Select any two versions of this STIG to compare the individual requirements
Select any old version/release of this STIG to view the previous requirements
If AAA Services do not connect to a directory services or other identity provider, but instead perform user and device account management as part of their functionality, this is not applicable. Review the AAA Services configuration when connecting to directory services or another identity provider. Verify the connection is configured to use secure protocols for transport between AAA Services and the directory services using mutual authentication. The use of LDAP over TLS (LDAPS) is the most common method to secure the directory services or user database traffic. Each protocol egressing the local enclave must be implemented in accordance with its PPSM CAL. If AAA Services do not use secure protocols when connecting to directory services, this is a finding. If the protocols are not implemented in accordance with the PPSM CAL, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to use secure protocols when connecting to directory services. The use of LDAP over TLS (LDAPS) is the most common method to secure the directory services or user database traffic. However, proprietary or other protocols may be used in some configurations. Each protocol egressing the local enclave must be implemented in accordance with its PPSM CAL.
Verify AAA Services are configured to use protocols that encrypt credentials when authenticating clients. Both the RADIUS and TACACS+ protocols are acceptable when configured to perform encryption. For any protocol implemented, the PPSM CAL and vulnerability assessments must be reviewed to ensure the protocols are properly configured. If AAA Services are not configured to use protocols that encrypt credentials when authenticating clients, as defined in the PPSM CAL and vulnerability assessments, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to use protocols that encrypt credentials when authenticating clients. Both the RADIUS and TACACS+ protocols are acceptable when configured to perform encryption. For any protocol implemented, the PPSM CAL and vulnerability assessments must be reviewed to ensure the protocols are properly configured.
If AAA Services rely on directory services for user account management, this is not applicable and the connected directory services must perform this function. Verify AAA Services are configured to provide automated account management functions. Automated functions include disabling accounts after specified periods of inactivity, locking accounts after a specified number of incorrect logon attempts, etc. Where possible, automated functions must be performed on users and devices globally rather than by each individual account. If AAA Services do not provide automated account management functions, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to provide automated account management functions. Automated functions include disabling accounts after specified periods of inactivity, locking accounts after a specified number of incorrect logon attempts, etc. Where possible, automated functions must be performed on users and devices globally rather than by each individual account.
If AAA Services do not provide authorizations based on external directory services, this is not applicable. Verify AAA Services are configured to automatically remove authorizations for temporary user accounts after 72 hours. If the AAA Services configuration does not automatically remove authorizations for temporary user accounts after 72 hours, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to automatically remove authorizations for temporary user accounts after 72 hours.
If AAA Services rely on directory services for user account management, this is not applicable and the connected directory services must perform this function. Verify AAA Services are configured to not automatically remove emergency accounts. Emergency accounts must not have automatic termination set. If AAA Services are configured to automatically remove emergency accounts, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to not automatically remove emergency accounts. Emergency accounts must not have automatic termination set.
If AAA Services rely on directory services for user account management, this is not applicable and the connected directory services must perform this function. Verify AAA Services are configured to not automatically disable emergency accounts. Emergency accounts must not have a maximum lifetime set. If AAA Services are configured to automatically disable emergency accounts, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to not automatically disable emergency accounts. Emergency accounts must not have a maximum lifetime set.
If AAA Services rely on directory services for user account management, this is not applicable and the connected directory services must perform this function. Verify AAA Services are configured to automatically disable accounts after a 35-day period of account inactivity. If the AAA Services configuration does not automatically disable accounts after a 35-day period of account inactivity, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to automatically disable accounts after a 35-day period of account inactivity.
If AAA Services rely on directory services for user account management, this is not applicable and the connected directory services must perform this function. Verify AAA Services are configured to automatically audit account creation. If AAA Services are not configured to automatically audit account creation, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to automatically audit account creation.
If AAA Services rely on directory services for user account management, this is not applicable and the connected directory services must perform this function. Verify AAA Services are configured to automatically audit account modification. If AAA Services are not configured to automatically audit account modification, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to automatically audit account modification.
If AAA Services rely on directory services for user account management, this is not applicable and the connected directory services must perform this function. Verify AAA Services are configured to automatically audit account disabling actions. If AAA Services are not configured to automatically audit account disabling actions, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to automatically audit account disabling actions.
If AAA Services rely on directory services for user account management, this is not applicable and the connected directory services must perform this function. Verify AAA Services are configured to automatically audit account removal actions. If AAA Services are not configured to automatically audit account removal actions, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to automatically audit account removal actions.
If AAA Services rely on directory services for user account management, this is not applicable and the connected directory services must perform this function. Verify AAA Services are configured to notify the system administrators and ISSO when accounts are created. If AAA Services are not configured to notify the system administrators and ISSO when accounts are created, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to notify the system administrators and ISSO when accounts are created.
If AAA Services rely on directory services for user account management, this is not applicable and the connected directory services must perform this function. Verify AAA Services are configured to notify the system administrators and ISSO when accounts are modified. If AAA Services are not configured to notify the system administrators and ISSO when accounts are modified, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to notify the system administrators and ISSO when accounts are modified.
If AAA Services rely on directory services for user account management, this is not applicable and the connected directory services must perform this function. Verify AAA Services are configured to notify the system administrators and ISSO for account disabling actions. If AAA Services are not configured to notify the system administrators and ISSO for account disabling actions, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to notify system administrators and ISSO for account disabling actions.
If AAA Services rely on directory services for user account management, this is not applicable and the connected directory services must perform this function. Verify AAA Services are configured to notify the system administrators and ISSO for account removal actions. If AAA Services are not configured to notify the system administrators and ISSO for account removal actions, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to notify system administrators and ISSO for account removal actions.
If AAA Services rely on directory services for user account management, this is not applicable and the connected directory services must perform this function. Verify AAA Services are configured to automatically audit account enabling actions. If AAA Services are not configured to automatically audit account enabling actions, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to automatically audit account enabling actions.
If AAA Services rely on directory services for user account management, this is not applicable and the connected directory services must perform this function. Verify AAA Services are configured to notify system administrator and ISSO of account enabling actions. If AAA Services are not configured to notify the system administrator and ISSO of account enabling actions, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to notify system administrator and ISSO of account enabling actions.
Verify AAA Services are configured to use RBAC policy for levels of access authorization. Confirm the RBAC groups have tiered privileges, and users are in the appropriate groups. In the following TACACS+ example the user (test-user) is a member of the group “test-group”. <CSUserver>$/opt/ciscosecure/CLI/ViewProfile -p 9900 -u user-test User Profile Information user = test-user{ profile_id = 66 profile_cycle = 1 member = test-group password = des "********" } Below is an example of CiscoSecure TACACS+ server defining the privilege level. user = test-user{ password = clear "xxxxx" service = shell { set priv-lvl = 7 } } If AAA Services are not configured to use RBAC policy for levels of access authorization, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to use RBAC policy for levels of access authorization. Configure AAA Services with standard accounts and assign them to privilege levels that meet their job description.
If AAA Services rely on directory services for user account management, this is not applicable and the connected directory services must perform this function. Verify AAA Services are configured to automatically lock user accounts after three consecutive invalid logon attempts within a 15-minute time period. If AAA Services are not configured to automatically lock user accounts after three consecutive invalid logon attempts within a 15-minute time period, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to automatically lock user accounts after three consecutive invalid logon attempts within a 15-minute time period.
If AAA Services rely on directory services for user account management, this is not applicable and the connected directory services must perform this function. Verify AAA Services are configured to maintain locks on user accounts until released by an administrator. If AAA Services are not configured to maintain locks on user accounts until released by an administrator, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to maintain locks on user accounts until released by an administrator.
Verify AAA Services configuration audit records identify what type of events occurred. If AAA Services configuration audit records do not identify what type of events occurred, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services audit records to identify what type of events occurred.
Verify AAA Services configuration audit records identify the date and time events occurred. If AAA Services configuration audit records do not identify when the events occurred, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services audit records to identify when the events occurred by specifying the date and time.
Verify AAA Services configuration audit records identify where the events occurred. If AAA Services configuration audit records do not identify where the events occurred, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services audit records to identify where the events occurred.
Verify AAA Services configuration audit records identify the source of the events. If AAA Services configuration audit records do not identify the source of the events, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services configuration audit records to identify the source of the events.
Verify AAA Services configuration audit records identify the outcome of the events. If AAA Services configuration audit records do not identify the outcome of the events, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services configuration audit records to identify the outcome of the events.
Verify AAA Services configuration audit records identify any individual user associated with the event. When a system process rather than an individual user causes the event, the process must be identified in the audit record. If AAA Services configuration audit records do not identify any individual user or process associated with the event, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services configuration audit records to identify any individual user associated with the event. When events are caused by a system process rather than an individual user, that process must be identified in the audit record.
Verify AAA Services are configured to send audit records to a centralized audit server. If AAA Services are not configured to send audit records to a centralized audit server, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to send audit records to a centralized audit server.
Verify AAA Services are configured to alert the SA and ISSO when any audit processing failure occurs. If AAA Services are not configured to alert the SA and ISSO when any audit processing failure occurs, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to alert the SA and ISSO when any audit processing failure occurs.
Verify AAA Services are configured to generate audit records overwriting the oldest audit records in a first-in-first-out manner. When failures are caused by the lack of audit record storage capacity, AAA Services must continue generating audit records. If AAA Services are not configured to generate audit records overwriting the oldest audit records in a first-in-first-out manner, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to generate audit records overwriting the oldest audit records in a first-in-first-out manner. Some specific implementations may further require automatically restarting the audit service to synchronize the local audit data with the collection server. The configuration must continue generating audit records, even when failures are caused by the lack of audit record storage capacity.
Verify AAA Services are configured to queue audit records locally when any audit processing failure occurs. The queuing must continue until communication is restored or until the audit records are retrieved manually. Some specific implementations may further require automatically restarting the audit service to synchronize the local audit data with the collection server. If AAA Services are not configured to queue audit records locally until communication is restored when any audit processing failure occurs, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to queue audit records locally until communication is restored when any audit processing failure occurs. Some specific implementations may further require automatically restarting the audit service to synchronize the local audit data with the collection server. In some cases, AAA Services may require the audit records to be retrieved manually in the event of audit failure.
Verify AAA Services are configured to use internal system clocks to generate time stamps for audit records. If AAA Services are not configured to use internal system clocks to generate time stamps for audit records, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to use internal system clocks to generate time stamps for audit records.
Verify AAA Services are configured with a minimum granularity of one second to record time stamps for audit records. If AAA Services are not configured with a minimum granularity of one second to record time stamps for audit records, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services with a minimum granularity of one second to record time stamps for audit records.
Verify AAA Services are configured to use or map to UTC to record time stamps for audit records. The audit records must either show UTC time or an offset to UTC time for each entry. If AAA Services are not configured to use or map to UTC to record time stamps for audit records, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to use or map to UTC to record time stamps for audit records.
Verify AAA Services are configured to use at least two NTP servers to synchronize time. Both a primary and backup NTP server must be identified in the configuration. AAA Services may leverage the capability of an operating system. If AAA Services are not configured to use at least two separate NTP servers, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to use two separate NTP servers. Both a primary and backup NTP server must be identified in the configuration.
Verify AAA Services are configured to authenticate all NTP messages received from NTP servers and peers. The NTP server or peer authentication must use a FIPS-approved message authentication code algorithm. FIPS-approved algorithms for authentication are the cipher-based message authentication code (CMAC) and the keyed-hash message authentication code (HMAC). AES and 3DES are NIST-approved CMAC algorithms. The following are NIST-approved HMAC algorithms: SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA-512/224, and SHA-512/256. AAA Services may leverage the capability of an operating system. If AAA Services are not configured to authenticate all NTP messages using a FIPS-approved message authentication code algorithm, this is a finding. If AAA Services are not capable of authenticating the NTP server or peer using a FIPS-approved message authentication code algorithm, but are configured to use an MD5 for NTP message authentication, this is downgraded to a CAT III.
Configure AAA Services to authenticate all received NTP messages using a FIPS-approved message authentication code algorithm. When AAA Services are not capable of using FIPS-approved message authentication code algorithms, configure AAA Services to use MD5 message authentication code algorithms.
Verify AAA Services are configured to use their loopback interface address as the source address when originating NTP traffic. When AAA Services are managed from an OOB management network, the OOB interface must be used instead of the loopback address for originating NTP traffic. If AAA Services are not configured to use the OOB interface when managed from an OOB management network, this is a finding. If AAA Services are not configured to use the loopback or OOB management interface as the source address when originating NTP traffic, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to use their loopback or OOB management interface address as the source address when originating NTP traffic.
Verify AAA Services are configured to audit each authentication and authorization transaction. If AAA Services are not configured to audit each authentication and authorization transaction, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to audit each authentication and authorization transaction.
Verify AAA Services are configured to uniquely identify and authenticate organizational users. For STIGs produced from this requirement, when AAA Services are used to authenticate processes acting on behalf of organizational users, they also must be uniquely identified and authenticated. If AAA Services are not configured to uniquely identify and authenticate organizational users, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to uniquely identify and authenticate organizational users.
Verify AAA Services are configured to require multifactor authentication using PIV credentials for authenticating privileged user accounts. Although the Common Access Card (CAC) is a PIV credential, it should not be used for privileged accounts, but rather only for non-privileged accounts. Administrative smart cards and tokens, separate from the CAC, are the preferred solution for privileged accounts. If AAA Services are not configured to require multifactor authentication using PIV credentials for authenticating privileged user accounts, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to require multifactor authentication using PIV credentials for authenticating privileged user accounts. Although the CAC is a PIV credential, it should not be used for privileged accounts, but rather only for non-privileged accounts.
Verify AAA Services are configured to require multifactor authentication using CAC PIV credentials for authenticating non-privileged user accounts. If AAA Services are not configured to require multifactor authentication using CAC PIV credentials for authenticating non-privileged user accounts, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to require multifactor authentication using CAC PIV credentials for authenticating non-privileged user accounts.
If AAA Services are not used for 802.1x endpoint identification and authentication, this is not applicable. Verify AAA Services are configured to uniquely identify supplicants before the authenticator establishes any connection. If AAA Services are not configured to uniquely identify supplicants before the authenticator establishes any connection, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services for 802.1x identification and authentication to uniquely identify supplicants before the authenticator establishes any connection.
If AAA Services are not used for 802.1x endpoint identification and authentication, this is not applicable. Verify AAA Services are configured to authenticate supplicants before the authenticator establishes any connection. If AAA Services are not configured to authenticate supplicants before the authenticator establishes any connection, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to authenticate supplicants before the authenticator establishes any connection.
Verify AAA Services used for 802.1x are configured to use secure EAP. Currently acceptable secure protocols are EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS, and PEAP. If AAA Services used for 802.1x are not configured to use secure EAP, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services used for 802.1x to use secure EAP, such as EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS, and PEAP.
If AAA Services rely on directory services for user account management, this is not applicable and the connected directory services must perform this function. Where passwords (to include randomly assigned passwords, shared secrets, and pre-shared keys) are used, verify AAA Services are configured to enforce a minimum 15-character password length. This requirement may be verified by demonstration or configuration review. If AAA Services are not configured to enforce a minimum 15-character password length, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to enforce a minimum 15-character password length. This includes randomly assigned passwords, shared secrets, and pre-shared keys.
If AAA Services rely on directory services for user account management, this is not applicable and the connected directory services must perform this function. Where passwords (to include randomly assigned passwords, shared secrets, and pre-shared keys) are used, verify AAA Services are configured to enforce password complexity by requiring that at least one upper-case character be used. This requirement may be verified by demonstration or configuration review. If AAA Services are not configured to require that at least one upper-case character be used, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to enforce password complexity by requiring that at least one upper-case character be used. This includes randomly assigned passwords, shared secrets, and pre-shared keys.
If AAA Services rely on directory services for user account management, this is not applicable and the connected directory services must perform this function. Where passwords (to include randomly assigned passwords, shared secrets, and pre-shared keys) are used, verify AAA Services are configured to enforce password complexity by requiring that at least one lower-case character be used. This requirement may be verified by demonstration or configuration review. If AAA Services are not configured to require that at least one lower-case character be used, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to enforce password complexity by requiring that at least one lower-case character be used. This includes randomly assigned passwords, shared secrets, and pre-shared keys.
If AAA Services rely on directory services for user account management, this is not applicable and the connected directory services must perform this function. Where passwords (to include randomly assigned passwords, shared secrets, and pre-shared keys) are used, verify AAA Services are configured to enforce password complexity by requiring that at least one numeric character be used. This requirement may be verified by demonstration or configuration review. If AAA Services are not configured to require that at least one numeric character be used, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to enforce password complexity by requiring that at least one numeric character be used. This includes randomly assigned passwords, shared secrets, and pre-shared keys.
If AAA Services rely on directory services for user account management, this is not applicable and the connected directory services must perform this function. Where passwords (to include randomly assigned passwords, shared secrets, and pre-shared keys) are used, verify AAA Services are configured to enforce password complexity by requiring that at least one special character be used. This requirement may be verified by demonstration or configuration review. If AAA Services are not configured to require that at least one special character be used, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to enforce password complexity by requiring that at least one special character be used. This includes randomly assigned passwords, shared secrets, and pre-shared keys.
If AAA Services rely on directory services for user account management, this is not applicable and the connected directory services must perform this function. Where passwords are used, verify AAA Services are configured to require the change of at least eight of the total number of characters when passwords are changed. This requirement may be verified by demonstration or configuration review. If AAA Services are not configured to require the change of at least eight of the total number of characters when passwords are changed, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to require the change of at least eight of the total number of characters when passwords are changed. Note: The best practice would be to require that all characters must be changed with each password change, especially for privileged accounts.
Where passwords are used, verify AAA Services are configured to encrypt transmitted credentials using a FIPS-validated cryptographic module. AAA Services may leverage the capability of an operating system or purpose-built module for this purpose. If AAA Services are not configured to encrypt transmitted credentials using a FIPS-validated cryptographic module, this is a finding. Note: FIPS-validated cryptographic modules are listed on the NIST Cryptographic Module Validation Program's (CMVP) validation list.
Configure AAA Services to encrypt transmitted credentials using a FIPS-validated cryptographic module.
If AAA Services rely on directory services for user account management, this is not applicable and the connected directory services must perform this function. This requirement is not applicable to service account passwords (e.g. shared secrets, pre-shared keys) or the account of last resort. Where passwords are used, such as temporary or emergency accounts, verify AAA Services are configured to enforce 24 hours as the minimum password lifetime. When the AAA Services configuration setting is for "1 day", it is required that the length be 24 hours. If AAA Services are not configured to enforce 24 hours as the minimum password lifetime, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to enforce 24 hours as the minimum password lifetime. When the AAA Services configuration setting is for "1 day", it is required that the length be 24 hours. This requirement is not applicable to service account passwords (e.g. shared secrets, pre-shared keys) or the account of last resort.
If AAA Services rely on directory services for user account management, this is not applicable and the connected directory services must perform this function. This requirement is not applicable to service account passwords (e.g. shared secrets, pre-shared keys) or the account of last resort. Where passwords are used, such as temporary or emergency accounts, verify AAA Services are configured to enforce a 60-day maximum password lifetime restriction. Additionally, AAA Services must force password change upon the first logon after the expiration of the 60 days. If AAA Services are not configured to enforce a 60-day maximum password lifetime restriction, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to enforce a 60-day maximum password lifetime restriction. Additionally, configure AAA Services to force password change upon the first logon after the expiration of the 60 days. This requirement is not applicable to service account passwords (e.g. shared secrets, pre-shared keys) or the account of last resort.
If AAA Services rely on directory services for user account management, this is not applicable and the connected directory services must perform this function. This requirement is not applicable to service account passwords (e.g. shared secrets, pre-shared keys) or the account of last resort. Where passwords are used, such as temporary or emergency accounts, verify AAA Services are configured to prohibit password reuse for a minimum of five generations. This requirement may be verified by demonstration or configuration review. If AAA Services are not configured to prohibit password reuse for a minimum of five generations, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to prohibit password reuse for a minimum of five generations. This requirement is not applicable to service account passwords (e.g. shared secrets, pre-shared keys) or the account of last resort.
If AAA Services rely on directory services for user account management, this is not applicable and the connected directory services must perform this function. This requirement is not applicable to service account passwords (e.g. shared secrets, pre-shared keys) or the account of last resort. Where passwords are used, such as temporary or emergency accounts, verify AAA Services are configured to allow the use of a temporary password at initial logon with an immediate change to a permanent password. This requirement may be verified by demonstration or configuration review. If AAA Services are not configured to allow the use of a temporary password at initial logon with an immediate change to a permanent password, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to allow the use of a temporary password at initial logon with an immediate change to a permanent password. This requirement is not applicable to service account passwords (e.g. shared secrets, pre-shared keys) or the account of last resort.
Verify AAA Services are configured to only accept certificates issued by a DoD-approved Certificate Authority for PKI-based authentication. If AAA Services are not configured to only accept certificates issued by a DoD-approved Certificate Authority, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to only accept certificates issued by a DoD-approved Certificate Authority for PKI-based authentication.
Verify AAA Services are configured to reflect certificates that have been revoked for PKI-based authentication. If AAA Services are not configured to reject certificates that have been revoked, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to not accept certificates that have been revoked for PKI-based authentication.
Verify AAA Services are configured to enforce authorized access to the corresponding private key for PKI-based authentication. If AAA Services are not configured to enforce authorized access to the corresponding private key, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to enforce authorized access to the corresponding private key for PKI-based authentication.
If AAA Services rely on directory services for user account management, this is not applicable and the connected directory services must perform this function. Verify AAA Services are configured to map the authenticated identity to the user account for PKI-based authentication. If AAA Services are not configured to map the authenticated identity to the user account, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to map the authenticated identity to the user account for PKI-based authentication.
Verify AAA Services are configured to protect the confidentiality and integrity of all information at rest. AAA Services may leverage the capability of an operating system or purpose-built module for this purpose. Potential locations include the local file system where configurations and events are stored or in a related database table. If AAA Services are not configured to protect the confidentiality and integrity of all information at rest, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to protect the confidentiality and integrity of all information at rest. AAA Services may leverage the capability of an operating system or require the use of a purpose-built module for this purpose. Potential locations include the local file system where configurations and events are stored or in a related database table.
If AAA Services rely on directory services for user account management, this is not applicable and the connected directory services must perform this function. Verify AAA Services are not configured with shared accounts. Identify group profile definitions that do not meet the accounts user-id naming convention. Below is a super-user example of how an SA profile may be associated. Group Profile Information group = super-user{ profile_id = 40 profile_cycle = 1 service=shell { default cmd=permit cmd=debug { deny all permit .* } } } Below is an example of the user definition that should be assigned with a valid ID (not rtr-geek). Look for group accounts here: user = rtr-geek{ profile_id = 45 profile_cycle = 1 member = rtr_super password = des "********" } If AAA Services are configured with shared accounts (group profiles), this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services with no shared accounts. Remove all group profiles.
If AAA Services are not used for authentication of privileged users to AAA Services, this is not applicable. Verify AAA Services are configured to connect to the management network. Confirm AAA Services are not dual-homed by physically inspecting the physical LAN connection. If AAA Services are configured to connect to a non-management network, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services used to authenticate privileged users for device management to connect to the management network.
If AAA Services are not used for 802.1x authentication or to authenticate privileged users for device management, this is not applicable. Verify AAA Services are configured to use a unique shared secret with clients requesting authentication services. The shared secret is to be the same for communication between AAA Services and the client devices. All shared secrets must meet password complexity requirements. If AAA Services are not configured to use a unique shared secret for communication with clients requesting authentication services, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to use a unique shared secret for communication (i.e. RADIUS, TACACS+) with all clients requesting authentication services.
If AAA Services are not used for 802.1x authentication or to authenticate privileged users for device management, this is not applicable. Verify AAA Services are configured to use IP segments separate from production VLAN IP segments. If AAA Services are not configured to use IP segments separate from production VLAN IP segments, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to use IP segments separate from production VLAN IP segments.
If AAA Services are not used for 802.1x authentication or to authenticate privileged users for device management, this is not applicable. Verify AAA Services are configured to place non-authenticated network access requests in the Unauthorized VLAN or the Guest VLAN with limited access. If the SA has created a dynamic Unauthorized VLAN, definitions should not have an IP pool assignment. Ensure the Unauthorized VLAN is configured without IP or a Guest VLAN is defined with limited access. If AAA Services are not configured to place non-authenticated network access requests in the Unauthorized VLAN or the Guest VLAN with limited access, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to place non-authenticated network access requests in the Unauthorized VLAN without access to production data. Implement a NAC solution where the device remains without IP assignment if authentication fails or create a dynamic Unauthorized VLAN/Guest VLAN with limited access in AAA server. If a Guest VLAN is built, it should not have access to production data.
Determine if AAA Services are configured to disable non-essential modules. If AAA Services are not configured to disable non-essential modules, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to disable non-essential modules.
Review the AAA Services configuration to ascertain if it prohibits or restricts the use of organization-defined functions, ports, protocols, and/or services. Further determine if the use is as defined in the PPSM CAL and vulnerability assessments. If AAA Services are not configured in accordance with the PPSM CAL and vulnerability assessments, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to prohibit or restrict the use of organization-defined functions, ports, protocols, and/or services, as defined in the PPSM CAL and vulnerability assessments.
Determine if AAA Services are configured in accordance with the security configuration settings based on DoD security configuration or implementation guidance, including STIGs, NSA configuration guides, CTOs, and DTMs. If AAA Services are not configured in accordance with the designated security configuration settings, this is a finding.
Configure the network device to be configured in accordance with the security configuration settings based on DoD security configuration or implementation guidance, including STIGs, NSA configuration guides, CTOs, and DTMs.
If AAA Services rely on directory services for user account management, this is not applicable and the connected directory services must perform this function. Verify AAA Services are configured to automatically remove temporary user accounts after 72 hours. If the AAA Services configuration does not automatically remove temporary user accounts after 72 hours, this is a finding.
Configure AAA Services to automatically remove temporary user accounts after 72 hours.
Where passwords are used, verify AAA Services are configured to encrypt locally stored credentials using a FIPS-validated cryptographic module. AAA Services may leverage the capability of an operating system or purpose-built module for this purpose. Confirm that databases, configuration files, and log files have encrypted representations for all passwords, and that no password strings are readable/discernable. Potential locations include the local file system where configurations and events are stored, or in a related database table. Review AAA Services configuration for use of the MD5 algorithm to create password hashes. If AAA Services are not configured to encrypt locally stored credentials using a FIPS-validated cryptographic module, this is a finding. If AAA Services are configured to use MD5 to create password hashes, this is a finding. Note: FIPS-validated cryptographic modules are listed on the NIST Cryptographic Module Validation Program's (CMVP) validation list.
Configure AAA Services to encrypt locally stored credentials using a FIPS-validated cryptographic module. Configure all associated databases, configuration files, and audit files to use only encrypted representations for all passwords and so that no password strings are readable/discernable.