Select any two versions of this STIG to compare the individual requirements
Select any old version/release of this STIG to view the previous requirements
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to System >> Configuration >> Security >> Inbound SSL Options. Verify "Turn on FIPS mode" checkbox is enabled (checked). If the use of FIPS 140-2/140-3 approved algorithms is not enabled, this is a finding.
Enable compliance modes to ensure only FIPS 140-2/140-3 algorithms are used. Once "Turn on JITC mode" is checked, "Turn on NDcPP mode" and "Turn on FIPS mode" are also checked automatically; however, the focus of this requirement is on enabling FIPS mode. The following procedure is the preferred DOD process. In the ICS Web UI, navigate to System >> Configuration >> Security >> Inbound SSL Options. 1. Under "DOD Certification Option", check (enabled) "Turn on JITC mode" to enable the JITC mode security features. 2. Click "Save changes" and confirm after the web UI asks for SSL cipher configuration changes.
Verify the ICS is configured with address information so it sends admin log event records to a central log server. In the ICS Web UI, navigate to System >> Log/Monitoring >> Events >> Settings. Under "Syslog Servers", verify a server name/IP address, facility of LOCAL0, type TLS, and the management source interface are defined. In the ICS Web UI, navigate to System >> Log/Monitoring >> Admin Access >> Settings. Under "Syslog Servers", verify server names/IP addresses are added. Also ensure facility of LOCAL0, type TLS, and them management source interface are not defined. If the ICS is not configured to send log admin log events data to redundant central log servers, this is a finding.
Configure the ICS with the address information for the redundant central log servers. In the ICS Web UI: 1. Navigate to System >> Log/Monitoring >> Events >> Settings. 2. Under "Syslog Servers" add an IP address/server name/IP. 3. Set the facility to LOCAL0. 4. Set type to TLS. 5. If a client cert is required for the syslog server, select the client certificate to use for the syslog traffic. If none exists, import the DOD-signed client key pair to the ICS under System >> Configuration >> Certificates >> Client Auth Certificates. 6. Set the standard filer. 7. Set the source interface as the management interface. 8. Click "Add". 9. Click "Save Changes". 10. Repeat these steps for the admin logs under System >> Log/Monitoring >> Admin Access >> Settings. 11. Repeat these steps to add a redundant syslog server.
Verify Realms and Roles are configured as needed to meet mission requirements. In the ICS Web UI, navigate to Administrators >> Admin Realms >> Admin Realms. 1. Click the admin realm that is currently being used on the ICS for administrator logins. By default, it is "Admin Users". 2. In the "General" tab, under Servers >> Directory/Attribute, verify it does not say "none". 3. In the "Role Mapping" tab, under "when users meet these conditions", verify the following: - "Group" must be used, and the local site's administrator active directory group must be selected and assigned to the ".Administrators" role. Note that this role could be different if using something other than the default ".Administrators" role. - Verify separate usernames are not used. Verify an allow-all username of * is used. If a realm or role is not configured to prevent nonprivileged users from executing privileged functions, this is a finding.
Configure Realms and Roles as needed to meet mission requirements. Note: The ".Administrators" role is a default role name, other administrator role names can be used. Groups must be used, separate usernames or an allow-all username of * is not acceptable. In the ICS Web UI, navigate to Administrators >> Admin Realms >> Admin Realms. 1. Click the admin realm that is currently being used on the ICS for administrator logins. By default, it is "Admin Users". 2. In the "General" tab, under Servers >> Directory/Attribute, select the previously configured LDAP Directory. If none is configured, follow vendor supplied instructions for creating an LDAP Authentication Server. 3. In the "Role Mapping" tab, under "when users meet these conditions", select new rule. 4. Under rule based on, select "Group Membership". 5. Give the rule a name. 6. Select "is". 7. Provide the exact group name in the text box. This name must match the "CN=" attribute name. For example, if the group is "" then add the "" to the text box. 8. Under "then assign these roles", select the admin role used by ICS for admin logins. By default this is ".Administrators". 9. Click "Save Changes". 10. Under "Role Mapping", if there are more roles needed for more specific role-based access to the ICS, configure more of them here. 11. Once complete, click "Save Changes".
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to System >> Log/Monitoring >> Admin Access >> Settings, under the section "Select Events to Log". If Administrator changes is enabled for events logging, this is a finding.
Enable logging for admin event actions. In the ICS Web UI, navigate to System >> Log/Monitoring >> Admin Access >> Settings. 1. Check the box for Administrator changes under the section "Select Events to Log". 2. Click "Save Changes".
If SNMP is not used, this is not applicable. In the ICS Web UI, navigate to System >> Log/Monitoring >> SNMP. Under "SNMP version data", verify v2c is not selected. If the ICS does not use properly configured SNMPv3, this is a finding.
This is applicable if SNMP is enabled. Though the entire SNMP configuration is given to prevent misconfiguration, note that this requirement is focused on the use of v3. In the ICS Web UI, navigate to System >> Log/Monitoring >> SNMP. 1. Under "SNMP version data", select v3. 2. Under "Agent Properties", select SNMP Queries. 3. Define the System Name. 4. Define the System Location. 5. Define the System Contact. 6. Under "SNMPv3 Configuration" and "User 1" type the username. 7. Select the "Security Level" of Auth, Priv. 8. Select SHA as the Auth Protocol. 9. Type the Auth password. 10. Select "CFB-AES-128" as the Priv Protocol. 11. Type the Priv password. 12. Under Optional Traps, select "Critical and Major log events". 13. Click "Save Changes".
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to System >> Status >> Dashboard. 1. Click the "Overview" tab. 2. Under "Appliance Details" and "System Date and Time", select "Edit". 3. Verify the "Use Pool of NTP servers" is checked with NTP server IPs defined. 4. Verify the NTP server IP/hostname is defined with a key. If the ICS does not authenticate NTP sources using authentication that is cryptographically based, this is a finding.
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to System >> Status >> Dashboard. 1. Click the "Overview" tab. 2. Under "Appliance Details" and "System Date and Time" select "Edit". 3. Select the Time Zone to use - DOD may require GMT. 4. Select "Use Pool of NTP servers". 5. Enter the IP/hostname of each NTP server in the "NTP Server 1", "NTP Server 2", etc. 6. Under the key section input the key in the following format: <keynumber> <algorithm> <key> For example, it would be entered like this: 1 SHA1 NtPKey123. Note: there must be a space between each section of <keynumber> <algorithm> <key> 7. Click "Save Changes". 8. Navigate to System >> Log/Monitoring >> Events. 9. Ensure an event log stating the time sync is successful.
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to System >> Status >> Dashboard. 1. Click the "Overview" tab. 2. Under "Appliance Details" and "System Date and Time", select "Edit". 3. Verify the "Time Zone" is set to "(GMT) Coordinated Universal Time". If the ICS must be configured to record time stamps for audit records that can be mapped to GMT, this is a finding.
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to System >> Status >> Dashboard. 1. Click the "Overview" tab. 2. Under "Appliance Details" and "System Date and Time", select "Edit". 3. Select "(GMT) Coordinated Universal Time". 4. Click "Save Changes".
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to System >> Log Monitoring >> User Access >> Settings. Under the "Minimum Log Size", verify the Max Log Size is equal to or greater than the site's required limit as documented in the SSP (the default is 200 MB). If the ICS is not configured with a Max Log Size that is equal to or greater than the site's required limit, this is a finding.
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to System >> Log Monitoring >> User Access >> Settings. Go to "Minimum Log Size", set the Max Log Size to the value required by the site. By default, it is set to 200MB.
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to Authentication >> Auth Servers >> Administrators. 1. Verify the setting for "Password must have at least __ letters" is checked. 2. Verify the value for the setting for "Password must have at least __ special characters" is set to "1". If the ICS does not require that at least one special character be used for passwords, this is a finding.
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to Authentication >> Auth Servers >> Administrators. 1. Enable the setting for "Password must have at least __ special characters". 2. In the box, enter "1". 3. Click "Save Changes".
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to Authentication >> Auth Servers >> Administrators. Click the tab "Users" and verify that more than one user does not exist. If the ICS is not configured with only one local account to be used as the account of last resort in the event the authentication server is unavailable, this is a finding.
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to Authentication >> Auth Servers >> Administrators. 1. Click the tab "Users". 2. Create the emergency local user, or click the default admin user. 3. Click the box for "Enabled". 4. Click the box for "Allow Console Access". 5. Click "Save Changes".
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to Administrators >> Admins Role >> Delegated Admin Roles. 1. Click the configured admin role being used for CAC/PKI token admin logins (by default it is .Administrators). 2. Click the Session Options tab. 3. In the "Session Lifetime" section, verify the Idle Timeout is set to "10". If the ICS does not terminate after 10 minutes of inactivity except to fulfill documented and validated mission requirements, this is a finding.
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to Administrators >> Admins Role >> Delegated Admin Roles. 1. Click the configured admin role being used for CAC/PKI token admin logins, by default it is .Administrators. 2. Click the Session Options tab. 3. In the "Session Lifetime" section, set the Idle Timeout to "10". 4. Click "Save Changes".
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to Administrators >> Admin Realms >> Admin Realms. 1. Click the admin realm that is currently being used on the ICS for administrator logins; by default it is "Admin Users". 2. In the general tab, under Servers >> Authentication, verify that a certificate authenticate server is configured. 3. In the general tab, under Servers >> Directory/Attribute, verify it does not show "none". 4. In the role mapping tab, under "when users meet these conditions", verify the following is configured: - "Group" must be used, and the local site's administrator active directory group must be selected and assigned to the ".Administrators" role. Note: this role could be different if using something other than the default ".Administrators" role. - Use of groups instead of individual user accounts. - Ensure the allow-all username of * is not used. If the ICS must be configured to use DOD PKI as MFA for interactive logins, this is a finding.
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to System >> Configuration >> Certificates >> Trusted Server CAs. 1. Click Import Trusted Server CAs. 2. Import the Active Directory root CA certificate by clicking Browse, selecting the certificate file, and clicking Import Certificate. 3. Repeat these steps for the intermediate CA certificate. In the ICS Web UI, navigate to System >> Configuration >> Certificates >> Trusted Client CAs. 1. Click Import CA Certificate. 2. Import the DOD Client CAC root CA certificate by clicking Browse, selecting the certificate file, and clicking Import Certificate (e.g., DOD Root CA 3). 3. Repeat these steps for the intermediate/issuing CAC CA certificate (e.g., DOD ID CA 59). 4. Repeat these steps for each intermediate CAC CA certificate. 5. Click the Root CA certificate that was imported. 6. Under client certificate status checking, ensure the following is set: - Use OCSP with CRL Fallback. - Trusted for client Authentication must be checked. 7. If the network the site is in must use a local OCSP repeater/responder, go to OCSP settings. Otherwise, move on to the Device Certificates. 8. Click OSCP options, Use Manually Configured responders. 9. Enter the URL for the primary and backup OCSP responder. 10. If the OCSP responder requires request signing and Nonce usage, select those here. In the ICS Web UI, navigate to System >> Configuration >> Certificates >> Device Certificates. 1. Click "New CSR". 2. Under Common Name, ensure this has the FQDN for the ICS server. Fill out all other items. 3. If using RSA, select 2048. If using ECC, select P-384. 4. Click Create CSR. Export the CSR and import it into the DOD site's Registration Authority (RA). Ensure that Subject Alternative Names (SANs) are created for all FQDNs, server names, and cluster names on the web enrollment form. 5. Once the certificate is approved, download it and import it in this same section of the ICS. In the ICS Web UI, navigate to Administrators >> Auth Servers. 1. Click "New Servers", under server type, select "Certificate Server", then click "New Server". 2. Type a Name, then under User Name template type <certAttr.altname.UPN>. 3. Click "Save Changes". 4. Navigate to Administrators >> Auth Servers. 5. Click "New Servers". Under server type, select "LDAP Server". Click "New Server". 6. Type a name for the primary LDAP server domain. 7. LDAP server: the FQDN of the server (an IP address may cause an error as the LDAP server certificate might not have an IP in the SAN field). 8. LDAP port: 636 (this is for LDAPS). 9. Backup LDAP Server1: the FQDN of the secondary server (an IP address may cause an error as the LDAP server certificate might not have an IP in the SAN field). 10. Backup LDAP Port1: 636. 11. If a third LDAP server is needed, add this and the port info under Backup LDAP Server2 and Backup LDAP Port2. 12. LDAP Server Type: Active Directory. 13. Connection: LDAPS. 14. Ensure Validate Server Certificate is checked. 15. Connection Timeout: 15. 16. Search Timeout: 60. 17. Scroll down to the bottom and click "Save Changes", then click "Test Settings" to ensure valid communications are possible. NOTE: If there are failures in this testing, ensure that the step for Device Certificates and Trusted Server CAs were completed as this will cause LDAPS certificate issues. 18. Under authentication required, click the box for Authentication required to search LDAP. 19. Enter the service account's Admin DN using this as an example format: CN=PCS.SVC,OU=IVANTI,DC=dod,DC=mil 20. Enter the service account's password. 21. Under "Finding user entries" add the base DN of the domain as an example format: DC=dod,DC=mil 22. Under filter, use this specific attribute configuration: userPrincipalName=<USER> 23. Under group membership, add the base DN of where admin users that will access, using this as an example format: OU=IVANTI,DC=dod,DC=mil 24. Under filter use the following: cn=<GROUPNAME> 25. Under member attribute use the following: member. 26. Click "Save Changes". 27. In the same LDAP server configuration screen, scroll down and click the "Server Catalog" hyperlink. 28. Under attributes, click New, Type: userPrincipalName, and save the changes. 29. Under groups, click Search. In the search box, type the group name used for admin logins. 30. Check the box next to the group that is found and click "Add Selected". 31. Repeat these steps for all various groups needed for various roles on the ICS system. For example, groups for auditors, ISSOs, NOC, SOC, Viewer, etc. 32. Click "Save Changes". In the ICS Web UI, navigate to Administrators >> Admin Realms. 1. Click the admin realm being used. By default, "Admin Users" is defined. 2. Under servers, go to Authentication and select the certificate authentication realm created that included the customized User template of <certAttr.altname.UPN> 3. Under Directory/Attribute, select the previously created LDAP server. 4. Check the box for "Enable dynamic policy evaluation". 5. Check both "Refresh roles" and "refresh resource policies". 6. Click "Save Changes". 7. Go to the Role Mapping tab. 8. Click "New Rule". 9. Select "Rule based on Group Membership", click "Update". 10. Type a name for this rule. 11. Select "is". 12. Type the group name exactly as it appears as the CN LDAP attribute. 13. Select the role. The default is ".Administrators" for ICS admins. NOTE: if other roles for access to ICS management are needed, this can be configured in the Administrators >> Admin Roles section. 14. Click "Save Changes". In the ICS Web UI, navigate to Authentication >> Sign-in >> Sign-in Policies. 1. Create a New URL or edit the */admin/ URL - depending on the site. NOTE: it is recommended to create a new sign-in URL until this configuration is fully tested to ensure there is still web UI reachability in the troubleshooting process. 2. Under authentication realm, click the "User picks from a list of authentication realms". 3. Click "Save Changes". Test and verify the connection with CAC/Alt Token and LDAPS by attempting a web UI login using the token or CAC and entering the sign-in URL.
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to System >> Status >> Overview. Under "Appliance Details", and "System Date and Time", click "Edit". If the Time Source is not set to at least two NTP time sources, this is a finding. If the Time Sources are not specific to a DOD authoritative time source, this is a finding. If the Time Sources are not configured to use a SHA1 preshared key for authentication, this is a finding.
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to System >> Status >> Overview. 1. Under "Appliance Details", and "System Date and Time", click "Edit". 2. Click "Use Pool of NTP Servers". 3. Set the IP address or hostname of the first time source. 4. In the "Key 1" box, type the number, algorithm, and key value using this format: 1 SHA1 testingkey 5. Set the IP address or hostname of the second time source, noting that this must be a time source different from the first. 6. In the "Key 2" box, type the number, algorithm, and key value using this format: 1 SHA1 testingkey. 7. Click "Save Changes". 8. Navigate to System >> Log/Monitoring >> Events >> Log on the Web UI. 9. Look in the logs for successful or unsuccessful time sync messages.
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to System >> Configuration >> Certificates >> Device Certificates. 1. Verify there is a device certificate that is signed by a valid DOD CA. 2. Verify the certificate is used by all interfaces on the ICS. If the ICS does not obtain its public key certificates from an appropriate certificate policy through an approved service provider, this is a finding.
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to System >> Configuration >> Certificates >> Device Certificates. 1. Click "New CSR". 2. Add a Common Name in FQDN format. 3. Add a Country code of US. 4. Under key type, if using RSA, select "RSA". If using ECC, select "ECC". 5. Under the key length, if using RSA, select at least "2048". If using ECC, select "P-384". 6. Type in "Random Data" in the text field. 7. Click "Create CSR". 8. Copy the Base 64/PEM encoded certificate request that is shown on the screen and paste it to a text file. Ensure the file has the file suffix of .csr. 9. Go through the local RA process for DOD Web Server certificate requests. Ensure that SANs are added to the certificate by the issuing CA to include the hostname, cluster names, and all FQDNs. 10. Once the certificate is provided by the CA, go to System >> Configuration >> Certificates >> Device Certificates. 11. Click "Browse" and select the certificate file issued by the CA, then click "Import". 12. Click "Save Changes". 13. Click on the imported certificate. 14. On the "Internal Port", click "add" for the cluster internal VIP and <Internal Port>. 15. On the "External Port", click "add" for the cluster external VIP and <External Port>. 16. Check the box for "Management Port". 17. Under "Certificate Status Checking", click the box for "Use CRLs". 18. Click "Save Changes".
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to Maintenance >> Archiving >> Archive Servers. 1. Under "Archive Settings" verify an archive server is configured. 2. Under "Archive Schedule" verify "Archive System Configuration", and "Archive User Accounts" are selected. 3. Under "Archive Schedule" verify "Archive System Configuration", and "Archive User Accounts" are configured at a specific time and day of the week. 4. Under "Archive Schedule", if "Archive System Configuration", and "Archive User Accounts" are configured with a password for backup encryption. If the ICS does not support organizational requirements to conduct backups of information system documentation, including security-related documentation weekly, this is a finding.
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to Maintenance >> Archiving >> Archive Servers. 1. Click "SCP" if using an SFTP/SCP server; other mechanisms may not be allowed due to local security policy. NOTE: Check with the ISSM before configuring anything other than SCP. 2. Under "Archive Server" type the hostname or IPv4/IPv6 address. 3. In "Destination Directory" type the path of the backup (e.g., "/backupfolder/ics/"). 4. In the "Username" field, type the username with SCP/SFTP permissions on the backup server. 5. In the "Password" field, type the password. 6. Under "Archive Schedule", select "Archive System Configuration", then click the day of the week and time when the backup should be sent. 7. Under "Archive System Configuration", ensure a password is given to encrypt the backup. 8. Under "Archive Schedule", select "Archive User Accounts", then click the day of the week and time when the backup should be sent. 9. Under "Archive User Accounts", ensure a password is given to encrypt the backup. 10. Click "Save Changes".
Navigate to the ICS support site 1. Login using the valid support login. 2. Click the link for "Software Licensing and Download". 3. Click "License and System Download". 4. Click "Software Download". 5. Under "Product Lines", click "Pulse Connect Secure" and again, "Pulse Connect Secure". 6. Click the "End of Support" tab. 7. Now using the ICS Web UI, navigate to Maintenance >> System >> Platform. If the version running under Current Version is on the list of End of Support images on the Ivanti support site, this is a finding.
Navigate to the ICS support site 1. Login using the valid support login. 2. Click the link for "Software Licensing and Download". 3. Click either virtual or physical appliance. 4. Click "Software Download". 5. Under Product Lines, click "Pulse Connect Secure" and again, "Pulse Connect Secure". 6. Click "Current and Supported Releases". 7. Click "Download" on the latest ICS images. Using the ICS Web UI navigate to Maintenance >> System >> Upgrade/Downgrade. 1. Ensure the ICS is upgraded in accordance with the site's change management and change control policies, as this will cause a platform outage. 2. Under "Install Service Package" click "Browse" and select the recently downloaded images. 3. Click "Install". 4. Follow all prompts for the upgrading the new images.
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to Authentication >> Auth Servers >> Administrators. If the minimum length is not 15 characters, this is a finding.
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to Authentication >> Auth Servers >> Administrators. 1. For minimum length, type "15". 2. Click "Save Changes".
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to System >> Configuration >> Inbound SSL Options. Under "Allowed SSL and TLS Version", if "Accept only TLS 1.2 (maximize security)" is checked. Navigate to System >> Configuration >> Outbound SSL Options. Under "Allowed SSL and TLS Version", if "Accept only TLS 1.2 (maximize security)" is checked. If the ICS does not transmit only encrypted representations of passwords, this is a finding.
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to System >> Configuration >> Inbound SSL Options. 1. Under "Allowed SSL and TLS Version", check the box for "Accept only TLS 1.2 (maximize security)". 2. Click "Save Changes". 3. Click "Proceed" for acceptance of Cipher Change. Navigate to System >> Configuration >> Outbound SSL Options. 1. Under "Allowed SSL and TLS Version", check the box for "Accept only TLS 1.2 (maximize security)". 2. Click "Save Changes". 3. Click "Proceed" for acceptance of Cipher Change.
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to Authentication >> Auth Servers >> Administrators. 1. Verify the setting for "new password must differ from the previous password position" is checked. 2. Verify the value for the setting for "new password must differ from the previous password position" is set to "8". If the ICS is not configured to require that when a password is changed, the characters are changed in at least eight of the positions within the password, this is a finding.
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to Authentication >> Auth Servers >> Administrators. 1. Check the box for "new password must differ from the previous password position". 2. In the box, enter "8". 3. Click "Save Changes".
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to Authentication >> Auth Servers >> Administrators. 1. Verify the setting for "Password must have at least __ digits" is checked. 2. Verify the value for the setting for "Password must have at least __ digits" is not set to "1". If the ICS is not configured to enforce password complexity by requiring that at least one numeric character be used, this is a finding.
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to Authentication >> Auth Servers >> Administrators. 1. Check the box for "Password must have at least __ digits". 2. In the box, enter "1". 3. Click "Save Changes".
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to Authentication >> Auth Servers >> Administrators. 1. Verify the setting for "Password must have at least __ letters" is checked. 2. Verify the setting for "Password must have mix of UPPERCASE and lowercase letters" is checked. 3. Verify the value for the setting for "Password must have at least __ letters" is set to "2". If the ICS is not configured to enforce password complexity by requiring that at least one lowercase character be used, this is a finding.
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to Authentication >> Auth Servers >> Administrators. 1. If the setting for "Password must have at least __ letters". 2. In the box, enter "2". 3. Check the box for "Password must have mix of UPPERCASE and lowercase letters". 4. Click "Save Changes".
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to Authentication >> Auth Servers >> Administrators. 1. Verify the setting for "Password must have at least __ letters" is checked. 2. Verify the setting for "Password must have mix of UPPERCASE and lowercase letters" is checked. 3. Verify value for the setting for "Password must have at least __ letters" is set to "2". If the ICS is not configured to enforce password complexity by requiring that at least one upper-case character be used, this is a finding.
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to Authentication >> Auth Servers >> Administrators. 1. If the setting for "Password must have at least __ letters". 2. In the box, enter "2". 3. Check the box for "Password must have mix of UPPERCASE and lowercase letters". 4. Click "Save Changes".
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to System >> Configuration >> Certificates >> Trusted Client CAs. 1. Click the first DOD client CA. 2. Verify the item "Use OCSP with CRL fallback" is selected under the "Client certificate status checking" setting. 3. Check each other client certificate CA. Verify the setting "Use OCSP with CRL fallback" is selected. If the ICS is not configured to use DOD approved OCSP responders or CRLs to validate certificates used for PKI-based authentication, this is a finding.
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to System >> Configuration >> Certificates >> Trusted Client CAs. 1. Click the first DOD client CA. 2. Set the item to "Use OCSP with CRL fallback" under "Client certificate status checking". 3. Repeat these steps for every other client certificate CA.
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to System >> Log/Monitoring >> Admin Access >> Settings. 1. Under the section "Select Events to Log", verify "Administrator Logins" is checked. If the ICS is not configured to generate audit records when successful/unsuccessful attempts to access privileges occur, this is a finding.
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to System >> Log/Monitoring >> Admin Access >> Settings. 1. Check the box under the section "Select Events to Log" for "Administrator Logins". 2. Click "Save Changes".
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to Administrators >> Admins Realms >> Admin Realms. 1. Click the configured admin realm being used for CAC/PKI token admin logins. 2. Click the "Authentication Policy" tab. 3. Click "Limits". If there is any number other than 1 in "Maximum number of sessions per user", this is a finding.
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to Administrators >> Admins Realms >> Admin Realms. 1. Click the configured admin realm being used for CAC/PKI token admin logins. 2. Click the "Authentication Policy" tab, then click "Limits". 3. In "Maximum number of sessions per user", type the number "1". 4. Click "Save Changes".
Determine if the network device is configured to present a DOD-approved banner that is formatted in accordance with DTM-08-060. In the ICS Web UI, navigate to Authentication >> Signing In >> Sign-In Policies/ 1. Click the */admin/ (or whatever custom URL is used for CAC/PKI token admin access). 2. Verify the DOD banner is entered exactly as required with no alterations. "You are accessing a U.S. Government (USG) Information System (IS) that is provided for USG-authorized use only. By using this IS (which includes any device attached to this IS), you consent to the following conditions: -The USG routinely intercepts and monitors communications on this IS for purposes including, but not limited to, penetration testing, COMSEC monitoring, network operations and defense, personnel misconduct (PM), law enforcement (LE), and counterintelligence (CI) investigations. -At any time, the USG may inspect and seize data stored on this IS. -Communications using, or data stored on, this IS are not private, are subject to routine monitoring, interception, and search, and may be disclosed or used for any USG-authorized purpose. -This IS includes security measures (e.g., authentication and access controls) to protect USG interests -- not for your personal benefit or privacy. -Notwithstanding the above, using this IS does not constitute consent to PM, LE or CI investigative searching or monitoring of the content of privileged communications, or work product, related to personal representation or services by attorneys, psychotherapists, or clergy, and their assistants. Such communications and work product are private and confidential. See User Agreement for details". If the banner is not used, displayed, or the text/format is altered, this is a finding.
Configure ICS to present a DOD-approved banner that is formatted in accordance with DTM-08-060. Do not alter the text or format. Configure */admin/ (or whatever custom URL is used for CAC/PKI token admin access) with a sign-in notice. In the ICS Web UI, navigate to Authentication >> Signing In >> Sign-In Notifications. 1. Click "New Notification". 2. For name, type: "DOD Notice and Consent". 3. In the text box type the following: "You are accessing a U.S. Government (USG) Information System (IS) that is provided for USG-authorized use only. By using this IS (which includes any device attached to this IS), you consent to the following conditions: -The USG routinely intercepts and monitors communications on this IS for purposes including, but not limited to, penetration testing, COMSEC monitoring, network operations and defense, personnel misconduct (PM), law enforcement (LE), and counterintelligence (CI) investigations. -At any time, the USG may inspect and seize data stored on this IS. -Communications using, or data stored on, this IS are not private, are subject to routine monitoring, interception, and search, and may be disclosed or used for any USG-authorized purpose. -This IS includes security measures (e.g., authentication and access controls) to protect USG interests -- not for your personal benefit or privacy. -Notwithstanding the above, using this IS does not constitute consent to PM, LE or CI investigative searching or monitoring of the content of privileged communications, or work product, related to personal representation or services by attorneys, psychotherapists, or clergy, and their assistants. Such communications and work product are private and confidential. See User Agreement for details". 4. Click "Save Changes". 5. Go to Authentication >> Signing In >> Sign-In Policies. 6. Click the */admin/ (or whatever custom URL is used for CAC/PKI token admin access). 7. Under "Configure SignIn Notifications", check the box for "Pre-Auth Sign-in Notification", and in the drop-down menu, assign the notification titled "DOD Notice and Consent".
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to Authentication >> Auth Servers >> Administrators. 1. Under the section "Account Lockout", verify "Enable Account Lockout for users" is checked. 2. Under the section "Account Lockout", verify "Maximum wrong password attempts" is set to "3". 3. Under the section "Account Lockout", verify "Account Lockout Period in Minutes" is set to "15". If the ICS must be configured to enforce the limit of three consecutive invalid logon attempts, after which time it must block any login attempt for 15 minutes, this is a finding.
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to Authentication >> Auth Servers >> Administrators. 1. Under the section "Account Lockout", check the box for "Enable Account Lockout for users". 2. Under the section "Account Lockout", set the box "Maximum wrong password attempts" to "3". 3. Under the section "Account Lockout", set the box "Account Lockout Period in Minutes" to "15". 4. Click "Save Changes".
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to Maintenance >> Archiving >> Archive Servers. Under "Archive Settings", if there is no archive server configured, this is a finding. Under "Archive Schedule", if "Archive System Configuration", and "Archive User Accounts" are not selected, this is a finding. Under "Archive Schedule", if "Archive System Configuration", and "Archive User Accounts" are not configured at a specific time and day of the week, this is a finding. Under "Archive Schedule", if "Archive System Configuration", and "Archive User Accounts" are not configured with a password for backup encryption, this is a finding.
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to Maintenance >> Archiving >> Archive Servers. 1. Click "SCP" if using an SFTP/SCP server, other mechanisms may not be allowed due to local security policy. Check with the ISSM before configuring anything other than SCP. 2. Under "Archive Server", type the hostname or IPv4/IPv6 address. 3. In "Destination Directory" type the path of the backup (e.g., "/backupfolder/ics/"). 4. In the "Username" field, type the username with SCP/SFTP permissions on the backup server. 5. In the "Password" field, type the password. 6. Under "Archive Schedule", select "Archive System Configuration", then click the day of the week and time when the backup should be sent. 7. Under "Archive System Configuration", ensure a password is given to encrypt the backup. 8. Under "Archive Schedule", select "Archive User Accounts", then click the day of the week and time when the backup should be sent. 9. Under "Archive User Accounts", ensure a password is given to encrypt the backup. 10. Click "Save Changes".
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to System >> Configuration >> Security >> Inbound SSL Options. 1. Verify "Turn on JITC mode" checkbox is enabled (checked). 2. Verify "Turn on NDcPP mode" checkbox is enabled (checked). If JITC mode is not enabled, this is a finding.
In the ICS Web UI, navigate to System >> Configuration >> Security >> Inbound SSL Options. 1. Under "DOD Certification Option", check (enabled) "Turn on JITC mode" to enable the JITC mode security features. 2. Once "Turn on JITC mode" is checked, "Turn on NDcPP mode" and "Turn on FIPS mode" are also checked automatically. 3. Click "Save changes" and confirm after the web UI asks for SSL cipher configuration changes.