documentation on installing pgaudit. All errors, denials, and unsuccessful requests are logged if logging is enabled. See supplementary content APPENDIX-C for documentation on enabling logging. Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. With pgaudit and logging enabled, set the following configuration settings in postgresql.conf, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), to the following: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf pgaudit.log_catalog='on' pgaudit.log_level='log' pgaudit.log_parameter='on' pgaudit.log_statement_once='off' pgaudit.log='all, -misc' Next, tune the following logging configurations in postgresql.conf: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf log_line_prefix = '< %m %u %d %e: >' log_error_verbosity = default Last, as the system administrator, restart PostgreSQL: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?}
If new packages are available for PostgreSQL, they can be reviewed in the package manager appropriate for the server operating system: To list the version of installed PostgreSQL using psql: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql --version To list the current version of software for RPM: $ rpm -qa | grep postgres To list the current version of software for APT: $ apt-cache policy postgres All versions of PostgreSQL will be listed on: All security-relevant software updates for PostgreSQL will be listed on: If PostgreSQL is not at the latest version, this is a finding. If PostgreSQL is not at the latest version and the evaluated version has CVEs (IAVAs), then this is a CAT I finding.
Institute and adhere to policies and procedures to ensure that patches are consistently applied to PostgreSQL within the time allowed.
Review locations of audit logs, both internal to the database and database audit logs located at the operating system level. Verify there are appropriate controls and permissions to protect the audit information from unauthorized modification. Note: The following instructions use the PGLOG environment variable. See supplementary content APPENDIX-I for instructions on configuring PGLOG. #### stderr Logging If the PostgreSQL server is configured to use stderr for logging, the logs will be owned by the database owner (usually postgres user) with a default permissions level of 0600. The permissions can be configured in postgresql.conf. To check the permissions for log files in postgresql.conf, as the database owner (shown here as "postgres"), run the following command: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "show log_file_mode;" If the permissions are not 0600, this is a finding. As the database owner (shown here as "postgres"), list the permissions of the logs: $ sudo su - postgres $ ls -la ${PGLOG?} If logs are not owned by the database owner (shown here as "postgres") and are not the same permissions as configured in postgresql.conf, this is a finding. #### syslog Logging If the PostgreSQL server is configured to use syslog for logging, consult the organization syslog setting for permissions and ownership of logs.
To ensure that logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging. Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA environment variable. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-I for instructions on configuring PGLOG. #### stderr Logging With stderr logging enabled, as the database owner (shown here as "postgres"), set the following parameter in postgresql.conf: $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf log_file_mode = 0600 To change the owner and permissions of the log files, run the following: $ chown postgres:postgres ${PGDATA?}/${PGLOG?} $ chmod 0700 ${PGDATA?}/${PGLOG?} $ chmod 600 ${PGDATA?}/${PGLOG?}/*.log #### syslog Logging If PostgreSQL is configured to use syslog for logging, the log files must be configured to be owned by root with 0600 permissions. $ chown root:root <log directory name>/<log_filename> $ chmod 0700 <log directory name> $ chmod 0600 <log directory name>/*.log
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA environment variable. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA. If all accounts are authenticated by the organization-level authentication/access mechanism, such as LDAP or Kerberos and not by PostgreSQL, this is not a finding. As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), review pg_hba.conf authentication file settings: $ sudo su - postgres $ cat ${PGDATA?}/pg_hba.conf All records must use an auth-method of gss, sspi, or ldap. For details on the specifics of these authentication methods see: If there are any records with a different auth-method than gss, sspi, or ldap, review the system documentation for justification and approval of these records. If there are any records with a different auth-method than gss, sspi, or ldap, that are not documented and approved, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA environment variable. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA. Integrate PostgreSQL security with an organization-level authentication/access mechanism providing account management for all users, groups, roles, and any other principals. As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), edit pg_hba.conf authentication file: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/pg_hba.conf For each PostgreSQL-managed account that is not documented and approved, either transfer it to management by the external mechanism, or document the need for it and obtain approval, as appropriate.
As the database administrator, run the following SQL: SELECT current_setting('client_min_messages'); If client_min_messages is not set to error, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. As the database administrator, edit "postgresql.conf": $ sudo su - postgres $ vi $PGDATA/postgresql.conf Change the client_min_messages parameter to be "error": client_min_messages = error Reload the server with the new configuration (this just reloads settings currently in memory; it will not cause an interruption): $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?}
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), check the permissions of configuration files for the database: $ sudo su - postgres $ ls -la ${PGDATA?} If any files are not owned by the database owner or have permissions allowing others to modify (write) configuration files, this is a finding. As the server administrator, check the permissions on the shared libraries for PostgreSQL: $ sudo ls -la /usr/pgsql-${PGVER?} $ sudo ls -la /usr/pgsql-${PGVER?}/bin $ sudo ls -la /usr/pgsql-${PGVER?}/include $ sudo ls -la /usr/pgsql-${PGVER?}/lib $ sudo ls -la /usr/pgsql-${PGVER?}/share If any files are not owned by root or have permissions allowing others to modify (write) configuration files, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), change the ownership and permissions of configuration files in PGDATA: $ sudo su - postgres $ chown postgres:postgres ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf $ chmod 0600 ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf As the server administrator, change the ownership and permissions of shared objects in /usr/pgsql-${PGVER?}/*.so $ sudo chown root:root /usr/pgsql-${PGVER?}/lib/*.so $ sudo chmod 0755 /usr/pgsql-${PGVER?}/lib/*.so As the service administrator, change the ownership and permissions of executables in /usr/pgsql-${PGVER?}/bin: $ sudo chown root:root /usr/pgsql-${PGVER?}/bin/* $ sudo chmod 0755 /usr/pgsql-${PGVER?}/bin/*
Only owners of objects can change them. To view all functions, triggers, and trigger procedures, their ownership and source, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres") run the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -x -c "\df+" Only the OS database owner user (shown here as "postgres") or a PostgreSQL superuser can change links to external software. As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), check the permissions of configuration files for the database: $ sudo su - postgres $ ls -la ${PGDATA?} If any files are not owned by the database owner or have permissions allowing others to modify (write) configuration files, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA environment variable. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA. To change ownership of an object, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "ALTER FUNCTION function_name OWNER TO new_role_name" To change ownership of postgresql.conf, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following commands: $ sudo su - postgres $ chown postgres:postgres ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf $ chmod 0600 ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf To remove superuser from a role, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "ALTER ROLE rolename WITH NOSUPERUSER"
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA environment variable. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA. As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), review the authentication entries in pg_hba.conf: $ sudo su - postgres $ cat ${PGDATA?}/pg_hba.conf If any entries use the auth_method (last column in records) "password" or "md5", this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA environment variable. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA. As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), edit pg_hba.conf authentication file and change all entries of "password" to "scram-sha-256": $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/pg_hba.conf host all all scram-sha-256
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA environment variable. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA. From the system security plan or equivalent documentation, determine the appropriate permissions on database objects for each kind (group role) of user. If this documentation is missing, this is a finding. First, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), check the privileges of all roles in the database by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c '\du' Review all roles and their associated privileges. If any roles' privileges exceed those documented, this is a finding. Next, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), check the configured privileges for tables and columns by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c '\dp' Review all access privileges and column access privileges list. If any roles' privileges exceed those documented, this is a finding. Next, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), check the configured authentication settings in pg_hba.conf: $ sudo su - postgres $ cat ${PGDATA?}/pg_hba.conf Review all entries and their associated authentication methods. If any entries do not have their documented authentication requirements, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA environment variable. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA. Create and/or maintain documentation of each group role's appropriate permissions on database objects. Implement these permissions in the database, and remove any permissions that exceed those documented. - - - - - The following are examples of how to use role privileges in PostgreSQL to enforce access controls. For a complete list of privileges, see the official documentation: #### Roles Example 1 The following example demonstrates how to create an admin role with CREATEDB and CREATEROLE privileges. As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "CREATE ROLE admin WITH CREATEDB CREATEROLE" #### Roles Example 2 The following example demonstrates how to create a role with a password that expires and makes the role a member of the "admin" group. As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "CREATE ROLE joe LOGIN ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'stig2016!' VALID UNTIL '2016-09-20' IN ROLE admin" #### Roles Example 3 The following demonstrates how to revoke privileges from a role using REVOKE. As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "REVOKE admin FROM joe" #### Roles Example 4 The following demonstrates how to alter privileges in a role using ALTER. As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "ALTER ROLE joe NOLOGIN" The following are examples of how to use grant privileges in PostgreSQL to enforce access controls on objects. For a complete list of privileges, see the official documentation: #### Grant Example 1 The following example demonstrates how to grant INSERT on a table to a role. As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "GRANT SELECT ON stig_test TO joe" #### Grant Example 2 The following example demonstrates how to grant ALL PRIVILEGES on a table to a role. As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON stig_test TO joe" #### Grant Example 3 The following example demonstrates how to grant a role to a role. As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "GRANT admin TO joe" #### Revoke Example 1 The following example demonstrates how to revoke access from a role. As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "REVOKE admin FROM joe" To change authentication requirements for the database, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), edit pg_hba.conf: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/pg_hba.conf Edit authentication requirements to the organizational requirements. See the official documentation for the complete list of options for authentication: After changes to pg_hba.conf, reload the server: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?}
If security labeling is not required, this is not a finding. First, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following SQL against each table that requires security labels: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "\d+ <schema_name>.<table_name>" If security labeling is required and the results of the SQL above do not show a policy attached to the table, this is a finding. If security labeling is required and not implemented according to the system documentation, such as SSP, this is a finding. If security labeling requirements have been specified, but the security labeling is not implemented or does not reliably maintain labels on information in storage, this is a finding.
In addition to the SQL-standard privilege system available through GRANT, tables can have row security policies that restrict, on a per-user basis, which rows can be returned by normal queries or inserted, updated, or deleted by data modification commands. This feature is also known as Row-Level Security (RLS). RLS policies can be very different depending on their use case. For one example of using RLS for Security Labels, see supplementary content APPENDIX-D.
To check the total amount of connections allowed by the database, as the database administrator, run the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW max_connections" If the total amount of connections is greater than documented by an organization, this is a finding. To check the amount of connections allowed for each role, as the database administrator, run the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SELECT rolname, rolconnlimit from pg_authid" If any roles have more connections configured than documented, this is a finding. A value of "-1" indicates Unlimited, and is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. To configure the maximum amount of connections allowed to the database, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres") change the following in postgresql.conf (the value 10 is an example; set the value to suit local conditions): $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf max_connections = 10 Next, restart the database: $ sudo systemctl restart postgresql-${PGVER?} To limit the amount of connections allowed by a specific role, as the database administrator, run the following SQL: $ psql -c "ALTER ROLE <rolname> CONNECTION LIMIT 1";
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA environment variable. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA. As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), list all users and their permissions by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "\dp *.*" Verify that all objects have the correct privileges. If they do not, this is a finding. Next, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), verify the permissions of the database directory on the filesystem: $ ls -la ${PGDATA?} If permissions of the database directory are not limited to an authorized user account, this is a finding.
As the database administrator, revoke any permissions from a role that are deemed unnecessary by running the following SQL: ALTER ROLE bob NOCREATEDB; ALTER ROLE bob NOCREATEROLE; ALTER ROLE bob NOSUPERUSER; ALTER ROLE bob NOINHERIT; REVOKE SELECT ON some_function FROM bob;
PostgreSQL uniquely identifies and authenticates PostgreSQL users through the use of DBMS roles. To list all roles in the database, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "\du" If users are not uniquely identified per organizational documentation, this is a finding.
To drop a role, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "DROP ROLE <role_to_drop>" To create a role, as the database administrator, run the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "CREATE ROLE <role name> LOGIN" For the complete list of permissions allowed by roles, see the official documentation:
If security labeling is not required, this is not a finding. First, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following SQL against each table that requires security labels: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "\d+ <schema_name>.<table_name>" If security labeling is required and the results of the SQL above do not show a policy attached to the table, this is a finding. If security labeling is required and not implemented according to the system documentation, such as SSP, this is a finding. If security labeling requirements have been specified, but the security labeling is not implemented or does not reliably maintain labels on information in storage, this is a finding.
In addition to the SQL-standard privilege system available through GRANT, tables can have row security policies that restrict, on a per-user basis, which rows can be returned by normal queries or inserted, updated, or deleted by data modification commands. This feature is also known as Row-Level Security (RLS). RLS policies can be very different depending on their use case. For one example of using RLS for Security Labels, see supplementary content APPENDIX-D.
Review PostgreSQL code (trigger procedures, functions), application code, settings, column and field definitions, and constraints to determine whether the database is protected against invalid input. If code exists that allows invalid data to be acted upon or input into the database, this is a finding. If column/field definitions do not exist in the database, this is a finding. If columns/fields do not contain constraints and validity checking where required, this is a finding. Where a column/field is noted in the system documentation as necessarily free-form, even though its name and context suggest that it should be strongly typed and constrained, the absence of these protections is not a finding. Where a column/field is clearly identified by name, caption, or context as Notes, Comments, Description, Text, etc., the absence of these protections is not a finding. Check application code that interacts with PostgreSQL for the use of prepared statements. If prepared statements are not used, this is a finding.
Modify database code to properly validate data before it is put into the database or acted upon by the database. Modify the database to contain constraints and validity checking on database columns and tables that require them for data integrity. Use prepared statements when taking user input. Do not allow general users direct console access to PostgreSQL.
Review PostgreSQL source code (trigger procedures, functions) and application source code, to identify cases of dynamic code execution. Any user input should be handled through prepared statements. If dynamic code execution is employed in circumstances where the objective could practically be satisfied by static execution with strongly typed parameters, this is a finding.
Where dynamic code execution is employed in circumstances where the objective could practically be satisfied by static execution with strongly typed parameters, modify the code to do so.
Review PostgreSQL source code (trigger procedures, functions) and application source code to identify cases of dynamic code execution. If dynamic code execution is employed without protective measures against code injection, this is a finding.
Where dynamic code execution is used, modify the code to implement protections against code injection (IE: prepared statements).
Investigate whether there have been any incidents where PostgreSQL ran out of audit log space since the last time the space was allocated or other corrective measures were taken. If there have been incidents where PostgreSQL ran out of audit log space, this is a finding.
Allocate sufficient audit file/table space to support peak demand.
Review system documentation to identify the required discretionary access control (DAC). Review the security configuration of the database and PostgreSQL. If applicable, review the security configuration of the application(s) using the database. If the discretionary access control defined in the documentation is not implemented in the security configuration, this is a finding. If any database objects are found to be owned by users not authorized to own database objects, this is a finding. To check the ownership of objects in the database, as the database administrator, run the following: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "\dn *.*" $ psql -c "\dt *.*" $ psql -c "\ds *.*" $ psql -c "\dv *.*" $ psql -c "\df+ *.*" If any role is given privileges to objects it should not have, this is a finding.
Implement the organization's DAC policy in the security configuration of the database and PostgreSQL, and, if applicable, the security configuration of the application(s) using the database. To GRANT privileges to roles, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run statements like the following examples: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "CREATE SCHEMA test" $ psql -c "GRANT CREATE ON SCHEMA test TO bob" $ psql -c "CREATE TABLE test.test_table(id INT)" $ psql -c "GRANT SELECT ON TABLE test.test_table TO bob" To REVOKE privileges to roles, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run statements like the following examples: $ psql -c "REVOKE SELECT ON TABLE test.test_table FROM bob" $ psql -c "REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA test FROM bob"
Note: The following instructions use the PGLOG environment variable. See supplementary content APPENDIX-I for instructions on configuring PGLOG. Review locations of audit logs, both internal to the database and database audit logs located at the operating system level. Verify there are appropriate controls and permissions to protect the audit information from unauthorized modification. #### stderr Logging If the PostgreSQL server is configured to use stderr for logging, the logs will be owned by the database administrator (shown here as "postgres") with a default permissions level of 0600. The permissions can be configured in postgresql.conf. To check the permissions for log files, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following command: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "show log_file_mode" If the permissions are not 0600, this is a finding. As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), list the permissions of the logs: $ sudo su - postgres $ ls -la ${PGLOG?} If logs are not owned by the database administrator (shown here as "postgres") and are not the same permissions as configured in postgresql.conf, this is a finding. #### syslog Logging If the PostgreSQL server is configured to use syslog for logging, consult organization syslog setting for permissions and ownership of logs.
To ensure that logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging. Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA environment variable. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-I for instructions on configuring PGLOG. #### stderr Logging With stderr logging enabled, as the database owner (shown here as "postgres"), set the following parameter in postgresql.conf: $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf log_file_mode = 0600 To change the owner and permissions of the log files, run the following: $ chown postgres:postgres ${PGDATA?}/${PGLOG?} $ chmod 0700 ${PGDATA?}/${PGLOG?} $ chmod 600 ${PGDATA?}/${PGLOG?}/*.log #### syslog Logging If PostgreSQL is configured to use syslog for logging, the log files must be configured to be owned by root with 0600 permissions. $ chown root:root <log directory name>/<log_filename> $ chmod 0700 <log directory name> $ chmod 0600 <log directory name>/*.log
When a PostgreSQL cluster is initialized using initdb, the PostgreSQL cluster will be configured to use the same time zone as the target server. As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), check the current log_timezone setting by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW log_timezone" log_timezone -------------- UTC (1 row) If log_timezone is not set to the desired time zone, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. To change log_timezone in postgresql.conf to use a different time zone for logs, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf log_timezone='UTC' Next, restart the database: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?}
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGLOG environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-I for instructions on configuring PGLOG. Check PostgreSQL settings and custom database code to determine if detailed error messages are ever displayed to unauthorized individuals. To check the level of detail for errors exposed to clients, as the DBA (shown here as "postgres"), run the following: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW client_min_messages;" If client_min_messages is set to LOG or DEBUG, this is a finding. If detailed error messages are displayed to individuals not authorized to view them, this is a finding. #### stderr Logging Logs may contain detailed information and should only be accessible by the database owner. As the database administrator, verify the following settings of logs. Note: Consult the organization's documentation on acceptable log privileges. $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW log_file_mode;" Next, verify the log files have the set configurations. $ ls -l ${PGLOG?} total 32 -rw-------. 1 postgres postgres 0 Apr 8 00:00 postgresql-Fri.log -rw-------. 1 postgres postgres 8288 Apr 11 17:36 postgresql-Mon.log -rw-------. 1 postgres postgres 0 Apr 9 00:00 postgresql-Sat.log -rw-------. 1 postgres postgres 0 Apr 10 00:00 postgresql-Sun.log -rw-------. 1 postgres postgres 16212 Apr 7 17:05 postgresql-Thu.log -rw-------. 1 postgres postgres 1130 Apr 6 17:56 postgresql-Wed.log If logs are not owned by the database administrator or have permissions that are not 0600, this is a finding. #### syslog Logging If PostgreSQL is configured to use syslog for logging, consult organization location and permissions for syslog log files. If the logs are not owned by root or have permissions that are not 0600, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA environment variable. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA. To set the level of detail for error messages exposed to clients, as the DBA (shown here as "postgres"), run the following commands: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf client_min_messages = error
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA environment variable. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA. Check PostgreSQL settings and documentation to determine whether designated personnel are able to select which auditable events are being audited. As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), verify the permissions for PGDATA: $ ls -la ${PGDATA?} If anything in PGDATA is not owned by the database administrator, this is a finding. Next, as the database administrator, run the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "\du" Review the role permissions, if any role is listed as superuser but should not have that access, this is a finding.
Configure PostgreSQL's settings to allow designated personnel to select which auditable events are audited. Using pgaudit allows administrators the flexibility to choose what they log. For an overview of the capabilities of pgaudit, see See supplementary content APPENDIX-B for documentation on installing pgaudit. See supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging. Only administrators/superuser can change PostgreSQL configurations. Access to the database administrator must be limited to designated personnel only. To ensure that postgresql.conf is owned by the database owner: $ chown postgres:postgres ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf $ chmod 600 ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf
Review DBMS, OS, or third-party logging software settings to determine whether a real-time alert will be sent to the appropriate personnel when auditing fails for any reason. If real-time alerts are not sent upon auditing failure, this is a finding.
Configure the system to provide an immediate real-time alert to appropriate support staff when an audit log failure occurs. It is possible to create scripts or implement third-party tools to enable real-time alerting for audit failures in PostgreSQL.
If the AO approved system documentation states that system availability takes precedence, this requirement is not applicable (NA). If an externally managed and monitored partition or logical volume that can be grown dynamically is being used for logging, this is not a finding. If PostgreSQL is auditing to a directory that is not being actively checked for availability of disk space, and if a tool, utility, script, or other mechanism is not being used to ensure sufficient disk space is available for the creation of new audit logs, this is a finding. If a tool, utility, script, or other mechanism is being used to rotate audit logs, and oldest logs are not being removed to ensure sufficient space for newest logs, or oldest logs are not being replaced by newest logs, this is a finding.
Establish a process with accompanying tools for monitoring available disk space and ensuring that sufficient disk space is maintained in order to continue generating audit logs, overwriting the oldest existing records if necessary.
If the application owner has determined that the need for system availability outweighs the need for a complete audit trail, this is not applicable (NA). Otherwise, review the procedures, manual and/or automated, for monitoring the space used by audit trail(s) and for off-loading audit records to a centralized log management system. If the procedures do not exist, this is a finding. If the procedures exist, request evidence that they are followed. If the evidence indicates that the procedures are not followed, this is a finding. If the procedures exist, inquire if the system has ever run out of audit trail space in the last two years or since the last system upgrade, whichever is more recent. If it has run out of space in this period, and the procedures have not been updated to compensate, this is a finding.
Modify DBMS, OS, or third-party logging application settings to alert appropriate personnel when a specific percentage of log storage capacity is reached.
If the data owner does not have a strict requirement for ensuring data integrity and confidentiality is maintained at every step of the data transfer and handling process, this is not a finding. As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), verify SSL is enabled in postgresql.conf by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW ssl" If SSL is off, this is a finding. If PostgreSQL, associated applications, and infrastructure do not employ protective measures against unauthorized disclosure and modification during reception, this is a finding.
Implement protective measures against unauthorized disclosure and modification during reception. To configure PostgreSQL to use SSL, see supplementary content APPENDIX-G for instructions on enabling SSL.
Review system documentation to identify accounts authorized to own database objects. Review accounts that own objects in the database(s). If any database objects are found to be owned by users not authorized to own database objects, this is a finding. To check the ownership of objects in the database, as the database administrator, run the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -x -c "\dn *.*" $ psql -x -c "\dt *.*" $ psql -x -c "\ds *.*" $ psql -x -c "\dv *.*" $ psql -x -c "\df+ *.*" If any object is not owned by an authorized role for ownership, this is a finding.
Assign ownership of authorized objects to authorized object owner accounts. #### Schema Owner To create a schema owned by the user bob, run the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "CREATE SCHEMA test AUTHORIZATION bob" To alter the ownership of an existing object to be owned by the user "bob", run the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "ALTER SCHEMA test OWNER TO bob"
Review procedures for controlling, granting access to, and tracking use of the PostgreSQL software installation account(s). If access or use of this account is not restricted to the minimum number of personnel required or if unauthorized access to the account has been granted, this is a finding.
Develop, document, and implement procedures to restrict and track use of the PostgreSQL software installation account.
Review the PostgreSQL software library directory and any subdirectories. If any non-PostgreSQL software directories exist on the disk directory, examine or investigate their use. If any of the directories are used by other applications, including third-party applications that use the PostgreSQL, this is a finding. Only applications that are required for the functioning and administration, not use, of the PostgreSQL software library should be located in the same disk directory as the PostgreSQL software libraries. If other applications are located in the same directory as PostgreSQL, this is a finding.
Install all applications on directories separate from the PostgreSQL software library directory. Relocate any directories or reinstall other application software that currently shares the PostgreSQL software library directory.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGLOG environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F and APPENDIX-I for instructions on configuring them. Review the system documentation to identify what additional information the organization has determined necessary. Check PostgreSQL settings by examining ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf to ensure additional auditing is configured and then examine existing audit records in ${PGLOG?}/<latest.log> to verify that all organization-defined additional, more detailed information is in the audit records for audit events identified by type, location, or subject after executing SQL commands that fall under the additional audit classes. If any additional information is defined and is not contained in the audit records, this is a finding.
Configure PostgreSQL audit settings to include all organization-defined detailed information in the audit records for audit events identified by type, location, or subject. Using pgaudit, PostgreSQL can be configured to audit these requests. See supplementary content APPENDIX-B for documentation on installing pgaudit. To ensure that logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging.
Functions in PostgreSQL can be created with the SECURITY DEFINER option. When SECURITY DEFINER functions are executed by a user, said function is run with the privileges of the user who created it. To list all functions that have SECURITY DEFINER, as, the DBA (shown here as "postgres"), run the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SELECT nspname, proname, proargtypes, prosecdef, rolname, proconfig FROM pg_proc p JOIN pg_namespace n ON p.pronamespace = n.oid JOIN pg_authid a ON a.oid = p.proowner WHERE prosecdef OR NOT proconfig IS NULL" In the query results, a prosecdef value of "t" on a row indicates that that function uses privilege elevation. If elevation of PostgreSQL privileges is utilized but not documented, this is a finding. If elevation of PostgreSQL privileges is documented, but not implemented as described in the documentation, this is a finding. If the privilege-elevation logic can be invoked in ways other than intended, or in contexts other than intended, or by subjects/principals other than intended, this is a finding.
Determine where, when, how, and by what principals/subjects elevated privilege is needed. To change a SECURITY DEFINER function to SECURITY INVOKER, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "ALTER FUNCTION <function_name> SECURITY INVOKER"
Review system documentation to determine how input errors from application to PostgreSQL are to be handled in general and if any special handling is defined for specific circumstances. If it does not implement the documented behavior, this is a finding. As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), make a small SQL syntax error in psql by running the following: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "CREAT TABLEincorrect_syntax(id INT)" ERROR: syntax error at or near "CREAT" Note: The following instructions use the PGVER and PGLOG environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-H for instructions on configuring PGVER and APPENDIX-I for PGLOG. As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), verify the syntax error was logged (change the log file name and part to suit the circumstances): $ sudo su - postgres $ cat ~/${PGVER?}/data/${PGLOG?}/<latest log> 2016-03-30 16:18:10.772 EDT postgres postgres 5706bb87.90dERROR: syntax error at or near "CREAT" at character 1 2016-03-30 16:18:10.772 EDT postgres postgres 5706bb87.90dSTATEMENT: CREAT TABLE incorrect_syntax(id INT); If no matching log entry containing the 'ERROR: syntax error' is present, this is a finding.
Enable logging. To ensure that logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging. All errors and denials are logged if logging is enabled.
On UNIX systems, PostgreSQL can be configured to use stderr, csvlog and syslog. To send logs to a centralized location, syslog should be used. As the database owner (shown here as "postgres"), ensure PostgreSQL uses syslog by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW log_destination" As the database owner (shown here as "postgres"), check to which log facility PostgreSQL is configured by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW syslog_facility" Check with the organization to see how syslog facilities are defined in their organization. If PostgreSQL audit records are not written directly to or systematically transferred to a centralized log management system, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. To ensure logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging. With logging enabled, as the database owner (shown here as "postgres"), configure the following parameters in postgresql.conf: Note: Consult the organization on how syslog facilities are defined in the syslog daemon configuration. $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf log_destination = 'syslog' syslog_facility = 'LOCAL0' syslog_ident = 'postgres' Now, as the system administrator, reload the server with the new configuration: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?}
Check PostgreSQL settings to determine whether objects or code implementing security functionality are located in a separate security domain, such as a separate database or schema created specifically for security functionality. By default, all objects in pg_catalog and information_schema are owned by the database administrator. To check the access controls for those schemas, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following commands to review the access privileges granted on the data dictionary and security tables, views, sequences, functions and trigger procedures: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -x -c "\dp pg_catalog.*" $ psql -x -c "\dp information_schema.*" Repeat the \dp statements for any additional schemas that contain locally defined security objects. Repeat using \df+*.* to review ownership of PostgreSQL functions: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -x -c "\df+ pg_catalog.*" $ psql -x -c "\df+ information_schema.*" Refer to the PostgreSQL online documentation for GRANT for help in interpreting the Access Privileges column in the output from \du. Note that an entry starting with an equals sign indicates privileges granted to Public (all users). By default, most of the tables and views in the pg_catalog and information_schema schemas can be read by Public. If any user besides the database administrator(s) is listed in access privileges and not documented, this is a finding. If security-related database objects or code are not kept separate, this is a finding.
Do not locate security-related database objects with application tables or schema. Review any site-specific applications security modules built into the database: determine what schema they are located in and take appropriate action. Do not grant access to pg_catalog or information_schema to anyone but the database administrator(s). Access to the database administrator account(s) must not be granted to anyone without official approval.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA environment variable. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-I for PGLOG. To verify that system denies are logged when unprivileged users attempt to change database configuration, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following commands: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql Next, create a role with no privileges, change the current role to that user and attempt to change a configuration by running the following SQL: CREATE ROLE bob; SET ROLE bob; SET pgaudit.role='test'; RESET ROLE; DROP ROLE bob; Now check ${PGLOG?} (use the latest log): $ cat ${PGDATA?}/${PGLOG?}/postgresql-Thu.log < 2016-01-28 17:57:34.092 UTC bob postgres: >ERROR: permission denied to set parameter "pgaudit.role" < 2016-01-28 17:57:34.092 UTC bob postgres: >STATEMENT: SET pgaudit.role='test'; If the denial is not logged, this is a finding. By default PostgreSQL configuration files are owned by the postgres user and cannot be edited by non-privileged users: $ ls -la ${PGDATA?} | grep postgresql.conf -rw-------. 1 postgres postgres 21758 Jan 22 10:27 postgresql.conf If postgresql.conf is not owned by the database owner and does not have read and write permissions for the owner, this is a finding.
Enable logging. All denials are logged by default if logging is enabled. To ensure that logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging.
As the database administrator, run the following SQL: $ psql -c "SHOW port" If the currently defined port configuration is deemed prohibited, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. To change the listening port of the database, as the database administrator, change the following setting in postgresql.conf: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi $PGDATA/postgresql.conf Change the port parameter to the desired port. Next, restart the database: $ sudo systemctl restart postgresql-${PGVER?} Note: psql uses the port 5432 by default. This can be changed by specifying the port with psql or by setting the PGPORT environment variable: $ psql -p 5432 -c "SHOW port" $ export PGPORT=5432
Note: The following instructions use the PGLOG environment variable. See supplementary content APPENDIX-I for instructions on configuring PGLOG. Review locations of audit logs, both internal to the database and database audit logs located at the operating system level. Verify there are appropriate controls and permissions to protect the audit information from unauthorized access. #### syslog Logging If PostgreSQL is configured to use syslog for logging, consult organization location and permissions for syslog log files. #### stderr Logging As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), check the current log_file_mode configuration by running the following: Note: Consult the organization's documentation on acceptable log privileges. $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW log_file_mode" If log_file_mode is not 600, this is a finding. Next, verify the log files have the set permissions in ${PG_LOG?}: $ ls -l ${PGLOG?}/ total 32 -rw-------. 1 postgres postgres 0 Apr 8 00:00 postgresql-Fri.log -rw-------. 1 postgres postgres 8288 Apr 11 17:36 postgresql-Mon.log -rw-------. 1 postgres postgres 0 Apr 9 00:00 postgresql-Sat.log -rw-------. 1 postgres postgres 0 Apr 10 00:00 postgresql-Sun.log -rw-------. 1 postgres postgres 16212 Apr 7 17:05 postgresql-Thu.log -rw-------. 1 postgres postgres 1130 Apr 6 17:56 postgresql-Wed.log If logs with 600 permissions do not exist in ${PG_LOG?}, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. To ensure that logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging. #### syslog Logging If PostgreSQL is configured to use syslog for logging, consult organization location and permissions for syslog log files. #### stderr Logging If PostgreSQL is configured to use stderr for logging, permissions of the log files can be set in postgresql.conf. As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), edit the following settings of logs in the postgresql.conf file: Note: Consult the organization's documentation on acceptable log privileges. $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf log_file_mode = 0600 Next, as the system administrator, reload the server with the new configuration: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?}
To check software installed by packages, as the system administrator, run the following command: $ sudo rpm -qa | grep postgres If multiple versions of postgres are installed but are unused, this is a finding.
Use package managers (RPM or apt-get) for installing PostgreSQL. Unused software is removed when updated.
As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW pgaudit.log" If pgaudit.log does not contain, "ddl, write, role", this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. Using pgaudit, the DBMS (PostgreSQL) can be configured to audit these requests. See supplementary content APPENDIX-B for documentation on installing pgaudit. With pgaudit installed the following configurations can be made: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf Add the following parameters (or edit existing parameters): pgaudit.log = 'ddl, write, role' Next, as the system administrator, reload the server with the new configuration: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql- ${PGVER?}
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGLOG environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-I for PGLOG. First, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), setup a test schema and revoke users privileges from using it by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "CREATE SCHEMA stig_test_schema AUTHORIZATION postgres" $ psql -c "REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA stig_test_schema FROM public" $ psql -c "GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA stig_test_schema TO postgres" Next, create a test table, insert a value into that table for the following checks by running the following SQL: $ psql -c "CREATE TABLE stig_test_schema.stig_test_table(id INT)" $ psql -c "INSERT INTO stig_test_schema.stig_test_table(id) VALUES (0)" #### CREATE Attempt to CREATE a table in the stig_test_schema schema with a role that does not have privileges by running the following SQL: psql -c "CREATE ROLE bob; SET ROLE bob; CREATE TABLE stig_test_schema.test_table(id INT);" ERROR: permission denied for schema stig_test_schema Next, as a database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), verify that the denial was logged: $ sudo su - postgres $ cat ${PGDATA?}/${PGLOG?}/<latest_log> < 2016-03-09 09:55:19.423 EST postgres 56e0393f.186b postgres: >ERROR: permission denied for schema stig_test_schema at character 14 < 2016-03-09 09:55:19.423 EST postgres 56e0393f.186b postgres: >STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE stig_test_schema.test_table(id INT); If the denial is not logged, this is a finding. #### INSERT As role bob, attempt to INSERT into the table created earlier, stig_test_table by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SET ROLE bob; INSERT INTO stig_test_schema.stig_test_table(id) VALUES (0);" Next, as a database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), verify that the denial was logged: $ sudo su - postgres $ cat ${PGDATA?}/${PGLOG?}/<latest_log> < 2016-03-09 09:58:30.709 EST postgres 56e0393f.186b postgres: >ERROR: permission denied for schema stig_test_schema at character 13 < 2016-03-09 09:58:30.709 EST postgres 56e0393f.186b postgres: >STATEMENT: INSERT INTO stig_test_schema.stig_test_table(id) VALUES (0); If the denial is not logged, this is a finding. #### SELECT As role bob, attempt to SELECT from the table created earlier, stig_test_table by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SET ROLE bob; SELECT * FROM stig_test_schema.stig_test_table;" Next, as a database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), verify that the denial was logged: $ sudo su - postgres $ cat ${PGDATA?}/${PGLOG?}/<latest_log> < 2016-03-09 09:57:58.327 EST postgres 56e0393f.186b postgres: >ERROR: permission denied for schema stig_test_schema at character 15 < 2016-03-09 09:57:58.327 EST postgres 56e0393f.186b postgres: >STATEMENT: SELECT * FROM stig_test_schema.stig_test_table; If the denial is not logged, this is a finding. #### ALTER As role bob, attempt to ALTER the table created earlier, stig_test_table by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SET ROLE bob; ALTER TABLE stig_test_schema.stig_test_table ADD COLUMN name TEXT;" Next, as a database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), verify that the denial was logged: $ sudo su - postgres $ cat ${PGDATA?}/${PGLOG?}/<latest_log> < 2016-03-09 10:03:43.765 EST postgres 56e0393f.186b postgres: >STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE stig_test_schema.stig_test_table ADD COLUMN name TEXT; If the denial is not logged, this is a finding. #### UPDATE As role bob, attempt to UPDATE a row created earlier, stig_test_table by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SET ROLE bob; UPDATE stig_test_schema.stig_test_table SET id=1 WHERE id=0;" Next, as a database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), verify that the denial was logged: $ sudo su - postgres $ cat ${PGDATA?}/${PGLOG?}/<latest_log> < 2016-03-09 10:08:27.696 EST postgres 56e0393f.186b postgres: >ERROR: permission denied for schema stig_test_schema at character 8 < 2016-03-09 10:08:27.696 EST postgres 56e0393f.186b postgres: >STATEMENT: UPDATE stig_test_schema.stig_test_table SET id=1 WHERE id=0; If the denial is not logged, this is a finding. #### DELETE As role bob, attempt to DELETE a row created earlier, stig_test_table by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SET ROLE bob; DELETE FROM stig_test_schema.stig_test_table WHERE id=0;" Next, as a database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), verify that the denial was logged: $ sudo su - postgres $ cat ${PGDATA?}/${PGLOG?}/<latest_log> < 2016-03-09 10:09:29.607 EST postgres 56e0393f.186b postgres: >ERROR: permission denied for schema stig_test_schema at character 13 < 2016-03-09 10:09:29.607 EST postgres 56e0393f.186b postgres: >STATEMENT: DELETE FROM stig_test_schema.stig_test_table WHERE id=0; If the denial is not logged, this is a finding. #### PREPARE As role bob, attempt to execute a prepared system using PREPARE by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SET ROLE bob; PREPARE stig_test_plan(int) AS SELECT id FROM stig_test_schema.stig_test_table WHERE id=$1;" Next, as a database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), verify that the denial was logged: $ sudo su - postgres $ cat ${PGDATA?}/${PGLOG?}/<latest_log> < 2016-03-09 10:16:22.628 EST postgres 56e03e02.18e4 postgres: >ERROR: permission denied for schema stig_test_schema at character 46 < 2016-03-09 10:16:22.628 EST postgres 56e03e02.18e4 postgres: >STATEMENT: PREPARE stig_test_plan(int) AS SELECT id FROM stig_test_schema.stig_test_table WHERE id=$1; If the denial is not logged, this is a finding. #### DROP As role bob, attempt to DROP the table created earlier stig_test_table by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SET ROLE bob; DROP TABLE stig_test_schema.stig_test_table;" Next, as a database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), verify that the denial was logged: $ sudo su - postgres $ cat ${PGDATA?}/${PGLOG?}/<latest_log> < 2016-03-09 10:18:55.255 EST postgres 56e03e02.18e4 postgres: >ERROR: permission denied for schema stig_test_schema < 2016-03-09 10:18:55.255 EST postgres 56e03e02.18e4 postgres: >STATEMENT: DROP TABLE stig_test_schema.stig_test_table; If the denial is not logged, this is a finding.
Configure PostgreSQL to produce audit records when unsuccessful attempts to access security objects occur. All denials are logged if logging is enabled. To ensure that logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGLOG environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-I on PGLOG. In this example the user "joe" will log in to the Postgres database unsuccessfully: $ psql -d postgres -U joe As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), check ${PGLOG?} for a FATAL connection audit trail: $ sudo su - postgres $ cat ${PGDATA?}/${PGLOG?}/{latest_log> < 2016-02-16 16:18:13.027 EST joe 56c65135.b5f postgres: >LOG: connection authorized: user=joe database=postgres < 2016-02-16 16:18:13.027 EST joe 56c65135.b5f postgres: >FATAL: role "joe" does not exist If an audit record is not generated each time a user (or other principal) attempts, but fails to log on or connect to PostgreSQL (including attempts where the user ID is invalid/unknown), this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. To ensure that logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging. If logging is enabled the following configurations must be made to log unsuccessful connections, date/time, username, and session identifier. First, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), edit postgresql.conf: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf Edit the following parameters: log_connections = on log_line_prefix = '< %m %u %c: >' Where: * %m is the time and date * %u is the username * %c is the session ID for the connection Next, as the system administrator, reload the server with the new configuration: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?}
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGLOG environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-I for PGLOG. First, log into the database with the postgres user by running the following commands: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -U postgres Next, as the database administrator, verify the log for a connection audit trail: $ sudo su - postgres $ cat ${PGDATA?}/${PGLOG?}/<latest_log> < 2016-02-23 20:25:39.931 EST postgres 56cfa993.7a72 postgres: >LOG: connection authorized: user=postgres database=postgres < 2016-02-23 20:27:45.428 EST postgres 56cfa993.7a72 postgres: >LOG: AUDIT: SESSION,1,1,READ,SELECT,,,SELECT current_user;,<none> < 2016-02-23 20:27:47.988 EST postgres 56cfa993.7a72 postgres: >LOG: disconnection: session time: 0:00:08.057 user=postgres database=postgres host=[local] If connections are not logged, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. To ensure that logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging. If logging is enabled the following configurations must be made to log connections, date/time, username, and session identifier. First, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), edit postgresql.conf by running the following: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf Edit the following parameters: log_connections = on log_disconnections = on log_line_prefix = '< %m %u %c: >' Where: * %m is the time and date * %u is the username * %c is the session ID for the connection Now, as the system administrator, reload the server with the new configuration: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?}
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGLOG environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-I for PGLOG. As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), create a test role by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "CREATE ROLE bob" Next, to test if audit records are generated from unsuccessful attempts at modifying security objects, run the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SET ROLE bob; UPDATE pg_authid SET rolsuper = 't' WHERE rolname = 'bob';" Next, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), verify the denials were logged: $ sudo su - postgres $ cat ${PGDATA?}/${PGLOG?}/<latest_log> < 2016-03-17 10:34:00.017 EDT bob 56eabf52.b62 postgres: >ERROR: permission denied for relation pg_authid < 2016-03-17 10:34:00.017 EDT bob 56eabf52.b62 postgres: >STATEMENT: UPDATE pg_authid SET rolsuper = 't' WHERE rolname = 'bob'; If denials are not logged, this is a finding.
Configure PostgreSQL to produce audit records when unsuccessful attempts to modify security objects occur. Unsuccessful attempts to modify security objects can be logged if logging is enabled. To ensure logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGLOG environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-I for PGLOG. First, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), create a role by running the following SQL: Change the privileges of another user: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "CREATE ROLE bob" Next, GRANT then REVOKE privileges from the role: $ psql -c "GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE postgres TO bob" $ psql -c "REVOKE CONNECT ON DATABASE postgres FROM bob" postgres=# REVOKE CONNECT ON DATABASE postgres FROM bob; REVOKE postgres=# GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE postgres TO bob; GRANT Next, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), verify the events were logged: $ sudo su - postgres $ cat ${PGDATA?}/${PGLOG?}/<latest_log> < 2016-07-13 16:25:21.103 EDT postgres postgres LOG: > AUDIT: SESSION,1,1,ROLE,GRANT,,,GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE postgres TO bob,<none> < 2016-07-13 16:25:25.520 EDT postgres postgres LOG: > AUDIT: SESSION,1,1,ROLE,REVOKE,,,REVOKE CONNECT ON DATABASE postgres FROM bob,<none> If the above steps cannot verify that audit records are produced when privileges/permissions/role memberships are added, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. Using pgaudit, PostgreSQL can be configured to audit these requests. See supplementary content APPENDIX-B for documentation on installing pgaudit. With pgaudit installed, the following configurations can be made: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf Add the following parameters (or edit existing parameters): pgaudit.log = 'role' Now, as the system administrator, reload the server with the new configuration: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?}
First, as the database administrator, verify pgaudit is enabled by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW shared_preload_libraries" If the output does not contain "pgaudit", this is a finding. Next, verify that role, read, write, and ddl auditing are enabled: $ psql -c "SHOW pgaudit.log" If the output does not contain role, read, write, and ddl, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. All errors and denials are logged if logging is enabled. To ensure logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging. Using pgaudit PostgreSQL can be configured to audit these requests. See supplementary content APPENDIX-B for documentation on installing pgaudit. With pgaudit installed the following configurations can be made: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf Add the following parameters (or edit existing parameters): pgaudit.log='ddl, role, read, write' Now, as the system administrator, reload the server with the new configuration: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?}
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGLOG environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-I for PGLOG. First, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), check if log_connections is enabled by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW log_connections" If log_connections is off, this is a finding. Next, verify the logs that the previous connection to the database was logged: $ sudo su - postgres $ cat ${PGDATA?}/${PGLOG?}/<latest_log> < 2016-02-16 15:54:03.934 EST postgres postgres 56c64b8b.aeb: >LOG: connection authorized: user=postgres database=postgres If an audit record is not generated each time a user (or other principal) logs on or connects to PostgreSQL, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. To ensure that logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging. If logging is enabled the following configurations must be made to log connections, date/time, username, and session identifier. First, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), edit postgresql.conf: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf Edit the following parameters as such: log_connections = on log_line_prefix = '< %m %u %d %c: >' Where: * %m is the time and date * %u is the username * %d is the database * %c is the session ID for the connection Now, as the system administrator, reload the server with the new configuration: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?}
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGLOG environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-I for PGLOG. First, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), create a test table stig_test, enable row level security, and create a policy by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "CREATE TABLE stig_test(id INT)" $ psql -c "ALTER TABLE stig_test ENABLE ROW LEVEL SECURITY" $ psql -c "CREATE POLICY lock_table ON stig_test USING ('postgres' = current_user)" Next, drop the policy and disable row level security: $ psql -c "DROP POLICY lock_table ON stig_test" $ psql -c "ALTER TABLE stig_test DISABLE ROW LEVEL SECURITY" Now, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), verify the security objects deletions were logged: $ cat ${PGDATA?}/${PGLOG?}/<latest_log> 2016-03-30 14:54:18.991 EDT postgres postgres LOG: AUDIT: SESSION,11,1,DDL,DROP POLICY,,,DROP POLICY lock_table ON stig_test;,<none> 2016-03-30 14:54:42.373 EDT postgres postgres LOG: AUDIT: SESSION,12,1,DDL,ALTER TABLE,,,ALTER TABLE stig_test DISABLE ROW LEVEL SECURITY;,<none> If audit records are not produced when security objects are dropped, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. Using pgaudit PostgreSQL can be configured to audit these requests. See supplementary content APPENDIX-B for documentation on installing pgaudit. With pgaudit installed the following configurations can be made: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf Add the following parameters (or edit existing parameters): pgaudit.log = 'ddl' Now, as the system administrator, reload the server with the new configuration: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?}
Note: The following instructions use the PGLOG environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-I for instructions on configuring PGLOG. First, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), create a role "bob" by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "CREATE ROLE bob" Next, attempt to retrieve information from the pg_authid table: $ psql -c "SET ROLE bob; SELECT * FROM pg_authid" $ psql -c "DROP ROLE bob;" Now, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), verify the event was logged in pg_log: $ sudo su - postgres $ cat ${PGLOG?}/<latest_log> < 2016-07-13 16:49:58.864 EDT postgres postgres ERROR: > permission denied for relation pg_authid < 2016-07-13 16:49:58.864 EDT postgres postgres STATEMENT: > SELECT * FROM pg_authid; If the above steps cannot verify that audit records are produced when PostgreSQL denies retrieval of privileges/permissions/role memberships, this is a finding.
Configure PostgreSQL to produce audit records when unsuccessful attempts to access privileges occur. All denials are logged if logging is enabled. To ensure that logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGLOG environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-I for PGLOG. First, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), create the roles "joe" and "bob" with LOGIN by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "CREATE ROLE joe LOGIN" $ psql -c "CREATE ROLE bob LOGIN" Next, set current role to "bob" and attempt to alter the role "joe": $ psql -c "SET ROLE bob; ALTER ROLE joe NOLOGIN;" Now, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), verify the denials are logged: $ sudo su - postgres $ cat ${PGDATA?}/${PGLOG?}/<latest_log> < 2016-03-17 11:28:10.004 EDT bob 56eacd05.cda postgres: >ERROR: permission denied to alter role < 2016-03-17 11:28:10.004 EDT bob 56eacd05.cda postgres: >STATEMENT: ALTER ROLE joe; If audit logs are not generated when unsuccessful attempts to delete privileges/permissions occur, this is a finding.
Configure PostgreSQL to produce audit records when unsuccessful attempts to delete privileges occur. All denials are logged if logging is enabled. To ensure logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging.
Note: The following instructions use the PGLOG environment variable. See supplementary content APPENDIX-I for instructions on configuring PGLOG. First, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), check if pgaudit is enabled by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW shared_preload_libraries" If pgaudit is not found in the results, this is a finding. Next, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), list all role memberships for the database: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "\du" Next, verify the query was logged: $ sudo su - postgres $ cat ${PGLOG?}/<latest_log> This should, as an example, return (among other rows): 2016-01-28 19:43:12.126 UTC postgres postgres: >LOG: AUDIT: SESSION,1,1,READ,SELECT,,,"SELECT r.rolname, r.rolsuper, r.rolinherit, r.rolcreaterole, r.rolcreatedb, r.rolcanlogin, r.rolconnlimit, r.rolvaliduntil, ARRAY(SELECT b.rolname FROM pg_catalog.pg_auth_members m JOIN pg_catalog.pg_roles b ON (m.roleid = b.oid) WHERE m.member = r.oid) as memberof , r.rolreplication , r.rolbypassrls FROM pg_catalog.pg_roles r ORDER BY 1;",<none> If audit records are not produced, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. Using pgaudit PostgreSQL can be configured to audit these requests. See supplementary content APPENDIX-B for documentation on installing pgaudit. With pgaudit installed the following configurations can be made: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf Add the following parameters (or edit existing parameters):Â pgaudit.log_catalog = 'on' pgaudit.log = 'read' Now, as the system administrator, reload the server with the new configuration: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?}
First, as the database administrator, verify pgaudit is enabled by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW shared_preload_libraries" If the output does not contain "pgaudit", this is a finding. Next, verify that role, read, write, and ddl auditing are enabled: $ psql -c "SHOW pgaudit.log" If the output does not contain role, read, write, and ddl, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. Configure PostgreSQL to produce audit records when unsuccessful attempts to modify categories of information occur. To ensure that logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging. All denials are logged when logging is enabled. With pgaudit installed the following configurations can be made: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf Add the following parameters (or edit existing parameters): pgaudit.log='ddl, role, read, write' Next, as the system administrator, reload the server with the new configuration: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?}
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGLOG environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-I for PGLOG. First, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), create a schema, test_schema, create a table, test_table, within test_schema, and insert a value: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "CREATE SCHEMA test_schema" $ psql -c "CREATE TABLE test_schema.test_table(id INT)" $ psql -c "INSERT INTO test_schema.test_table(id) VALUES (0)" Next, create a role "bob" and attempt to SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DROP from the test table: $ psql -c "CREATE ROLE BOB" $ psql -c "SET ROLE bob; SELECT * FROM test_schema.test_table" $ psql -c "SET ROLE bob; INSERT INTO test_schema.test_table VALUES (0)" $ psql -c "SET ROLE bob; UPDATE test_schema.test_table SET id = 1 WHERE id = 0" $ psql -c "SET ROLE bob; DROP TABLE test_schema.test_table" $ psql -c "SET ROLE bob; DROP SCHEMA test_schema" Now, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), review PostgreSQL/database security and audit settings to verify that audit records are created for unsuccessful attempts at the specified access to the specified objects: $ sudo su - postgres $ cat ${PGDATA?}/${PGLOG?}/<latest_log> 2016-03-30 17:23:41.254 EDT postgres postgres ERROR: permission denied for schema test_schema at character 15 2016-03-30 17:23:41.254 EDT postgres postgres STATEMENT: SELECT * FROM test_schema.test_table; 2016-03-30 17:23:53.973 EDT postgres postgres ERROR: permission denied for schema test_schema at character 13 2016-03-30 17:23:53.973 EDT postgres postgres STATEMENT: INSERT INTO test_schema.test_table VALUES (0); 2016-03-30 17:24:32.647 EDT postgres postgres ERROR: permission denied for schema test_schema at character 8 2016-03-30 17:24:32.647 EDT postgres postgres STATEMENT: UPDATE test_schema.test_table SET id = 1 WHERE id = 0; 2016-03-30 17:24:46.197 EDT postgres postgres ERROR: permission denied for schema test_schema 2016-03-30 17:24:46.197 EDT postgres postgres STATEMENT: DROP TABLE test_schema.test_table; 2016-03-30 17:24:51.582 EDT postgres postgres ERROR: must be owner of schema test_schema 2016-03-30 17:24:51.582 EDT postgres postgres STATEMENT: DROP SCHEMA test_schema; If any of the above steps did not create audit records for SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DROP, this is a finding.
Configure PostgreSQL to produce audit records when unsuccessful attempts to access objects occur. All errors and denials are logged if logging is enabled. To ensure that logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging.
First, as the database administrator, verify pgaudit is enabled by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW shared_preload_libraries" If the output does not contain pgaudit, this is a finding. Next, verify that role, read, write, and ddl auditing are enabled: $ psql -c "SHOW pgaudit.log" If the output does not contain role, read, write, and ddl, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. Using pgaudit PostgreSQL can be configured to audit these requests. See supplementary content APPENDIX-B for documentation on installing pgaudit. With pgaudit installed the following configurations can be made: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf Add the following parameters (or edit existing parameters): shared_preload_libraries = 'pgaudit' pgaudit.log='ddl, role, read, write' Now, as the system administrator, reload the server with the new configuration: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?}
As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW pgaudit.log" If pgaudit.log does not contain, "ddl, write, role", this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. Configure PostgreSQL to produce audit records when unsuccessful attempts to access categories of information occur. All denials are logged if logging is enabled. To ensure that logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging. With pgaudit installed the following configurations can be made: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf Add the following parameters (or edit existing parameters): pgaudit.log = 'ddl, write, role' Next, as the system administrator, reload the server with the new configuration: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?}
First, as the database administrator, verify pgaudit is enabled by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW shared_preload_libraries" If the output does not contain pgaudit, this is a finding. Next, verify that role, read, write, and ddl auditing are enabled: $ psql -c "SHOW pgaudit.log" If the output does not contain role, read, write, and ddl, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. Using pgaudit PostgreSQL can be configured to audit these requests. See supplementary content APPENDIX-B for documentation on installing pgaudit. With pgaudit installed, the following configurations can be made: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf Add the following parameters (or edit existing parameters): pgaudit.log='ddl, role, read, write' Now, as the system administrator, reload the server with the new configuration: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?}
First, as the database administrator, verify pgaudit is enabled by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW shared_preload_libraries" If the output does not contain pgaudit, this is a finding. Next, verify that role, read, write, and ddl auditing are enabled: $ psql -c "SHOW pgaudit.log" If the output does not contain role, read, write, and ddl, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. Using pgaudit PostgreSQL can be configured to audit these requests. See supplementary content APPENDIX-B for documentation on installing pgaudit. With pgaudit installed, the following configurations can be made: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf Add the following parameters (or edit existing parameters): pgaudit.log = 'role' Next, as the system administrator, reload the server with the new configuration: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?}
First, as the database administrator, verify that log_connections and log_disconnections are enabled by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW log_connections" $ psql -c "SHOW log_disconnections" If either is off, this is a finding. Next, verify that log_line_prefix contains sufficient information by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW log_line_prefix" If log_line_prefix does not contain at least %m %u %d %c, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. To ensure logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging. First, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), edit postgresql.conf: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf Edit the following parameters as such: log_connections = on log_disconnections = on log_line_prefix = '< %m %u %d %c: >' Where: * %m is the time and date * %u is the username * %d is the database * %c is the session ID for the connection Now, as the system administrator, reload the server with the new configuration: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?}
First, as the database administrator, verify pgaudit is enabled by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW shared_preload_libraries" If the output does not contain pgaudit, this is a finding. Next, verify that role, read, write, and ddl auditing are enabled: $ psql -c "SHOW pgaudit.log" If the output does not contain role, read, write, and ddl, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. Configure PostgreSQL to produce audit records when unsuccessful attempts to delete security objects occur. All errors and denials are logged if logging is enabled. To ensure that logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging. With pgaudit installed the following configurations can be made: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf Add the following parameters (or edit existing parameters): pgaudit.log='ddl, role, read, write' Now, as the system administrator, reload the server with the new configuration: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?}
First, as the database administrator, verify pgaudit is enabled by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW shared_preload_libraries" If the output does not contain pgaudit, this is a finding. Next, verify that role is enabled: $ psql -c "SHOW pgaudit.log" If the output does not contain role, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. Using pgaudit PostgreSQL can be configured to audit these requests. See supplementary content APPENDIX-B for documentation on installing pgaudit. With pgaudit installed, the following configurations can be made: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf Add the following parameters (or edit existing parameters): pgaudit.log='role' Next, as the system administrator, reload the server with the new configuration: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?}
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGLOG environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-I on PGLOG. As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), create the role "bob" by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "CREATE ROLE bob" Next, change the current role to bob and attempt to execute privileged activity: $ psql -c "CREATE ROLE stig_test SUPERUSER" $ psql -c "CREATE ROLE stig_test CREATEDB" $ psql -c "CREATE ROLE stig_test CREATEROLE" $ psql -c "CREATE ROLE stig_test CREATEUSER" Now, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), verify that an audit event was produced (use the latest log): $ sudo su - postgres $ cat ${PGDATA?}/${PGLOG?}/<latest_log> < 2016-02-23 20:16:32.396 EST postgres 56cfa74f.79eb postgres: >ERROR: must be superuser to create superusers < 2016-02-23 20:16:32.396 EST postgres 56cfa74f.79eb postgres: >STATEMENT: CREATE ROLE stig_test SUPERUSER; < 2016-02-23 20:16:48.725 EST postgres 56cfa74f.79eb postgres: >ERROR: permission denied to create role < 2016-02-23 20:16:48.725 EST postgres 56cfa74f.79eb postgres: >STATEMENT: CREATE ROLE stig_test CREATEDB; < 2016-02-23 20:16:54.365 EST postgres 56cfa74f.79eb postgres: >ERROR: permission denied to create role < 2016-02-23 20:16:54.365 EST postgres 56cfa74f.79eb postgres: >STATEMENT: CREATE ROLE stig_test CREATEROLE; < 2016-02-23 20:17:05.949 EST postgres 56cfa74f.79eb postgres: >ERROR: must be superuser to create superusers < 2016-02-23 20:17:05.949 EST postgres 56cfa74f.79eb postgres: >STATEMENT: CREATE ROLE stig_test CREATEUSER; If audit records are not produced, this is a finding.
Configure PostgreSQL to produce audit records when unsuccessful attempts to execute privileged SQL. All denials are logged by default if logging is enabled. To ensure that logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging.
First, as the database administrator, verify pgaudit is enabled by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW shared_preload_libraries" If the results does not contain pgaudit, this is a finding. Next, verify that role, read, write, and ddl auditing are enabled: $ psql -c "SHOW pgaudit.log" If the output does not contain role, read, write, and ddl, this is a finding. Next, verify that accessing the catalog is audited by running the following SQL: $ psql -c "SHOW pgaudit.log_catalog" If log_catalog is not on, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. To ensure that logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging. Using pgaudit the DBMS (PostgreSQL) can be configured to audit these requests. See supplementary content APPENDIX-B for documentation on installing pgaudit. With pgaudit installed, the following configurations can be made: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf Add the following parameters (or edit existing parameters): pgaudit.log_catalog = 'on' pgaudit.log='ddl, role, read, write' Next, as the system administrator, reload the server with the new configuration: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?}
If category tracking is not required in the database, this is not applicable. First, as the database administrator, verify pgaudit is enabled by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW shared_preload_libraries" If the output does not contain pgaudit, this is a finding. Next, verify that role, read, write, and ddl auditing are enabled: $ psql -c "SHOW pgaudit.log" If the output does not contain role, read, write, and ddl, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. To ensure that logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging. Using pgaudit PostgreSQL can be configured to audit these requests. See supplementary content APPENDIX-B for documentation on installing pgaudit. With pgaudit installed the following configurations can be made: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf Add the following parameters (or edit existing parameters): pgaudit.log='ddl, role, read, write' Next, as the system administrator, reload the server with the new configuration: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?}
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGLOG environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-I for PGLOG. First, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), create a role "bob" and a test table by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "CREATE ROLE bob; CREATE TABLE test(id INT)" Next, set current role to "bob" and attempt to modify privileges: $ psql -c "SET ROLE bob; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON test TO bob;" $ psql -c "SET ROLE bob; REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON test FROM bob;" Now, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), verify the unsuccessful attempt was logged: $ sudo su - postgres $ cat ${PGDATA?}/${PGLOG?}/<latest_log> 2016-07-14 18:12:23.208 EDT postgres postgres ERROR: permission denied for relation test 2016-07-14 18:12:23.208 EDT postgres postgres STATEMENT: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON test TO bob; 2016-07-14 18:14:52.895 EDT postgres postgres ERROR: permission denied for relation test 2016-07-14 18:14:52.895 EDT postgres postgres STATEMENT: REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON test FROM bob; If audit logs are not generated when unsuccessful attempts to modify privileges/permissions occur, this is a finding.
Configure PostgreSQL to produce audit records when unsuccessful attempts to modify privileges occur. All denials are logged by default if logging is enabled. To ensure that logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGLOG environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-I for PGLOG. First, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), create a role "bob" and a test table by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "CREATE ROLE bob; CREATE TABLE test(id INT);" Next, set current role to "bob" and attempt to modify privileges: $ psql -c "SET ROLE bob; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON test TO bob;" Next, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), verify the unsuccessful attempt was logged: $ sudo su - postgres $ cat ${PGDATA?}/${PGLOG?}/<latest_log> 2016-07-14 18:12:23.208 EDT postgres postgres ERROR: permission denied for relation test 2016-07-14 18:12:23.208 EDT postgres postgres STATEMENT: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON test TO bob; If audit logs are not generated when unsuccessful attempts to add privileges/permissions occur, this is a finding.
Configure PostgreSQL to produce audit records when unsuccessful attempts to add privileges occur. All denials are logged by default if logging is enabled. To ensure logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA environment variable. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA. To verify that a CRL file exists, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SELECT CASE WHEN length(setting) > 0 THEN CASE WHEN substring(setting, 1, 1) = '/' THEN setting ELSE (SELECT setting FROM pg_settings WHERE name = 'data_directory') || '/' || setting END ELSE '' END AS ssl_crl_file FROM pg_settings WHERE name = 'ssl_crl_file';" If this is not set to a CRL file, this is a finding. Next verify the existence of the CRL file by checking the directory from above: $ sudo su - postgres $ ls -ld <ssl_crl_file> If the CRL file does not exist, this is a finding. Next, verify that hostssl entries in pg_hba.conf have "cert" and "clientcert=1" enabled: $ sudo su - postgres $ grep '^hostssl.*cert.*clientcert=1' ${PGDATA?}/pg_hba.conf If hostssl entries are not returned, this is a finding. If certificates are not being validated by performing RFC 5280-compliant certification path validation, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. To configure PostgreSQL to use SSL, see supplementary content APPENDIX-G. To generate a Certificate Revocation List, see the official Red Hat Documentation: As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), copy the CRL file into the data directory: First, as the system administrator, copy the CRL file into the PostgreSQL Data Directory: $ sudo cp root.crl ${PGDATA?}/root.crl As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), set the ssl_crl_file parameter to the filename of the CRL: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf ssl_crl_file = 'root.crl' Next, in pg_hba.conf, require ssl authentication: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/pg_hba.conf hostssl <database> <user> <address> cert clientcert=1 Now, as the system administrator, reload the server with the new configuration: # SYSTEMD SERVER ONLY $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?}
First, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), check the current log_line_prefix setting by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW log_line_prefix" If log_line_prefix does not contain "%m %u %d %s", this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. To check that logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging. First edit the postgresql.conf file as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"): $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf Extra parameters can be added to the setting log_line_prefix to log application related information: # %a = application name # %u = user name # %d = database name # %r = remote host and port # %p = process ID # %m = timestamp with milliseconds # %i = command tag # %s = session startup # %e = SQL state For example: log_line_prefix = '< %m %a %u %d %r %p %i %e %s>' Now, as the system administrator, reload the server with the new configuration: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?}
If the data owner does not have a strict requirement for ensuring data integrity and confidentiality is maintained at every step of the data transfer and handling process, this is not a finding. As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), verify SSL is enabled by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW ssl" If SSL is not enabled, this is a finding. If PostgreSQL does not employ protective measures against unauthorized disclosure and modification during preparation for transmission, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. Implement protective measures against unauthorized disclosure and modification during preparation for transmission. To configure PostgreSQL to use SSL, as a database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), edit postgresql.conf: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf Add the following parameter: ssl = on Next, as the system administrator, reload the server with the new configuration: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?} For more information on configuring PostgreSQL to use SSL, see supplementary content APPENDIX-G.
Note: The following instructions use the PGLOG environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-I for instructions on configuring PGVER. Check PostgreSQL audit logs to determine whether organization-defined auditable events are being audited by the system. For example, if the organization defines 'CREATE TABLE' as an auditable event, issuing the following command should return a result: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "CREATE TABLE example (id int)" $ grep 'AUDIT:.*,CREATE TABLE.*example' ${PGLOG?}/<latest_log> $ psql -c 'DROP TABLE example;' If organization-defined auditable events are not being audited, this is a finding.
Configure PostgreSQL to generate audit records for at least the DoD minimum set of events. Using "pgaudit", PostgreSQL can be configured to audit these requests. See supplementary content APPENDIX-B for documentation on installing pgaudit. To ensure that logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA environment variable. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-I for PGLOG. First, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), verify the current log_line_prefix setting by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW log_line_prefix" If log_line_prefix does not contain %m, this is a finding. Next check the logs to verify time stamps are being logged: $ sudo su - postgres $ cat ${PGDATA?}/${PGLOG?}/<latest_log> < 2016-02-23 12:53:33.947 EDT postgres postgres 570bd68d.3912 >LOG: connection authorized: user=postgres database=postgres < 2016-02-23 12:53:41.576 EDT postgres postgres 570bd68d.3912 >LOG: AUDIT: SESSION,1,1,DDL,CREATE TABLE,,,CREATE TABLE test_srg(id INT);,<none> < 2016-02-23 12:53:44.372 EDT postgres postgres 570bd68d.3912 >LOG: disconnection: session time: 0:00:10.426 user=postgres database=postgres host=[local] If time stamps are not being logged, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. PostgreSQL will not log anything if logging is not enabled. To ensure that logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging. If logging is enabled the following configurations must be made to log events with time stamps: First, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), edit postgresql.conf: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf Add %m to log_line_prefix to enable time stamps with milliseconds: log_line_prefix = '< %m >' Now, as the system administrator, reload the server with the new configuration: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?}
Check PostgreSQL settings and existing audit records to verify a user name associated with the event is being captured and stored with the audit records. If audit records exist without specific user information, this is a finding. First, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), verify the current setting of log_line_prefix by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW log_line_prefix" If log_line_prefix does not contain %m, %u, %d, %p, %r, %a, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. Logging must be enabled in order to capture the identity of any user/subject or process associated with an event. To ensure that logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging. To enable username, database name, process ID, remote host/port and application name in logging, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), edit the following in postgresql.conf: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf log_line_prefix = '< %m %u %d %p %r %a >' Now, as the system administrator, reload the server with the new configuration: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?}
First, as the system administrator, run the following to see if FIPS is enabled: $ cat /proc/sys/crypto/fips_enabled If fips_enabled is not "1", this is a finding.
If fips_enabled = 0, configure OpenSSL to be FIPS compliant. Configure per operating system documentation: RedHat: Ubuntu: For information on configuring PostgreSQL to use SSL, see supplementary content APPENDIX-G.
If PostgreSQL is deployed in an unclassified environment, this is not applicable (NA). If PostgreSQL is not using NSA-approved cryptography to protect classified information in accordance with applicable federal laws, Executive Orders, directives, policies, regulations, and standards, this is a finding. To check if PostgreSQL is configured to use SSL, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW ssl" If SSL is off, this is a finding. Consult network administration staff to determine whether the server is protected by NSA-approved encrypting devices. If not, this a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. To configure PostgreSQL to use SSL as a database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), edit postgresql.conf: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf Add the following parameter: ssl = on Next, as the system administrator, reload the server with the new configuration: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?} For more information on configuring PostgreSQL to use SSL, see supplementary content APPENDIX-G. Deploy NSA-approved encrypting devices to protect the server on the network.
First, as the system administrator, run the following to see if FIPS is enabled: $ cat /proc/sys/crypto/fips_enabled If fips_enabled is not "1", this is a finding.
If fips_enabled = 0, configure OpenSSL to be FIPS compliant. Configure per operating system documentation: RedHat: Ubuntu: For information on configuring PostgreSQL to use SSL, see supplementary content APPENDIX-G.
If the application owner and Authorizing Official have determined that encryption of data at rest is NOT required, this is not a finding. One possible way to encrypt data within PostgreSQL is to use the pgcrypto extension. To check if pgcrypto is installed on PostgreSQL, as a database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following command: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SELECT * FROM pg_available_extensions where name='pgcrypto'" If data in the database requires encryption and pgcrypto is not available, this is a finding. If disk or filesystem requires encryption, ask the system owner, database administrator (DBA), and system administrator (SA) to demonstrate the use of disk-level encryption. If this is required and is not found, this is a finding. If controls do not exist or are not enabled, this is a finding.
Apply appropriate controls to protect the confidentiality and integrity of data at rest in the database. The pgcrypto module provides cryptographic functions for PostgreSQL. See supplementary content APPENDIX-E for documentation on installing pgcrypto. With pgcrypto installed, it is possible to insert encrypted data into the database: INSERT INTO accounts(username, password) VALUES ('bob', crypt('a_secure_password', gen_salt('xdes')));
If PostgreSQL supports only software development, experimentation and/or developer-level testing (that is, excluding production systems, integration testing, stress testing, and user acceptance testing), this is not a finding. Review PostgreSQL and database security settings with respect to non-administrative users ability to create, alter, or replace logic modules, to include but not necessarily only stored procedures, functions, triggers, and views. To list the privileges for all tables and schemas, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "\dp" $ psql -c "\dn+" The privileges are as follows: rolename=xxxx -- privileges granted to a role =xxxx -- privileges granted to PUBLIC r -- SELECT ("read") w -- UPDATE ("write") a -- INSERT ("append") d -- DELETE D -- TRUNCATE x -- REFERENCES t -- TRIGGER X -- EXECUTE U -- USAGE C -- CREATE c -- CONNECT T -- TEMPORARY arwdDxt -- ALL PRIVILEGES (for tables, varies for other objects) * -- grant option for preceding privilege /yyyy -- role that granted this privilege If any such permissions exist and are not documented and approved, this is a finding.
Document and obtain approval for any non-administrative users who require the ability to create, alter, or replace logic modules. Implement the approved permissions. Revoke any unapproved permissions.
Check PostgreSQL settings and vendor documentation to verify that administrative functionality is separate from user functionality. As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), list all roles and permissions for the database: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "\du" If any non-administrative role has the attribute "Superuser", "Create role", "Create DB" or "Bypass RLS", this is a finding. If administrator and general user functionality are not separated either physically or logically, this is a finding.
Configure PostgreSQL to separate database administration and general user functionality. Do not grant superuser, create role, create db, or bypass rls role attributes to users that do not require it. To remove privileges, see the following example: ALTER ROLE <username> NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB NOCREATEROLE NOBYPASSRLS;
As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), check the current settings by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW shared_preload_libraries" If pgaudit is not in the current setting, this is a finding. As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), check the current settings by running the following SQL: $ psql -c "SHOW log_destination" If stderr or syslog are not in the current setting, this is a finding.
Configure PostgreSQL to enable auditing. To ensure logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging. For session logging, using pgaudit is recommended. For instructions on how to setup pgaudit, see supplementary content APPENDIX-B.
Review the system documentation to determine whether the organization has defined the information at rest that is to be protected from modification, which must include, at a minimum, PII and classified information. If no information is identified as requiring such protection, this is not a finding. Review the configuration of PostgreSQL, operating system/file system, and additional software as relevant. If any of the information defined as requiring cryptographic protection from modification is not encrypted in a manner that provides the required level of protection, this is a finding. One possible way to encrypt data within PostgreSQL is to use pgcrypto extension. To check if pgcrypto is installed on PostgreSQL, as a database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following command: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SELECT * FROM pg_available_extensions where name='pgcrypto'" If data in the database requires encryption and pgcrypto is not available, this is a finding. If disk or filesystem requires encryption, ask the system owner, DBA, and SA to demonstrate filesystem or disk level encryption. If this is required and is not found, this is a finding.
Configure PostgreSQL, operating system/file system, and additional software as relevant, to provide the required level of cryptographic protection. The pgcrypto module provides cryptographic functions for PostgreSQL. See supplementary content APPENDIX-E for documentation on installing pgcrypto. With pgcrypto installed, it is possible to insert encrypted data into the database: INSERT INTO accounts(username, password) VALUES ('bob', crypt('mypass', gen_salt('bf', 4));
Check PostgreSQL settings and existing audit records to verify information specific to the source (origin) of the event is being captured and stored with audit records. As the database administrator (usually postgres, check the current log_line_prefix and log_hostname setting by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW log_line_prefix" $ psql -c "SHOW log_hostname" For a complete list of extra information that can be added to log_line_prefix, see the official documentation: If the current settings do not provide enough information regarding the source of the event, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. To ensure logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging. If logging is enabled, the following configurations can be made to log the source of an event. First, as the database administrator, edit postgresql.conf: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf ###### Log Line Prefix Extra parameters can be added to the setting log_line_prefix to log source of event: # %a = application name # %u = user name # %d = database name # %r = remote host and port # %p = process ID # %m = timestamp with milliseconds For example: log_line_prefix = '< %m %a %u %d %r %p %m >' ###### Log Hostname By default only IP address is logged. To also log the hostname the following parameter can also be set in postgresql.conf: log_hostname = on Now, as the system administrator, reload the server with the new configuration: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?}
To get a list of all extensions installed, use the following commands: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "select * from pg_extension where extname != 'plpgsql'" If any extensions exist that are not approved, this is a finding.
To remove extensions, use the following commands: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "DROP EXTENSION <extension_name>" Note: It is recommended that plpgsql not be removed.
PostgreSQL's Copy command can interact with the underlying OS. Only superuser has access to this command. First, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following SQL to list all roles and their privileges: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -x -c "\du" If any role has "superuser" that should not, this is a finding. It is possible for an extension to contain code that could access external executables via SQL. To list all installed extensions, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -x -c "SELECT * FROM pg_available_extensions WHERE installed_version IS NOT NULL" If any extensions are installed that are not approved, this is a finding.
To remove superuser from a role, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "ALTER ROLE <role-name> WITH NOSUPERUSER" To remove extensions from PostgreSQL, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "DROP EXTENSION extension_name"
To list all installed packages, as the system administrator, run the following: # RHEL/CENT 8 Systems $ sudo dnf list installed | grep postgres # RHEL/CENT 7 Systems $ sudo yum list installed | grep postgres # Debian Systems $ dpkg --get-selections | grep postgres If any packages are installed that are not required, this is a finding.
To remove any unneeded executables, as the system administrator, run the following: # RHEL/CENT Systems $ sudo yum erase <package_name> # Debian Systems $ sudo apt-get remove <package_name>
If security labeling is not required, this is not a finding. First, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following SQL against each table that requires security labels: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "\d+ <schema_name>.<table_name>" If security labeling requirements have been specified, but the security labeling is not implemented or does not reliably maintain labels on information in process, this is a finding.
In addition to the SQL-standard privilege system available through GRANT, tables can have row security policies that restrict, on a per-user basis, which rows can be returned by normal queries or inserted, updated, or deleted by data modification commands. This feature is also known as Row-Level Security (RLS). RLS policies can be very different depending on their use case. For one example of using RLS for Security Labels, see supplementary content APPENDIX-D.
Note: The following instructions use the PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-H for PGVER. To check if password encryption is enabled, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW password_encryption" If password_encryption is not "scram-sha-256", this is a finding. Next, to identify if any passwords have been stored without being hashed and salted, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -x -c "SELECT usename, passwd FROM pg_shadow WHERE passwd IS NULL AND passwd NOT LIKE 'SCRAM-SHA-256%';" If any password is in plaintext, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. To enable password_encryption, as the database administrator, edit postgresql.conf: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf password_encryption = 'scram-sha-256' Institute a policy of not using the "WITH UNENCRYPTED PASSWORD" option with the CREATE ROLE/USER and ALTER ROLE/USER commands. (This option overrides the setting of the password_encryption configuration parameter). As the system administrator, restart the server with the new configuration: # SYSTEMD SERVER ONLY $ sudo systemctl restart postgresql-${PGVER?}
To list all the permissions of individual roles, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "\du If any role has SUPERUSER that should not, this is a finding. Next, list all the permissions of databases and schemas by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "\l" $ psql -c "\dn+" If any database or schema has update ("W") or create ("C") privileges and should not, this is a finding.
Configure PostgreSQL to enforce access restrictions associated with changes to the configuration of PostgreSQL or database(s). Use ALTER ROLE to remove accesses from roles: $ psql -c "ALTER ROLE <role_name> NOSUPERUSER" Use REVOKE to remove privileges from databases and schemas: $ psql -c "REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON <table> FROM <role_name>"
First, as the database administrator, review the current log_line_prefix settings by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW log_line_prefix" If log_line_prefix does not contain at least '< %m %a %u %d %r %p >', this is a finding. Next, review the current shared_preload_libraries settings by running the following SQL: $ psql -c "SHOW shared_preload_libraries" If shared_preload_libraries does not contain "pgaudit", this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. Configure the database to supply additional auditing information to protect against a user falsely repudiating having performed organization-defined actions. Using "pgaudit", PostgreSQL can be configured to audit these requests. See supplementary content APPENDIX-B for documentation on installing pgaudit. To ensure logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging. Modify the configuration of audit logs to include details identifying the individual user: First, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), edit postgresql.conf: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf Extra parameters can be added to the setting log_line_prefix to identify the user: log_line_prefix = '< %m %a %u %d %r %p >' Now, as the system administrator, reload the server with the new configuration: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?} Use accounts assigned to individual users. Where the application connects to PostgreSQL using a standard, shared account, ensure it also captures the individual user identification and passes it to PostgreSQL.
Review system configuration. If no script/tool is monitoring the partition for the PostgreSQL log directories, this is a finding. If appropriate support staff are not notified immediately upon storage volume utilization reaching 75 percent, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. Configure the system to notify appropriate support staff immediately upon storage volume utilization reaching 75 percent. PostgreSQL does not monitor storage, however, it is possible to monitor storage with a script. ##### Example Monitoring Script #!/bin/bash PGDATA=/var/lib/psql/${PGVER?}/data CURRENT=$(df ${PGDATA?} | grep / | awk '{ print $5}' | sed 's/%//g') THRESHOLD=75 if [ "$CURRENT" -gt "$THRESHOLD" ] ; then mail -s 'Disk Space Alert' << EOF The data directory volume is almost full. Used: $CURRENT %EOF fi Schedule this script in cron to run around the clock.
First, as the database administrator, check if pgaudit is present in shared_preload_libraries: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW shared_preload_libraries" If pgaudit is not present in the result from the query, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA, PGLOG, and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA, APPENDIX-H for PGVER, and APPENDIX-I for PGLOG. To ensure logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging. For audit logging using pgaudit is recommended. For instructions on how to setup pgaudit, see supplementary content APPENDIX-B. As a superuser (postgres), any pgaudit parameter can be changed in postgresql.conf. Configurations can only be changed by a superuser. ### Example: Change Auditing To Log Any ROLE Statements Note: This will override any setting already configured. Alter the configuration to do role-based logging: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf Add the following parameters (or edit existing parameters): pgaudit.log = 'role' Now, as the system administrator, reload the server with the new configuration: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?} ### Example: Set An Auditing Role And Grant Privileges An audit role can be configured and granted privileges to specific tables and columns that need logging. ##### Create Test Table $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "CREATE TABLE public.stig_audit_example(id INT, name TEXT, password TEXT);" ##### Define Auditing Role As PostgreSQL superuser (such as postgres), add the following to postgresql.conf or any included configuration files. $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf Add the following parameters (or edit existing parameters): pgaudit.role = 'auditor' Now, as the system administrator, reload the server with the new configuration: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?} Next in PostgreSQL create a new role: postgres=# CREATE ROLE auditor; postgres=# GRANT select(password) ON public.stig_audit_example TO auditor; Note: This role is created with NOLOGIN privileges by default. Now any SELECT on the column password will be logged: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SELECT password FROM public.stig_audit_example;" $ cat ${PGDATA?}/${PGLOG?}/<latest_log> < 2016-01-28 16:46:09.038 UTC bob postgres: >LOG: AUDIT: OBJECT,6,1,READ,SELECT,TABLE,public.stig_audit_example,SELECT password FROM stig_audit_example;,<none> ## Change Configurations During A Specific Timeframe Deploy PostgreSQL that allows audit configuration changes to take effect within the timeframe required by the application owner and without involving actions or events that the application owner rules unacceptable. Crontab can be used to do this. For a specific audit role: # Grant specific audit privileges to an auditing role at 5 PM every day of the week, month, year at the 0 minute mark. 0 5 * * * postgres /usr/bin/psql -c "GRANT select(password) ON public.stig_audit_example TO auditor;" # Revoke specific audit privileges to an auditing role at 5 PM every day of the week, month, year at the 0 minute mark. 0 17 * * * postgres /usr/bin/psql -c "REVOKE select(password) ON public.stig_audit_example FROM auditor;"
Determine all situations where a user must re-authenticate. Check if the mechanisms that handle such situations use the following SQL: To make a single user re-authenticate, the following must be present: SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE user='<username>' To make all users re-authenticate, run the following: SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE user LIKE '%' If the provided SQL does not force re-authentication, this is a finding.
Modify and/or configure PostgreSQL and related applications and tools so that users are always required to reauthenticate when changing role or escalating privileges. To make a single user re-authenticate, the following must be present: SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE user='<username>' To make all users re-authenticate, the following must be present: SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE user LIKE '%'
First, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), verify the following settings: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "select name, case when setting = '' then '<undefined>' when substring(setting, 1, 1) = '/' then setting else (select setting from pg_settings where name = 'data_directory') || '/' || setting end as setting from pg_settings where name in ('ssl_ca_file', 'ssl_cert_file', 'ssl_crl_file', 'ssl_key_file');" If the directory in which these files are stored is not protected, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. Store all PostgreSQL PKI private keys in a FIPS 140-2 or 140-3 validated cryptographic module. Ensure access to PostgreSQL PKI private keys is restricted to only authenticated and authorized users. PostgreSQL private key(s) can be stored in $PGDATA directory, which is only accessible by the database owner (usually postgres, DBA) user. Do not allow access to this system account to unauthorized users. To put the keys in a different directory, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), set the following settings to a protected directory: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf ssl_ca_file = "/some/protected/directory/root.crt" ssl_crl_file = "/some/protected/directory/root.crl" ssl_cert_file = "/some/protected/directory/server.crt" ssl_key_file = "/some/protected/directory/server.key" Now, as the system administrator, restart the server with the new configuration: # SYSTEMD SERVER ONLY $ sudo systemctl restart postgresql-${PGVER?} For more information on configuring PostgreSQL to use SSL, see supplementary content APPENDIX-G.
As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), verify the following setting in postgresql.conf: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW ssl_ca_file" $ psql -c "SHOW ssl_cert_file" If the database is not configured to use only DOD-approved certificates, this is a finding.
Revoke trust in any certificates not issued by a DoD-approved certificate authority. Configure PostgreSQL to accept only DoD and DoD-approved PKI end-entity certificates. To configure PostgreSQL to accept approved CAs, see the official PostgreSQL documentation: For more information on configuring PostgreSQL to use SSL, see supplementary content APPENDIX-G.
As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), verify the current log_line_prefix setting: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW log_line_prefix" Verify that the current settings are appropriate for the organization. The following is what is possible for logged information: # %a = application name # %u = user name # %d = database name # %r = remote host and port # %h = remote host # %p = process ID # %t = timestamp without milliseconds # %m = timestamp with milliseconds # %i = command tag # %e = SQL state # %c = session ID # %l = session line number # %s = session start timestamp # %v = virtual transaction ID # %x = transaction ID (0 if none) # %q = stop here in non-session processes If the audit record does not log events required by the organization, this is a finding. Next, verify the current settings of log_connections and log_disconnections by running the following SQL: $ psql -c "SHOW log_connections" $ psql -c "SHOW log_disconnections" If either setting is off, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. To ensure that logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging. If logging is enabled the following configurations must be made to log connections, date/time, username and session identifier. First, edit the postgresql.conf file as a privileged user: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf Edit the following parameters based on the organization's needs (minimum requirements are as follows): log_connections = on log_disconnections = on log_line_prefix = '< %m %u %d %c: >' Now, as the system administrator, reload the server with the new configuration: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?}
To check if pgcrypto is installed on PostgreSQL, as a database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following command: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SELECT * FROM pg_available_extensions where name='pgcrypto'" If data in the database requires encryption and pgcrypto is not available, this is a finding. If a disk or filesystem requires encryption, ask the system owner, DBA, and SA to demonstrate the use of filesystem and/or disk-level encryption. If this is required and is not found, this is a finding.
Configure PostgreSQL, operating system/file system, and additional software as relevant, to provide the required level of cryptographic protection for information requiring cryptographic protection against disclosure. Secure the premises, equipment, and media to provide the required level of physical protection. The pgcrypto module provides cryptographic functions for PostgreSQL. See supplementary content APPENDIX-E for documentation on installing pgcrypto. With pgcrypto installed, it is possible to insert encrypted data into the database: INSERT INTO accounts(username, password) VALUES ('bob', crypt('mypass', gen_salt('bf', 4));
As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW tcp_keepalives_idle" $ psql -c "SHOW tcp_keepalives_interval" $ psql -c "SHOW tcp_keepalives_count" $ psql -c "SHOW statement_timeout" If these settings are not set to something other than zero, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), edit postgresql.conf: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi $PGDATA/postgresql.conf Set the following parameters to organizational requirements: statement_timeout = 10000 #milliseconds tcp_keepalives_idle = 10 # seconds tcp_keepalives_interval = 10 # seconds tcp_keepalives_count = 10 Now, as the system administrator, restart the server with the new configuration: $ sudo systemctl restart postgresql-${PGVER?}
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA, APPENDIX-H for PGVER, and APPENDIX-I for PGLOG. Only the database owner and superuser can alter configuration of PostgreSQL. Ensure the PGLOG directory is owned by postgres user and group: $ sudo su - postgres $ ls -la ${PGLOG?} If PGLOG is not owned by the database owner, this is a finding. Ensure the data directory is owned by postgres user and group. $ sudo su - postgres $ ls -la ${PGDATA?} If PGDATA is not owned by the database owner, this is a finding. Ensure pgaudit installation is owned by root: $ sudo su - postgres $ ls -la /usr/pgsql-${PGVER?}/share/contrib/pgaudit If pgaudit installation is not owned by root, this is a finding. Next, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following SQL to list all roles and their privileges: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -x -c "\du" If any role has "superuser" that should not, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA, APPENDIX-H for PGVER and APPENDIX-I for PGLOG. If PGLOG or PGDATA are not owned by postgres user and group, configure them as follows:Â $ sudo chown -R postgres:postgres ${PGDATA?} $ sudo chown -R postgres:postgres ${PGLOG?} If the pgaudit installation is not owned by root user and group, configure it as follows: $ sudo chown -R root:root /usr/pgsql-${PGVER?}/share/contrib/pgaudit To remove superuser from a role, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "ALTER ROLE <role-name> WITH NOSUPERUSER"
As the database administrator (usually postgres), run the following SQL:Â $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW log_line_prefix" If the query result does not contain "%m", this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. Logging must be enabled in order to capture timestamps. To ensure that logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging. If logging is enabled, the following configurations must be made to log events with timestamps: First, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), edit postgresql.conf: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf Add %m to log_line_prefix to enable timestamps with milliseconds: log_line_prefix = '< %m >' Now, as the system administrator, reload the server with the new configuration: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?}
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), verify the permissions of PGDATA: $ sudo su - postgres $ ls -la ${PGDATA?} If PGDATA is not owned by postgres:postgres or if files can be accessed by others, this is a finding. As the system administrator, verify the permissions of pgsql shared objects and compiled binaries: $ ls -la /usr/pgsql-${PGVER?}/bin $ ls -la /usr/pgsql-${PGVER?}/include $ ls -la /usr/pgsql-${PGVER?}/lib $ ls -la /usr/pgsql-${PGVER?}/share If any of these are not owned by root:root, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. As the system administrator, change the permissions of PGDATA: $ sudo chown -R postgres:postgres ${PGDATA?} $ sudo chmod 700 ${PGDATA?} As the system administrator, change the permissions of pgsql: $ sudo chown -R root:root /usr/pgsql-${PGVER?}
First, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), ensure PostgreSQL uses syslog by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW log_destination" If log_destination is not syslog, this is a finding. Next, as the database administrator, check which log facility is configured by running the following SQL: $ psql -c "SHOW syslog_facility" Check with the organization to see how syslog facilities are defined in their organization. If the wrong facility is configured, this is a finding. If PostgreSQL does not have a continuous network connection to the centralized log management system, and PostgreSQL audit records are not transferred to the centralized log management system weekly or more often, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. Configure PostgreSQL or deploy and configure software tools to transfer audit records to a centralized log management system, continuously and in near-real time where a continuous network connection to the log management system exists, or at least weekly in the absence of such a connection. To ensure logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging. With logging enabled, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), configure the following parameters in postgresql.conf (the example uses the default values - tailor for environment): Note: Consult the organization on how syslog facilities are defined in the syslog daemon configuration. $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf log_destination = 'syslog' syslog_facility = 'LOCAL0' syslog_ident = 'postgres' Now, as the system administrator, reload the server with the new configuration: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?}
To check if PostgreSQL is configured to use ssl, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW ssl" If this is not set to on, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. To configure PostgreSQL to use SSL, as a database owner (shown here as "postgres"), edit postgresql.conf: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf Add the following parameter: ssl = on Now, as the system administrator, reload the server with the new configuration: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?} For more information on configuring PostgreSQL to use SSL, see supplementary content APPENDIX-G. For further SSL configurations, see the official documentation:
Review PostgreSQL settings to determine whether organizational users are uniquely identified and authenticated when logging on/connecting to the system. To list all roles in the database, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), run the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "\du" If organizational users are not uniquely identified and authenticated, this is a finding. Next, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), verify the current pg_hba.conf authentication settings: $ sudo su - postgres $ cat ${PGDATA?}/pg_hba.conf If every role does not have unique authentication requirements, this is a finding. If accounts are determined to be shared, determine if individuals are first individually authenticated. If individuals are not individually authenticated before using the shared account, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA environment variable. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA. Configure PostgreSQL settings to uniquely identify and authenticate all organizational users who log on/connect to the system. To create roles, use the following SQL: CREATE ROLE <role_name> [OPTIONS] For more information on CREATE ROLE, see the official documentation: For each role created, the database administrator can specify database authentication by editing pg_hba.conf: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/pg_hba.conf An example pg_hba entry looks like this: # TYPE DATABASE USER ADDRESS METHOD host test_db bob scram-sha-256 For more information on pg_hba.conf, see the official documentation:
Review system documentation to obtain the organization's definition of circumstances requiring automatic session termination. If the documentation explicitly states that such termination is not required or is prohibited, this is not a finding. If the documentation requires automatic session termination, but PostgreSQL is not configured accordingly, this is a finding.
Configure PostgreSQL to automatically terminate a user session after organization-defined conditions or trigger events requiring session termination. Examples follow. ### Change a role to nologin and disconnect the user ALTER ROLE '<username>' NOLOGIN; SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE usename='<usename>'; ### Disconnecting users during a specific time range See supplementary content APPENDIX-A for a bash script for this example. The script found in APPENDIX-A using the -l command can disable all users with rolcanlogin=t from logging in. The script keeps track of who it disables in a .restore_login file. After the specified time is over, the same script can be run with the -r command to restore all login connections. This script would be added to a cron job: # lock at 5 am every day of the week, month, year at the 0 minute mark. 0 5 * * * postgres /var/lib/pgsql/ -d postgres -l # restore at 5 pm every day of the week, month, year at the 0 minute mark. 0 17 * * * postgres /var/lib/pgsql/ -d postgres -r
Review the system documentation to obtain the definition of the PostgreSQL functionality considered privileged in the context of the system in question. Review the PostgreSQL security configuration and/or other means used to protect privileged functionality from unauthorized use. If the configuration does not protect all of the actions defined as privileged, this is a finding. If PostgreSQL instance uses procedural languages, such as pl/Python or pl/R, without Authorizing Official (AO) authorization, this is a finding.
Configure PostgreSQL security to protect all privileged functionality. If pl/R and pl/Python are used, document their intended use, document users that have access to pl/R and pl/Python, as well as their business use case, such as data-analytics or data-mining. Because of the risks associated with using pl/R and pl/Python, their use must have AO risk acceptance. To remove unwanted extensions, use: DROP EXTENSION <extension_name> To remove unwanted privileges from a role, use the REVOKE command. See the PostgreSQL documentation for more details:
The Common Name (cn) attribute of the certificate will be compared to the requested database user name and, if they match, the login will be allowed. To check the cn of the certificate, using openssl, do the following: $ openssl x509 -noout -subject -in client_cert If the cn does not match the users listed in PostgreSQL and no user mapping is used, this is a finding. User name mapping can be used to allow cn to be different from the database user name. If User Name Maps are used, run the following as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), to get a list of maps used for authentication: $ sudo su - postgres $ grep "map" ${PGDATA?}/pg_hba.conf With the names of the maps used, check those maps against the user name mappings in pg_ident.conf: $ sudo su - postgres $ cat ${PGDATA?}/pg_ident.conf If user accounts are not being mapped to authenticated identities, this is a finding. If the cn and the username mapping do not match, this is a finding.
Configure PostgreSQL to map authenticated identities directly to PostgreSQL user accounts. For information on configuring PostgreSQL to use SSL, see supplementary content APPENDIX-G.
Review the procedures for the refreshing of development/test data from production. Review any scripts or code that exists for the movement of production data to development/test systems, or to any other location or for any other purpose. Verify that copies of production data are not left in unprotected locations. If the code that exists for data movement does not comply with the organization-defined data transfer policy and/or fails to remove any copies of production data from unprotected locations, this is a finding.
Modify any code used for moving data from production to development/test systems to comply with the organization-defined data transfer policy, and to ensure copies of production data are not left in unsecured locations.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA environment variable. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA. Review the permissions granted to users by the operating system/file system on the database files, database log files and database backup files. To verify that all files are owned by the database administrator and have the correct permissions, run the following as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"): $ sudo su - postgres $ ls -lR ${PGDATA?} If any files are not owned by the database administrator or allow anyone but the database administrator to read/write/execute, this is a finding. If any user/role that is not an authorized system administrator with a need-to-know or database administrator with a need-to-know, or a system account for running PostgreSQL processes, is permitted to read/view any of these files, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA environment variable. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA. Configure the permissions granted by the operating system/file system on the database files, database log files, and database backup files so that only relevant system accounts and authorized system administrators and database administrators with a need to know are permitted to read/view these files. Any files (for example: extra configuration files) created in ${PGDATA?} must be owned by the database administrator, with only owner permissions to read, write, and execute.
All configurations for auditing and logging can be found in the postgresql.conf configuration file. By default, this file is owned by the database administrator account. To check that the permissions of the postgresql.conf are owned by the database administrator with permissions of 0600, run the following as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"): $ sudo su - postgres $ ls -la ${PGDATA?} If postgresql.conf is not owned by the database administrator or does not have 0600 permissions, this is a finding. #### stderr Logging To check that logs are created with 0600 permissions, check the following setting: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW log_file_mode" If permissions are not 0600, this is a finding. #### syslog Logging If PostgreSQL is configured to use syslog, verify that the logs are owned by root and have 0600 permissions. If they are not, this is a finding.
Apply or modify access controls and permissions (both within PostgreSQL and in the file system/operating system) to tools used to view or modify audit log data. Tools must be configurable by authorized personnel only. $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf log_file_mode = 0600 Next, as the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), change the ownership and permissions of configuration files in PGDATA: $ sudo su - postgres $ chown postgres:postgres ${PGDATA?}/*.conf $ chmod 0600 ${PGDATA?}/*.conf
As the system administrator, run the following: $ openssl version If "fips" is not included in the OpenSSL version, this is a finding.
Install PostgreSQL with FIPS-compliant cryptography enabled on an OS found in the CMVP ( or by other means, ensure that FIPS 140-2 or 140-3 certified OpenSSL libraries are used by the DBMS. For more information on configuring PostgreSQL to use SSL, see supplementary content APPENDIX-G. FIPS documentation can be downloaded from
As the database administrator, verify pgaudit is enabled by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW shared_preload_libraries" If the output does not contain "pgaudit", this is a finding. Verify that role, read, write, and ddl auditing are enabled: $ psql -c "SHOW pgaudit.log" If the output does not contain role, read, write, and ddl, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. To ensure logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging. Using pgaudit PostgreSQL can be configured to audit these requests. See supplementary content APPENDIX-B for documentation on installing pgaudit. With pgaudit installed, the following configurations can be made: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf Add the following parameters (or edit existing parameters): pgaudit.log='ddl, role, read, write' Now, as the system administrator, reload the server with the new configuration: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?}
As the database administrator, verify pgaudit is enabled by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW shared_preload_libraries" If the output does not contain "pgaudit", this is a finding. Verify that role, read, write, and ddl auditing are enabled: $ psql -c "SHOW pgaudit.log" If the output does not contain role, read, write, and ddl, this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. To ensure logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging. If logging is enabled, the following configurations must be made to log unsuccessful connections, date/time, username, and session identifier. As the database administrator (shown here as "postgres"), edit postgresql.conf: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf Edit the following parameters: log_connections = on log_line_prefix = '< %m %u %c: >' pgaudit.log = 'read, write' Where: * %m is the time and date * %u is the username * %c is the session ID for the connection As the system administrator, reload the server with the new configuration: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?}
As the database administrator, verify pgaudit is enabled by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW shared_preload_libraries" If the output does not contain "pgaudit", this is a finding. Verify that connections and disconnections are being logged by running the following SQL: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "SHOW log_connections" $ psql -c "SHOW log_disconnections" If the output does not contain "on", this is a finding.
Note: The following instructions use the PGDATA and PGVER environment variables. See supplementary content APPENDIX-F for instructions on configuring PGDATA and APPENDIX-H for PGVER. To ensure logging is enabled, review supplementary content APPENDIX-C for instructions on enabling logging. Using pgaudit, PostgreSQL can be configured to audit these requests. See supplementary content APPENDIX-B for documentation on installing pgaudit. With pgaudit installed, the following configurations should be made: $ sudo su - postgres $ vi ${PGDATA?}/postgresql.conf Add the following parameters (or edit existing parameters): pgaudit.log='ddl, role, read, write' log_connections='on' log_disconnections='on' Now, as the system administrator, reload the server with the new configuration: $ sudo systemctl reload postgresql-${PGVER?}
If the deployment incorporates a custom build of the operating system and PostgreSQL guaranteeing the use of FIPS 140-2 or 140-3 compliant OpenSSL, this is not a finding. If PostgreSQL is not installed on an OS found in the CMVP (, this is a finding. If FIPS encryption is not enabled, this is a finding.
Install PostgreSQL with FIPS-compliant cryptography enabled on an OS found in the CMVP ( or by other means, ensure that FIPS 140-2 or 140-3 certified OpenSSL libraries are used by the DBMS.
If new packages are available for PostgreSQL, they can be reviewed in the package manager appropriate for the server operating system: To list the version of installed PostgreSQL using psql: $ sudo su - postgres $ psql --version To list the current version of software for RPM: $ rpm -qa | grep postgres To list the current version of software for APT: $ apt-cache policy postgres All versions of PostgreSQL will be listed here: All security-relevant software updates for PostgreSQL will be listed here: If PostgreSQL is not at the latest version, this is a finding.
Remove or decommission all unsupported software products. Upgrade unsupported DBMS or unsupported components to a supported version of the product.