Select any two versions of this STIG to compare the individual requirements
Select any old version/release of this STIG to view the previous requirements
In a command line, run "httpd -M | grep -i session_module" and "httpd -M | grep -i usertrack_module". If "session_module" module and "usertrack_module" are not enabled or do not exist, this is a finding.
If the modules are not installed, install any missing packages. Add the following lines to the "httpd.conf" file: LoadModule usertrack_module modules/ LoadModule session_module modules/ Additional documentation can be found at: Restart Apache: apachectl restart
Verify the "ssl module" module is loaded # httpd -M | grep -i ssl_module Output: ssl_module (shared) If the "ssl_module" is not enabled, this is a finding. Determine the location of the ssl.conf file: # find / -name ssl.conf Output: /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf Search the ssl.conf file for the SSLProtocol # cat /<path_to_file>/ssl.conf | grep -i "SSLProtocol" Output: SSLProtocol -ALL +TLSv1.2 If the "SSLProtocol" directive is missing or does not look like the following, this is a finding: SSLProtocol -ALL +TLSv1.2 If the TLS version is not TLS 1.2 or higher, according to NIST SP 800-52 Rev 2, or if non-FIPS-approved algorithms are enabled, this is a finding. Note: In some cases, web servers are configured in an environment to support load balancing. This configuration most likely uses a content switch to control traffic to the various web servers. In this situation, the TLS certificate for the websites may be installed on the content switch versus the individual websites. This solution is acceptable as long as the web servers are isolated from the general population LAN. Users should not have the ability to bypass the content switch to access the websites.
Determine the location of the ssl.conf file: # find / -name ssl.conf Output: /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf Ensure the "SSLProtocol" is added to ssl.conf and looks like the following: SSLProtocol -ALL +TLSv1.2 Restart Apache: apachectl restart
In a command line, run "httpd -M | grep -i log_config_module". If the "log_config_module" is not enabled, this is a finding. Determine the location of the "HTTPD_ROOT" directory and the "httpd.conf" file: # apachectl -V | egrep -i 'httpd_root|server_config_file' -D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/httpd" -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf" Note: The apachectl front end is the preferred method for locating the Apache httpd file. For some Linux distributions "apache2ctl -V" or "httpd -V" can also be used. Search for the directive "LogFormat" in the httpd.conf file: # cat /<path_to_file>/httpd.conf | grep -i "LogFormat" If the "LogFormat" directive is missing or does not look like the following, this is a finding: LogFormat "%a %A %h %H %l %m %s %t %u %U \"%{Referer}i\" " common
Determine the location of the "HTTPD_ROOT" directory and the "httpd.conf" file: # apachectl -V | egrep -i 'httpd_root|server_config_file' -D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/httpd" -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf" Uncomment the "log_config_module" module line. Configure the "LogFormat" in the "httpd.conf" file to look like the following: LogFormat "%a %A %h %H %l %m %s %t %u %U \"%{Referer}i\" " common Restart Apache: apachectl restart Note: The log format may be using different variables based on the environment; however, it should be verified to ensure it is producing the same end result of logged elements.
Interview the System Administrator (SA) about the role of the Apache web server. If the web server is hosting an application, have the SA provide supporting documentation on how the application's user management is accomplished outside of the web server. If the web server is not hosting an application, this is Not Applicable. If the web server is performing user management for hosted applications, this is a finding. If the web server is hosting an application and the SA cannot provide supporting documentation on how the application's user management is accomplished outside of the Apache web server, this is a finding.
Reconfigure any hosted applications on the Apache web server to perform user management outside the web server. Document how the hosted application user management is accomplished.
In a command line, run "httpd -M | grep -i ssl_module". If the "ssl_module" is not enabled, this is a finding. Determine the location of the "HTTPD_ROOT" directory and the "httpd.conf" file: # apachectl -V | egrep -i 'httpd_root|server_config_file' -D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/httpd" -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf" Note: The apachectl front end is the preferred method for locating the Apache httpd file. For some Linux distributions "apache2ctl -V" or "httpd -V" can also be used. If "Action" or "AddHandler" exist and they configure .exe, .dll, .com, .bat, or .csh, or any other shell as a viewer for documents, this is a finding. If this is not documented and approved by the Information System Security Officer (ISSO), this is a finding.
Determine the location of the "HTTPD_ROOT" directory and the "httpd.conf" file: # apachectl -V | egrep -i 'httpd_root|server_config_file' -D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/httpd" -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf" Disable MIME types for .exe, .dll, .com, .bat, and .csh programs. If "Action" or "AddHandler" exist and they configure any of the following (.exe, .dll, .com, .bat, or .csh), remove those references. Restart Apache: apachectl restart Ensure this process is documented and approved by the ISSO.
Determine the location of the "HTTPD_ROOT" directory and the "httpd.conf" file: # apachectl -V | egrep -i 'httpd_root|server_config_file' -D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/httpd" -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf" Note: The apachectl front end is the preferred method for locating the Apache httpd file. For some Linux distributions "apache2ctl -V" or "httpd -V" can also be used. Review "Script", "ScriptAlias" or "ScriptAliasMatch", or "ScriptInterpreterSource" directives. Go into each directory and locate "cgi-bin" files. If any scripts are present that are not needed for application operation, this is a finding. If this is not documented and approved by the Information System Security Officer (ISSO), this is a finding.
Determine the location of the "HTTPD_ROOT" directory and the "httpd.conf" file: # apachectl -V | egrep -i 'httpd_root|server_config_file' -D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/httpd" -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf" Remove any scripts in "cgi-bin" directory if they are not needed for application operation. Ensure this process is documented and approved by the ISSO.
Determine the location of the "HTTPD_ROOT" directory and the "httpd.conf" file: # apachectl -V | egrep -i 'httpd_root|server_config_file' -D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/httpd" -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf" Note: The apachectl front end is the preferred method for locating the Apache httpd file. For some Linux distributions "apache2ctl -V" or "httpd -V" can also be used. If "Action" or "AddHandler" exist and they configure .exe, .dll, .com, .bat, or .csh, or any other shell as a viewer for documents, this is a finding. If this is not documented and approved by the Information System Security Officer (ISSO), this is a finding.
Determine the location of the "HTTPD_ROOT" directory and the "httpd.conf" file: # apachectl -V | egrep -i 'httpd_root|server_config_file' -D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/httpd" -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf" Disable MIME types for .exe, .dll, .com, .bat, and .csh programs. If "Action" or "AddHandler" exist and they configure .exe, .dll, .com, .bat, or .csh, remove those references. Restart Apache: apachectl restart Ensure this process is documented and approved by the ISSO.
Determine the location of the "HTTPD_ROOT" directory and the "httpd.conf" file: # apachectl -V | egrep -i 'httpd_root|server_config_file' -D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/httpd" -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf" Note: The apachectl front end is the preferred method for locating the Apache httpd file. For some Linux distributions "apache2ctl -V" or "httpd -V" can also be used. Verify there is a single "Require" directive with the value of "all denied". Verify there are no "Allow" or "Deny" directives in the root <Directory> element. The following may be useful in extracting root directory elements from the Apache configuration for auditing: # perl -ne 'print if /^ *<Directory *\//i .. /<\/Directory/i' $APACHE_PREFIX/conf/httpd.conf If there are "Allow" or "Deny" directives in the root <Directory> element, this is a finding.
Determine the location of the "HTTPD_ROOT" directory and the "httpd.conf" file: # apachectl -V | egrep -i 'httpd_root|server_config_file' -D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/httpd" -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf" Set the root directory directive as follows: <Directory> ... Require all denied ... </Directory> Remove any "Deny" and "Allow" directives from the root <Directory> element. Restart Apache: apachectl restart
Determine the location of the "HTTPD_ROOT" directory and the "httpd.conf" file: # apachectl -V | egrep -i 'httpd_root|server_config_file' -D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/httpd" -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf" Note: The apachectl front end is the preferred method for locating the Apache httpd file. For some Linux distributions "apache2ctl -V" or "httpd -V" can also be used. Verify that for each "VirtualHost" directive, there is an IP address and port. If there is not, this is a finding.
Determine the location of the "HTTPD_ROOT" directory and the "httpd.conf" file: # apachectl -V | egrep -i 'httpd_root|server_config_file' -D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/httpd" -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf" Set each "VirtualHost" directive to listen to on a specific IP address and port.
Review the Apache server documentation and deployed configuration to determine whether the application server provides PKI functionality that validates certification paths in accordance with RFC 5280. If PKI is not being used, this is NA. If the Apache server is using PKI, but it does not perform this requirement, this is a finding.
Configure the Apache server to validate certificates in accordance with RFC 5280.
Verify the "ssl module" module is loaded # httpd -M | grep -i ssl_module Output: ssl_module (shared) If the "ssl_module" is not enabled, this is a finding. Determine the location of the ssl.conf file: # find / -name ssl.conf Output: /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf Search the ssl.conf file for the SSLCertificateKeyFile location. # cat <path to file>/ssl.conf | grep -i SSLCertificateKeyFile Output: SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key Identify the correct permission set and owner/group of the certificate key file. # ls -laH /etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key Output: -rw-------. 1 root root 1675 Sep 10 2020 /etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key The permission set must be 600 or more restrictive and the owner/group of the key file must be accessible to only authenticated system administrator and the designated PKI Sponsor. If the correct permissions are not set or if the private key is accessible by unauthenticated or unauthorized users, this is a finding.
Determine the location of the ssl.conf file: # find / -name ssl.conf Output: /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf Search the ssl.conf file for the SSLCertificateKeyFile location. # cat <path to file>/ssl.conf | grep -i SSLCertificateKeyFile Output: SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key Based on the " SSLCertificateKeyFile" directive path, configure the Apache web server to ensure only authenticated and authorized users can access the web server's private key. Permissions must be 600 or more restrictive.
Determine the location of the "HTTPD_ROOT" directory and the "httpd.conf" file: # apachectl -V | egrep -i 'httpd_root|server_config_file' -D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/httpd" -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf" Note: The apachectl front end is the preferred method for locating the Apache httpd file. For some Linux distributions "apache2ctl -V" or "httpd -V" can also be used. Search for the "Header" directive: # cat /<path_to_file>/httpd.conf | grep -i "Header" If "HttpOnly" "secure" is not configured, this is a finding. "Header always edit Set-Cookie ^(.*)$ $1;HttpOnly;secure" Review the code. If, when creating cookies, the following is not occurring, this is a finding: function setCookie() { document.cookie = "ALEPH_SESSION_ID = $SESS; path = /; secure"; }
Determine the location of the "HTTPD_ROOT" directory and the "httpd.conf" file: # apachectl -V | egrep -i 'httpd_root|server_config_file' -D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/httpd" -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf" Add or configure the following line: "Header always edit Set-Cookie ^(.*)$ $1;HttpOnly;secure" Add the "secure" attribute to the JavaScript set cookie in any application code: function setCookie() { document.cookie = "ALEPH_SESSION_ID = $SESS; path = /; secure"; } HttpOnly cannot be used since by definition this is a cookie set by JavaScript. Restart www_server and Apache.
Interview the System Administrator for the Apache web server. Ask for documentation on the disaster recovery methods tested and planned for the Apache web server in the event of the necessity for rollback. If documentation for a disaster recovery has not been established, this is a finding.
Prepare documentation for disaster recovery methods for the Apache web server in the event of the necessity for rollback. Document and test the disaster recovery methods designed.
Run the following command: grep "DocumentRoot"<'INSTALL PATH'>/conf/httpd.conf Note each location following the "DocumentRoot" string. This is the configured path to the document root directory(s). Use the command df -k to view each document root's partition setup. Compare that against the results for the operating system file systems and against the partition for the web server system files, which is the result of the command: df -k <'INSTALL PATH'>/bin If the document root path is on the same partition as the web server system files or the operating system file systems, this is a finding.
Move the web document (normally "htdocs") directory to a separate partition other than the operating system root partition and the web server’s system files.
Determine the location of the "HTTPD_ROOT" directory and the "httpd.conf" file: # apachectl -V | egrep -i 'httpd_root|server_config_file' -D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/httpd" -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf" Note: The apachectl front end is the preferred method for locating the Apache httpd file. For some Linux distributions "apache2ctl -V" or "httpd -V" can also be used. Verify that the "Timeout" directive is specified to have a value of "10" seconds or less. # cat /<path_to_file>/httpd.conf | grep -i "Timeout" If the "Timeout" directive is not configured or is set for more than "10" seconds, this is a finding.
Determine the location of the "HTTPD_ROOT" directory and the "httpd.conf" file: # apachectl -V | egrep -i 'httpd_root|server_config_file' -D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/httpd" -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf" Add or modify the "Timeout" directive in the Apache configuration to have a value of "10" seconds or less. "Timeout 10"
View the "DocumentRoot" value by entering the following command: awk '{print $1,$2,$3}' <'INSTALL PATH'>/conf/httpd.conf|grep -i DocumentRoot|grep -v '^#' Note each location following the "DocumentRoot" string. This is the configured path(s) to the document root directory(s). To view a list of the directories and subdirectories and the file "index.html", from each stated "DocumentRoot" location enter the following commands: find . -type d find . -type f -name index.html Review the results for each document root directory and its subdirectories. If a directory does not contain an "index.html" or equivalent default document, this is a finding.
Determine the location of the "HTTPD_ROOT" directory and the "httpd.conf" file: # apachectl -V | egrep -i 'httpd_root|server_config_file' -D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/httpd" -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf" Add a default document to the applicable directories.
In a command line, run "httpd -M | grep -i ssl_module". If the "ssl_module" is not enabled, this is a finding. Determine the location of the "HTTPD_ROOT" directory and the "httpd.conf" file: # apachectl -V | egrep -i 'httpd_root|server_config_file' -D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/httpd" -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf" Note: The apachectl front end is the preferred method for locating the Apache httpd file. For some Linux distributions "apache2ctl -V" or "httpd -V" can also be used. If the "ErrorDocument" directive is not being used, this is a finding.
Determine the location of the "HTTPD_ROOT" directory and the "httpd.conf" file: # apachectl -V | egrep -i 'httpd_root|server_config_file' -D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/httpd" -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf" Use the "ErrorDocument" directive to enable custom error pages. ErrorDocument 500 "Sorry, our script crashed. Oh dear" ErrorDocument 500 /cgi-bin/crash-recover ErrorDocument 500 ErrorDocument 404 /errors/not_found.html ErrorDocument 401 /subscription/how_to_subscribe.html The syntax of the ErrorDocument directive is: ErrorDocument <3-digit-code> <action> Additional Information:
Determine the location of the "HTTPD_ROOT" directory and the "httpd.conf" file: # apachectl -V | egrep -i 'httpd_root|server_config_file' -D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/httpd" -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf" Note: The apachectl front end is the preferred method for locating the Apache httpd file. For some Linux distributions "apache2ctl -V" or "httpd -V" can also be used. For any enabled "TraceEnable" directives, verify they are part of the server-level configuration (i.e., not nested in a "Directory" or "Location" directive). Also verify that the "TraceEnable" directive is set to "Off". If the "TraceEnable" directive is not part of the server-level configuration and/or is not set to "Off", this is a finding. If the directive does not exist in the "conf" file, this is a finding because the default value is "On".
Determine the location of the "HTTPD_ROOT" directory and the "httpd.conf" file: # apachectl -V | egrep -i 'httpd_root|server_config_file' -D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/httpd" -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf" Add or set the value of "TraceEnable" to "Off".
Determine the location of the "HTTPD_ROOT" directory and the "httpd.conf" file: # apachectl -V | egrep -i 'httpd_root|server_config_file' -D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/httpd" -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf" Note: The apachectl front end is the preferred method for locating the Apache httpd file. For some Linux distributions "apache2ctl -V" or "httpd -V" can also be used. Verify the "SessionMaxAge" directive exists and is set to "600". If the "SessionMaxAge" directive does not exist or is commented out, this is a finding. If the "SessionMaxAge" directive exists but is not set to "600", this is a finding.
Determine the location of the "HTTPD_ROOT" directory and the "httpd.conf" file: # apachectl -V | egrep -i 'httpd_root|server_config_file' -D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/httpd" -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf" Add or set the "SessionMaxAge" directive to "600".
In a command line, run "httpd -M | grep -i Reqtimeout_module". If the "Reqtimeout_module" is not enabled, this is a finding.
Determine the location of the "HTTPD_ROOT" directory and the "httpd.conf" file: # apachectl -V | egrep -i 'httpd_root|server_config_file' -D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/httpd" -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf" Load the "Reqtimeout_module". Set the "RequestReadTimeout" directive.
If external controls such as host-based firewalls are used to restrict this access, this check is Not Applicable. Determine the location of the "HTTPD_ROOT" directory and the "httpd.conf" file: # apachectl -V | egrep -i 'httpd_root|server_config_file' -D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/httpd" -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf" Note: The apachectl front end is the preferred method for locating the Apache httpd file. For some Linux distributions "apache2ctl -V" or "httpd -V" can also be used. Search for the "RequireAll" directive: # cat /<path_to_file>/httpd.conf | grep -i "RequireAll" If "RequireAll" is not configured or IP ranges configured to allow are not restrictive enough to prevent connections from nonsecure zones, this is a finding.
Configure the "http.conf" file to include restrictions. Example: <RequireAll> Require not ip 192.168.205 Require not host </RequireAll>
Determine which tool or control file is used to control the configuration of the web server. If the control of the web server is done via control files, verify who has update access to them. If tools are being used to configure the web server, determine who has access to execute the tools. If accounts other than the System Administrator, Web Manager, or the Web Manager designees have access to the web administration tool or control files, this is a finding.
Restrict access to the web administration tool to only the System Administrator, Web Manager, or the Web Manager designees.
Obtain a list of the user accounts for the system, noting the privileges for each account. Verify with the system administrator (SA) or the information system security officer (ISSO) that all privileged accounts are mission essential and documented. Verify with the SA or the ISSO that all nonadministrator access to shell scripts and operating system functions are mission essential and documented. If undocumented privileged accounts are found, this is a finding. If undocumented access to shell scripts or operating system functions is present, this is a finding.
Ensure nonadministrators are not allowed access to the directory tree, the shell, or other operating system functions and utilities.
Verify the “ssl module” module is loaded: # httpd -M | grep -i ssl_module Output: ssl_module (shared) If the "ssl_module" is not found, this is a finding. Determine the location of the ssl.conf file: # find / -name ssl.conf Output: /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf Search the ssl.conf file for the following: # cat /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf | grep -i "SSLCACertificateFile" Output should be similar to: SSLCACertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt Review the path of the "SSLCACertificateFile" directive. Review the contents of <'path of SSLCACertificateFile'>\ca-bundle.crt. Examine the contents of this file to determine if the trusted CAs are DOD approved. If the trusted CA that is used to authenticate users to the website does not lead to an approved DOD CA, this is a finding. NOTE: There are non-DOD roots that must be on the server for it to function. Some applications, such as antivirus programs, require root CAs to function. DOD-approved certificate can include the External Certificate Authorities (ECA) if approved by the AO. The PKE InstallRoot 3.06 System Administrator Guide (SAG), dated 08 Jul 2008, contains a complete list of DOD, ECA, and IECA CAs.
Configure the web server's trust store to trust only DOD-approved PKIs (e.g., DOD PKI, DOD ECA, and DOD-approved external partners).
In a command line, run "httpd -M | grep -i ssl_module". If "ssl_module" is not listed, this is a finding. Determine the location of the "HTTPD_ROOT" directory and the "httpd.conf" file: # apachectl -V | egrep -i 'httpd_root|server_config_file' -D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/httpd" -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf" Note: The apachectl front end is the preferred method for locating the Apache httpd file. For some Linux distributions "apache2ctl -V" or "httpd -V" can also be used. If the "SSLCompression" directive does not exist or is set to "on", this is a finding.
Determine the location of the "HTTPD_ROOT" directory and the "httpd.conf" file: # apachectl -V | egrep -i 'httpd_root|server_config_file' -D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/httpd" -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf" Ensure the "SSLCompression" is added and looks like the following: SSLCompression off Restart Apache: apachectl restart
In a command line, run "httpd -M | grep -i session_cookie_module". If "session_cookie_module" is not listed, this is a finding. Determine the location of the "HTTPD_ROOT" directory and the "httpd.conf" file: # apachectl -V | egrep -i 'httpd_root|server_config_file' -D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/httpd" -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf" Note: The apachectl front end is the preferred method for locating the Apache httpd file. For some Linux distributions "apache2ctl -V" or "httpd -V" can also be used. Search for the "Session" and "SessionCookieName" directives: # cat /<path_to_file>/httpd.conf | grep -i "Session" # cat /<path_to_file>/httpd.conf | grep -i "SessionCookieName" If "Session" is not "on" and "SessionCookieName" does not contain "httpOnly" and "secure", this is a finding.
Determine the location of the "HTTPD_ROOT" directory and the "httpd.conf" file: # apachectl -V | egrep -i 'httpd_root|server_config_file' -D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/httpd" -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf" Set "Session" to "on". Ensure the "SessionCookieName" directive includes "httpOnly" and "secure".
Review the website to determine if HTTP and HTTPs are used in accordance with well-known ports (e.g., 80 and 443) or those ports and services as registered and approved for use by the DoD PPSM. Verify that any variation in PPS is documented, registered, and approved by the PPSM. If well-known ports and services are not approved for used by PPSM, this is a finding.
Ensure the website enforces the use of IANA well-known ports for HTTP and HTTPS.