Microsoft Access 2013 Security Technical Implementation Guide

  • Version/Release: V1R7
  • Published: 2024-06-13
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This Security Technical Implementation Guide is published as a tool to improve the security of Department of Defense (DOD) information systems. The requirements are derived from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 800-53 and related documents. Comments or proposed revisions to this document should be sent via email to the following address:
Disabling of user name and password syntax from being used in URLs must be enforced.
SC-18 - Medium - CCI-001170 - V-242312 - SV-242312r961092_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-242312
  • V-17173
Rule IDs
  • SV-242312r961092_rule
  • SV-52759
The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) standard allows user authentication to be included in URL strings in the form A malicious user might use this URL syntax to create a hyperlink that appears to open a legitimate website but actually opens a deceptive (spoofed) website. For example, the URL appears to open but actually opens To protect users from such attacks, Internet Explorer usually blocks any URLs using this syntax. This functionality can be controlled separately for instances of Internet Explorer spawned by Office applications (for example, if a user clicks a link in an Office document or selects a menu option that loads a website). If user names and passwords in URLs are allowed, users could be diverted to dangerous Web pages, which could pose a security risk.
Checks: C-45587r711397_chk

Verify the policy value for Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Microsoft Office 2013 (Machine) -> Security Settings -> IE Security "Disable user name and password" is set to "Enabled" and a check in the "msaccess.exe" check box is set to present. Procedure: Use the Windows Registry Editor to navigate to the following key: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_HTTP_USERNAME_PASSWORD_DISABLE Criteria: If the value msaccess.exe is REG_DWORD = 1, this is not a finding.

Fix: F-45545r711398_fix

Set the policy value for Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Microsoft Office 2013 (Machine) -> Security Settings -> IE Security "Disable user name and password" to "Enabled" and place a check in the "msaccess.exe" check box.

Enabling IE Bind to Object functionality must be present.
SC-18 - Medium - CCI-001695 - V-242313 - SV-242313r960921_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-242313
  • V-17174
Rule IDs
  • SV-242313r960921_rule
  • SV-52761
Internet Explorer performs a number of safety checks before initializing an ActiveX control. It will not initialize a control if the kill bit for the control is set in the registry, or if the security settings for the zone in which the control is located do not allow it to be initialized. This functionality can be controlled separately for instances of Internet Explorer spawned by Office applications (for example, if a user clicks a link in an Office document or selects a menu option that loads a web page). A security risk could occur if potentially dangerous controls are allowed to load.
Checks: C-45588r711400_chk

Verify the policy value for Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Microsoft Office 2013 (Machine) -> Security Settings -> IE Security "Bind to Object" is set to "Enabled" and a check in the "msaccess.exe" check box is set to present. Procedure: Use the Windows Registry Editor to navigate to the following key: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_SAFE_BINDTOOBJECT Criteria: If the value msaccess.exe is REG_DWORD = 1, this is not a finding.

Fix: F-45546r711401_fix

Set the policy value for Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Microsoft Office 2013 (Machine) -> Security Settings -> IE Security "Bind to Object" to "Enabled" and place a check in the "msaccess.exe" check box.

Saved from URL mark to assure Internet zone processing must be enforced.
SC-18 - Medium - CCI-001170 - V-242314 - SV-242314r961092_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-242314
  • V-17175
Rule IDs
  • SV-242314r961092_rule
  • SV-52762
Typically, when Internet Explorer loads a web page from a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) share that contains a Mark of the Web (MOTW) comment, indicating the page was saved from a site on the Internet, Internet Explorer runs the page in the Internet security zone instead of the less restrictive Local Intranet security zone. This functionality can be controlled separately for instances of Internet Explorer spawned by Office applications (for example, if a user clicks a link in an Office document or selects a menu option that loads a web page). If Internet Explorer does not evaluate the page for a MOTW, potentially dangerous code could be allowed to run.
Checks: C-45589r711403_chk

Verify the policy value for Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Microsoft Office 2013 (Machine) -> Security Settings -> IE Security "Saved from URL" is set to "Enabled" and a check in the "msaccess.exe" check box is set to present. Procedure: Use the Windows Registry Editor to navigate to the following key: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_UNC_SAVEDFILECHECK Criteria: If the value msaccess.exe is REG_DWORD = 1, this is not a finding.

Fix: F-45547r711404_fix

Set the policy value for Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Microsoft Office 2013 (Machine) -> Security Settings -> IE Security "Saved from URL" to "Enabled" and place a check in the "msaccess.exe" check box.

Navigation to URLs embedded in Office products must be blocked.
SC-18 - Medium - CCI-001170 - V-242315 - SV-242315r961092_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-242315
  • V-17183
Rule IDs
  • SV-242315r961092_rule
  • SV-52763
To protect users from attacks, Internet Explorer usually does not attempt to load malformed URLs. This functionality can be controlled separately for instances of Internet Explorer spawned by Office applications (for example, if a user clicks a link in an Office document or selects a menu option that loads a web page). If Internet Explorer attempts to load a malformed URL, a security risk could occur.
Checks: C-45590r711406_chk

Verify the policy value for Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Microsoft Office 2013 (Machine) -> Security Settings -> IE Security "Navigate URL" is set to "Enabled" and a check in the "msaccess.exe" check box is set to present. Procedure: Use the Windows Registry Editor to navigate to the following key: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_VALIDATE_NAVIGATE_URL Criteria: If the value msaccess.exe is REG_DWORD = 1, this is not a finding.

Fix: F-45548r711407_fix

Set the policy value for Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Microsoft Office 2013 (Machine) -> Security Settings -> IE Security "Navigate URL" to "Enabled" and place a check in the "msaccess.exe" check box.

Scripted Window Security must be enforced.
SC-18 - Medium - CCI-001695 - V-242316 - SV-242316r960921_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-242316
  • V-26588
Rule IDs
  • SV-242316r960921_rule
  • SV-52764
Malicious websites often try to confuse or trick users into giving a site permission to perform an action allowing the site to take control of the users' computers in some manner. Disabling or not configuring this setting allows unknown websites to: -Create browser windows appearing to be from the local operating system. -Draw active windows displaying outside of the viewable areas of the screen capturing keyboard input. -Overlay parent windows with their own browser windows to hide important system information, choices or prompts.
Checks: C-45591r711409_chk

Verify the policy value for Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Microsoft Office 2013 (Machine) -> Security Settings -> IE Security "Scripted Window Security Restrictions" is set to "Enabled" and "msaccess.exe" is checked. Procedure: Use the Windows Registry Editor to navigate to the following key: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_WINDOW_RESTRICTIONS Criteria: If the value msaccess.exe is REG_DWORD = 1, this is not a finding.

Fix: F-45549r711410_fix

Set the policy value for Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Microsoft Office 2013 (Machine) -> Security Settings -> IE Security "Scripted Window Security Restrictions" to "Enabled" and "msaccess.exe" is checked.

Add-on Management functionality must be allowed.
SC-18 - Medium - CCI-001662 - V-242317 - SV-242317r961086_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-242317
  • V-26584
Rule IDs
  • SV-242317r961086_rule
  • SV-52765
Internet Explorer add-ons are pieces of code, run in Internet Explorer, to provide additional functionality. Rogue add-ons may contain viruses or other malicious code. Disabling or not configuring this setting could allow malicious code or users to become active on user computers or the network. For example, a malicious user can monitor and then use keystrokes users type into Internet Explorer. Even legitimate add-ons may demand resources, compromising the performance of Internet Explorer, and the operating systems for user computers.
Checks: C-45592r711412_chk

Verify the policy value for Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Microsoft Office 2013 (Machine) -> Security Settings -> IE Security "Add-on Management" is set to "Enabled" and "msaccess.exe" is checked. Procedure: Use the Windows Registry Editor to navigate to the following key: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_ADDON_MANAGEMENT Criteria: If the value msaccess.exe is REG_DWORD = 1, this is not a finding.

Fix: F-45550r711413_fix

Set the policy value for Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Microsoft Office 2013 (Machine) -> Security Settings -> IE Security "Add-on Management" to "Enabled" and "msaccess.exe" is checked.

Add-ins to Office applications must be signed by a Trusted Publisher.
CM-5 - Medium - CCI-001749 - V-242318 - SV-242318r960954_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-242318
  • V-26589
Rule IDs
  • SV-242318r960954_rule
  • SV-52766
Office 2013 applications do not check the digital signature on application add-ins before opening them. Disabling or not configuring this setting may allow an application to load a dangerous add-in. As a result, malicious code could become active on user computers or the network.
Checks: C-45593r711415_chk

Verify the policy value for User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Microsoft Access 2013 -> Application Settings -> Security -> Trust Center "Require that application add-ins are signed by Trusted Publisher" is set to "Enabled". Procedure: Use the Windows Registry Editor to navigate to the following key: HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\15.0\access\security Criteria: If the value RequireAddinSig is REG_DWORD = 1, this is not a finding.

Fix: F-45551r711416_fix

Set the policy value for User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Microsoft Access 2013 -> Application Settings -> Security -> Trust Center "Require that application add-ins are signed by Trusted Publisher" to "Enabled".

Links that invoke instances of Internet Explorer from within an Office product must be blocked.
SC-18 - Medium - CCI-001662 - V-242319 - SV-242319r961086_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-242319
  • V-17184
Rule IDs
  • SV-242319r961086_rule
  • SV-52767
The Pop-up Blocker feature in Internet Explorer can be used to block most unwanted pop-up and pop-under windows from appearing. This functionality can be controlled separately for instances of Internet Explorer spawned by Office applications (for example, if a user clicks a link in an Office document or selects a menu option that loads a web page). If the Pop-up Blocker is disabled, disruptive and potentially dangerous pop-up windows could load and present a security risk.
Checks: C-45594r711418_chk

Verify the policy value for Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Microsoft Office 2013 (Machine) -> Security Settings -> IE Security "Block popups" is set to "Enabled" and "msaccess.exe" is checked. Procedure: Use the Windows Registry Editor to navigate to the following key: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_WEBOC_POPUPMANAGEMENT Criteria: If the value msaccess.exe is REG_DWORD = 1, this is not a finding.

Fix: F-45552r711419_fix

Set the policy value for Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Microsoft Office 2013 (Machine) -> Security Settings -> IE Security "Block popups" to "Enabled" and select "msaccess.exe".

The configuration for enabling of hyperlinks must be enforced.
SC-18 - Medium - CCI-002460 - V-242320 - SV-242320r961779_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-242320
  • V-17810
Rule IDs
  • SV-242320r961779_rule
  • SV-52768
Access underlines hyperlinks that appear in tables, queries, forms, and reports. If this configuration is changed, users might click on dangerous hyperlinks without realizing it, which could pose a security risk.
Checks: C-45595r711421_chk

Verify the policy value for User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Microsoft Access 2013-> Application Settings -> Web Options... -> General "Underline Hyperlinks" is set to "Enabled". Procedure: Use the Windows Registry Editor to navigate to the following key: HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\15.0\access\internet Criteria: If the value DoNotUnderlineHyperlinks is REG_DWORD = 0, this is not a finding.

Fix: F-45553r711422_fix

Set the policy value for User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Microsoft Access 2013 -> Application Settings -> Web Options... -> General "Underline Hyperlinks" to "Enabled".

Trust Bar Notifications for unsigned application add-ins must be blocked.
CM-5 - Medium - CCI-001749 - V-242321 - SV-242321r960954_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-242321
  • V-17187
Rule IDs
  • SV-242321r960954_rule
  • SV-52769
If an application is configured to require all add-ins be signed by a trusted publisher, any unsigned add-ins the application loads will be disabled and the application will display the Trust Bar at the top of the active window. The Trust Bar contains a message informing users about the unsigned add-in. If the Trust Bar were to be allowed while add-ins are required to be signed by a trusted publisher, the user would have the ability to make the determination to allow an unsigned add-in, which increases the risk of allowing malicious code to run on the user's computer and on the network.
Checks: C-45596r711424_chk

Verify the policy value for User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Microsoft Access 2013 -> Application Settings -> Security -> Trust Center "Disable Trust Bar Notification for unsigned application add-ins and block them" is set to "Enabled". Procedure: Use the Windows Registry Editor to navigate to the following key: HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\15.0\access\security Criteria: If the value NoTBPromptUnsignedAddin is REG_DWORD = 1, this is not a finding.

Fix: F-45554r711425_fix

Set the policy value for User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Microsoft Access 2013 -> Application Settings -> Security -> Trust Center "Disable Trust Bar Notification for unsigned application add-ins and block them" to "Enabled".

File Downloads must be configured for proper restrictions.
SC-18 - Medium - CCI-001169 - V-242322 - SV-242322r961089_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-242322
  • V-26587
Rule IDs
  • SV-242322r961089_rule
  • SV-52770
Disabling this setting allows websites to present file download prompts via code without the user specifically initiating the download. User preferences may also allow the download to occur without prompting or interaction with the user. Even if Internet Explorer prompts the user to accept the download, some websites abuse this functionality. Malicious websites may continually prompt users to download a file or present confusing dialog boxes to trick users into downloading or running a file. If the download occurs and it contains malicious code, the code could become active on user computers or the network.
Checks: C-45597r711427_chk

Verify the policy value for Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Microsoft Office 2013 (Machine) -> Security Settings -> IE Security "Restrict File Download" is set to "Enabled" and "msaccess.exe" is checked. Procedure: Use the Windows Registry Editor to navigate to the following key: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_RESTRICT_FILEDOWNLOAD Criteria: If the value of msaccess.exe is REG_DWORD = 1, this is not a finding.

Fix: F-45555r711428_fix

Set the policy value for Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Microsoft Office 2013 (Machine) -> Security Settings -> IE Security "Restrict File Download" to "Enabled" and "msaccess.exe" is checked.

Database functionality configurations must be displayed to the user.
CM-7 - Medium - CCI-000381 - V-242323 - SV-242323r960963_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-242323
  • V-17757
Rule IDs
  • SV-242323r960963_rule
  • SV-52771
When users open an untrusted Access 2013 database that contains user-programmed executable components, Access opens the database with the components disabled and displays the Message Bar with a warning that database content has been disabled. Users can inspect the contents of the database, but cannot use any disabled functionality until they enable it by clicking Options on the Message Bar and selecting the appropriate action. The default configuration can be changed so that users see a dialog box when they open an untrusted database with executable components. Users must then choose whether to enable or disable the components before working with the database. In these circumstances users frequently enable the components, even if they do not require them. Executable components can be used to launch an attack against a computer environment. Disabling this setting enforces Access 2013 to display the action items, so is unlikely to cause usability issues.
Checks: C-45598r711430_chk

Verify the policy value for User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Microsoft Access 2013 -> Tools \ Security "Modal Trust Decision Only" is set to "Disabled". Procedure: Use the Windows Registry Editor to navigate to the following key: HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\15.0\access\security Criteria: If the value ModalTrustDecisionOnly is REG_DWORD = 0, this is not a finding.

Fix: F-45556r711431_fix

Set the policy value for User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Microsoft Access 2013 -> Tools \ Security "Modal Trust Decision Only" to "Disabled".

The Save commands default file format must be configured.
CM-7 - Low - CCI-000381 - V-242324 - SV-242324r960963_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-242324
  • V-17584
Rule IDs
  • SV-242324r960963_rule
  • SV-52772
When users create new database files, Access saves them in the new Access format. Users can change this functionality by clicking the Office button, clicking "Access Options", and then selecting a file format from the default file format list. If a new database is created in an inappropriate format, some users might be unable to open or use it.
Checks: C-45599r711433_chk

Verify the policy value for User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Microsoft Access 2013 -> Miscellaneous "Default File Format" is set to "Enabled (Access 2007)". Procedure: Use the Windows Registry Editor to navigate to the following key: HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\15.0\access\settings Criteria: If the value Default File Format is REG_DWORD = 0x0000000c (hex) or 12 (Decimal), this is not a finding.

Fix: F-45557r711434_fix

Set the policy value for User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Microsoft Access 2013 -> Miscellaneous "Default File Format" to "Enabled (Access 2007)".

Prompts to convert older databases must be enforced.
CM-6 - Low - CCI-000366 - V-242325 - SV-242325r961863_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-242325
  • V-17603
Rule IDs
  • SV-242325r961863_rule
  • SV-52773
When users open databases that were created in the Access 97 file format, Access 2013 prompts them to convert the database to a newer file format. Users can choose to convert the database or leave it in the older format. Disabling this setting ensures Access 2013 prompts the user, and is therefore unlikely to cause usability issues. Otherwise, if Access 2013 was allowed to automatically convert the database, it may be converting outdated code which is not compatible or tested with the newer version. In addition, if the database is used by multiple users, there is the potential of making the database inaccessible to other users who may not be using Access 2013.
Checks: C-45600r711436_chk

Verify the policy value for User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Microsoft Access 2013 -> Miscellaneous "Do not prompt to convert older databases" is set to "Disabled". Procedure: Use the Windows Registry Editor to navigate to the following key: HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\15.0\access\settings Criteria: If the value NoConvertDialog is REG_DWORD = 0, this is not a finding.

Fix: F-45558r711437_fix

Set the policy value for User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Microsoft Access 2013 -> Miscellaneous "Do not prompt to convert older databases" to "Disabled".

Protection from zone elevation must be enforced.
SC-18 - Medium - CCI-001695 - V-242326 - SV-242326r960921_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-242326
  • V-26585
Rule IDs
  • SV-242326r960921_rule
  • SV-52774
Internet Explorer places restrictions on each web page users can use the browser to open. Web pages on a user's local computer have the fewest security restrictions and reside in the Local Machine zone, making this security zone a prime target for malicious users and code. Disabling or not configuring this setting could allow pages in the Internet zone to navigate to pages in the Local Machine zone to then run code to elevate privileges. This could allow malicious code or users to become active on user computers or the network.
Checks: C-45601r711439_chk

Verify the policy value for Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Microsoft Office 2013 (Machine) -> Security Settings -> IE Security "Protection From Zone Elevation" is set to "Enabled" and "msaccess.exe" is checked. Procedure: Use the Windows Registry Editor to navigate to the following key: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_ZONE_ELEVATION Criteria: If the value msaccess.exe is REG_DWORD = 1, this is not a finding.

Fix: F-45559r711440_fix

Set the policy value for Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Microsoft Office 2013 (Machine) -> Security Settings -> IE Security "Protection From Zone Elevation" to "Enabled" and "msaccess.exe" is checked.

ActiveX Installs must be configured for proper restriction.
SC-18 - Medium - CCI-002460 - V-242327 - SV-242327r961779_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-242327
  • V-26586
Rule IDs
  • SV-242327r961779_rule
  • SV-52775
Microsoft ActiveX controls allow unmanaged, unprotected code to run on the user computers. ActiveX controls do not run within a protected container in the browser like the other types of HTML or Microsoft Silverlight-based controls. Disabling or not configuring this setting does not block prompts for ActiveX control installations, and these prompts display to users. This could allow malicious code to become active on user computers or the network.
Checks: C-45602r711442_chk

Verify the policy value for Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Microsoft Office 2013 (Machine) -> Security Settings -> IE Security "Restrict ActiveX Install" is set to "Enabled" and "msaccess.exe" is checked. Procedure: Use the Windows Registry Editor to navigate to the following key: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_RESTRICT_ACTIVEXINSTALL Criteria: If the value msaccess.exe is REG_DWORD = 1, this is not a finding.

Fix: F-45560r711443_fix

Set the policy value for Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Microsoft Office 2013 (Machine) -> Security Settings -> IE Security "Restrict ActiveX Install" to "Enabled" and "msaccess.exe" is checked.

Trust access for VBA must be disallowed.
CM-7 - Medium - CCI-000381 - V-242328 - SV-242328r960963_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-242328
  • V-17545
Rule IDs
  • SV-242328r960963_rule
  • SV-52776
VSTO projects require access to the Visual Basic for Applications project system in Excel, PowerPoint, and Word, even though the projects do not use Visual Basic for Applications. Design-time support of controls in both Visual Basic and C# projects depends on the Visual Basic for Applications project system in Word and Excel. By default, Excel, Word, and PowerPoint do not allow automation clients to have programmatic access to VBA projects. Users can enable this by selecting the Trust access to the VBA project object model in the Macro Settings section of the Trust Center. However, doing so allows macros in any documents the user opens to access the core Visual Basic objects, methods, and properties, which represents a potential security hazard.
Checks: C-45603r711445_chk

Verify the policy value for User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Microsoft Access 2013 -> Application Settings -> Security -> Trust Center -> "VBA macro Notification Settings" is set to "Enabled: Disable all with notification". Procedure: Use the Windows Registry Editor to navigate to the following key: HKCU\software\policies\Microsoft\office\15.0\access\security Criteria: If the value vbawarnings is REG_DWORD = 2, this is not a finding.

Fix: F-45561r711446_fix

Set policy value for User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Microsoft Access 2013 -> Application Settings -> Security -> Trust Center -> "VBA macro Notification Settings" must be set to "Enabled: Disable all with notification".

The version of Microsoft Access running on the system must be a supported version.
SI-2 - High - CCI-002605 - V-265888 - SV-265888r999868_rule
RMF Control
Vuln IDs
  • V-265888
Rule IDs
  • SV-265888r999868_rule
Security flaws with software applications are discovered daily. Vendors are constantly updating and patching their products to address newly discovered security vulnerabilities. Organizations (including any contractor to the organization) are required to promptly install security-relevant software updates (e.g., patches, service packs, and hot fixes). Flaws discovered during security assessments, continuous monitoring, incident response activities, or information system error handling must also be addressed expeditiously. Organization-defined time periods for updating security-relevant software may vary based on a variety of factors including, for example, the security category of the information system or the criticality of the update (i.e., severity of the vulnerability related to the discovered flaw). This requirement will apply to software patch management solutions that are used to install patches across the enclave and also to applications themselves that are not part of that patch management solution. For example, many browsers today provide the capability to install their own patch software. Patch criticality, as well as system criticality will vary. Therefore, the tactical situations regarding the patch management process will also vary. This means that the time period used must be a configurable parameter. Time frames for application of security-relevant software updates may be dependent upon the Information Assurance Vulnerability Management (IAVM) process. The application will be configured to check for and install security-relevant software updates within an identified time period from the availability of the update. The specific time period will be defined by an authoritative source (e.g., IAVM, CTOs, DTMs, and STIGs).
Checks: C-69807r999866_chk

Microsoft Access 2013 is no longer supported by the vendor. If the system is running Microsoft Access 2013, this is a finding.

Fix: F-69711r999867_fix

Upgrade to a supported version.